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22. 5. 96


1 MAY 1996

A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board

was held at Sockburn Service Centre

on Wednesday 1 May 1996 at 5.00pm

PRESENT David Buist (Chairperson), Graham Berry,

Helen Broughton, Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda,

Lesley Keast, Mark Kunnen, Mike Mora

and Bob Shearing. APOLOGY An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Mark Kunnen. Mark Kunnen arrived at 5.10pm and departed at 7.20pm and was present for all clauses except clause 1 and 12. Graham Berry departed at 7.20pm and was present for all clauses except clause 12.






The Board resolved that the reports of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board meetings held on 1 April 1996 (both open and public excluded) and 17 April 1996 (open only - the public exclusion section being included in this Board report) be confirmed.



The Board was in receipt of a petition from 55 persons who resided in Konini and Hinau Streets, Riccarton. The prayer of the petition requested the closure of Konini Street at its south end, thereby eliminating its intersection with Riccarton Road. Mr Catton, organiser and spokesperson for the petition, addressed the Board. Konini Street was carrying traffic, as part of a short-cut route between Riccarton and Clyde Roads. Also, students from the University of Canterbury were using Konini Street for all day parking. Mr Catton observed dangerous driving practices also. It was noted, in discussion, that Totara Street (which dissected Konini Street) was programmed for major reconstruction; the possibility for some threshold work for Konini Street could be investigated to coincide with the reconstruction. The procedure for complete road closure was discussed, as were the policy requirements for threshold treatment, ie safety, neighbourhood improvement plan works. The Board, in thanking Mr Catton for his attendance resolved to receive the Konini Street petition and seek a full report to the June meeting of the Board. The report is to include vehicle movement statistics, and the `flow-on' effects on adjoining streets that a closure of Konini Street at Riccarton Road may have.


SPARKS ROAD INTERSECTION PETITION At the 1 April 1996 meeting the board was in receipt of a petition from 51 persons. The petition requested: "...Council to take prompt action to alleviate the danger (caused by excessive speeds) of the sharp bend at the above intersection." On behalf of the petitioners, Mrs R Farmer and Mr M Drury were in attendance. By resolution the Board sought, for today's meeting: "...a cost benefit analysis of the work at the Sparks/Sutherland/Milnes Roads intersection to -

(i) increase the radius of the bend

(ii) include the option of a roundabout In his report the Area Traffic Engineer advised that a brief analysis had been carried out and the results indicated that a value of 12.5 for the bend realignment and 2.5 for the for the roundabout. In a more detailed analysis which would take into account travel, time and vehicle delays, the value for the bend realignment would be greater and that for the roundabout considerably lower. The present cut-off to receive Transit funding is that the benefit/cost ratio must exceed five. The realignment of the bend has been proposed to be included in the Council's Safety Works Programme for 1997/98. Mrs Farmer and Mr Drury reaffirmed the concerns relating to high speed traffic if the realignment was to proceed. The inclusion of right turn bays on Sparks Road were sought. The Board resolved to support the Sparks Road intersection safety works and urges the Council to prioritise this work into the 1996/97 year, by way of substitution if possible. The Board further resolved that the speed limit on Sparks Road be reduced from 100 kph to 80 kph, as proposed by the Speed Limit Review Technical Advice Team.

2.3 MS J MOUAT - SHANDS CRESCENT RESERVE DEVELOPMENT Via supplementary request, the Board resolved to allow Ms Mouat speaking rights to address the Board on its 12 December resolution to proceed with the development of a playground in the Shands Crescent Reserve. Ms Mouat sought a meeting with the Board to present further information, by way of a petition, opposing the siting of the playground in Shands Crescent Reserve; also, that the installation work be stopped until the matter had been further discussed and resolved. In addressing the Board Ms Mouat expressed her disappointment that the installation work had commenced when she was of the view that, in her discussion with elected members and officers, the work would not proceed until her petition/information was received by the Board. The prayer of the petition stated: "We the undersigned residents of the Riccarton area are opposed to the placement of children's play equipment in the Shand Crescent Reserve, on the grounds of safety and the destruction of a beautiful green, scenic, peaceful environment. We would like the play equipment (for 2-12 year olds) to be erected in the Paeroa Reserve near the Plunket so that the 100 plus families that attend the Plunket throughout the year and the children of the area can use it safely. We would like the area to be developed along the lines of Cameron Reserve, Waltham." Much discussion followed the presentation by Ms Mouat. Helen Broughton moved (i) That a halt be made to further installation and work of playground equipment on the Shands Road Reserve (that does not affect health and safety). (ii) That a further Board meeting be held with community representatives to discuss the issues raised by the petitioners. The motion was seconded by Graham Berry and when put to the meeting was declared carried by a show of hands, 5 votes to 4 votes.


A petition has been received with 97 signatories representing 77% of the 64 properties in Lochee Road. The petition included 15 other signatories from other streets in close proximity to Lochee Road. The petition stated: "We are concerned about cars travelling at high speed in our street and ask the Council to consider the installation of speed humps as a deterrent." The Area Traffic Engineer reported that Lochee Road is classified as a local residential access street and runs between Wharenui Road and Middleton Road. It has a carriageway width of some eight metres. Extensive parking restrictions are in place along the whole length of the street. These parking restrictions have originated as a result of activities on the Middleton Park and the football club rooms. In recent times the football club has amalgamated with two other clubs and the traffic activities in the street have increased. At the present time the installation of devices to slow traffic falls outside the Council normal policy. There is no traffic management plan, there are no works proposed for the street, and the number of accidents in the street (three in the last five years) is insufficient to justify these works alone. Nevertheless, the street does have a number of unique problems which are not common with other streets and it is proposed to carry out further investigations to see if a special case can be made. This investigation will include parking problems, seven day traffic counts, speed checks and detailed accident analysis. The Board resolved to receive the petition from the residents of Lochee Road and requested a report for consideration at the June meeting. 4. STEADMAN ROAD, PROPOSED TREATMENT AT CARMEN, MASHAM ROADS At the April meeting of the board funds had been provided for the provision of a median island on Carmen Road to prevent right turns in and out of Steadman Road following a deputation to the March meeting of the Board. The Area Traffic Engineer submitted a plan which eliminated the need for a median island by an extension of the kerb on the western side of Steadman Road. This was the safest option to control, by elimination, right turns in and out of Steadman Road as well as left turns into Steadman Road. The Board resolved to approve the plan for circulation and public consultation. 5. PORT HILLS PARK TRUST BOARD

The Secretary of the Port Hills Park Trust Board had written to the Board seeking support for the Council to undertake ongoing land purchase on the Port Hills. The Board resolved to give its support to the request of the Trust Board. 6. CHILDREN'S STRATEGY STUDY 1995

At its 1 April 1996 meeting the Board established a Working Party to consider the Children's Strategy Study report. Ms Lyn Campbell, Children's Advocate, attended a meeting of the Working Party and then reported directly to the Board. The Working Party will be meeting on a regular basis to address community issues that impact upon children. 7. COMMUNITY BOARD MEMBER LIAISON WITH RESIDENT GROUPS The Board resolved to continue the practise of appointing members to act in a liaison capacity with recognised resident groups. A newly formed group, Wigram Residents Association, with its catchment being Main South/Amyes and Springs Roads, received Board confirmation also. The approved schedule is:

Deans Avenue Precinct Society M Kunnen M Mora

Halswell Residents Association B Shearing I Ganda

Islington Residents Association M Mora B Shearing

Kennedys Bush Neighbourhood Association I Ganda M Corbett

Riccarton Park Residents Association M Mora H Broughton

SDZ7 Committee D Buist M Kunnen

Templeton Residents Association M Mora M Corbett

Westmorland Residents Association L Keast M Corbett

Wigram/Halswell Rural District Residents Group M Mora

Yaldhurst District Association B Shearing I Ganda

Yaldhurst Rural Residents Association B Shearing

Wigram Residents M Mora I Ganda On a "point of order" the Chairperson requested Mr Mora to withdraw a comment made to another Board member which the Chairperson ruled could have caused offence to that member. Mr Mora duly withdrew the comment. The Board further resolved to increase resident group seeding grants to $350, and to set aside $1,000 from its 1996/97 Discretionary Fund for new group seeding grants. 8. CAPITAL PROJECTS - PROGRESS UPDATE The Board received, by resolution, an extensive report on capital projects within the two wards, from information supplied by Waste Management, Property, Parks and City Streets Units.

9. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public, as set out on page 14 of the agenda, be adopted.



D N Buist


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