17. 12. 97
A meeting of the Parks and Recreation
was held on Wednesday 3 December 1997 at 4.00 pm
PRESENT: | Councillor Gordon Freeman (Chairman), Councillors Carole Anderton, Graham Berry, David Buist, Graham Condon, David Cox, Ishwar Ganda and Gail Sheriff. |
APOLOGIES: | Apologies for lateness were received and accepted from Councillors Buist and Berry. |
Councillor Berry arrived at 4.10 pm, temporarily retired from the meeting at 4.30 pm, returned at 4.55 pm and was present for clauses 2, 4, 7, 8, 9.2, 9.3, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. | |
Councillor Buist arrived at 4.10 pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 3 and 9(i). | |
Councillor Condon retired at 5.55 pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 2, 9.9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. | |
Councillor Cox retired at 6.30 pm during the discussion on clause 15 and was present for all other clauses. |
The Committee reports that:
Officer responsible | Author |
Leisure and Community Services Manager | Lyall Matchett |
Corporate Plan Output: Golf Courses - Leased QEII Golf Park Corporate Plan Page 8.4.36 |
The purpose of this report is to make re-application on behalf of New Zealand Premier Golf Ranges Ltd to increase the casual green fees at the Ascot Golf Course.
As per the original request, the application is for the casual golfer only. The regular golfer, pensioners, student rates and concession cards will not increase.
The application is for the following increase:
Casual Golfers
Currently | Proposed | |
Weekdays | $7.00 | $8.00 |
Weekends | $8.00 | $10.00 |
The Lessee has advised the following in support of their application:
Revenue has increased dramatically in the last year, through increased expenditure on advertising and promotions. We have also hired a part-time employee to patrol the course to ensure green fees are paid and clubs are not being shared.
The very mild winter we have had this year has contributed to the exceptional sales on the course. This is not likely to happen again next year and in order to improve the tees and greens for future years we need to spend the money now. For example we plan to increase the first tee to 4 times its present size.
We have not applied for a green fee increase for 4 years but have incurred increased costs:
- rent to Christchurch City Council
- printing costs related to score cards and green fee tickets
- increased maintenance on tees and greens due to general wear
and tear
- increased maintenance due to vandalism to greens
- increased costs of replacing flags and flag poles
- increased wages for green staff have to work part of their day
- outside normal hours as the course is busy during normal
working day.
In addition the hireage fees of equipment hired from Christchurch City Council have increased from September by some 17% without any notice.
By increasing the green fees to the casual golfer we hope to recover the costs of improving the course and recoup some of the extra costs incurred.
By increasing the green fees as proposed we will still remain competitive with other public courses in Christchurch eg Rawhiti $10 weekdays, $12 weekends, Hagley Park $14.
It is our intention to continually improve Ascot and a proportion of the extra revenue will be put back into the course annually.
Clause 32.1 of the lease agreement states:
"The tenant shall display and make available to users of the Golf Course and Driving Range such rules and charges shall be reasonably consistent with rules, fees and charges of other golf courses and driving ranges in Christchurch.
The tenant shall supply the landlord with a copy of its current rules, fees and charges annually. Any change to the fees or charges of the Golf Course by the tenant shall require the prior written consent of the landlord such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision shall not apply to shop sales."
It is recommended that the application by New Zealand Premier Golf Ranges Ltd to increase the casual rate for green fees as follows be approved:
Weekdays $8.00
Weekends $10.00
The Committee were not convinced by the case put forward by the lessees for an increase in green fees for casual golfers. The Committee considered that given that Ascot is a par 3 course the comparisons with other full size courses were not valid. Ascot is an ideal course for new golfers and as it is important for the sport to attract and encourage new players, the Committee unanimously agreed that green fees should be maintained at their current level.
Recommendation: | That the application by New Zealand Premier Golf Ranges Limited to increase the casual rate for green fees at Ascot Golf Course be declined. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | Kelvin McMillan (Parks Planner) Chris Freeman (Planning Team Leader) |
Corporate Plan Output: Reserve Purchases |
The purpose of this report is to seek the approval of the Council for a land exchange for reserve purposes in the Enterprise Homes Subdivision at Charlesworth Street.
The Enterprise Homes Subdivision is adjacent to Charlesworth Street Reserve which will form an important part of the future Green Edge Estuary Park.
Discussions have been held with Enterprise Homes Limited over the desirability of exchanging some existing reserve land beside Linwood canal for a better located reserve near Charlesworth Street.
With the closure of the eastern end of Charlesworth Street, Charlesworth Street Reserve can be designed as a single unit. However, to enable this to occur it is necessary to exchange part of the existing reserve 5416m2 for a reserve area closer to Charlesworth Street.
The total reserve contribution owing on the proposed subdivision is 11,670m2 (85 Lots @ 130m2 each). The subdivider is also required to set aside about 1569m2 for a storm water retention basin.
Total Reserve Contribution owed and area for a retention basin 13,239m2
In addition 5416m2 extra land is to be given in exchange for 5416m2 of existing reserve beside Linwood Canal (Total area 9864m2). (See attached land exchange map.)
This will provide a much better shaped reserve which fits in with the wetland reserve concept for the area. (See attached location map.)
Property Officer Projects (Registered Valuer) comments:
"I have been asked to comment on the approximate values of the proposed Reserve areas shown as Lots 88, 89 and 90 on the subdivision plan submitted for the above address.
I understand that essentially agreement has been reached with regard to the land swap but the following comments are made form a valuation perspective.
Average section prices in the proposed subdivision are likely to average in the vicinity of $65,000. With an average size of say 650m2 this equates to a rate per m2 of $100. I consider there would be no difference in land worth between lots 88 and 89.
Lot 90 along with some lots of the subdivision are situated close to the high tension power lines and is likely to detrimentally effect section worth.
I would envisage a 20-25% reduction in section prices and for comparison purposes therefore an average rate per m2 for lot 90, based on the average section size would be $75-80 per m2."
Approximately 6000m2 of the land along the proposed reserve boundary to be vested is under transmission wires and pylons (see map). This lowers the economic value of the land to be vested as reserve. The reserve contribution and land exchange however, have been negotiated on a land area basis to give the best possible shape for the new reserve in relation to the adjoining Charlesworth Street Reserve.
While some of the reserve land has a lower value reserve contribution taken in land it is still more favourable than taking cash and buying back land.
Exchange of reserves land for other land
Section 15 of the Reserves Act 1977 enables the exchange of reserve land for other land to be held for reserve purposes.
15. Exchange of reserves for other land -(1) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, authorise the exchange of the land comprised in any reserve or any part or parts thereof for any other land to be held for the purposes of that reserve:
Provided that this power shall not be exercised with respect to any reserve vested in an administering body except pursuant to a resolution of that body requesting the exchange.
(2) No such resolution shall be passed before the expiration of one month after notice of intention to pass the resolution and calling for objections thereto in writing has been published in one or more newspapers circulating in the district of the administering body or, as the case may be, in the district or locality the inhabitants of which benefit from or enjoy the reserve, and until the administering body has considered all such objections received within that period. A copy of the resolution shall be forwarded to the Commissioner for transmission to the Minister, and shall be accompanied by all objections received as aforesaid and the comments of the local authority thereon:
As the land is owned by the Council a resolution is required from Council to the Minister of Conservation requesting the exchange of land. Prior to a resolution being made the Council must give one months public notice of the exchange and take into account any comments made.
The Committee believes the exchange of land coupled with the reserve contribution will lead to a greatly enhanced Estuary Wetland Reserve. The land exchange proposal has been entered into in order to improve the reserve layout in the area.
Recommendation: | That the Council publicly advertise its intention to exchange approximately 5416m2 of Reserve Land (CT430/204 Lot 3, plan 9893, RS27 for 5416m2 of proposed Reserve to vest Lot 90 CT 430/205 pursuant to section 15 Reserves Act 1977. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Leisure and Community Services Manager | Peter Walls |
Corporate Plan Output: Council operated pools |
The purpose of this report is to seek direction from the Council in respect of future development of outdoor pool facilities within the City Council area.
As a result of the Review of Christchurch Swimming Pools the following recommendations were adopted by the Council on 22 March 1995.
In the current 1997/98 financial year it was proposed to undertake a review of the Sockburn Park Pool and Recreation Centre with a view to investigating future development options and locations. This was to be the first review of outdoor facilities foreshadowed in resolution 4 above and was to be followed by a review of the Papanui Pool and its location.
As a result of the Council's requirement to remove $15M from the capital budget over the next five years it may be premature to further the reviews of the Sockburn and Papanui facilities until the year 2001/2002. This would also allow the Council to ascertain the impact of the new facilities which will come on line at Centennial and Pioneer late in 1998.
Recommendation: | That the review of the Sockburn Park Pool and Recreation Centre in respect of future developments and location be held over until the 2001/2002 year. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | Richard Holland, Parks Business Support Manager (Assets) |
Corporate Plan Output: Capital Works Amenity Landscape Projects |
The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the allocation of funding for the above project and for a change to current reporting practices.
Owing to the City Streets Unit not providing funding for street works and kerb treatments around Latimer Square until 1998/99 financial year the Parks Unit requests that funding be substituted to synchronise with City Streets Unit funding. Therefore the $120,000 allowed in the 1997/98 financial year will be used on other works and the $120,000 of the $150,000 unspecified in the Parks Unit 1998/99 budget should be provided for the Latimer Square Project.
Any Parks works on this project need to be co-ordinated with street improvements and new kerb and channels etc. City Streets has $350,000 for 1998/99 to enhance Worcester Street from Manchester Street to Latimer Square.
Funding this financial year is required for the Centra Hotel triangle reserve work, which has already been completed, and completion of drainage work at Avondale Park.
1. | Centra Hotel Triangle Reserve Redevelopment | $55,000 |
2. | Avondale Park - Completion of Drainage | $65,000 $120,000 |
The Parks Unit has commissioned a local landscape architect, Mr Wayne Rimmer, to provide landscape concept(s) for Latimer Square. Mr Rimmer was briefed in October 1995 and following discussion with him the Parks Unit has developed a plan for consultation with the local community including the Christchurch East School. The principal of the school was contacted at the beginning of 1996. At the same time the other key stakeholders were identified and a questionnaire formatted to gather ideas, perceptions and input form interested parties. An assessment of all the trees in Latimer Square was also undertaken to establish the health and significance of each.
The Parks Unit however stalled work on Latimer Square until the Cathedral Square redevelopment was finalised. The location of bus routes and bus terminus in the Square was an issue that needed to be resolved before possible parking and road closure options for Latimer Square were considered.
Now that the first stage of enhancing Worcester Boulevard has been completed and funding for kerb and channel work is due to come on stream in 1998/99, the Parks Unit has revived its planning for Latimer Square. City Streets are liaising with the Canterbury Regional Council over the potential for closing Worcester Street through Latimer Square as a possible option. Three bus routes may have to be rerouted. Two of these bus routes have recently been tendered and the Canterbury Regional Council is not in favour, at the present time, of closing or slowing Worcester Street between the two quadrants of Latimer Square.
Following the completion of the Neighbourhood Improvement Plan, an Armagh Street property north of Christchurch East School has been purchased with a view of providing additional public reserve. Negotiations with two adjacent properties have to date been unsuccessful. Chester Street East has had significant street works carried out to slow traffic and 'personalise' the area. The area around the Thomas Edmonds Clock Tower is also due for redevelopment in association with improvements to Oxford Terrace as part of the Centennial Pool redevelopment. This redevelopment is currently out for public comment in a leaflet produced by City Streets.
There are several issues, mainly related to transport, that need to be worked through in relation to Latimer Square redevelopment. The Parks Unit will begin consultation in early 1998 and will following this develop some concept options for Latimer Square.
The Parks Manager recommended:
The Parks Manager's report on the Latimer Square Development Project was referred to the Central City Committee which referred it on to the Parks and Recreation Committee with the following recommendation:
Recommendation 1 was not supported by the Parks and Recreation Committee because it was the Committee's understanding that the work concerned had been funded from outside sources.
The Committee considered that all reserve concept plans should be considered by the Parks and Recreation Committee prior to being referred to either Community Boards or in the case of Central City reserves to the Central City Committee. For this reason the Committee was also unable to support recommendation 3.
Arising from a discussion on the origins of the name of the small triangular reserve outside the Centra Hotel, the Committee decided that the Parks Manager should research this issue and report the results back to the Committee.
Recommendation: |
To assist Councillors in their deliberations, the Parks Manager submits the following additional information:
In considering the above report the Parks and Recreation Committee questioned the reasons:
The current reporting procedures, together with the relevant terms of reference of the two Committees and Community Boards are detailed below:
Under the current Committee/Community Board structure, the Central City Committee assumes the role of a Community Board in terms of implementing capital projects. The terms of reference concerned state:
'Central City Committee
To implement non-major projects in the Central City part of the Hagley/Ferrymead community.'
'Community Boards
Note: The Community Board terms of reference were reaffirmed by the Council earlier in the year.
The terms of reference for the Parks and Recreation Committee define that Committee's responsibilities as being:
In August 1993 following consultation with all Community Boards, and after considering a comprehensive report from staff, the Council adopted a policy on reporting procedures for reserves. The policy provides for:
The reporting practice adopted by the Council can be summarised as follows:
Metropolitan Reserves
Where, because of the size or special nature of the park, decisions affect far more than just local residents, Boards may be given reports for information and comment, but decisions or recommendations to the Council should be made by the Parks and Recreation Committee or other Standing Committee.
Major Reserves
Either Boards or Standing Committees will be given reports depending on the issue to be decided. The Community Boards will normally make decisions and recommend to the Council except where wider issues/policies need to be considered and in these cases the report will be forwarded to the Standing Committee for recommending to the Council.
Local Reserves
Where decisions only affect the immediate area, Community Boards to have the authority to make either final decisions or recommendations to Council.
Since the Committee meeting the status of Central City reserves has been clarified and it has been established that with the exception of Peter Scoular Park all these reserves are metropolitan and hence the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Unless the Council decides otherwise, the current reporting practices will be corrected.
As stated in the Committee's report the request to reallocate the Latimer Square funding to other projects was not supported by the Parks and Recreation Committee because it was the Committee's understanding that the work concerned had been funded from outside sources. This is not now the case. Due to a number of complications associated with the terms of the offer, this option was not pursued. Funding is therefore still required for the Centra Reserve Project as well as for the Avondale Park irrigation scheme.
With regard to the Committee's second recommendation the Parks Manager advises that only concept plans for major capital works are in fact submitted to either Community Boards or to Standing Committees for consideration prior to community consultation. To follow the course of action proposed by the Committee would slow down the consultation and implementation processes as in the order of 80-100 plans are produced and actioned annually.
All elected members receive reserve development public consultation leaflets for comment at least one week prior to the leaflets being released for public comment.
The Leisure and Community Services Manager reported, updating the Committee on progress to date on the organisation of Sport n' Action which will be held in North Hagley Park on Sunday 1 March 1998.
The Committee, in receiving the report, requested that staff report on ways of promoting Sport n' Action to raise community awareness of this event.
The Leisure and Community Services Manager submitted a report detailing the recreation programmes/activities planned for the forthcoming summer.
The "Summer of Fun" programme has been packaged for children, youth and families at local suburban parks, outdoor swimming pools and recreation facilities. From November 1997 to March 1998 there will be a full range of recreation activities available ranging from Christmas Pool Parties, "Kidsplay" at local parks, Community Days and holiday programmes.
The Committee decided that the staff be thanked for their efforts in developing a comprehensive and exciting programme of holiday activities for the summer of 1997/98.
The Communications and Promotions Manager reported, reviewing the Christchurch Festival of Dance which was introduced to the city's festival calendar this year.
The festival, which ran from Friday 26 September to Sunday 12 October, featured 55 separate events ranging from performances, demonstrations, workshops and master classes to "have a go" events. The festival catered for all age groups from a "First Steps" programme for toddlers to a "Youth Rave" for teenagers to "Tea Dances" for the elderly. Cultural dance groups were also well represented in the Festival.
The Committee decided:
The Property Manager reported, updating the Committee on the responses received to a request for proposals for a lease of Avebury House situated off Evelyn Couzins Avenue, Richmond.
The Committee noted that the report had also been referred to the Community Services Committee which had in turn referred the matter to the Housing Review Working Party for investigation as to the suitability of the property for housing purposes, concurrent with the further consideration of its use as a community cultural centre as recommended by the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board.
The Committee decided that a full report be prepared on the state of the house, and the complete costs of upgrading the building, including:
The requirements that may be necessary for community use.
The cost of disposing of the building and levelling the site.
The Committee received the following reports:
9.1 Reallocation of Asset Maintenance and Capital Resources RR 6594
The Leisure and Community Services Manager reported, detailing a budget adjustment which had been made between the 1997/98 and 1998/99 years to provide for the construction of storage areas on the south western end of Pioneer Stadium.
9.2 Hours of Operation for Public Swimming Pools RR 6595
This report was prepared in response to a request from Councillors at the Committee's October meeting and contained a full list of the operating hours of the various public pools in which the Council is involved. A suggestion that a survey of users be undertaken to determine community needs was noted by staff.
9.3 | Christchurch Sports Training Guide for Olympic and Paralympic Teams | RR 6698 |
This report updated Councillors on progress to date on the promotion of Christchurch as a pre-Olympic training destination before the Sydney Games in the year 2000. A copy of the training guide has been forwarded to all Councillors.
9.4 1997 International Paralympic Committee General Assembly RR 6697
This report informed Councillors of the success of the Christchurch City Council's attendance at the IPC General Assembly held in Sydney at the beginning of November.
The visit was most successful as is evidenced by the fact that two international sports organisations approached the delegation to host their respective world championship events for the year 1999.
9.5 New Zealand Recreation Association National Conference
"Te Whero - Meeting The Challenge" RR 6608
This report provided feedback on the above conference which was held in Rotorua from 5 November. Councillors Ishwar Ganda and Gail Sheriff attended on behalf of the Council together with staff from the Leisure and Community Services and Parks Units.
9.6 Clean Air Issues Associated With Queen Elizabeth II Park RR 6711
The Leisure and Community Services Manager reported in response to a request from the Parks and Recreation Committee for an update on clean air issues associated with the QEII Park heating system.
9.7 Community Trust - Funding Year 2000 RR 6662
The Communications and Promotions Manager reported on the Council seminar held on Thursday 13 November 1997 to discuss Year 2000 projects to be put forward for possible funding by the Community Trust.
9.8 Shop and Amusement Concession at the Groynes RR 6705
The Property Manager reported on the allocations made by the Groynes Sub-Committee, acting under delegated authority, of the shop and amusement concessions at the Groynes.
The shop and canoe concessions were allocated to H, R and W Stegehuis and the recreational wagon rides concession was allocated to K and S Gillman.
9.9 Nicholson Park/Scarborough Lane RR 6656
The Committee noted the information that a report on the possible sale of Nicholson Park will be submitted to the February meetings of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board and the Parks and Recreation Committee, at which stage all potential options for providing access to the private land will be put forward for discussion.
10.1 | Cracroft Caverns Reserve - University of Canterbury Physics and Astronomy Department Lease and St Martins Scout Group Licence | RR 6720 |
The Committee deferred consideration of the above report to enable an issue relating to the classification of the reserve to be clarified prior to the leasing proposal being considered by the Council.
Approval was sought to introduce two further reports on the following topics:
It was resolved that the reports be received and considered at the present meeting.
The Parks Manager submitted a report detailing the tender prices received for the above contract.
The following prices were received for the contract:
Parks Estimate | $702,807.00 | $29,393.00 | $732,200.00 |
B A Murray | $712,807.00 | $79,411.78 | $792,218.78 |
PAE | $693,190.55 | $33,666.00 | $726,856.55 |
GMS | $616,815.64 | $19,776.20 | $636,591.84 |
Serco | $577,234.49 | $41,256.00 | $618,490.49 |
CSC | $555,160.00 | $62,877.75 | $618,037.75 |
Works Operations | $415,847.73 | $21,512.05 | $437,359.78 |
The Committee resolved that the Works Operations tender for the New Brighton/Bromley parks maintenance contract 97/98 - 151 be accepted.
The Committee resolved that the draft resolutions to exclude the public set out on page 38 of the agenda and page 4 of the supplementary agenda be adopted.