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22. 5. 96


23 APRIL 1996

A special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee

was held on Tuesday 23 April 1996 at 2.00 p.m.

to consider the Pools Enhancement Programme

PRESENT: Councillor Gordon Freeman (Chairman),

The Mayor,

Councillors Carole Anderton, Graham Berry,

David Buist, Graham Condon, David Cox,

Ishwar Ganda and Gail Sheriff. IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors David Close, Carole Evans,

Denis O'Rourke and Ron Wright.

Note: This report was included in the Agenda for the 30 April 1996 Council

meeting but was not considered by the Council at that meeting.



Details of this project are contained on pages 23 to 28 of the report on the pools enhancement programme which was circulated to Councillors with the agenda for the 23 April meeting of the Committee. The projected costs for this pool are as follows: Base costs calculated on the m2 construction cost rate

of Centennial Pool, i.e. $2,213 x 1,563 m2 equals $3,457,356 Relocate roadway 60,000 Excavation/refill/compaction (two metre requirement) 144,000


Estimated Total Cost Pool Development $3,661,356

======= The Committee supported the general concept detailed in the report and recommends that the development be approved in principle in accordance with the development programme proposed to enable a detailed scheme to be prepared for the Council's approval. Recommendation: That the development of the Pioneer Pool be approved in principle as per the development programme proposed. 2. QEII WAVE POOL Details of this project are contained on pages 31 to 33 of the staff report. The projected costs of the development are as follows: Base costs calculated on the m2 construction cost rate

of Centennial Pool, i.e. $2,213 x 1,409 m2 equals $3,118,117 Change room additions 575,380



======= The Committee endorsed the proposal to develop a wave pool within the QEII pool complex but agreed that the change room additions were not a priority. The Financial Planning Manager advises: 1. The QEII Pool project is currently programmed for 1997/98, 1998/99 and 1999/2000. It has been assumed that the changing rooms would be altered in 1999/2000. 2. That the effect of deleting the changing room additions from the QEII Pool project would be as follows: * Borrowing would be reduced by $575,380 in 1999/2000. * The savings in 1999/2000 would be $22,000 and in 2000/01 and subsequent years would be $83,000 p.a. * The 1999/2000 rate increase is projected to be 3.32%. The deletion of the changing rooms would lower this to 3.30%. Recommendation: That the development of the Queen Elizabeth II Park wave pool be approved in line with the development programme proposed, minus the change room additions. PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE COMMITTEE AND


3. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT Mr Jonathan Gillard and Mr David Brocherie outlined their concerns regarding the redevelopment proposal for the Centennial Pool site and presented an alternative scheme for the Committee's consideration. The deputation recommended that the developers be requested to review the location of the residential apartments and that the Council require them to be incorporated within the commercial development.

4. CENTENNIAL POOL Four options were presented to the Committee for the redevelopment of the Centennial Pool site and these are detailed on pages 6 to 20 of the staff report. After considering the presentations from the developers and staff, the Committee concluded that option 2 most nearly met the Council's requirements for the redevelopment of the site. In general terms the Committee was happy with the pool complex and associated facilities and the concept of undertaking a commercial development over the car park on the Armagh Street frontage of the site. It will be noted from the concept plan that a residential development is proposed for part of the Oxford Terrace frontage of the site and reservations were expressed regarding this element of the scheme on two counts: 1. The visual link between the open space and the river would be lost. 2. The open space would be locked between two large buildings. The developer's representatives, while indicating their willingness to prepare an alternative scheme to meet these concerns, pointed out that the changes sought could impact adversely on the final cost of the development. The Committee resolved that Mainzeal be requested to refine the redevelopment proposal for the Centennial Pool to take account of the concerns raised at the meeting and to report back to the Committee in one month's time. Note: At its Annual Plan meeting on 30 April 1996 the Council resolved: 1. That the Council finalise designs for the Centennial Pool redevelopment in time for start date of 1 July 1996 for redevelopment of the new pool. 2. That the provision of $233,000 in the draft 1996/97 annual plan for the operational deficit be deleted.

5. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC It was resolved that the resolution contained on page 2 of the agenda be adopted.



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