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17. 12. 97


27 NOVEMBER 1997

A meeting of the Central City Committee
was held on Thursday 27 November 1997 at 4 pm

PRESENT: Councillor Margaret Murray (Chairman), Councillor Newton Dodge (Deputy Chairman presiding from 5.42 pm) The Mayor, Councillors Graham Berry, Morgan Fahey and Charles Manning.
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillor Anna Crighton, Councillor Alister James and Councillor Barbara Stewart.

An apology for lateness was received from Councillor Newton Dodge.
  Councillor Dodge arrived at 4.20 pm and was present for all clauses.
  Councillor Charles Manning left at 4.30 pm and was present for clause 2.
  Councillor Margaret Murray left at 5.41 pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 9 and 10 and 13 to 16.
  The Mayor left at 5.50 pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 10 and 13 to 16.

The Committee reports that:



Officer responsible Authors
City Design Manager Andrew Craig, Landscape Architect
John de Zwart, Project Manager
Corporate Plan Output: Major Amenity Projects 1996 Page 9.5.52


The purpose of this report is to update Councillors on the situation regarding the Stewart Fountain redevelopment, and then seek direction for how the project should proceed from here.


Early in 1995 a nationwide competition for the redesign of the fountain was held. The winning entry was presented to the Policy and Resources Committee and the then Central City Sub-committee where it was rejected on the basis that it did not meet the Councillor's expectations. The design was then referred to inhouse designers with a brief emphasising that the fountain encourage interactive use.

After the design was developed and concept approved by Council in October 1996, the City Design Unit prepared the working drawings and tender documents in order to implement the design. The tenderers, already selected via a process of registration, were then asked to submit prices. The best tender came in at $829,832 which was $274,304 in excess of the total allocated construction budget of $555,528 excluding design fees.

In response to this, it was decided to relook at the design to see what could be removed without compromising its integrity, and so reduce the cost of its implementation. The tenderer was then asked to re-submit a price on the basis that some features of the design had been deleted (see attachment). Although the rivulets have been identified as an item able to be deleted without compromising the design's bottom line, when considering that they contribute $19,946 to the extra required funds of $274,304, it is suggested that they be retained.

Some concern was expressed at the annual projected maintenance requirements for the fountain. This was based on the initial unaltered design where the cost of electricity was estimated to be $46,000 per year with an additional $20,000 per year required to clean the fountain - a total maintenance cost of $66,000 per year.

The current fountain costs $10,000 per year to maintain plus $689 per year for electricity to sporadically run a single pump.

The electrical requirements of the fountain is predominantly the product of pumping functions, and of that pumping function 40 of the required 50kw were involved in servicing the water cascades.

With the removal of the water cascades in the revised design, an 80% saving can be made to the power requirements.

Maintenance based on the revised fountain design is now estimated to cost $29,200 per year, ($9,200 for electricity and $20,000 for cleaning).

This reduces the construction cost significantly, but still leaves a $116,327 ($136,273 if rivulets remain) shortfall. The tenderer can see no further way of reducing the cost. As designers, we believe that the design has been reduced as far as it will go without jeopardising its integrity, and therefore no further deletions should be considered.

With the delays experienced due to actual construction costs versus available budget and the subsequent watering down and manipulation of the design, there has been and will be additional costs and time requirements placed on the design team (City Design).


  1. The first option is to seek further funding to cover the shortfall needed to implement the revised design. The funding sources to be considered are:

    The City Council
    - from corporate sponsors
    - from private individuals
    - 'sponsor a tile' for example
    Grants - lotteries

  2. The second option within the approved budget, is to investigate the possibility of redesigning the fountain altogether but using the infrastructure and knowledge designed for the present proposal. This may or may not be feasible.

  3. The third option is to redesign the fountain within the approved budget. This would mean that the new design would have to be much simpler and would probably result in a static structure with much diminished or no interactive components. As designs for fountains tend to be unique, it is difficult to anticipate costs until tenders for their implementation are submitted. This means that there will always be a risk in the design of any fountain exceeding the allocated budget. This is compounded by the fact that contractors tend to include in their pricing an above average contingency in order to cover a relatively high degree of uncertainty associated with unprecedented construction.

    Because a considerable proportion of the allocated budget has been expended on design fees so far then to start again would incur further design fees, resulting in a further reduction of the budget.

  4. Fourthly a new fountain not be proceeded with but consideration be given to upgrading the existing fountain.

The officers by way of the report sought direction on the future of the project.

The Committee raised the issue of maintenance of the proposed fountain and was advised that an annual maintenance provision for the project had been $80,000 but the new proposal reduced this to $20,000.

Committee members do not want to see compromise on the design to the extent that the standard is lower than that expected for a central city site. Development of the area is seen as of equal importance as the redevelopment of Cathedral Square.

Recommendation: That the development of the Stewart Fountain site with the three towers included in the design be supported subject to a further report to the December meeting of the Council providing recommendations of Sources of Funds to cover the increased cost of the project.



Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager Peter Atkinson
Corporate Plan Output: On-street Operations Page 9.6.12

A submission was received from Mr Ian Athfield (Architects) on behalf of Mr Trevor Watt and Mr Dennis Harwood.

The submission is to use a part of the legal road for access to the building and as an outdoor seating area are part of measures to increase the amount of a residential living area within the central area. It is desirable that the level of residential living in the central area be increased as there are benefits both to the transport network and as adding further life to the inner commercial area.

Bedford Row is a legal road which runs between Manchester Street and Madras Street. It has recently been reconstructed with new kerb, channels, footpaths and planting areas. Bedford Row has a 20 metre road reserve which is generous for its function as a local road. It is able to accommodated the proposed activity with a small adjustment to the footpath area.

The submission to use legal road was for the site on the south eastern corner of the Manchester Street/Bedford Row intersection. The proposal removes four-five car parks and requires an extension to the footpath area. The outdoor seating area requires a licence to occupy legal road and use of road for the steps should require a lease which may involve a road stopping procedure. Foregone parking meter revenue will be in the order of $4,000 annually.

This application has a number of unique features. It is encouraging redevelopment of this area, the proposed activities are desirable for continuing success of the commercial area, Bedford Row is a local road with a large road reserve and the proposal is in keeping with the existing streetscape.

The attached plan shows the extent of the footpath area which was the subject of this application.

Recommendation: That the application by Athfield Architects Ltd to use legal road on the south-east corner of Bedford Row/Manchester Street be approved subject to the approval of the required licences by the Property Manager and Legal Services Manager.




Mr Ian Athfield (Architects) presented a proposal on behalf of Mr Trevor Watt and Mr Dennis Harwood for the use of legal road to provide access to a building fronting Bedford Avenue. The applicants sought also to use the adjacent footpath as an outdoor seating area for a ground floor cafe. This submission was considered in conjunction with clause 2 of the Committee's report to the Council.



The City Centre Marketing Team reported on the progress made in extending opening hours in the City Centre. In August 1996 over 300 retailers signed a contract agreeing that they would guarantee to open from 10 am to 4 pm on every Saturday for six months. In February 1997 this was repeated and again in August 1997. This represents over 70% of the businesses in the City Centre. The most popular areas are the City Mall where more than 90% of businesses have agreed to open on Saturdays.

The City Centre Marketing Team have focused their attention on giving publicity to the new hours of business and research has shown an increased awareness of Saturday opening hours.


A group of retailers at the Bridge of Remembrance end of the City Mall are now working closely with the City Centre Marketing Team actively encouraging businesses in the area to open on Sundays between 11 am and 3 pm. Collectively the retailers provide 75% of the cost of the campaign. The project is progressing very well with 35 retailers involved initially.



Committee members viewed the new video commercial promoting the City Centre and received a report which highlighted the key points of the City Centre Marketing Plan.

The Marketing Plan Team carry out two major reviews each year and has undertaken to provide a minimum of six reports per year to the Central City Committee.



The Committee was informed of progress on the Latimer Square Neighbourhood Improvement Plan and the need to synchronise Parks funding with City Streets funding. The Parks Unit presented a proposal to the October 1997 meeting requesting that funding be substituted to synchronise with the City Streets Unit funding for development of Latimer Square. The City Streets Unit funding was not provided until the 1998/99 financial year ie $120,000 allowed in the 1997/98 financial year was therefore available for other works in the Parks Unit budget.

The Parks Manager had noted that funding this financial year is required for the Centra Hotel triangle reserve work which has already been completed and the completion of drainage work at Avondale Park and sought the Committee's support of the proposal to reallocate the $120,000 available to these projects. The Parks Unit was currently developing concept options for Latimer Square.

The Central City Committee recommended to the Parks and Recreation Committee that Latimer Square funding of $120,000 be reallocated to the Centra Hotel redevelopment triangle ($55,000); and to the Avondale Park drainage ($65,000) for the 1997/98 financial year and further that the $120,000 of the unspecified allocation in 1998/99 of the Parks five year capital plan be used to fund the Latimer Square redevelopment.

It was resolved that concept plans showing a range of options for Latimer Square be brought back to the Central City Committee before public consultation commences.



The Committee was advised of a seminar held on Thursday, 13 November 1997 to discuss year 2000 projects to be put forward for possible funding by the Community Trust. Committee members were aware of some projects planned for the Central City and were asked to give further consideration to the proposals at the first meeting in the new year.


8. 1997/98 ROADING PROGRAMME RR 6427

A progress report on City Streets projects in the Central City Committee area which are programmed for the 1997/98 financial year was received.



On the advice of the Office Solicitor, the documentation on the request for proposals for the Central City electric shuttle is currently being considered by Buddle Findlay (Barristers and Solicitors) to ensure that the documentation is adequate and thorough. As a result it will not be possible to advertise the request for proposals and report the results to this Committee in 1997. It is proposed to advertise on 10 January 1998 and report the results to the Committee on 17 February 1998.




The Committee's approval was sought to use two parking spaces as an extension to the footpath to provide for outdoor seating outside the Viaduct restaurant and bar complex. The complex is situated on the eastern side of Oxford Terrace between Hereford Street and the City Mall. The applicant proposes to provide at no cost to the Council, a temporary structure to raise the road level. It is proposed that the resulting road space be leased.

The Committee was advised that there are a number of other possible applications for similar activity in the Central City area. In some cases there will be a loss of on-street parking to provide for the additional footpath area. The views of the Committee were sought to develop a policy to apply to these applications.

It was resolved:

  1. That the application for the temporary use of road space outside the Viaduct restaurant and bar complex in Oxford Terrace between Hereford Street and the City Mall be approved.

  2. That the City Streets Manager provide a schedule of applications for the next meeting of the Committee of similar on-street activity currently being considered.



The Parking Operations Manager sought the Committee's support to open the Lichfield Street Car Park free of charge in support of the Central City Marketing Team's initiatives to encourage significantly more Central City retailers to open for business on Sundays. The Committee was advised that the Lichfield Street Car Park was not being utilised on Saturday nights. It was recommended that this trial should now conclude.

It was resolved:

  1. That the trial Saturday night free opening of the Lichfield Street Car Park be terminated with effect from Saturday 29 November 1997.

  2. That the Lichfield Street Car Park be opened 'free of charge' on Sundays (other than statutory holidays) commencing Sunday 7 December 1997.



New bus stops have been introduced together with coach parks and short term bus parking areas associated with the redevelopment of Cathedral Square.

The Parking Operations Manager advised the Committee that depending on the length of time these bus stops are in place, parking meter revenue of approximately $30,000/$35,000 would be foregone annually.

It was resolved:

  1. That a bus stop be created on the southern side of Gloucester Street commencing at a point 18 metres measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 72 metres.

  2. That a bus stop be created on the northern side of Worcester Street commencing at a point 64 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Oxford Terrace and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 34 metres.

  3. That a coach parking area with a time limit of 15 minutes be created on the northern side of Worcester Street commencing at a point 10 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Oxford Terrace and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 54 metres.

  4. That a coach parking area with a time limit of 15 minutes be created on the northern side of Gloucester Street commencing at a point 42 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

  5. That a coach parking area with a time limit of 15 minutes be created on the western side of Oxford Terrace commencing at a point 24 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Hereford Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 64 metres.

  6. That the existing parking restriction in the above described areas be revoked.



Measures to resolve the objection to the stopping of Oxford Terrace between Chester Street East and Madras Street were submitted to the Committee. The principal concern of the objector (Travelodge Hotel) to the proposed road stopping was that the stopping of this section of Oxford Terrace will create further discontinuity to the street creating difficulties for visitors to the street in finding the hotel and other addresses.

It was resolved:

  1. That signs indicating that Oxford Terrace continues be installed at the intersections of Oxford Terrace/Chester Street (east), Chester Street (east)/Madras Street and Madras Street/Kilmore Street.

  2. That the provision of motorists service (accommodation) signs be installed at the intersections of Madras Street/Kilmore Street, Kilmore Street/Oxford Terrace and Oxford Terrace/Barbadoes Street.



Two new bus stops have been created in Cambridge Terrace, one to the north of Cashel Street and the other to the north of Worcester Street. These new bus stops are associated with the proposed one way section of Oxford Terrace between Lichfield Street and Hereford Street.

It was resolved:

  1. That a bus stop be created on the eastern side of Cambridge Terrace commencing at a point 13 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Cashel Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 36 metres.

  2. That a bus stop be created on the eastern side of Cambridge Terrace commencing at a point 13 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Worcester Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 36 metres.

  3. That the existing parking restriction in the above described areas be revoked.



A residents car park has been created for the resident of 404 Montreal Street. There is no provision for vehicles to park on the property.

It was resolved that a parking space for residents cars only be created on the eastern side of Montreal Street commencing at a point 13 metres measured in a southerly direction from a point opposite the southern kerbline of Beveridge Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 12 metres.



A metered parking space for use by disabled persons has been provided in close proximity to the Aged Concern of Canterbury building in Cashel Street. It was resolved that a P60 metered parking space restricted to holders of mobility cards only be created on the southern side of Cashel Street commencing at a point 31 m measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Cambridge Terrace and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 6 m.

The meeting concluded at 5.55 pm.





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