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29 APRIL 1996

A meeting of the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board was held on

Monday 29 April 1996 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Barbara Stewart (Chairman), Graham Catley, Val Carter,

Cheryl Colley, Margaret Murray, Keith Nuttall, Ian Rivers, Hazel Tait APOLOGIES: An apology was received and accepted from Ron Wright. Cheryl Colley retired at 5.20 pm and was present for Clauses 1 to 9.2.

The Board reports that:




Officer Responsible                    Author                                   
Parks Manager                          SJ McDonald                              
Corporate Plan Output: Leases, Vol III 9.4 text 13                                 

The purpose of this report is to present an application from the Bishopdale Tennis Club for a variation to its lease which would allow it to apply for an extension to the hours of its Club Liquor Licence.

Present hours :

The club presently operates their licence during the following times: Monday to Thursday 4.30 pm to 10.30 pm

Friday, Saturday, Public Holidays 4.00 pm to 11.00 pm

Sundays 4.00 pm to 10.30 pm

Proposed hours :

The club proposes to apply for an extension to their licence during the following times: Monday to Thursday 11.00 am to 10.30 pm

Friday, Saturday, Public Holidays 11.00 am to 11.00 pm

Sundays 11.00 am to 8.30 pm

Sundays preceding Public Holidays 11.00 am to 10.00 pm It is not the clubs intention to serve alcohol throughout those times, but to have the facility available when club functions or meetings make the provision of alcohol desirable. The following points might be considered in relation to the granting of extended hours to the Bishopdale Tennis Club: 1. contd. 1. The clubrooms are situated on one side of Bishopdale Park, with residences on the opposite side of the street, and other residences along one side of the park. Although activities in the premises themselves and the grounds around them, have the potential to cause disturbance to neighbours, this is mitigated by the presence of other sports club rooms on the park. 2. There is some off-street parking available at the pavilion. 3. A letter-box notification of this application to the neighbouring residents has been carried out, and no objections have been received. One submission was received from a resident in favour of the application. 4. When the club originally applied for a licence, several residents objected, fearing disturbance from late night noise. The licence was granted after a meeting between residents and club management in which the club gave assurances about controlling noise problems. As there have been no complaints received by Noise Control or Parks Unit Officers since this meeting, it is fair to assume that the club has kept its word. The following points might be considered in relation to the granting of Club Licences in general: 1. The terms of a Club Licence do not allow the sale of liquor to the public, but to members and guests only. 2. A certified Bar Manager must be on duty at all times when liquor is sold, so there is control over behaviour, consumption by minors and intoxication. A Bar Manager, and the club itself, could forfeit the licence if intoxicated persons are served. 3. As the hours of this lease variation - should it be granted, would be incorporated into the lease, Council can hold the club to a standard of conduct of the licence, failing this would be a breach of the lease. 4. It is the Councils policy that clubs applying for licenses should have the approved hours specified in their leases to provide control by Council if their operation creates a nuisance with their neighbours. CONCLUSION :

This is not an application for a Liquor Licence, it is an application for permission to apply for one within the specified hours. The licence application must still be advertised, objections must be received and a public hearing held - once the current application has been completed. This is the task of the District Licensing Agency. The Licensing Authority is the appropriate body to deal with issues such as the suitability of the applicant to hold a licence. The purpose of this application is to set the parameters within which a Licence application can be made, in the process allowing Council control over the operation of the licence should it eventually be granted. Several other clubs have applied for extended hours to their liquor licences since the new Sale of Liquor Act came into force. These have each been judged on their merits in terms of parking, possible nuisance to neighbours and any other factors which have a bearing on their application.

1. contd. In the case of the Bishopdale Tennis Club, there is some on-site parking and sufficient on street parking to meet the clubs needs without causing interference to residents. The hours applied for are not excessive compared to other applications granted to clubs previously, and do not extend later into the evening, but earlier into the day, which is unlikely to cause disturbance to neighbours. Recommendations: 1. That permission for the Bishopdale Tennis Club to apply for an extension to the hours of their Club Liquor Licence be granted. 2. That the hours for the licence be restricted to the following: Monday to Thursday 11.00 am to 10.30 pm

Friday, Saturday, Public Holidays 11.00 am to 11.00 pm

Sundays 11.00 am to 8.30 pm

Sundays preceding Public Holidays 11.00 am to 10.00 pm



The Board resolved that the report of the Board meeting held on 2 April 1996 as circulated, be confirmed.


The Board received information on projects to date in respect of Parks Capital Works in the Board's area. Reference was made to the landscape plantings currently occurring in Burnside Park and in particular the proposal to plant a number of Cherry trees between the Memorial Avenue Road frontage and the Fendalton Tennis Club. Concerns were expressed as to the number of trees to be planted and the species susceptibility to silver leaf disease. The timing of Arbor Day planting was also discussed and several Members expressed the view that in horticultural terms, June was perhaps not the best time in which to undertake plantings. With the usual involvement of school children and the possibility of inclement weather affecting planting arrangements, Members felt that Arbor Day activity could be brought forward to either April or May. Accordingly, the Board resolved that the matter of the proposed planting of Cherry trees in Burnside Park be reviewed and that the bringing forward of Arbor Day planting to April/May be referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration.4. 1995/96 PROPERTY CAPITAL PROJECTS

The progress report on the Property Unit's capital projects in the Board's area was received.


The update report on progress for roading and traffic projects within the Fendalton/Waimairi area for the 1995/96 financial year was received. Members requested that for future reports, consideration should be given to Transit New Zealand subsidy figures being included thereby enabling the net cost of individual works to be identified.


Information on progress to date in respect of Waste Management works in the Board's area was received.


Due to changed circumstances affecting two earlier allocations made by the Board, it was resolved to reallocate an amount of $4,000 from the 1995/96 discretionary funds. $1,000 was reallocated to the Indigenous Ecosystems Publication (Lucas Associates) and a $3,000 grant was made to the Orana Park Wildlife Trust towards completing the area around the Park's new entranceway.


The Board received the report of the Committee's 3 April meeting which dealt with the Bishopdale Carpark, Sawyers Arms/Gardiners intersection, Speed Limit Review, Joint Roading and Traffic Issues with Shirley/Papanui Community Board and the Avonhead/Hawthornden intersection. The Board Chairman and the Waimairi Ward Members were appointed to represent the Board in proposed discussions with representatives of the Shirley/Papanui Community Board.



Consideration was given to a petition submitted by 42 residents of Leinster Road requesting that steps be taken to reduce the speed of vehicles travelling in their street. Also requested in the petition was for Telecom and Southpower services to be undergrounded in conjunction with the programmed reconstruction of the street in the 1996/97 financial year. The Board resolved to thank the residents of Leinster Road for the interest they have taken in the area and staff have been requested to meet with resident representatives to develop a proposal for the reconstruction of their street. In addition, the Board's Traffic Safety Committee has been requested to review the Merivale Traffic Plan. 9.2 BROOKSIDE TERRACE, VEHICLE SPEEDS

Submitted to the Board was a 47 signatory petition from residents of Brookside Terrace between Hooker Avenue and Aorangi Road seeking the installation of traffic humps in order to reduce the speed of traffic using the road. The Board resolved to thank the petitioners for the interest they have taken in their area and for a neighbourhood speed watch programme to be undertaken in Brookside Terrace. Traffic calming measures are also to be considered in conjunction with the proposed Aorangi Local Area Traffic Management Scheme.


The Board considered a report from the Area Traffic Engineer which aimed to address residents concerns regarding the overnight parking of tour coaches in Onslow Street and which were associated with nearby motel businesses. The report concluded that various past but unsuccessful attempts had been made to overcome the problem of coaches being started up in the early morning hours and that the only real solution now available was to erect signs excluding the parking of such vehicles in Onslow Street. The Board therefore resolved that in accordance with Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 1991 Part 1 Clause 4, the parking of buses (including tour coaches) be prohibited at anytime along both sides of Onslow Street between Derby Street and Clare Road. The Board also decided that the motel owners be advised of the residents concerns and requested to ensure that the operation of tour buses be conducted onsite when an overnight stay is required.


A report was submitted from the Signals Engineer detailing the criteria used in determining whether or not to install a right turn (green arrow) phase at signalised intersections. The Board had requested the installation of right turn phases at Glandovey/Rossall, Greers/Memorial and Grahams/Memorial intersections. The Board has sought a further report from staff on the opportunities available to provide such a turning phase for motorists at these particular intersections. Mention was also made as to the importance of long term traffic planning and on this issue staff were asked to investigate the rights of the Board to make cross-submissions on the City Plan.


The Board considered a report from the Area Traffic Engineer regarding the layout of the improvements at the intersection including also a proposal to introduce a "Give Way" control against Hawthornden Road. With a local resident requesting the deletion of the splitter island component of the work, the matter was recently considered by the Board's Traffic Safety Committee who were also of the opinion that the work should proceed without the island and that this be reviewed later on. The view of the Council's Traffic Engineers however was that the splitter island would reduce corner cutting and vehicle speeds at the intersection as well as better defining vehicle paths. The island would also provide a refuge for pedestrians crossing Hawthornden Road, and Avonhead Road in this vicinity only had a footpath on one side of the road. Having now reviewed the matter, the Board resolved that the road works at the Avonhead/Hawthornden intersection proceed as shown on the plan circulated for public comment and that a "Give Way" control be installed against Hawthornden Road at its intersection with Avonhead Road.


A progress report on matters relating to the issue of University carparking was submitted by the Community Manager, including confirmation that the Board arranged meetings with local residents were scheduled for 14 May. The Traffic Safety Committee was also scheduled to meet with Wilfrid/Barlow Street residents on 9 May. Submitted also for the Board's consideration was a request from the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board that reconsideration be given to the Fendalton/Waimairi Board's April resolution increasing its representation on the Joint Working Party. After due discussion, the Board resolved that its decision of 2 April 1996 to appoint two additional members to the Joint Working Party be rescinded. The Board further resolved that Mr R Wright be appointed as first substitute for any Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board Members unavailable to attend meetings of the Joint Working Party and that it be noted that Mrs Stewart is an ex officio member of any such forum.

14. COMMUNITY CENTRES--UPDATE The Board received a report from the Community Activities Officer detailing the operation of Community Centres in the Board's area covering the 1994/95 financial period.


The Board received the report of the Committee's meeting held on 19 April where consideration was given to the Department of Internal Affairs publication on Campaign Expenditure in Local Elections. The Board adopted the Committee's draft submission for forwarding to the Department. The Committee was also provided with power to act to prepare a submission on the Canterbury Regional Council's Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy.


The Board resolved to adopt the resolution detailed on Clause 18 of the Agenda. CONFIRMED THIS 4TH DAY OF JUNE 1996



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