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23. 10. 96



A meeting of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board

was held on 2 October 1996 at 4.30 pm

PRESENT: Anna Crighton (Chairperson), Richard Boulton Heather Brown, David Cox, John Freeman, Charles Manning, Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien, Bob Todd

APOLOGIES: An apology for lateness was received and accepted from John Freeman.

Heather Brown departed the meeting at 7.40pm and was absent for clauses 19 and 21.3.

The Board reports that:




Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager D Rolls, Solicitor, Legal Services Unit
Corporate Plan Output: Customer Services 9.5 text 7  

The purpose of this report is to recommend that the Council revoke a licence which it granted to Mr Lloyd James Bathurst on 1 August 1994 to occupy a motor vehicle garage which encroaches upon Main Road at Redcliffs.

Mr Bathurst is the owner of 44 Kinsey Terrace. It is a residential property on Clifton Hill. It is shown on the map which forms Attachment 1 to this report. The property has one street frontage abutting Kinsey Terrace. From this frontage the property slopes steeply away towards Moncks Bay below. Because of its steepness the property has no on-site garage or drive-on vehicle access.

For at least the last forty years the various owners of 44 Kinsey Terrace have had the use of a single motor vehicle garage situated in Moncks Bay near the foot of Clifton Hill. The garage is close to the Christchurch Yacht Club. A nearby foot track, known as Mulligan's Track, provides pedestrian access from Main Road up to Kinsey Terrace. The garage is recorded as Garage No. 42 in Council records. Garage 42 is shown in photograph one in Attachment 2 to the report.

Approximately two thirds of garage 42 stands on legal road, namely Main Road. The other one third stands on private land, namely 53 Kinsey Terrace.

The various owners of 44 Kinsey Terrace have each held Deeds of Licence from the Council authorising them to occupy that part of Main Road upon which garage 42 partly stands. It is unclear what form of arrangement they had with the owners of 53 Kinsey Terrace in respect of the one third portion of garage 42 which stands on that land. It appears that at least, in recent times, it was an informal arrangement of some kind.

53 Kinsey Terrace is a large residential property approximately 3,500 square metres in area. It is owned by Mr A J & Mrs J V Rogers. It is also shown on the map which forms Appendix 1 to this report. It too, is a steep hillside property. It has two street frontages. At the top of the property a narrow pedestrian entranceway leads out on to Kinsey Terrace. At the foot of the property there is a narrow frontage on to Main Road. There is a small area of flat land on this property adjacent to its Main Road frontage. It is upon this area of flat land, and across this frontage that one third of garage 42 stands. Alongside this garage is another garage known as garage No. 41. It too lies partly upon Main Road and partly upon 53 Kinsey Terrace. It is occupied by the owners of 53 Kinsey Terrace. Together both garages cover almost the entire Main Road frontage of 53 Kinsey Terrace.

44 Kinsey Terrace was bought by Mr Bathurst from a Mrs C G Ritchie in mid 1994. Mr Bathurst holds a Deed of Licence from the Council to occupy garage 42, as did Mrs Ritchie before him.

On 24 May 1994, Mrs Ritchie, while still the owner of 44 Kinsey Terrace, applied to the Council for a licence to construct and occupy a new motor vehicle garage upon the roadway on Kinsey Terrace, adjacent to the street frontage of 44 Kinsey Terrace. The site she applied for is marked on the map which forms Appendix 1 to this report. One of the reasons Mrs Ritchie gave for making that application was that the sale of her property was "conditional upon garaging". The Community Board approved her application 8 June 1994. That approval was notified to her on 11 July 1994. Despite subsequent requests, Mrs Ritchie never signed a Deed of Licence to occupy the road site. Furthermore, she did not construct a garage on that site.

On 1 August 1994, shortly after he purchased 44 Kinsey Terrace, Mr Bathurst was granted a licence by the Council to occupy that part of garage No 42 which stood on Main Road. At the same time the licence held by Mrs Ritchie in respect of this garage was surrendered. Mr Bathurst's licence was issued by the Council's Property Unit in accordance with its usual procedure upon the sale of a property which had the benefit of a structure on a legal road.

On 28 September 1994 Mr Bathurst applied for a building consent to construct a new double garage on the Kinsey Terrace site which had been offered to Mrs Ritchie on 11 July 1994. That building consent was granted and Mr Bathurst subsequently constructed a double garage and parking bay upon Kinsey Terrace. The garage and bay are shown in photograph 2 in Attachment 2 to this report. Mr Bathurst does not hold, nor has he yet applied for, a licence from the Council to occupy the Kinsey Terrace site. He is nevertheless occupying both the garage and the parking bay. He is also still occupying garage 42 on Main Road and for which he holds a licence to occupy from the Council.

On 15 March 1995 Mr & Mrs Rogers, the owners of 53 Kinsey Terrace, applied to the Council for a resource consent to subdivide that property into two residential allotments. Before a second residential unit can be constructed on that site, one additional garage and one additional car park must be provided in accordance with the requirements of the City Plan. Due to lack of space, the Council is unable to provide the Rogers with additional parking or garage facilities on Main Road. Consequently, to help meet the Plan requirements, the Rogers now seek the space, both on their own land and on legal road, upon which garage 42 presently stands.

Despite now having alternative garaging facilities on Kinsey Terrace, Mr Bathurst is refusing to give up possession of garage 42. Consequently, Mr Rogers has served notice on Mr Bathurst requiring him to vacate that part of his land upon which that garage stands. The Council has also asked Mr Bathurst to voluntarily surrender his licence for that garage on the basis that he has now been provided with alternative garaging facilities by the Council on Kinsey Terrace. He has refused this request. He has advised that he requires garage 42 on Main Road for the storage of bicycles for himself and his children. He has requested that in order to preserve his tenure of garage 42, the Council apply to the District Court for an order vesting that part of the Rogers' land upon which the garage stands, in the Council. This is to prevent the Rogers from evicting him from what would otherwise have been their land. He also suggests that, as an alternative, the Council provide additional garaging facilities on Main Road, either for himself or for the Rogers.

Mr Bathurst has been advised that the Council will not be making any application to the District Court as he suggests. He has been advised that it would be quite inappropriate for the Council to do that. The City Streets Unit is of the view that there is insufficient space for further garage sites on Main Road in this vicinity. Mr Bathurst has therefore been advised that further space is unavailable.

It has always been the Council's practice to grant licences to occupy legal road for motor garaging purposes only where the intended licensee is unable to construct a garage on his or her own land because of the terrain, and only then when space permits on the road. Such garaging is only provided for motor vehicle storage. It is not provided for general storage purposes. The Council does not provide more than one garage site per residential allotment. It is also the Council's practice to terminate such licences when the licensee obtains alternative garaging facilities. This usually occurs when the licensee constructs a vehicular ramp on to his or her property. In the past it has not been necessary for the Council to revoke such licences on these grounds, as the licensees have voluntarily surrendered their licences when the alternative facilities have become available.

The City Streets Unit considers that in the interests of fairness, garage No 42 on Main Road should be allocated to Mr & Mrs Rogers now that Mr Bathurst is occupying alternative garage and parking facilities on legal road on Kinsey Terrace adjacent to his own property, and now that he is no longer using garage 42 for the purpose for which the licence was issued, namely the storage of a motor vehicle. Legal road is a limited public resource.

The Unit considers that any area of legal road which is not required for passage should only be made available for private occupation in exceptional circumstances, and only then, allocated in a fair and reasonable manner. It therefore recommends that in view of Mr Bathurst's refusal to voluntarily surrender his licence to occupy that part of Main Road upon which garage 42 stands, that licence now be revoked by the Council.

The decision to revoke the licence is one which must be made by the Council. Although the Council has delegated to the Board the power to grant such licences, it has not delegated to it the power to revoke them.

Revocation of the licence may be made by the Council in accordance with Clause 1 of the licence which provides:

"(1)The permission hereby granted shall be revocable by the Council at any time on six calendar months notice in writing being given to licensee through ordinary course of post or delivered to the licensee personally."

Clause 2 provides:

"(2)Should Council revoke the Licence hereby granted the Licensee at his/her own cost shall immediately remove all of the motor garage from the said road pursuant to the provisions of this Deed and the Licensee at his/her own cost shall restore the area to its original condition. All work to be completed to the satisfaction of the Council's Roading Manager."

Recommendation: That pursuant to clause 1 of the Deed of Licence dated 1 August 1995 the Council revoke that licence in which it permits Mr Lloyd James Bathurst to occupy a motor garage encroaching upon Main Road, Moncks Bay, (known as garage 42) by giving Mr Bathurst six calendar months notice in writing.

(Richard Boulton took no part in the discussion or voting on this matter)


Officer responsible Author
City Design Manager Lester Reilly, Legal Surveyor Design
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation  

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road.

The reason for this road stopping is to stop a portion of Connal Street and amalgamate the land with other land as a local purpose (Esplanade) Reserve.

The road stopping action is to tidy up and legalise the situation as it exists today. It will also restrict any access in the future by first requiring Council approval.

In the Notified City Plan the road is shown `to be stopped'.

City Streets agrees with this proposal.

At times of spring high tides the Heathcote River backs up and the existing formation is flooded thus making the portion of road impassable. The road is not required for access to the adjoining properties. Parcel A on the attached plan has been purchased for a local purpose (Esplanade) Reserve.

Easements will be created to protect any services after the portion of road is legally stopped.


Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319(h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto.

Reason for the Road Stopping

The reason for this road stopping is to legally stop the portion of Connal Street north of Barton Street as shown in the Council's notified City Plan.

Purpose to which the stopped road will be put

The portion of road when stopped will become a local purpose (Esplanade) reserve pursuant to Section 345 (3) Local Government Act 1974 held by the Council together with the adjoining local purpose (Esplanade) Reserve.


Portion of Connal Street being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

Shown Area SO Adjoining Land
B 2314 m2 19662 Pt RS 14 Pt Lot 1 DP 4706

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted.

2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped.

3. That the stopped road be held in the Council's name for local purpose (Esplanade) reserve pursuant to Section 345 (3) of the Local Government Act 1974.

4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken.


Officer responsible Author
Parks Manager Lewis Burn, Property Services Officer 23/7/1
Corporate Plan Output: Parks Consents and Applications - leases  

The purpose of this report is to seek the Council's approval to grant the Heathcote Valley Bowling Club a long term lease of its premises at Heathcote Domain to formally recognise an established and existing recreational use.


The Lyttelton Waterside Council of Sport Bowling Club which was formed in 1960 held a permit under the former Reserves and Domains Act 1953 to occupy part of Heathcote Domain on which is sited the clubhouse, outbuilding and one full sized green. That permit was expressed to expire on 23 August 1993. In 1995 the Club changed its name to the Heathcote Valley Bowling Club and became incorporated under the Friendly Societies Act. Prior to incorporation the Heathcote Women's Bowling Club who have for approximately 50 years been using the bowling facilities situated on the Heathcote Domain, enquired as to their legal right to use the land. This gave rise to the position regarding the Heathcote Bowling Club's tenure to the land and after investigation it was confirmed by the Legal Services Manager that the Club was a monthly tenant of the Council. Discussions have been held with the Club Executive and it has been agreed subject to the approval of the Council and consent of the Minister of Conservation to grant the Club a Deed of Lease of the land which has long been established as the premises of the Bowling Club on this domain. The new lease is to issue to a reconstituted fully integrated Club of which the women players are entitled to full membership. The present membership of the Club is 40 including eight women. Prior to the reconstitution of the Club the women players paid an annual fee to the Club for use of the premises. In addition to the formal club membership some 30 ladies of the "Scope" Bowling Club (an affiliated club) are allowed to use the Heathcote Bowling Club's facilities maximising use of the premises.


In line with adopted practice it is proposed to grant a lease for the maximum term permissible (without subdivision consent) of 19 years. The lease will incorporate the standard terms and conditions for sporting bodies using reserve land.

A rental will be set in accordance with rentals charged to similar organisations occupying reserve land but also having regard to the Club's membership. A site and locality plan of the lease area is attached. Agreement has been reached on a slightly extended boundary which will have no impact on the balance of the reserve. The car park which is also used by other sporting bodies on the Domain will not form part of the Lease.


The former Heathcote County Council did prepare a Management Plan for the domain which acknowledges bowls as a recognised sporting activity on the reserve. It is unclear if this plan is still operative and in order to comply with the provisions of the Reserves Act the intention to grant a lease will be publicly notified before seeking the consent of the Minister of Conservation.


The granting of a Lease will put the Club's occupation on a formal basis and legally acknowledge this long established recreational use of this part of the Domain. The Club is happy to take up a Lease and work in with the Council on boundary definition and fencing issues.

Recommendation: That the Council grant the Heathcote Valley Bowling Club a lease under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977 of its established premises at Heathcote Domain for a term not exceeding 19 years subject to:

1. The proposed lease being publicly notified and the consent of the Minister of Conservation being obtained.

2. The Club meeting the costs incurred by the Council in preparing and issuing the lease.

4. sale of part of panorama road reservoir site RR 3694

Officer responsible Author
Water Supply Manager Property Services Officer, Bill Morgan
Corporate Plan Output: Water Services Capital Outputs - Net Asset (Fixed Asset)  

The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the disposal of part of the Panorama Road Reservoir site.


The Council has been approached by the owners of 151 Panorama Road to acquire part of the adjoining reservoir site which lies to the west of their property. The owners are contemplating subdividing their property to provide a front and rear lot with access being provided along the western boundary adjoining the reservoir site. To allow easier access and to make the proposed driveway less steep, the owners have applied to acquire 14m2 of the Council's site as depicted on the attached plan. The sale of the land will not detrimentally affect the Council property which contains an area of 1191m2 and is sufficient for our future requirements. The Water Supply Manager has no objection to the area being sold.

The financial details of the transaction are included within the Public Excluded section of this report.

To effect the disposal it will be necessary for the Council to adopt the following resolution pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974.


Pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974 the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to dispose of the land described in the following Schedule.


All that parcel of land containing 14m2 or thereabouts being part Lot 68 Deposited Plan 2622 and part of the land comprised in Certificate of Title 13A/1279.

Recommendation: That the Council adopt the above resolution.



It was resolved that the report of the Special Meetings of 29 August and 20 September 1996 and the Ordinary Meeting of 4 September, both Open and Public Excluded, be confirmed as true and correct records of those meetings subject to the following amendment:

That Clause 7.3 "Project Proposals", of the 29 August report be amended to include reference to Aaron O'Brien declaring an interest in "London Street - Traffic Calming project" and taking no part in the discussion.



Mrs D Taylor of 3 Sumnervale Drive expressed her concern to the Board at the odour emanating from the Sumner Relief Drain, as well as the increased numbers of flies and midges. The Community Manager, Stephen Phillips, advised that he had spoken to the Water Services Unit and they were currently investigating possible remedial works.

The Board resolved to seek a report from the Water Services Unit which would include any action taken to date, the efficacy of the newly installed gates, and the future plans for the removal of accumulated material within the piped portion of the drain. This report is also to include costings for the clearing of the drain as well as costings for the covering, either temporary or permanent, of the unpiped portion of the drain adjacent to Mrs Taylor's property.


6.2.1 Mr L J Bathurst of 44 Kinsey Terrace spoke to the Board and expressed his concern at the possible loss of garage no 42 which he currently occupies and which is located at the foot of Clifton Hill. Clause 1 refers.

6.2.2 Mr P C Champion of White Fox and Jones spoke on behalf of both Mr and Mrs A J Rogers (as the present registered proprietors of the property at 53 Kinsey Terrace) and Mr D W Robinson and Mr B L and Mrs S A Ansley (as the intended purchasers of part of that property). Mr Champion advised the Board that the garage in question was partially on land owned by his clients and he was supporting Council's proposal to terminate the licence.


Andrew Wylie, an ardent supporter of skateboarding addressed the Board on his support for the proposed installation of skateboarding facilities at Washington Reserve. Mr Wylie had assisted in the design of the Waltham skateboard and he advised of its extreme popularity.


A request was received from Jenny Smith of Te Whare Roimata requesting financial support in order to complete the recording of oral histories of inner city residents. Members requested that once the oral history had been completed that a presentation be made to the Community Board.

The Board resolved to allocate $2,000 of its Discretionary Funding to the Te Whare Roimata's Oral History Project subject to confirmation that no other sources of funds are available.



As a result of a request from an adjoining resident members were asked to consider the stopping of legal road on the corner of Robson Avenue and Avonside Drive.

Officers advised that if the Board approved the road stopping in principle a further report would be submitted once the final plans were lodged with the Chief Surveyor.

It was resolved:

1. That the road stopping procedures to stop the portions of road on the north and south corner of the Robson Avenue west/Avonside Drive intersection, be commenced.

2. That the land be sold to the adjoining owners when requested at valuation in accordance with Section 345 of the Local Government Act 1974.


The Assistant Area Traffic Engineer, Lorraine Wilmshurst, provided members with a report outlining the status of the Heathcote Community Plan. She advised that this plan was first developed in 1989 and there was now a need to review the document in order to produce Local Area Traffic Management Scheme (LATMS) for the Heathcote Valley area. She advised that the LATMS would use the Heathcote Valley Community Plan as its starting point.

The Board resolved:

1. That the information be received.

2. That a LATMS be prepared for the Heathcote area using the Heathcote Valley Community Plan as a starting point.


A report seeking approval to the Scheme Plan for traffic restraints in Cowlishaw Street was presented. The Assistant Area Traffic Engineer, Lorraine Wilmshurst, advised that the works which had previously been programmed for 1995/96 had been carried over to the 1996/97 financial year. As a result of this and the changes made as a result of public consultation, the total cost for the work is now $310,000. The budgeted amount is $200,000 and unless additional funds could be obtained the works would not proceed this financial year.

The Board resolved:

1. That the scheme plan for traffic restraints for Cowlishaw Street be approved.

2. That the matter be referred to the City Services Committee requesting consideration of additional funding.


The Board considered a report from the Assistant Area Traffic Engineer, Lorraine Wilmshurst, requesting it to consider the substitution of the work programme for one section of Olliviers Road in this financial year with the work schedule for the next section of Olliviers Road in the following year. By swapping the two projects for Olliviers Road it allowed the existing work to be linked up. It will also mean that traffic concerns associated with the intersection at Wellington/Bordesley/Buccleugh Streets and Olliviers Road could be dealt with.

The Board resolved to recommend to the City Services Committee that the work scheduled in the 1996/97 and 1997/98 budget for Olliviers Road be substituted with the work programmed in Olliviers Road for 1997/98 and 1998/99.


Members were advised of a proposal to hold a community day to celebrate the extensions of the Radley Playground. The event would include food, entertainment and activities for the local community.

Whilst discussing the issue some concern was expressed that there was confusion in having Radley Park and Radley Playground so named, but in separate locations. Officers undertook to investigate the possible renaming of Radley Playground and to report back to a future meeting.

The Board resolved to approve the programme as outlined to commemorate the extension to Radley Playground.


At the request of the Board a report was presented on possible car parking options at the historic Cob Cottage site at Scott Reserve.

The Area Parks Officer's report included possible options but suggested that the issues rather than being addressed in isolation, should be incorporated into the study which is evaluating the long term solutions to traffic problems in the area.

The Board resolved that a copy of the Area Parks Officer's report be forwarded to the parties undertaking the evaluation of the long term solutions to the traffic problems in the area so that the suggestions made can be considered.


A report was presented on a proposal to defer the installation of lighting in Woodham Park and instead re-allocate the funds to the continuation of pathway lighting in Linwood Park, specifically from Aldwins Road to Linwood Avenue.

The Board resolved:

1. That the proposal to light the pathway at Woodham Park be abandoned.

2. That the funds set aside for Neighbourhood Park lighting in 1996/97 be used for Linwood Park.


Members considered a report on a proposal to develop a skating facility at Washington Reserve.

The concept included a skating area for both street and trick skating, an open grassed area for informal games, play area and a seating and picnic area.

The plan for the skating facility had been carried out following consultation from recreational skaters and commercial operators.

When discussing the proposal members agreed that the proposal was exciting and timely but suggested that a more appropriate name for the facility should be considered.

It was resolved:

1. That the proposal for developing a skating facility (stage 1) at Washington Reserve be approved for public consultation in accordance with the submitted plan.

2. That the report be forwarded to the Community Services Committee for its input.

3. That the Parks Unit be requested to report to the November meeting on the possible renaming of Washington Reserve.


A report of the Hereford Street Playground Sub-committee was tabled at the meeting.

The Sub-Committee comprising, Anna Crighton, Bob Todd, Liz McRostie and Aaron O'Brien had met with staff on 27 September to discuss future options for the practice cricket wicket at Hereford Street Playground.

The Board resolved to adopt the following recommendations of the Sub-Committee.

1. That the cricket cage be removed and the present surface remain.

2. That a netball hoop and a basketball hoop, with a backing board, be erected and that John Allen investigate the painting of games on the astro-turf.

3. That the Recreation Co-Ordinator investigate the recreation needs of children in this area.

4. That $2,300 of Discretionary Funds be allocated to complete the above works.


The Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board sought the Board's support in a city wide campaign to promote the use of dry wood for domestic fires.

The Board resolved to participate in a joint city-wide campaign and further that the Agenda 21 Working Party arrange to meet with the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Affairs Committee to discuss its proposals.


The Community Manager advised that the Summit Road Society had written to the Canterbury Regional Council expressing concern at the spread of Salt Bush on the Port Hills requesting that it be classified as a noxious plant.

The Board resolved:

1. To support the approach that the Summit Road Society has made and request that the Canterbury Regional Council upgrade the classification of Salt Bush.

2. To request to the Environmental Committee that the upgrading be supported.

3. To write to both Selwyn and Banks Peninsula District Councils expressing concern at the spread of the Salt Bush and requesting their support.


The report of the combined meeting held on 23 September was presented and Aaron O'Brien spoke to it.

The Board agreed not to include Agenda 21 as a topic of discussion at the November elected members seminar and resolved:

1. That a combined forum involving schools, residents' groups and garden clubs, be arranged to discuss practical Agenda 21 projects in the Hagley/Ferrymead-Burwood/Pegasus area.

2. That the Hagley/Ferrymead and Burwood/Pegasus Community Boards support the continuation of the Agenda 21 Community Liaison Officer through a submission for funding in the Annual Plan.

3. That both Boards lobby the support of all Christchurch Community Boards in recommendation 2 above.

(Richard Boulton and David Cox wished to have their vote against Parts 2 and 3 of the resolution recorded).


Board members interested in making submissions on the Liquor Review 1996 met on 30 September. These submissions formulated by Heather Brown, Liz McRostie, Charles Manning and Bob Todd were tabled at the meeting for the Boards consideration.

The Board resolved to receive the submission of the four Board members and further that it stand as their submission and be referred to the Environmental Committee.



John Allen advised members of possible changes to the format of the Community Pride Garden Awards.

The Street and Gardens Awards Committee, which comprises elected members, Beautifying Association members and Council officers are currently reviewing the processes and will report back to the Board with any major changes.


Members were provided with a report from the Water Services Unit of a new initiative for the management of litter in waterways.

A suggestion was made as to the possibility of locating the floating litter traps under bridges in order to camouflage their unsightliness and staff undertook to follow this up.


When the Board previously considered a report on the Children's Strategy a request was made for officers to look at ideas for planting in streets that were not suitable for berm tree planting. A report back from Peter Kensington, Environmental Policy and Planning Unit, detailed an innovative idea for street planting. Members were advised that staff were now identifying streets in the Avonside, Phillipstown and Linwood areas that would benefit from such planting and would report back to the Board.

A request was made to identify streets in the Ferrymead area also.


21.4.1 DOG PARK

Stephen Phillips advised that a comprehensive report on the establishment of a dog park would be presented to the November meeting of the Board.


Members were advised of the proposed seminar scheduled for 2 November 1996. The Community Managers, Fendalton and Linwood, are preparing the programme.


Provided for information was a schedule detailing the disbursement of the Board's Discretionary Funds.


Members were advised that the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit were currently investigating possible enhancement programmes for central city one way streets.


It was resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public as set out in Clause 26 of the Agenda be adopted.

The meeting closed at 8.10 pm




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