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29 APRIL 1996

A meeting of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board was held on Monday,

29 April 1996 in the Boardroom, Shirley Service Centre, 36 Marshland Road

at 400 pm

PRESENT: David Dobbie (Chairman), Clare Duff, Dave East, Carole Evans, Alister James, Don Rowlands, Gail Sheriff, Jack Travis, Chrissie Williams APOLOGIES: An apology was received and accepted from Dave East and Alister James for lateness. Dave East arrived at 4.04 pm and was present for all clauses with the exception of clauses 1, 2, 3 and part of clause 4. Alister James arrived at 4.20 pm and was present for all clauses with the exception of clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and part of clause 13.1. The Community Board reports: PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE BOARD AND REPORTED FOR INFORMATION ONLY


The Board resolved that the report of the last ordinary meeting held on Monday, 1 April 1996 (both open and public excluded sections) be confirmed.


There were no petitions.


There were no deputations.


1. NEW BRIGHTON TENNIS CLUB A letter was received from the Secretary of the New Brighton Tennis Club in relation to funding for tennis courts and associated fencing at Rawhiti Domain. The Community Manager was requested to investigate the possibility of relocating the tennis club or perhaps combining with other smaller tennis clubs in the area. The Board resolved that consideration of the request for funding from the New Brighton Lawn Tennis Club be deferred until the June meeting of the Board.

2. NEW BRIGHTON CRECHE A letter was received from the New Brighton Creche relating to large trees on Creche property. The Board resolved: 1. That the New Brighton Creche be advised that the Board's 1995/96 discretionary money has been allocated and regretfully cannot assist with funding. 2. That the Community Manager approach the Property Unit on behalf of the Creche for restitution of the Creche facilities. 3. That the Community Manager negotiate with the Property Unit to provide a letter of understanding/lease regarding the use of 109 Beresford Street by the New Brighton Community Creche. 4. That the Community Manager discuss with the Property Unit the subject of appropriate leases for other creches within the Burwood/Pegasus community. 3. CANTERBURY REGIONAL COUNCIL A letter was received from Dr Scott Crawford (River and Coastal Resources Manager) of the Canterbury Regional Council, and was in response to the Board's request for further research into the hazard effects of a tsunami on the coastal area of Christchurch. The Board resolved that the information supplied by the Canterbury Regional Council be received and a letter of support for further research and funding be forwarded to the Regional Council. 4. BEXLEY RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION A letter was received from Mr Roy Larcombe of the Bexley Residents' Association advising the Board of his resignation from the position of President and thanking the Board for their assistance over the past years with many projects that he has been involved in. The Board resolved that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr Roy Larcombe, and a tree planted in the Wairoa Street Reserve in recognition of the long service provided by Mr Larcombe. 5. NGA HAU E WHA NATIONAL MARAE A letter was received from Mr A Nihoniho, Manager of the Marae requesting financial assistance with the employment of staff to help with the performances/guided tours at the Marae. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Road Projects Engineer advised that a draft publicity leaflet had been circulated and was submitted for Board approval to the scheme at Pages Road/Breezes Road intersection, so that property purchase negotiations could commence. The Board resolved that the scheme be endorsed in principle for property purchase negotiations to commence. (Mr Travis requested that his vote against this recommendation be recorded.)


The Area Traffic Engineer advised the Board of the processes and the possibility of funding for the construction of an underpass on Queen Elizabeth II Drive at Burwood Road as requested by Grant Jeffreys at the 1 April 1996 meeting. Grant Jeffreys, (Windsor/Westhaven Residents Group) originally requested the Board to fund a cycle/pedestrian underpass on Queen Elizabeth II Drive at Burwood Road out of project funds for 1994/95. An underpass would create a route for children living south of the expressway to get to and from Windsor School without having to cross Queen Elizabeth II Drive. The request was submitted to the budget process as part of the Board's `wish list' in the 1995/96 financial year. This request was rejected by the Business Unit on the grounds that the project did not have a sufficient benefit cost ratio to justify the work. The Board was unable to pick up funding the project because of the large cost. It is estimated that to install an underpass at Burwood Road would cost $450,000. Because the circumstances have not changed the project has not been considered for funding in the 1996/97 budget. The Board resolved that the report be referred to the Windsor/Westhaven Residents' Group for comment prior to further consideration at the 1 July meeting of the Board.


The Area Parks Support Officer informed the Board of planned plantings for Arbor Day in the Burwood/Pegasus area, during the week of 4 to 7 June 1996. The Board resolved that a certificate of participation be presented to the Schools involved.


The Board were informed of progress on parks planning for New Brighton Beach Park. With the construction of the pier commenced the Parks Unit has initiated a planning exercise for the Beach Park (including carparks on the foreshore and Marine Parade). The Board resolved that the New Brighton Beach Park Landscape Concept plan be referred to a Community Affairs Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday, 14 May 1996.


The Area Traffic Engineer provided information in relationship to the concerns outlined by the Bexley Residents' Association in a letter presented to the 4 March 1996 meeting of the Board. He advised that Bexley Road was designated as a major arterial in the original Christchurch City Plan notified in 1968. In this Plan a widening designation allowed for a four lane median divided road through the Bexley area. The intention now is to construct a two lane road and the extra land will be used for a buffer zone between the road and the residential properties. The Ring Road, of which Bexley road is part, is all two lanes except for the Brougham Street section. The Board resolved: 1. That officers prepare a report in due course on the dwelling schedule supplied by the Bexley Residents' Association and the effect of the traffic now and in the future on these dwellings. 2. That Inspector Garth Hames be requested to support the use of "Hawke" Speed Detectors on Travis Road, Bexley Road, Avondale Road and Breezes Road on a regular basis to deter the unacceptable speed of traffic in these streets. 3. That figures on projected vehicle flows in Bexley Road be included in the dwelling schedule report to the Board.


The Area Traffic Engineer sought Board approval for the relocation of a bus stop in New Brighton Road. A request had been received from the developers of Shirley Mall to move the bus stop and shelter on New Brighton Road outside the Shirley Shopping Centre. The Board resolved: 1. That the bus stop on the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 49 metres from its intersection with Marshland Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 15 metres be removed. 2. That a bus stop be installed on the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 70 metres from its intersection with Marshland Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 15 metres. 3. That the Developer of The Palms at Shirley shopping complex be pressed to pay for the relocation of the bus shelter. 4. That the Developer of The Palms at Shirley be invited to a future meeting of the Board to discuss the overall development plans. (Jack Travis requested that his vote against recommendation three be recorded.)


The Area Traffic Engineer sought Board approval for a `no stopping' restriction in Mairehau Road. Work is completed on the realignment and narrowing of Royal Park Drive at its intersection with Mairehau Road. This work together with the installation of road humps in Royal Park Drive has been installed to discourage through traffic from using Royal Park Drive. Inwoods Road and Queenspark Drive are the designated collector roads in the area and traffic should now be encouraged to use these roads. It is therefore proposed to install a right turn bay on Mairehau Road at the Inwoods Road intersection to encourage vehicles to turn here rather than at Royal Park Drive. The installation of the right turn bay will require the installation of the stopping restriction on the south side of Mairehau Road. The Board resolved that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited (at any time) on the south side of Mairehau Road commencing at a point 70 metres from its intersection with Medina Crescent and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 80 metres.


The purpose of this report was to advise Board members of the decisions made by the Community Affairs Committee. The Board resolved: 1. DEMAND ANALYSIS CRECHE/CHILD CARE FACILITY - PARKLANDS AREA (a) That a Child Care facility established in Parklands as a joint venture between the Christchurch City Council and the Parklands Baptist Church be supported and that this initiative be led by the Church. (b) That the Board determine what level of financial/or other commitment it would make to this project. (c) That the Board protect its investment in Child Care for Parklands residents with a proviso that the Church run facility have an independent local (parent), and for an initial three year establishment period a Burwood/Pegasus Community Board member on its management committee. (d) That Service Centre and Council staff, be involved in the initial planning phases of this project and that their involvement ensure sufficient casual and drop in care to support community/recreation programmes in the area and allow for appropriate integration of after school care. 2. SENIOR SERGEANT BRIAN MCGURK, NEW BRIGHTON POLICE That Commander Paul Fitzharris (New Zealand Police, Regional Commander) be invited to the 18 June meeting of the Community Affairs Committee to discuss reduced policing issues. 3. ARANUI RANGITAHI TRUST UPDATE That the inventory list requested by the Board at its 1 April 1996 meeting be sought and provided for consideration at the 18 June meeting of the Community Affairs Committee. 4. CHILDREN'S STRATEGY STUDY 1995 (a) That a presentation of the Childrens Strategy be made by Lyn Campbell (Childrens Advocate) to the Schools in the Burwood/Pegasus area for information and seeking their input. (b) That the Board and officers identify projects in the Children's Strategy for discussion taking into consideration budget implications.


13.1 1995/96 ROADING PROGRAMME Board members were provided with an update of Roading projects in the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board area which were programmed for the 1995/96 financial year. A report was requested on the proposed route of the Estuary Cycleway (Wairoa Street to Bexley Road) ie whether it will continue through the wetlands reserve or go through the new subdivision. 13.2 PARKS CAPITAL WORKS 1995/96 - PROGRESS REPORT TO 15 APRIL 1996 This report provided Board members with an update to 15 April 1996 of progress for Parks projects in the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board area which were programmed for the 1995/96 financial year. 13.3 WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT - CAPITAL PROJECTS This report provided Board members with an update on progress to date for Waste management projects in the Board's area. Schedule attached. 13.4 CAPITAL PROJECTS - PROPERTY UNIT This report updated the Board members on progress on the Property Unit's Capital Projects in the Board's area. 13.5 COMMUNITY MANAGER'S UPDATE The Community Manager reported on a number of local items of interest.

The meeting concluded at 6.15 pm D C Dobbie


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