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23. 10. 96



A special meeting of the City Services Committee

was held on Friday 27 September 1996 at 12 noon

PRESENT: Councillor Denis O'Rourke (Chairman), The Mayor, Ms Vicki Buck, Councillors Carole Anderton, David Buist, David Close, Graham Condon, Ian Howell, Garry Moore and Ron Wright.

ABSENT: Councillor Gordon Freeman.

Councillor Ron Wright arrived at 1.15 pm.

The Mayor retired at 1.00 pm.

Councillor David Close retired at 1.30 pm.

Councillor David Buist retired at 1.45 pm.

The Committee reports that:



The City Streets Manager reported as follows to the 13 August meeting of the City Services Committee:

The cycle strategy development process began in August 1994, with the intention of developing a document which would guide the City Council's cycle planning activities. A consultation group, the Cycle Steering Group was formed to develop the strategy, and comprised cyclists, cycle activists, vehicular road users and council staff.

A draft was completed and put out for public submissions in May 1995. Amendments were made, based on these submissions, earlier this year. The steering group met in early July to recommend a few final amendments.

The Strategy broadly covers issues relevant to cycling, and the benefits a larger cycling population can bring to the city. It derives some specific recommendations relating to cycle network enhancement, co-ordination of concerned agencies, education and advocacy, and funding. It further sets a series of targets, and supports priorities attached to implementing the

recommendations. It is these recommended priorities which indicate the direction in which cycle network planning (mentioned above) should proceed.

As it stands, the Strategy represents an excellent first step toward developing a coherent, and cyclist supported approach to cycle network planning. The next step in the process is turning these recommendations and targets into action.


The Cycle Steering Group was primarily established to assist in the production of the Cycle Strategy for Christchurch. Now that that role is essentially complete, the group considered its role for the future. The group determined that it would like to retain its existing composition, and act in a cycle advocacy role to the Council's cycle planning activities. However, the forum through which liaison and consultation on cycle planning can most effectively occur needs some consideration with the cycle strategy now essentially complete, and cycle planning focusing on specific design issues. A review of possible approaches to consultation, and the type of groups involved will be prepared for the next City Services Meeting.

However, as an example of its advocacy role, the Steering Group developed a response to the proposed speed limit changes for Christchurch. The group requested this submission be included in this report. It has also been forwarded to the co-ordinator of responses to the speed limit programme.

At its August meeting the Committee resolved that a special meeting of the Committee be held for a briefing on the Cycle Strategy document and to consider:

Strategy document.


A special meeting of the Committee was held on 27 September 1996 for the above purpose.

Members of the Cycle Steering Group and the Cycle Planning Officer gave a series of comprehensive presentations covering the following points:

The Committee endorsed the strategy and resolved to refer it to the Council for ratification. The final draft has been separately circulated to Councillors.

The Committee also addressed the question of monitoring both the implementation of the strategy and the expenditure of the cycleway budget and recommends that the following mechanisms be put in place for doing this:

An action plan detailing, on an annual basis, how the funding is to be spent.

Monthly reports to the City Services Committee.


The Committee in acknowledging the pivotal role played by the Cycle Steering Group in formulating the strategy agreed that the group should be retained as an advisory group to the Council.

The Committee has requested staff to report back on the future role and proposed membership of the Cycle Steering Group.

Recommendation: 1. That the Cycle Strategy for Christchurch City be adopted.

2. That the Cycle Steering Group be formally thanked for its role in the formulation of the strategy.

3. That the staff report back to the City Services Committee on the future role and composition of the Cycle Steering Group.

4. That the Cycle Steering Action Plan be submitted to the City Services Committee in due course.

5. That monthly monitoring reports be submitted to the City Services Committee.

6. That the six Community Boards be advised of the Cycle Strategy and the foregoing recommendations.

The meeting concluded at 2.10 pm.



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