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27. 3. 96


13 MARCH 1996

A meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee

was held on Wednesday 13 March 1996 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Gordon Freeman (Chairman),

Councillors Carole Anderton, Graham Berry,

David Buist, Graham Condon, David Cox,

Ishwar Ganda and Gail Sheriff.



Officer responsible                    Author                        
Leisure and Community Services         Alan Direen                   
Annual Plan Output: Queen Elizabeth II Park                             

The purpose of this report is to develop further the proposal for a Regional Training, High Performance Centre and Competition Venue for the Christchurch School of Gymnastics Inc at Queen Elizabeth II Park, previously presented to the December 1995 meeting of the Committee. Approval is sought by the Christchurch School of Gymnastics to build a 1,000 m2 gymnastics gymnasium on a site adjacent to Travis Road, the south car park and the QEII Park Golf Driving Range. This proposal has the full endorsement of the Canterbury Gymnastics Association (Inc) which acknowledges that the Christchurch School of Gymnastics as the largest, most experienced club in Canterbury is the only club in a position to undertake a project of this nature. The Christchurch School of Gymnastics is a non-profit organisation. The Canterbury Gymnastics Association itself has limited assets and funds and is unable to consider such a venture. There has long been a need for a facility of this nature in Christchurch, and indeed the South Island. The only other high performance centre operating in New Zealand is situated at the North Harbour Sport and Recreation Centre, North Shore.

1. Cont'd

The establishment of a facility at Queen Elizabeth II Park has the further support of: * New Zealand Gymnastics Association (Inc)

* Sport Aerobics Canterbury

* Action Trampoline Sport

* Sport Canterbury/Westland

* Alpha Boys Gymnastics Club

* Aim Gymnastics Club Inc

* Avon City Gymnastics Club Inc

* Total Gymnastics Club Inc The above organisations have confirmed, in writing, their support for the project. Queen Elizabeth II Park is the preferred site for the following reasons: * Location and membership base in the east and north-east of Christchurch.

* Christchurch School of Gymnastics has an historic membership base in the area.

* QEII Park is the midst of a rapidly developing area of Christchurch.

* The multi-sport nature of QEII Park, an attraction for schools elective programmes.

* In excess of 30 primary and intermediate schools within the QEII Park catchment area.

* Access to QEII Park, enhanced by QEII Drive and the new ring road system.

* Security inherent in being part of the wider QEII Park complex.

* Accommodation alternatives in the area. The specific site selected at Queen Elizabeth II Park was preferred to several alternatives on the basis of proximity to existing parking facilities and the main complex itself. There are no plans for alternative development of the site. Pioneer Stadium appeals as an alternative to Queen Elizabeth II Park. It is also a large complex with some cost advantages but is less accessible for schools and traffic than QEII Park. Further, the area is already adequately serviced for gymnastics. Less preferred options include, Curletts Road, Addington Raceway and Wigram Air Force Base. There are project timing difficulties associated with each of these sites which make them less attractive than QEII Park. Project timing is an important issue. The Christchurch School of Gymnastics' current premises are nearing the end of their functional life. Condition and size are negative factors limiting current activities and future usage. Demand is set to escalate rapidly beyond the 1994/95 level of 9,000 casual users and 30,000 facility visits in total to the Christchurch School of Gymnastics.

1. Cont'd

The Christchurch School of Gymnastics facility would be used for the following events and activities: * Canterbury team training venue

* Local, provincial and National competitions - men's and women's concurrently

* Training for competition gymnastics

* Recreational after school programmes

* Holiday recreational programmes

* Pre-school gymnastics classes

* New Zealand, South Island and Canterbury training clinics

* Schools gymnastics programmes

* Adults gymnastics classes

* Committee meetings

* KiwiSport programmes

* Ballet/dance classes

* Special Olympics training. Hours of operation would be as follows: Weekdays 6.30am-9.00pm

Weekends 8.00am-6.00pm On approximately 10 weekends per year, competitions will extend through to 9.00pm. The proposed facility would be constructed as follows: * Reinforced concrete floor slab

* UB steel portal frames

* Concrete tilt-up walls to 2.7m high

* Colour steel metal cladding to roof and walls above concrete panels incorporating clear light panels and windows

* Aluminium framed windows and doors to amenities areas

* Timber framed internal walls, gib linings

* Mineral fibre ceiling panels

* Terrace seating in viewing area

* Floor coverings, electrical and plumbing included

* Dimensions: 50m x 25m, height 8m (side wall), 11m (end wall). The cost of the project is estimated to be $650,000, including the following: Gymnasium building (preferred tenderer) $575,000 Additional Facilities:

Wooden floor over concrete slab, insulation to side walls, pit area,

sound system, aerobics/function room, kitchen facilities, wall

mirrors, ballet bar area $75,000



1. Cont'd

The Christchurch School of Gymnastics propose to fund the project in the following manner: Sale of Fitzgerald Avenue building $300,000

Trustbank Canterbury Community Trust (subject to approval) $50,000

Christchurch City Council Grants $100,000

Lotteries Commission $200,000


$650,000 Recommendation: 1. That establishment of a Christchurch School of Gymnastics Regional Training, High Performance Centre and Competition Venue be approved at Queen Elizabeth II Park subject to funding, lease and resource consent being obtained. 2. That all costs relating to the project, including access paths, landscaping and associated site works be met by the Christchurch School of Gymnastics. 3. That the lease period be for 19 years. 4. That the final agreement and concepts be submitted to the Council for approval. 5. That this report be copied to Burwood/Pegasus Community Board for its information.


Officer responsible                    Author                        
Leisure and Community Services         Alan Patterson                
Annual Plan Output: Volume II Page 8.4.25                               

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for a request from the Canterbury Hockey Association to relocate a building to Porritt Park to be used as the administration office for Canterbury Hockey. BACKGROUND Porritt Park is leased to the Canterbury Hockey Association. The Association have now made an application to relocate an office building from Donnithorne Simms to Porritt Park to use as offices for the administration of Canterbury Hockey. Currently the Association occupy rented premises at 77 Durham Street (Sydenham end) which they find is not only an additional cost on their operation but is also well away from the main activity area they administer.

2. Cont'd


The building was originally constructed in 1991 and subsequently relocated to its present position at Donnithorne Simms. It comprises an L shaped structure containing a total floor area of 35 m2 plus an additional 8 m2 of timber verandah. Basic construction comprises timber pile footing, timber flooring and framing, painted polite sheet exterior cladding, aluminium window joinery and steep pitched iron roofing. The structure is internally lined in plasterboard with a painted finish. The building is subdivided to provide a central reception/central office area, off which there are two separate office areas. The structure is of tidy presentation both internally and externally and is structurally sound in all regards. It is quite satisfactory for its intended use of accommodating the Executive Officer, Development Officer and Secretary of the Canterbury Hockey Association. A report and valuation of the building has been undertaken by Robertson, Young, Telfer property investment consultants, analysts and registered valuers. SITING OF BUILDING

The Association proposes to site the building inside the leased area boundary fence adjacent to the southern gate. Siting will necessitate removal of part of the embankment immediately inside the gates, but this is not seen as detrimental to the oval amenities as spectator viewing from this area is somewhat restricted northward by the positioning of the main grandstand. Landscaping around the proposed building will more than likely enhance the area. (Costs are detailed in the public excluded section of this agenda). ASSOCIATION'S COMMENTS

As stated, the building will be used as offices of Canterbury Hockey to administer the sport of hockey in the Canterbury region. The hours of use will be from 8am to 6pm weekdays and 10am to 3pm weekends, at which time no more than 10 visitors are expected per working day. The Association sees the advantages as: - Being able to operate more efficiently and productively

- Saving on rent payments

- Investment in an asset

- Increased security for Porritt Park during daylight hours. LEISURE & COMMUNITY SERVICES UNIT COMMENTS

The proposal to centralise the Association's administration at their main area of activity is worthy of support. While most of the building will be hidden from view by the boundary fence the high pitched roof may need a colour change to ensure it blends in with the surroundings. This would be determined once the building is on site and would be a condition of relocation approval. 2. Cont'd

The Environmental Services Unit has indicated that no resource consent is required although obviously the necessary building consents etc would need to be obtained. Because of the lateness of the application to the Council and the vendor's terms of sale, it was not possible to refer the application to the Burwood Pegasus Community Board for comment. In view of this it is suggested that Council approval be subject to endorsement of the proposal by the Community Board at its meeting on 1 April 1996. Should this be acceptable then an extension of time to that meeting date will be arranged with the vendor. CONCLUSION

There are tremendous advantages to Canterbury Hockey in relocating their administration to Porritt Park and the relocatable building is seen as ideal for their requirements. The CHA lease is currently being redrafted and the conditions of consent will be incorporated in the new lease. Recommendation: 1. That approval be given to the Canterbury Hockey Association to relocate the proposed building at Porritt Park subject to the following conditions: a. Use of the building being restricted to administering the game of hockey in Canterbury. b. The area surrounding the building being landscaped to the satisfaction of the Leisure & Community Services Manager. c. The final colour scheme for the roof of the building, should there be a need to change, being determined by the Council's architects. d. The necessary building consents being obtained. e. In the event of Canterbury Hockey relinquishing their lease of Porritt Park, the building to be removed and the area restored to its present condition or alternatively the building to be transferred to Council ownership. 2. That the approval given be also subject to endorsement of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board.


Officer responsible                    Author                        
Leisure and Community Services         Alan Patterson                
Annual Plan Output: Volume II pg 8.4.23                                 

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for a request from the Canterbury Basketball Association to sell the naming rights for the WJ Cowles Stadium. BACKGROUND

In August 1995 a report was submitted to the Council following a request from both the Canterbury Basketball and Canterbury Hockey Associations to sell naming rights to the facilities they lease and therefore obtain additional revenue for their respective sports. The report advised that naming right sponsorship was quite a common practice nationwide and that the Council was currently engaged in the same exercise with the Entertainment and Convention Centres. It was also pointed out that as some facilities were named after individuals the Council did have a moral obligation to retain the existing name, but provisions could be made for the association of a commercial enterprise name with the activity of the lessee. eg, WJ Cowles Stadium - facility name unchanged but also referred to as

. . . . . . . . . . . . the (company name) Basketball Centre Christchurch. Obviously, when sponsorship money is involved companies require a return and generally this is in the form of advertising signage inside a facility and their name/product displayed in a prominent position outside. These requirements were not seen to present any difficulties provided the signs were in keeping within the Council's general advertising policy. The Council resolved: 1. That the commercial name association along the lines indicated be approved for Council sports facilities. 2. That details be agreed with the lessee and the prospective commercial organisations interested in name association and be advised to the Council prior to final confirmation. 3. That companies involved in the alcohol and tobacco industries be excluded from eligibility for naming rights. 4. That the next of kin of the person after whom the facility is named be advised of the naming rights association. REQUEST FROM BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION For reasons of confidentiality and pending media releases following the Council's decision, the Canterbury Basketball Association have requested that the company approached for naming rights sponsorship be not publicity

3. Cont'd

named at this stage nor at any stage the financial sponsorship arrangements. These details are included in the public excluded section of this agenda. In return the company expects: 1. Two permanent floor decals/signs at Cowles Stadium. 2. Permanent wall signage inside Cowles Stadium. 3. Naming rights to Cowles Stadium . . . . . . . . . . . . their request is for the name to be . . . . . Sports Centre. 4. The offer extended by the company expires at 31 March 1996. There is no problem associated with the requirements of the company. The decal/signs and permanent wall signage can be readily catered for and the association has accepted the Council's conditions for naming rights sponsorship. CONCLUSION

The contract between the company and the Canterbury Basketball Association is subject to final approval of the Council. The Council has not been involved in the sponsorship negotiations and as a consequence there may be differing interpretations of the intent of the proposed contract. In order that there can be no misunderstanding it is recommended that the Leisure and Community Services Manager be authorised to conclude any arrangements once the Council has approved the Canterbury Basketball Association's requests. Recommendation: 1. That approval be given to the Canterbury Basketball Association to conclude a naming rights sponsorship package for WJ Cowles Stadium in accordance with the Council's policy relating to naming rights for Council sport facilities. 2. That the Leisure and Community Services Manager be authorised to conclude final arrangements associated with the naming rights request. 4. STALL SITE LICENSING AND ADMINISTRATION RR 2400

Officer responsible         Author                                   
Property Manager            Bill Morgan, Property Services Officer   
Corporate Plan Output:  Property Consultancy Services Page 8.8.2       

At its meeting on 20 September 1995 the Council considered and adopted a report from the Stall Site Subcommittee concerning the future administration and licensing of stall sites within the city including Parks and Reserves. The Subcommittee's recommendations followed an exhaustive review of stall sites and conditions which over a period of time had grown in complexity principally due to the increasing number of location and type of stall site licences now being sought by applicants. As a consequence of the review the Council resolved that in future the ballot system previously in force should be put aside in favour of a weighted attribute method of tender and that the licences should be issued for a maximum three year period with no right of renewal. It was also recommended and adopted that a standard form of licence to reflect consistency across all sites to the maximum extent possible within the context of differing ownership consent and use factors should be introduced. Since last considered by the Council steps have been taken to implement the policy and ongoing discussions held with the City Solicitor to introduce a licence document that can be adopted to suit most situations. This is a complex issue because the statutory authority under which a licence may issue is governed by the status of the land upon which it is situated. For example the Reserves Act imposes different terms and conditions for licensing than the Local Government Act and it is a matter of producing a document that satisfies both. Some flexibility is therefore required. The Council at its last meeting considered and adopted a report from the Central City Committee concerning the stall sites and market situated in Cathedral Square, Cashel Street Mall and Latimer and Victoria Squares and these recommendations are currently being implemented. With respect to mobile shops on Reserves the Parks Unit has identified some 23 parks and reserves which it believes would benefit from the presence of mobile stalls selling appropriate products to those areas. The majority are situated on land vested in the Council under the Reserves Act 1977 and in all cases notified resource consents were obtained in 1992 and all are current with the exception of Marshlands and Ouruhia Domains for which none were held but will have to applied for. Currently there are 10 mobile shops and other activities in operation on a short term basis. Due to the nature of activity on the majority of reserves it is envisaged that trading would occur on weekends only and would be selling hot/cold foods and refreshments. It is difficult to measure the extent of interest or demand from the sites although there is likely to be strong demand for the heavily used areas ie beach frontages, Hagley Park etc. 4. Cont'd

Given the majority of mobile stalls operate during the summer months there is unlikely to be much interest expressed for the remainder of the present season. In the circumstances it is recommended that the present arrangements should be allowed to run on and that all Reserve sites be offered for Tender in July with the operations to commence on 1 September 1996. This will allow sufficient time for the required resource consent to be obtained, the evaluation process to be determined, the licences to be formulated and the allocation process to be completed. Recommendation: 1. That tenders for all Reserve sites be called on 1 July 1996 with possession to be given and taken on 1 September 1996. 2. That the Council obtain resource consents where required. 3. That existing operations be allowed to continue until 31 August 1996.





Mrs Averil Enslow of the Christchurch School of Gymnastics addressed the Committee in support of the Christchurch School of Gymnastics' application to establish a gymnastics training centre at Queen Elizabeth II Park.


The Parks Manager submitted a report proposing a change to the way in which new reserve requirements are identified and the parks purchasing programme is prioritised. The report proposed that two sub outputs - Neighbourhood Parks Purchase and Strategic Reserve Purchase - be established within the Reserve Purchases output and that in future only very significant reserve acquisition proposals, such as Travis Swamp have their own line items within the output. The Strategic Reserves Purchase sub output will be used for Port Hills, land purchases, and for the purchase of land for district parks in rural areas and outer suburban areas. It will also be used to acquire natural areas and conservation areas. The Neighbourhood Parks Purchase sub output will be used to fund the purchase of smaller neighbourhood parks. The priorities for reserve purchases will continue to be set by the Parks & Recreation Committee and reserve purchase schedules for both sub outputs will be prepared for prioritising by the Committee.

6. Cont'd

The Committee was also advised that a report was being prepared for the Environmental Committee which will recommend commencing charging a reserve contribution for cross lease subdivisions under the Transitional District Plan beginning from 1 July 1996. This had become possible because a recent Planning Tribunal decision had overturned previous legal advice about the ability to require a reserve contribution for such subdivisions under the Transitional Plan. It is estimated that the levy will produce additional revenue of $1M p.a. for the next three years and an additional $2M p.a. thereafter. The Committee resolved that the proposed strategic reserve purchase and neighbourhood Parks purchase sub outputs and associated schedules be confirmed as a method of identifying and prioritising the Parks purchase programme.

7. HAGLEY PARK - UNITED LAWN TENNIS CLUB COURT LIGHTING The Parks Manager reported on action he had taken under delegated authority in respect of an application from the United Lawn Tennis Club to install Court lighting on six of its North Hagley Park tennis courts. The Committee resolved that the information be received subject to the hours of use being determined as part of the resource consent process.

8. CENTENNIAL POOL The Committee resolved that the proposal for the redevelopment of the Centennial Pool site be considered at a special meeting to be held at 4.30 pm on Friday 22 March 1996 following the Committee's March seminar. Note: The special meeting and seminar were subsequently postponed to enable Mainzeal to explore a new option to enhance the open space component of the scheme.

9. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC It was resolved that the draft resolution contained on page 16 of the agenda be adopted. CONSIDERED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH 1996


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