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27. 8. 97


13 AUGUST 1997

A seminar meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee
was held on Wednesday 13 August 1997 at 9.00 am

PRESENT: Christchurch City Council
Councillor David Close, The Mayor, Councillors Oscar Alpers, Gordon Freeman, Pat Harrow, Margaret Murray and Ron Wright

Local Government Commission
Mr Ian Lawrence, Mrs Barbara Durham, Robin Wilkins and Don Riezbos (CEO).

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors Evans and Howell.

Apologies for lateness were received and accepted from the Mayor and Councillor Wright.

The Committee reports that:




It will be recalled that at its meeting on 25 June 1997 the Council delegated to the Strategy and Resources Committee the authority to prepare a framework for responding to the Local Government Commission's questions on behalf of the City Council.

This issue was considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee at seminar meetings on 4 July and 6 August. At the former meeting considerable time was devoted to a de Bono style "thinking hats" session to identify the pros and cons of the amalgamation proposal. The City Manager presented a paper to the second seminar meeting reviewing the proposal and suggesting a position to be taken with the Local Government Commission. At that meeting the majority of the members advocated a cautious approach with the Council not taking a position on the issue until more information was available on its implications to city ratepayers.

The meeting decided that the City Manager's report should be used as the basis for the view to be expressed to the Local Government Commission.


Amalgamation Process

The meeting commenced with a presentation by the Commission Chairman, Mr Ian Lawrence, who explained the process and criteria the LGC must follow in assessing the proposal. Flowcharts illustrating the initial process and the review process (in the event of the Commission deciding to issue a draft scheme) are attached.

Council Position

The Council's position on the amalgamation issue were summarised in a paper prepared by the City Manager, as being:

Some Possible Implications of the Proposal

The possible implications of the current proposal were identified as follows:

Review Option

Mr Lawrence suggested that the initial question for the Council to consider was should there be a review and, if so, what are the issues to be addressed. It was advised that in the event of a draft scheme being issued the LGC would seek feedback from the Council on such matters as:

The LGC considered that a well-informed Christchurch community was pivotal to the democratic process and to this end would hold a series of public meetings in Christchurch in liaison with the CCC to explain the draft scheme. An undertaking was given to work closely with the LGC in raising public awareness of the issue and informing the community on its implications.

It was emphasised that the LGC had an open mind on the whole issue and was looking to the key stakeholders for input to assist it reaching its decision on the proposal.

In discussion on the representation issue, the meeting was advised that, in terms of ward boundaries the CCC submission should consider how the present Banks Peninsula district would be incorporated into an enlarged city as this would be a key factor in assessing whether the "good government" test had been met. The LGC was advised that it would be essential for the CCC to know the views of Banks Peninsula residents before this issue could be addressed.

The Next Step

It was emphasised to the LGC that before the CCC would be in a position to make an informed decision on the proposal further information would be required on a range of issues.

As a way forward, it was suggested to the LGC that the following work be put in hand:

  1. Focus group and possibly opinion survey work of current residents, especially in the Peninsula but also in Christchurch to ascertain not simply the attitude towards amalgamation but rather their expectations of the local government system in the future.

  2. A review of the condition of infrastructure and levels of service in BPDC and the likely cost of changes of level of service to which residents might aspire.

It was agreed that the LGC, by statute, would lead this process and hold discussions with CCC and BPDC on how the various strands of work should be developed.

The LGC gave an undertaking to find the best mechanism for providing both the CCC and the residents of both authorities with this information.

Time Frame

It was advised that in the event of amalgamation proceeding, it would not be possible to complete the legislative processes and implement a reorganisation scheme by the next local body elections. Transitional arrangements would be put in place to deal with this situation.

Minor Boundary Adjustment

The issue of a minor rationalisation of the Port Hills boundary between the CCC and SDC was also raised for discussion.

It was pointed out the petitioners had made it clear to the LGC that amalgamation with CCC was their only interest and a division of Banks Peninsula between SDC and CCC was not an option. The proposal would be withdrawn if this were contemplated.

This issue could not therefore be addressed as part of the present proposal. It was advised that this anomalous situation could be resolved either by mutual agreement between the two authorities or failing this, by the CCC passing a resolution formally requesting the LGC to make the boundary adjustment.


It was confirmed that in the event of a decision being made in favour of the review option, the LGC will consider the best method of gathering the information required by the CCC.

Recommendation: That the information be received.

The meeting concluded at 11.10 am



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