7 MAY 1996
A meeting of the City Services Committee
was held on Tuesday 7 May 1996 at 4.00 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Denis O'Rourke (Chairman),
The Mayor, Ms Vicki Buck,
Councillors Carole Anderton, David Buist,
David Close, Gordon Freeman, Ian Howell,
Garry Moore and Ron Wright.
IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Lesley Keast.
APOLOGIES: An apology for absence was received and accepted from Councillor Graham Condon. The Mayor arrived at 4.40 pm and departed at 5.00 pm and was present for part clause 3. Councillor Lesley Keast was present for part clause 3. The Committee reports that: PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION
Officer Responsible Author Inspector Garth Hames Inspector Garth Hames Corporate Plan Output: Road Safety page 9.6 text 8
Inspector Garth Hames submitted his report on Police Traffic control activities for the nine month period ending 31 March 1996. The report included statistics on speed camera offences to February 1996 as follows:
1996 1995 Mobile 15,373 16,534 Static 20,423 15,124
Committee members noted the significant increase in offences recorded at static sites (35%) which indicates greater disregard of speed limits by drivers. There is concern that the current police policy of placing warning signs of speed camera areas and the easily observed mobile cameras is not having the desired effect of enforcing current speed limits.
1. Cont'd
Inspector Garth Hames advised that legislation directs the placing and operation of speed cameras and that the Police Traffic Enforcement Unit does not have the discretion to operate speed cameras outside the designated areas. Committee members consider that the effectiveness of the speed camera enforcement would be increased considerably if they could be operated more widely and without the warning notices. Recommendation: 1. That the Council request a review by the Ministers of Transport and Police and the Commissioner of Police of the existing policy regarding operation of mobile speed cameras in Christchurch to target sites other than accident black spots. 2. That comment be sought for the July meeting of the City Services Committee.
Officer Responsible Authors Water Services Manager Director of Finance, Water Supply Manager, Energy Manager Corporate Plan Output: Supply of Water (Headworks) p 9:3:12The purpose of this report is to advise the Council of an opportunity to use an interest free loan to replace two water pumps, giving a reduction in operating expenditure.
The Water Services pumping stations are major electricity users accounting for about 29% of the total electricity consumed by all the Council's facilities and contributing 22% of the total electricity costs. A number of the existing pumps have been in operation for over 50 years and while they are able to be overhauled and continue to be utilised, their efficiency is often considerably lower than that available from new pumps. Some of these older pumps require 25 to 40% more energy to pump the same volume of water compared with modern pumps of higher efficiency. Accurate records of individual pump stations, combined with detailed testing of selected individual pumps, has permitted high usage pumps with inefficient operation to be identified. Two such pumps have been targeted. One is located at the Main Pumping Station (54 Colombo Street) and one at Burnside Pumping Station (Burnside Park). Both are utilised for base load use and accordingly have high operating hours.
2. Cont'd
If these two pumps are replaced with new high efficiency pumps, then annual energy savings of in excess of $20,000 will result. The cost of replacing both these pump sets is $80,000 giving a four year pay back period. Any increase in energy cost (which is predicted to occur) will shorten the pay back period. Once the initial cost of pump installation has been paid back, annual operating saving will result on an ongoing basis and reduced maintenance costs will be an additional advantage. The Government funded EECA (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) operates an interest free load scheme to Government Departments, as well as Regional and Territorial Local Authorities. This Crown Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme encourages ongoing energy efficiency, and accordingly provides finance for projects which save energy and have a pay back period of five years or less. Cost savings due to reduced energy consumption are used to repay the loan. The pump replacements at Main Pumping Station and Burnside fit this criteria. A loan application fee of 10% of the loan amounting to $8,000 is charged on receipt of the loan money and can be funded from the Water Services budget, Improvements Unallocated (9:3:46). Councillors will be aware that an EECA loan was used recently to partly finance the new gas powered electricity generator at Bromley Wastewater Treatment Plant. Recommendation: 1. That the Water Services Unit proceeds to replace one large pump at Main Pumping Station and one submersible pump at Burnside pumping station. 2. That this be funded by an interest free loan from the Crown Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme, with the 10% administration fee taken from the existing Water Services budget, Improvements Unallocated. PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE COMMITTEE AND
The Committee received a report on progress of the roading projects and programe maintenance work to 31 March 1996. Further reports have been sought on the following issues. * Rangatira Terrace
Traffic safety measures. * Springfield Road (Eversleigh/Edgeware)
Progress with the property purchase. * Bridges (Lifelines) with particular reference to the Ferrymead bridge.
3. Cont'd
* Ferry Road/Hargood Street intersection
Property negotiations. * Oxford Terrace
Parking near Tiffanys Restaurant. * Cycleways and volume of cycle traffic in the city
Promotion of recreational cycleways.
It was resolved that an investigation of a monthly and quarterly reporting process be carried out which will show physical and financial achievements of the Capital Works Programme.
The City Streets Manager advised of an increase in the cost estimate for the sealing of Fountains Road. The budget for the project is $86,000 and the revised cost estimate is $170,000, an increase of $84,000. The increase is caused by: 1. The need to carry out widening of the road which is currently approximately 4 metres wide in places to the minimum width of six metres. 2. The need to reconstruct lengths of the road because of poor grounds conditions. 3. The need to alter a water race adjacent to the road. It was resolved that the project proceed and that the additional works be funded by substitution at the discretion of the City Streets Manager.
The Traffic Safety Co-ordinator reported on the road safety awareness campaigns being undertaken by the Council. This included a report on the activities at Cass Street where property owners are concerned about the behaviour of young drivers in the street. A Co-ordinator will be employed for the Community Alcohol Action Lifesaver Project and funded by the Land Transport Safety Authority through the Safety Administration (Programme). It was resolved that the staff initiate a dialogue between the car enthusiasts who congregate in Cass Street and the Police.
A draft submission on the Canterbury Regional Council's Land Transport Strategy 1996 to 2001 prepared under the Transport Amendment Act 1995 was submitted to the Committee. The draft submission had been prepared after a presentation and discussion seminar for Councillors on 22 April 1996. The draft submission was also referred to the Environmental Committee. It was resolved that the submission be adopted and forwarded to the Regional Council.
7. ITEMS RECEIVED The Committee received the following reports: 7.1 Speed Limit Review
A progress report on the proposal to review speed limits in the city was presented together with draft publicity material. 7.2 Strategy for Children
The Road Safety Co-ordinator provided a report on progress of the City Streets Unit in improving road safety for children in Christchurch. Performance targets are to be included in the 1996/97 Annual Plan. 7.3 Waste Management Unit : City Compost Facility Three Monthly Statistics
The Waste Manager provided three monthly production information for the compost facility and an updated Business Plan for 1996 is being prepared and will be brought back to the Committee for review in June 1996. 7.4 Waste Management Unit Roundup
A report on progress on Glass Recycling, the Bromley Treatment Plant extension options study, kerbside recycling, Regional Waste Management Working Party and the Landfill Development Seminar was received.
The meeting concluded at 7.00 pm. CONSIDERED THIS 22ND DAY OF MAY 1996.