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27. 8. 97


6 AUGUST 1997

A special meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee
was held on Wednesday 6 August 1997 at 12 noon

PRESENT: Councillor David Close (Chairman), The Mayor, Councillors Carole Evans, Gordon Freeman, Pat Harrow, Ian Howell, Alister James, Garry Moore, Margaret Murray and Ron Wright.
IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors Graham Berry, David Buist and Gail Sheriff.
APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors Oscar Alpers and Denis O'Rourke.
  Apologies for lateness were received and accepted from Councillors Ian Howell and Margaret Murray.
  Councillor Murray arrived at 12.20 pm and Councillor Howell arrived at 12.45 pm.

The Committee reports that:



The Environmental Policy and Planning Manager presented a report prepared by Gilbert van Schaijik and John Chivers proposing that the Council acquire part of the land owned by the Canterbury Saleyards company for car parking for Hagley Park.

It will be recalled that the opportunity for the Council to be involved in the purchase of the Saleyards land was first brought to the attention of Councillors in the report to the Strategy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 16 June 1997. At that meeting the Committee resolved:

  1. That a special meeting of the Committee be held to consider the options for progressing this matter.

  2. That staff be authorised to register an interest to purchase over the entire site.

Subsequently a registration of interest for the possible purchase of this land was submitted and as a result the Council was confirmed as a tenderer for the property. The property was offered for tender in three lots, with tenders closing on 15 August 1997.


The staff report identified the Council's principal interest in the land as being for car parking to meet the needs of the users of Hagley Park.

The Leisure and Community Services Manager advised that parking has been a significant problem around South Hagley for many years. The problem is exacerbated on Saturday mornings in particular, and lack of parking is now becoming a hazard and a danger to park users. The Council acknowledged the problem would be worse when it approved the new netball centre, if the saleyards parking site became unavailable. The need to secure the purchase of this block of land has been discussed on many occasions when parking issues have been raised about Hagley Park.

A survey on 27 July 1997 showed that at the peak time 160 cars were parked in the Saleyards car park. Based on this it was considered that a car park designed to accommodate 200 cars would be appropriate.

The Director of Finance confirmed that there was no provision in the budget for the purchase or development of the site and should the Council wish to acquire part of the property for car parking purposes then other capital expenditure would need to be reprioritised in order to keep within the current year's budget. A supplementary report from the Parks Manager advised that the most appropriate source of funding for the purchase of the Saleyards land would be the Parks Unit's sub-budget and in the event of this land purchase proceeding other reserve purchases would have to be deferred which could result in some opportunities to acquire land for reserve purposes being lost.


Given that as it is the Parks Unit's intention is to provide for growth in sporting activities in suburban and outlying sports parks, an extension of Hagley Park into the Saleyards site for recreation purposes could not be justified.

With regard to the achievement of planning objectives, it was considered by staff that while ownership of the land would give more certainty in realising residential development it was not considered that this was a site that the Council itself would want to develop for housing, as the residential potential was likely to be towards the expensive end of the market. It was considered that purchase to achieve planning objectives pêr sé could not be justified.

Insofar as the deviation of Blenheim Road was concerned, it was considered that this project, if it proceeds, would take several years to achieve and therefore should be given very little weight in reaching a decision on the purchase of all or part of the Saleyards site.


The report concluded that the only issue which really remained was the extent of the Council's interest and what amount of land was required in order to meet the Council's objectives. It was suggested that should the Council wish to implement its current policy to provide car parking to meet the demands for Hagley Park, then it is suggested that the Council seriously consider submitting a tender for the purchase of the northern block only.

After considering the staff reports, the Committee unanimously concluded that a tender should not be submitted for the purchase of part of the Canterbury Saleyards site for the development of car park facilities for Hagley Park for the following reasons:

Accordingly, it was resolved that the Council decline to submit a tender for the purchase of the northern block of the Canterbury Saleyards site.

That the action taken by the Strategy and Resources Committee on behalf of the Council, be confirmed.




The Committee resolved:

  1. That the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 2 of the agenda be adopted.

  2. That Mr Mike Mora be permitted to remain at the meeting while the public is excluded because his special knowledge of the matter under consideration will assist the Committee in its deliberations.

The meeting concluded at 12.55 pm




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