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22. 5. 96


9 MAY 1996

A meeting of the Projects and Property Committee

was held on Thursday 9 May 1996 at 4.00 p.m., adjourned at 6.55 p.m. and reconvened at 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday 15 May 1996

PRESENT: Councillor Ron Wright (Chairman),

(9.5.96) Councillors Carole Anderton, Carole Evans,

Morgan Fahey, Ian Howell, Alister James

and Denis O'Rourke. IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors David Buist and David Close.


APOLOGIES: Apologies were received and accepted from the

(9.5.96) Mayor and Councillors Oscar Alpers and

Ishwar Ganda. Councillor James arrived at 4.15 p.m. and was

present for all clauses except clause 1.1. (Note: The business dealt with at the reconvened meeting on 15 May 1996 is referred to in the public excluded section of the Committee's report.) The Committee reports that: PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE COMMITTEE AND


1. PROGRESS REPORTS ON MAJOR PROJECTS The Committee received progress reports on the following projects: 1.1 Christchurch Sport and Entertainment Centre

1.2 Christchurch Convention Centre

1.3 Christchurch Pier - Stage 1

1.4 Central Library Upgrade The Committee also resolved that a progress report be submitted to the next meeting on fundraising by the Pier Promotion Trust.

2. NEW BRIGHTON BEACH PARK LANDSCAPE CONCEPT RR 2696 The Parks Management Planning Officer presented a draft New Brighton beach park landscape concept plan, advising that public comment on the draft plan would be sought until the end of May, following which a revised master plan would be prepared and publicly advertised later in the year. The Committee received the information.

3. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC The Committee resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 12 of the agenda be adopted. CONSIDERED THIS 22ND DAY OF MAY 1996


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