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22. 5. 96



A meeting of the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board

was held on Wednesday 1 May 1996 at 5.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Anna Crighton (Chairperson), Richard Boulton

Heather Brown, David Cox, John Freeman,

Charles Manning, Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien,

Bob Todd APOLOGIES: NilThe Board reports that:



Map Reference:K17

Officer responsible                 Author                           
Design Services Manager             Lester Reilly, Registered        
Corporate Plan Output:  Roading Budget - Land Legalisation             

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to declare a portion of road as a Limited Access Road. Dyers Road between Ferry Road and Breezes Road is shown in the notified City Plan as being a Limited Access Road. The portion of land south of Linwood Avenue is being subdivided at the present time and all new allotments are to have access internally to a legal road. It is now appropriate to start proceedings to declare that portion of Dyers Road adjoining as a Limited Access Road. The following resolution should be adopted to commence the special order proceedings necessary to change the status of this section of Dyers Road: (a) That the Christchurch City Council, being the local authority having control of the roads in the City of Christchurch, thereby resolves by way of special order and pursuant to the provisions of Section 346 of the Local Government Act 1974 to declare that part Dyers Road, South East Side-South West of Linwood Avenue to be a limited access road, as more particularly shown on Plan D7020 Sheet 2 and the accompanying schedule (attached).

(b) That the Council Secretary be authorised to give public notice that the foregoing resolution will be submitted to an ordinary meeting of the Council to be held on Wednesday 22 May 1996 for confirmation by way of special order.

Recommendation: That Council adopt the above resolution. 2. PROPOSED LIMITED ACCESS ROAD RR 2504


Map Reference: G14

Officer responsible                    Author                       
Design Services Manager                Lester Reilly, Registered    
Corporate Plan Output:  Roading Budget - Land Legalisation             

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to declare a portion of road as a Limited Access Road. Avonside Drive between Fitzgerald and Linwood Avenue is shown in the proposed City Plan as being a Limited Access Road. The portion between Fitzgerald and Hanmer Street was declared as such in August of last year. As all the properties fronting the section of Avonside Drive between Hanmer Street and Linwood Avenue are now provided with rear access, (except one), it is appropriate to start proceedings to declare that portion of Avonside Drive as a Limited Access Road. The following resolution should be adopted to commence the special order proceedings necessary to change the status of this section of Avonside Drive: (a) That the Christchurch City Council, being the local authority having control of the roads in the City of Christchurch, thereby resolves by way of special order and pursuant to the provisions of Section 346 of the Local Government Act 1974 to declare that part of Avonside Drive between Hanmer Street and Linwood Avenue to be a limited access road, as more particularly shown on Plan D4866 Sheet 2 and the accompanying schedule (attached).

(b) That the Council Secretary be authorised to give public notice that the foregoing resolution will be submitted to an ordinary meeting of the Council to be held on Wednesday 22 May 1996 for confirmation by way of special order.

Recommendation: That Council adopt the above resolution.


RR 2668

Officer responsible                    Author                         
Property Manager                       Dave Falls, Property           
                                       Services Officer 9/25/8        
Corporate Plan Output:  Roading Unit Capital Outputs - Net Assets       
(Fixed Assets)                                                          

The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the disposal of two residential flats that are surplus to the Council's requirements following the realignment of Whitmore Street between Bealey Avenue and Avalon Street. Background

The properties at 34 Whitmore Street are now surplus to the Roading Unit's requirements, the necessary road widening having been severed from the titles. In accordance with pre-disposal procedures, other business units and the Community Boards have considered alternative uses or other requirements but no other Unit of the Council has expressed any interest in retaining the properties. Details of the properties are as follows: Legal Description: Two undivided 1/4 shares in Part Lot 2 DP 33975 contained in Composite Certificates of Title 31A/372 and 31A/375. Area: Two 1/4 undivided shares in 913m2. Zone: Living 3 Valuation: Government Valuation as at 1 September 1995. Flat 1

C.V. $53,000

L.V. $23,000

V.I.` $30,000 Flat 4

C.V. $55,000

L.V. $23,000

V.I. $32,000 The principle improvements comprise two 68m2 50 year old timber framed flats clad in hardiplank with corrugated asbestos roofs. Accommodation is provided by two bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and lounge and the normal domestic amenities. Other improvements include reasonable landscaping and adequate drive, footpaths and fencing with flat 4 having the added improvement of a single timber framed garage. Disposal

In accordance with Section 40 of the Public Works Act 1981 the Council must first offer to sell the properties to the owners from whom they were acquired at the current market value as determined by a valuation carried out by a registered valuer. If the previous owners do not take up the offer to purchase, the properties will then be available for public sale, and to effect the disposal, it will be necessary for the Council to adopt the following resolution pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974. Resolution

Pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974 the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to dispose of the land described in the following Schedule. Schedule

Two undivided 1/4 shares in all that parcel of land containing 913m2 or thereabouts being Part Lot 2 DP 33975 contained in Part Composite Certificates of Title 31A/372, 31A/374. Recommendation: 1. That if the previous owners fail to take up the offer re purchase within the time prescribed in the Public Works Act the above resolution pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974 be adopted and the properties be offered for sale by public tender at a price not less than the current market value figure applied to the offers back. 2. That if a satisfactory tender price is not obtained, the property be listed and sold through a licensed Real Estate Agent at not less than the above minimum price.


Officer responsible                    Author                           
Environmental Policy and Planning      Peter Kensington, Landscape      
Manager                                Architect                        
Corporate Plan Output: Environmental Improvement Plans                     

The purpose of this report is to request that Council approve the finalised Gilby NIP. 1.0 BACKGROUND

The Draft Gilby Neighbourhood Improvement Plan was adopted by the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board at its meeting in February 1995, and it was subsequently made available for public comment. Following this public consultation, and after the amendments were made to the NIP, the final version of the Gilby NIP was presented to the 3 May 1995 Board meeting. It was resolved at that meeting:

"that before the Draft Gilby Neighbourhood Improvement Plan is approved by the Board and referred to Council, the finalised development plan for Beverley Park is to be incorporated".


The Gilby Neighbourhood Improvement Plan now includes the final plan for Beverley Park, as shown in Attachment E of the NIP. The NIP has also been updated to include reference to the proposed Christchurch City Plan, which was publicly notified in June 1995. 3.0 MAIN PROPOSALS

The main proposals put forward in the Gilby NIP are detailed in Section 6.0 of the NIP. In summary, they are: Design guidelines for improving private properties. These include suggestions relating to the use of appropriate materials and colours, suitable boundary treatment and advice on planting. Creating pedestrian linkages between public open spaces, community facilities, historic buildings and the river bank. Some of these could be developed as an heritage walk, particularly the route from the Holy Trinity Church to `Englefield'. The introduction of traffic calming measures at strategic locations to reduce the speed of traffic in local roads and to help define the boundary of the study area. The introduction of new street trees and grass berms, where possible, as old kerb and channels are replaced and roads reconstructed. Improvements to Beverley Park including additional play equipment, lighting and planting. Co-ordination of the planting and proposed works along the Avon river bank as well as improving linkages with the Gilby area. To investigate the possibility of establishing a `community cottage' or other communal venue for residents in order to foster a sense of community in the area. 4.0 APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE FINAL NIP

If adopted by the Council, the Gilby NIP can then form the basis for work to be implemented as funds become available, following consultation with the appropriate Unit Managers. Recommendations: That Council approve the Gilby Neighbourhood Improvement Plan PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE BOARD AND REPORTED FOR INFORMATION ONLY


It was resolved that the report of 2 April 1996 both Open and Public Excluded be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.


At the Special Budget Meeting of 14 March 1996 members had requested a further report to be submitted detailing the costs involved for the relocation of the Linwood Community Creche. The Board had previously allocated $30,000 of its 1996/97 Project Funds and this was to be reconsidered once more detailed costings were received. The Board resolved:

1) To confirm up to $30,000 allocation for funding the equipment for the Linwood Community Creche from it's 1996/97 Project Funding subject to the Property Unit submitting details of actual costs of whiteware, internal equipment and outside equipment once tender prices are obtained and prior to purchase. 2) That the provision of post and rail fencing and floor coverings be the responsibility of the Property Unit.

7. SCARBOROUGH STAIRWAY AND LOOKOUT PLATFORM A report from Murray Angus, the Road Projects Engineer, detailed the response from residents following the distribution of a publicity leaflet on the proposed stairway and lookout platform at Scarborough. Of the sixteen submissions received 15 strongly opposed the proposal. The Board were asked to reconsider its proposal to install the stairway and lookout platform and instead re-look at the installation of a cantilevered footpath being constructed (Option 2). Members were concerned with the adequacy of existing lighting along this stretch of road and requested that the lighting be improved if necessary. The Board resolved that in light of the outcome of public consultation the approval of a cantilevered footpath on the Scarborough Walkway be approved. David Cox and Heather Brown wish to have their opposition to the motion recorded.



Members were requested to consider a no stopping restriction on the south side of Avonside Drive from Hanmer Street to Linwood Avenue. It was resolved that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the south side of Avonside Drive from Hanmer Street to Linwood Avenue.


The Area Traffic Engineer, Barry Cook, reported to the Board on the property purchase required in order for Essex Street kerb and channel replacement to proceed. This report had originally been submitted to the 2 April meeting but officers had been requested to report back with a revised plan that incorporated planting to enhance the street scape. The Board resolved : 1. To recommend that the negotiations for property purchase commence. 2. That the scheme plan showing planting on the north side be endorsed so that a publicity pamphlet can be prepared for public consultation purposes. 8.3 COLENSO STREET BUS PARK

Members were asked to consider the provision of a school bus pickup area outside the Star of the Sea School on Colenso Street. It was resolved that a "Bus Parking 8.30am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 3.30pm" be installed on the north side of Colenso Street commencing at a point 7m for its intersection with Menzies Street and extending in a north westerly direction for a distance at 17m. 8.4 LINWOOD SOUTH LATMS

The Area Traffic Engineer, Barry Cook, presented to the Board the draft Linwood South Local Area Traffic Management Scheme for approval. He advised of the amendments made following discussions with the Residents' Associations and outlined those works contained in the LATMS that are to be constructed or programmed within the next five years. The Board resolved that the Linwood South Local Area Traffic Management Scheme be approved. 8.5 FINLAY PLACE PETITION

A further report was presented on the Finlay Place Petition with Officers recommending that a red asphalt speed hump be installed at the entrance to Finlay Place in order to improve the appearance of the street, to slow down vehicles entering and to reduce the attraction for passing motorists to drive in. Officers recommended that the Board consider prioritising a threshold for Finlay Place at the Budget meeting scheduled for August. The Board resolved that the Officers recommendation be adopted and that a further update be presented to the July meeting.



At the February meeting the Board resolved that a no stopping parking restriction on both sides of Cass Street be imposed and that the restriction be reviewed after a period of implementation. Members were advised that a meeting had been held with representatives of the street and the Police and that the problems in the area have dropped off since the upgrading of the lighting and the installation of the no stopping signs. It was resolved that the no stopping restriction on both sides of Cass Street from 8pm - 5am continue.


Members were asked to consider the provision of a short section of P30 parking restriction in Stevens Street in order to resolve conflict between a number of businesses. The Board resolved that a P30 parking restriction be introduced on the southern side of Stevens Street commencing at a point 38 metres measured in a easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Falsgrave Street and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 24 metres. 9.3 RESIDENTS PARKING AREA - BARBADOES STREET

As a result of a request from the property owner at 328 Barbadoes Street the Board resolved that a residents parking area be created on the eastern side of Barbadoes Street commencing at a point 26 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Armagh Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 6m.

10. WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY The Chairperson had requested that the Board celebrate World Environment Day on 5 June by the planting of a tree or other suitable planting. The Area Parks Officer, John Allen, had suggested the Board consider planting along the new right of way off Gilby Street into Beverley Park. He suggested that a cherry tree be planted along the avenue into the park. Some members expressed the desire to plant native trees. It was resolved that up to $200 of Discretionary Funds be allocated towards the planting of both cherry and native trees in Beverley Park.


The Draft Submission from the Board's Elections Subcommittee was presented for consideration and ratification. The Board resolved to ratify the Elections Subcommittee submission on Campaign Expenditure in Local Body Elections.


Members were advised that the Canterbury Regional Council had recently released its Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy 1996 - 2001 for comment. It was resolved that a Subcommittee with power to act and comprising Heather Brown, Bob Todd, John Freeman, David Cox, Richard Boulton, and Charles Manning be established to consider and make submissions on the Draft Land Transport Strategy 1996 - 2001.



A report was presented to the Board on the current usage of the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Van and the comparison with the usage of the CCC Community Van. Members whilst receiving the information queried the accuracy of the CCC Community Van usage and Officers were asked to further investigate. 13.2 RESIDENTS' GROUPS ANNUAL REPORT

Community Activities Officer, Ruth Evans, provided to the Board an update on residents' groups activities throughout the year. 13.3 LINWOOD COMMUNITY HOUSE

Ruth Evans, Community Activities Officer, provided for information an update on Linwood Community House. She advised that discussions were underway as regard to the redevelopment of the facility and that members would be regularly updated on progress. 13.4 BILLY'S TRACK

Sharon O'Neill, the Area Roading Officer, provided an update of the landscaping of the unformed portion of Billy's Track. She advised that City Streets and the Water Services Units have agreed to meet the costs of upgrading the landscaping in the reserve area and that this will be maintained. 13.5 ALDWINS ROAD BUS SHELTER

Members were advised that a bus shelter had been installed on Aldwins Road outside the Warehouse. 13.6 ARBOUR DAY PLANTING

Members were advised of planned plantings for Arbour Day in the Hagley-Ferrymead area during the week of 4 - 7 June. Redcliffs School are to be planting at McCormacks Bay Reserve on Thursday 6 June and Linwood Intermediate School will be planting in Linwood Community Park on Friday 7 June. 13.7 CAPITAL PROJECTS

Reports were provided from the Property, Roading, Waste Management, and Parks Units on progress on Capital Projects within the Hagley-Ferrymead area. 13.8 RANGATIRA TERRACE GUARDRAIL

An update was provided to the Board on the provision of a guardrail in Rangatira Terrace.

The meeting closed at 6.40pm.



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