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23. 10. 96


1 OCTOBER 1996

A meeting of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board

was held on Tuesday 1 October 1996 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Mr Oscar Alpers (Chairman), Mrs Carole Anderton, Mr Philip Clearwater, Mr David Drayton, Dr Morgan Fahey OBE, Mrs Sonia Gill, Mr Ian Howell OBE, Mrs Patricia Hunter, Mrs Ann Lewis.

Mrs Anderton retired at 5.10pm and was present for all clauses except clause no 11 - Hoon Hay Youth Centre.

The Board reports that:



Officer responsible Writer
Parks Manager John Shanks, Committee Secretary
Corporate Plan Output: Parks  

The purpose of this report is to ask the Council to consider the matter of naming the reserve in King Street.

At its meeting on 3 September 1996, the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board considered a request from the Sydenham Residents' Group seeking to have the Reserve in King Street named Mabel Howard Reserve.

The Board believed that this name might cause some confusion as there was already a Mabel Howard Place, an elderly persons' housing complex, in the city.

Accordingly, the Board resolved:

"1. That the request for a name change to Mabel Howard Reserve be declined.

2. That the Sydenham Residents' Association be advised that the Board is not opposed to the renaming of the reserve so long as the chosen name does not cause confusion with existing street/place names in Christchurch."

The following letter in response to the Board's decision has been received from the Sydenham Residents' Group, seeking reconsideration of this matter in the following terms:

"We are disappointed that our request for the above Reserve to be named the Mabel Howard Reserve has been declined. We are surprised to hear our suggestion classified as a "Renaming". As there is already a King Park, the Parks Unit have stated to us the reserve cannot be called King Street Reserve. Therefore we wish the reserve to have a name which has a definite Sydenham connection.

The Sydenham Residents' Group has discussed this matter in committee and with many Sydenham residents. Firstly, all think confusion between Mabel Howard Place (a cul de sac of pensioners' cottages in Avonside) improbable.

We firmly believe it fitting this reserve be the Mabel Howard Reserve. Mabel Howard was the first woman to hold the position of Secretary in an all male trade union organisation, the first woman MP in New Zealand, the first woman cabinet minister, 23 years saw her as being MP for Sydenham. She was a woman who dared to be herself, who cared for those with no political power or voice and who had the courage to advocate for their rights.

If our request is further declined, then we submit the name Howard Reserve. As there is no acknowledgment of Mabel Howard in Sydenham we are unanimous that our request is appropriate.

We await the Board's decision."

The Area Parks Support Officer, Anne Cosson, and the Subdivision Planning Officer, Bob Pritchard, have both been advised of this response and their advice sought. Neither considers that there is any real objection on the grounds of possible confusion over the similarity of names, if the Board in reconsidering this matter were minded to favour the name "Mabel Howard Reserve" as requested by the Sydenham Residents' Group.

The need to avoid the potential confusion which could be caused by similar sounding names is much more important in selecting names for streets, where postal and emergency services may be involved, than it is when selecting names for reserves.

The Board resolved:

1. That the Board rescind the decision on this matter made at its meeting on 3 September 1996.

2. That the Board recommend to the Council that the reserve in King Street be named Mabel Howard Reserve.

Recommendation: That the reserve in King Street be named Mabel Howard Reserve.



It was resolved that the report to the Council of the Board meeting of 3 September 1996, as circulated, be confirmed.


(a) Mrs Nancy McMillan addressed the Board on behalf of the Cashmere Residents' Association referring to the terms of reference for the Cashmere Play Equipment Working Party, stating that a letterbox drop would be carried out if the Working Party did not come to a particular conclusion and emphasising that the letterbox drop should now be carried out but that more time should be allowed in order to permit the interested parties to have time to consider carefully the content of the draft pamphlet.

(b) Mrs Shelley Campbell of the Cashmere Residents' Association emphasised that the role of the Working Party was not yet over but that the phase of the Working Party's deliberations under the facilitation of Gay Pavelka was now concluded. Mrs Campbell expressed the concern of the Cashmere Residents' Association at the very short time allowed for comment and input into the draft leaflet for circulation.

(c) Mrs Claire Becker-Gledhill commented that she considered that it was good to have input into the Working Party but that it was now time for the Community Board to take control of the arrangements for the pamphlet and that any long delay while the content was considered would be undesirable.

(d) Dr Bruce Harding spoke supporting a delay in distributing the pamphlet until after the forthcoming national elections.

Mrs McMillan addressed the Board again emphasising that all possible options should be set out in the pamphlet with as much factual information as possible so that residents can make an informed choice.

The Board resolved:

1. That the Board be allowed further time to consider the letterbox drop pamphlet and that a special meeting of the Community Board be convened to determine the final format and content of the pamphlet.

2. That this special meeting of the Community Board be held at the time of the next Community Affairs Committee meeting ie on Tuesday 15 October 1996, commencing at 5.30pm.

3. That all Working Party member responses be in the hands of staff by Thursday 10 October 1996, to allow staff to have the time to collate the suggestions of material for inclusion and to have these ready for placing before Board members.

4. That Board members be provided with information at this meeting on what the $15,000 was originally allocated for, what the costs are and where the additional funding now needed may be forthcoming from.


The Board considered a report outlining the new policies for Community Pride Garden Awards and advising that funding up to $1,000 may be required to promote the 1997 Garden Awards and to cover the costs of framing and preparation of certificates.

The Board resolved:

1. That the information be received.

2. That the Board make provision of $1,000 from its Discretionary Funds to support the 1997 Community Pride Garden Awards scheme.


The Board considered a report outlining the final recommendations of the Cashmere Play Equipment Working Party made at its final meeting of 12 September 1996. The Board resolved:

1. That Gay Pavelka be formally thanked for her facilitation of the Cashmere Play Equipment Working Party.

2. That the members of the Working Party also be thanked for their involvement.

3. That the letterbox drop be carried out in the hill area.

4. That the letterbox drop be distributed by New Zealand Post.

5. That all comments received from the letterbox drop be assessed by the staff of the Beckenham Service Centre.

6. That a privacy tick be included in the pamphlet if appropriate.

7. That community representatives not be involved in scrutinising the responses.

8. That the letterbox drop proceed.

9. That the comments received in response to the letterbox drop be analysed and be reported back to the Working Party.

10. That the Working Party and the Parks Unit consider the responses and report back to the Community Board with final recommendations.

11. That the Board seek a report on the possibility of implementing some form of conservation zone protection over the Cashmere Village Green, similar to that already in place to protect the Cracroft Reserve adjacent to the Sign of the Takahe.


The Board considered a report outlining the current proposals and priorities relating to Local Area Traffic Management Schemes (LATMS).

A proposed priority list was placed before the Board so that each scheme could be advanced according to this approved priority rather than on an ad hoc basis.

The suggested orders of priority were as follows:

Priority Area Boundaries
1 Opawa Wilsons, Centaurus, Aynsley, Brougham, Ensors, St Martins
2 Hillmorton Halswell, Hendersons, Sparks, Hoon Hay
3 Spreydon Lincoln, Hoon Hay, Frankleigh, Barrington
4 St Martins Palatine, Riverlaw, Wilsons, Centaurus
5 Lower Cashmere Barrington, Frankleigh, Sparks, Ru/Res, Cashmere
6 Somerfield Stg1 Milton, Barrington, Somerfield, Strickland
7 Somerfield Stg2 Brougham, Barrington, Milton, Strickland
8 Addington Stg2 Blenheim, Wrights, Lincoln, Moorhouse, Deans
9 to be decided Hillside areas, boundaries to be determined

The Board resolved that the order of priority as set out in the above table be adopted.


The Board considered a report seeking its guidance on the way in which it wished to handle decisions on Civic and Community Service Awards for the present year.

The Board resolved:

1. That the Board appoint a sub-committee to consider Civic and Community Service Awards.

2. That this sub-committee comprise Mrs Hunter, Mrs Gill, Mr Drayton, the Community Manager and the Community Activities Officer.

3. That the subcommittee meet at an early date to consider the Civic Award nominations already received and to make recommendations on these nominations for consideration by the Community Services Committee.

4. That nominations be invited for Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board Community Service Awards with a closing date of Wednesday 23 October 1996.

5. That advertisements inviting nominations for Community Service Awards be placed in the Observer and the Christchurch Mail and that some editorial publicity be sought as well.


The Board considered for information a report outlining a new initiative by the Water Services Unit for the management of litter in waterways using debris traps.

The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Board considered a plan of landscaping proposed in Colombo Street in the Beckenham Village area. The sum of $10,000 had been provided in the Board's Project Fund allocation for the 1996/97 year for this landscaping work.

In the discussion which took place, Mrs Anderton suggested some changes could be made to the plantings proposed in the landscaping plans for the Beckenham Shopping Centre to ensure plants more suitable for planting in Beckenham and hardy enough to survive the winter frosts be considered. Mrs Anderton further suggested that the plant species selected for the landscaping be able to sustain prolonged flowering in order to provide colour for as long as possible through the year.

It was resolved that this matter be held over until the Special Meeting of the Community Board on 15 October 1996, to allow Mrs Anderton time to discuss the proposed plantings in further detail with the landscape architects.


The Board considered for information a tabled update of its Discretionary and Project Funds.

The Board resolved that the information be received.


This clause was placed before the Board by way of a Supplementary Report. The Chairman explained the reasons why this Supplementary Report had not been included in the main order paper for the meeting and why it was important that the report be considered at this meeting and not held over for another meeting.

The Board resolved that the Supplementary Report be received and be considered by the Board.

The report outlined proposed landscaping in front of the Hoon Hay Youth Centre. This landscaping will be installed on land which is designated legal road.

The owner of the Youth Centre building had expressed concern that, if the Hoon Hay Youth Centre were wound up in the future for any reason, insufficient funds might be available to carry out reinstatement work on the legal road. The owner's agents believed that it would be appropriate for the Council to undertake to reinstate this area to its present format and condition should the Hoon Hay Youth Centre for any reason be unable to meet its obligations.

The Board resolved:

1. That the Board undertake to reinstate the proposed development area to its current state at the option of the landlord in the event that the Hoon Hay Youth Centre Inc no longer leases the Centre and is unable to undertake this reinstatement at the end of its term of occupancy.

2. That the Board rescind part (b) of its resolution of 5 March 1996 to now read:

"$10,000 from its 1995/96 Discretionary Fund for both the increased rental and outside development costs, subject to confirmation from the shopping complex owner that these arrangements are acceptable."

3. That the Council reserves the right to reinstate the proposed development area to its current state at any stage at its own discretion.

The meeting concluded at 5.15 pm


(SGD) O T Alpers




At the meeting of the Community Affairs Committee of the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board held on 15 October 1996, Mr Bruce Arnold addressed the Committee on behalf of the District Committee of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust outlining the importance of seeking alternative uses for the Industrial Pavilion in the Addington Showgrounds in order that this interesting heritage building might be saved from demolition.

Mr Arnold advised the Committee that, at a recent Resource Consent hearing, approval for demolition of this building was given but was deferred until after 1 March 1997 to allow any possible alternative uses for this building to be investigated.

Mr Arnold suggested to the Committee that the historic pavilion building could be retained on its existing site in a reserve located at the end of a cul-de-sac which is being put into this subdivision and suggested that the costs of doing this could be met from the reserve contributions that would accrue from the subdivision of this land. Mr Arnold suggested that preservation of the building in this way would add character to the subdivision. Mr Arnold emphasised that it was essential that a use be found for this building if it is to be retained and suggested that perhaps some sort of community role or link with the Addington Oval which is to be retained for use by the Rugby League could be investigated.

Members of the Community Affairs Committee strongly supported the need for this heritage building to be retained and to be retained on its present site if possible.

The Community Affairs Committee resolved that the Committee support the retention of this building preferably on its present site or alternatively on a new site and that the Committee recommend to the Council that a report on this matter be sought by the Council for consideration by the Environmental Committee.

Background papers in support of this proposal are attached.

Recommendation: That the Council seek a report on this matter for consideration by the Environmental Committee.

(SGD) O T Alpers


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