5 MARCH 1996
A meeting of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board
was held on 5 March 1996, at 4.00 p.m.
PRESENT: Mr Oscar Alpers (Chairman), Mrs Carole Anderton,
Mr Philip Clearwater, Mr David Drayton,
Dr Morgan Fahey OBE, Mrs Sonia Gill,
Mr Ian Howell, Mrs Patricia Hunter, Mrs Ann Lewis. The Board reports that:
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Officer Responsible Writer Parks Manager Chris Freeman, Management Planning Officer Corporate Plan Output: Leases/City Plans and Applications, P 9.4.13"The purpose of this report is to recommend the approval of an easement for a Southpower cable running out of a kiosk currently sited on Hansen Park. A request has been received from Southpower to lay a cable additional to the existing cable running out of the kiosk site near Ombersley Terrace. The purpose of the cable is to increase the voltage for the residents in the neighbouring area who experience power surges in times of high power use. The proposal is to lay 8m of cable 0.3m away from an existing cable and in line with Parks Unit policy an easement is required. It is intended that a 3m wide easement would be created which would take in the existing cable. The land was vested pursuant to Section 305 of the Municipal Corporations Act 1954 and as such an easement can be issued for the cable under Section 235 of the Local Government Act 1974. The Parks Unit considers that given the length of the cable there will be little or no resulting loss of value to the reserve however all underground services restrict the use of the park and for this reason the Parks Unit is currently examining the possibility of charging rental as compensation for restriction of use. For this reason the Parks Unit wishes to leave an option in the easement terms relating to rental." The Board, in considering this matter, had some reservations about whether it was appropriate for the Parks Unit to be absolved from any responsibility for damage to the cable when carrying out its activities in the Park. Accordingly, the Board resolved "That, subject to the terms of recommendation 1(a) being approved by the Council's Legal Services Manager, these recommendations be adopted for recommendation to the Council." The Legal Services Manager has suggested that the above provision is not appropriate. Accordingly, the recommendation which follows does not include the provision referred to. Recommendation: 1. That pursuant to Section 235 Local Government Act 1974 an easement be issued for the cable to be laid on Hansen Park near Ombersley Terrace which includes the following terms: That the Parks Unit retain the option of charging rental as compensation for restriction of use of the park caused by the presence of the cable. 2. That the installation of the cable be subject to the following terms: a) That Southpower pay all costs incurred in creation and registration of the easement. b) That Southpower be responsible for the restoration of the ground to the Parks Manager's satisfaction. 2. RAILWAY WORKSHOPS AND SALEYARDS SITES, ADDINGTON
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Officer Responsible Writer Environmental Policy and Planning John Chivers, Senior Planner Manager (Planning Projects) Corporate Plan Output: City Planning and Development"The purpose of this report is to advise the Board of the current planning situation of these sites, and likely future changes, especially with respect to the public approach to the Railway Station. 1. Background
City Plan Change 14 was approved by the Council in December 1993. This change introduced new zoning to the area, being divided into mixed use and residential zones. Both DOSLI (the owner of the railway land) and the Sale Yards Company have lodged appeals to the Planning Tribunal. The hearing of these appeals has been delayed so that they can be heard at the same time as any appeals arising from the Proposed City Plan on the same issues. The Proposed City Plan as notified in June 1995 carries through the concept of Plan Change 14, but with some minor changes with respect to the rules and concept plan. An application for subdivision of the whole of the Railways land was lodged in September 1994. The pattern of subdivision applied for was mainly to aggregate small lots into larger units. This subdivision appears to be aimed at creating lots that could be bought by a developer for further subdivision and development. This pattern could be used for either industrial or residential development, depending on the result of the appeals referred to above.
2. Current Situation
Council has not yet approved any subdivision. One of the reasons for deferring approval is the lack of certification by the landowner of the removal of possible contaminants on the site from the previous railway activities. However, Council officers are now negotiating with DOSLI advisers, with the objective of granting a subdivision consent for the western part of the site, specifically for the land between Clarence Street and Whiteleigh Avenue, in the next few weeks. This includes a new road and landscaping link from Whiteleigh Avenue to Clarence Street which will curve around to lead into the Railway Station gates (refer to plan). This link includes a 20 metre wide reserve on the south side to provide for significant landscape planting and a public footpath well back from the road. The costs of the new road and reserve are being shared between Council and the subdivider.
3. Future Situation The new roading link is programmed for construction quite soon. The roadworks are likely to start in April and be completed by July. It is hoped that landscaping of the new link and the balance of Clarence Street down to the Railway Station gates will then be undertaken later this year. With the new road open, the distance to travel from Whiteleigh Avenue to the station will be significantly reduced. The new road pavement and landscaping should immediately improve the visual quality of the route to the station. The time at which any new building development will occur on the main sites is at present uncertain, depending on the appeal process referred to above. Although the appeal on the Agribusiness Centre at Curletts Road (Change 24) has been determined, the approval of Change No. 24 is still delayed because the appellant has referred the matter to the High Court." Recommendation: That, in order to clear the way for redevelopment (preferably residential development) of the former Railway workshops site and saleyards site, the Council (1) Seek to negotiate an acceptable compromise to settle the present appeals and have them and any submission in opposition to the living zone provided under the proposed City Plan withdrawn or, (2) Failing that, take steps to bring the appeals on for hearing, and/or, (3) Take such other active steps as may be necessary to resolve the present impasse.PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE BOARD AND REPORTED FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
The Board resolved that the report to the Council of the Board meeting of 7 February 1996, as circulated, be confirmed.
(a) Beckenham Business Association
Mr Murray Lill and the Rev. Darcy Halliday spoke against the installation of traffic lights at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection on behalf of the Beckenham Business Association, expressing particular concern over the loss of parking spaces in the vicinity of the Beckenham shopping area and submitting that both bus stops in the vicinity of Tennyson Street should be moved to allow for the reinstatement of more parking in the immediate vicinity of the shopping centre, because carparking affects the viability of the businesses in the area. Mrs Barbara Petre, a road user in the area for over 30 years, spoke in favour of the installation of the traffic lights as a road safety measure, and to enhance traffic flows in the area. (b) Christchurch Beautifying Association
Mr Brian Briggs, President of the Christchurch Beautifying Association, spoke in support of the Association's application to the Board for funding for the construction of a replica water wheel on Mill Island in the Avon River.
Mr Dave Armstrong, Signals Design Engineer, spoke in support of the report which was before the Board and outlined the reasons for proposing the installation of traffic signals at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection. These reasons included the number of accidents sustained in the area and the expressed concerns of motorists who were unable to turn from Tennyson Street into Colombo Street. The Board resolved: "(1) That the Board support the installation of traffic signals at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection, subject to the loss of carparking being addressed.
(2) That the Community Board support the efforts of the Beckenham Business Association to obtain additional carparking in the vicinity of the Beckenham shopping area.
(3) That, before any steps are taken to install traffic signals, the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit be requested to address the concern which the Board shares with the Beckenham Business Association of the loss of carparking in Colombo Street and to discuss this with the Roading and Traffic Unit and to bring a further report back to this Board."
The Board considered a report advising of a proposed Parks Unit submission to the Parks and Recreation Committee seeking a recommendation to the Council approving a delegation to the Parks Manager for the approval or otherwise of neighbours' consents. These are consents to a neighbouring property owner's resource consent application when the adjacent property is a Council reserve. Under Section 94(2)(d) Resource Management Act 1991 written approval must be obtained from every person whom the consent authority considers may be adversely affected but where public notification is not required. The Parks Unit is endeavouring to develop a streamlined and effective method of processing these applications. The Board resolved: (1) That the information be received. (2) That, if these delegations be granted, there be policy guidelines drawn up for the Parks Manager and Area Parks Officers to follow in considering these consent applications.
The Board considered a letter received by the Mayor proposing: (a) That citizens be encouraged to decorate their houses for Christmas; and
(b) That, whenever the old houses opposite the Arts Centre come up for sale, the Council consider purchasing these and retaining them in their original style to maintain the heritage atmosphere of the Worcester Boulevard. The Mayor had asked Community Managers to refer this idea to Community Boards for consideration. The Board resolved: (1) That the information be received. (2) That the Environmental Committee be asked to consider what needs to be done to put a heritage order on heritage houses in Worcester Boulevard.
The Community Affairs Committee met on 20 February 1996 and reported as follows:
(a) Election of Chairperson - Community Affairs Committee
Mr Philip Clearwater was elected the Chairperson of the Community Affairs Committee. Mr Clearwater assumed the Chair and thanked Committee members for their confidence in him and expressed the sincere appreciation of Board members to Mrs Patricia Hunter for her leadership of this Committee over the previous three years.
(b) Church Initiative -
Welcoming Newcomers to the Cashmere Community
Mr Peter Allan, representing seven local churches in the Cashmere area was in attendance at the meeting and briefly outlined to the Committee the proposals of churches in the Cashmere community for welcoming newcomers to the area. Mr Allan emphasised that this is a targeted approach to welcome people into the community. The proposal covers the Cashmere area only at this stage as it was considered that this represented a size of community that could be coped with at the present time. It was the intention, once the scheme was working satisfactorily, to consider extending it to new areas as it became established. The Board resolved: 1. That the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board grant $1,000 as a one-off grant from its 1995/96 discretionary funds towards the costs of printing the brochures. 2. That the funding allocation for lighting the Huntsbury Track be reduced by $1,000. 3. That the applicant be advised that the Community Board would like to provide an insert sheet specially printed for inclusion in this brochure with information on the details of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board and the services provided by the Beckenham Service Centre.
(c) Bus Tour of Inspection
At the request of the Board, a bus had been arranged to allow Committee members to inspect facilities in the Spreydon/Heathcote area and in particular the opportunity to view the Hoon Hay Youth Centre, the Manuka Cottage and the Cashmere Village Green. (d) Cashmere Village Green
A letter from Mr Robin Penman inviting the Board to consider the grounds of the Cashmere Primary School as a possible site option for the proposed children's play equipment was tabled at the meeting. The Committee resolved that a report on the options available for siting children's play equipment in the Cashmere area be prepared for the Community Board and that this report include an assessment of the feasibility of locating play equipment in Victoria Park or in the grounds of the Cashmere Primary School (e) Hoon Hay Youth Centre
The Committee considered a report which was before the Board at its meeting on 7 February 1996. This report recommended the provision of grants funding to the Hoon Hay Youth Centre for both increased rental and outside development costs.
The Board, at its meeting on 7 February 1996, had resolved "That the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board make a grant from its 1995/96 Environmental and Employment Promotion Fund of $798 to cover an increase in the hours worked by the Youth Worker from 35 hours per week to 40 hours per week until 30 June 1996." A satisfactory long-term funding forecast, as requested by the Board, was tabled at the Board meeting and was accepted by the Board.
The Board resolved: (1) That the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board make grants of: (a) $5,400 from its 1995/96 Environment and Employment Creation Fund for the Youth Worker costs, and (b) $10,000 from its 1995/96 Discretionary Funds for both the increased rental and outside development costs, subject to confirmation from the shopping complex owner that these arrangements are acceptable and are incorporated within a suitable Deed of Occupancy. (2) That the financial forecast for the Hoon Hay Youth Centre to June 1997 having been reviewed by the Board, the Board confirm its satisfaction with the information provided.
(f) Community Funding/Assessment Committee and Youth Sponsorship Subcommittee - Board Representation
The Board considered appointments to the following two Committees:
(i) Community Funding/Assessment Committee
This Committee has delegated authority to distribute funds from both the Hillary Commission Local Funding Scheme and the Council's Community Development scheme to local applicants. Committee members noted that the Council has resolved that elected members will not be paid for their service on funding committees.
The Board resolved: 1. That four Board members be appointed to the Community Funding/Assessment Committee. 2. That these Board members be Mr Clearwater, Mr Drayton, Mrs Hunter and Mrs Lewis. (ii) Youth Sponsorship Sub-Committee
This Sub-Committee has in the past consisted of two Board members and a community representative. It has been given delegated authority in the past to make decisions concerning Youth Sponsorship within the Board's broad criteria of assisting disadvantaged youth in the Spreydon/Heathcote area and within the Board's allocated budget. The Board renewed the delegated authority given to the Youth Sponsorship Sub-Committee to make funding decisions.
The Committee resolved: 1. That the Youth Sponsorship Sub-Committee be re-established. 2. That two Board members and one community representative be appointed to the Youth Sponsorship Sub-Committee. 3. That the two Board members be Mrs Anderton and Mrs Gill. The Board resolved: That the Youth Sponsorship Sub-Committee be given delegated authority to make decisions concerning Youth Sponsorship within the Board's broad criteria of assisting disadvantaged youth in the Spreydon/Heathcote area and within the Board's allocated budget.
(g) Manuka Cottage - Garage Request
The Committee reconsidered a request from the Manuka Cottage Management Committee for funding for a double garage to be located at the back of the cottage. This garage would allow for "over spill" from the Manuka Cottage, giving the Play Group covered space on rainy days and giving room for expansion of activities such as snooker and table tennis. The Committee resolved that the Community Activities Officer be asked to talk to the landlords of Manuka Cottage regarding the options discussed for the garage and to ascertain what arrangements would be acceptable to the landlords and to report back on this to the Board. The Community Activities Officer advised the Board that the landlords had undertaken to take over the proposed garage at the end of the lease period. The Community Activities Officer was requested to seek a suitable amendment to the lease to incorporate this provision for the landlords to take over the garage at the end of the period of the lease. (h) Kohanga Reo - Kiwi Sport Tournament -
Request for Assistance
The Committee considered a request for a grant of $222 to provide two large marquee tents for a Kiwi Sport Day to be held on the Hillmorton High School grounds on 24 March 1996 to accommodate 22 Canterbury Kohanga Reos at a Kiwi Sport Day. The Board resolved: That the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board grant $222 from its 1995/96 Discretionary Funds to cover the costs of hiring two marquees." The Board further resolved: That the decisions of the Community Affairs Committee be confirmed and that the recommendations of the Committee be adopted. 9. CASHMERE VILLAGE GREEN - PLAY EQUIPMENT
As part of the tour of inspection carried out in conjunction with the Community Affairs Committee meeting on 20 February 1996, Board members viewed the Cashmere Village Green in order to assess the suitability of this site for children's play equipment. A number of interested persons met Board members on the Green and took the opportunity to express their views to Board members. Most unfortunately, a number of further interested persons arrived at the Green after Community Board members had departed and were naturally very disappointed that they had missed the opportunity of expressing their views to Board members. The Board resolved: That a special meeting of the Community Affairs Committee be held at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday 12 March 1996 to hear the views of people who missed the opportunity of speaking to members of the Board on the site visit, and to consider a comprehensive report on possible sites for the proposed children's play equipment and that any further consultation be decided upon once the report has been considered.10. CIVIC AWARDS FOR GALLANTRY
The Board considered a report seeking comment from Community Boards on the suggestion that the existing Civic Award Scheme be expanded to include awards for gallantry. The Board resolved: (1) That the Civic Award Scheme be retained as at present for recognition of outstanding voluntary community services benefiting the city. (2) That Community Boards be encouraged to recommend nominations, when appropriate, for awards by both the Royal Humane Society and the New Zealand Honours System for gallantry and bravery awards.
The Board considered a request from the Summit Road Society Inc. for a grant of $2,500 to enable this Society to undertake the production of a publication to celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 1998. The Board resolved: That this request be considered along with Project Fund Allocations for 1996/97.
The Board considered for information schedules of Capital Works programmed for completion by the Water Services Unit in the Spreydon/Heathcote area in the 1995/96 financial year. The Board resolved: (1) That the information be received. (2) That the Water Services Unit be requested to supply a more informative report. (3) That an explanation be sought from the Water Services Unit as to why there have been so many water service breaks in Colombo Street at Beckenham leading to expressions of concern by residents and local businesses and to adverse media publicity.
An update of the Board's Community Development, Discretionary and Employment Initiatives Funds was tabled at the Board meeting for the information of Board members. The Board resolved: That the information be received.
The Board considered a letter from Mr B E Briggs, President of the Christchurch Beautifying Association Inc, seeking a grant of $1,000 towards the construction of a 4m replica water wheel on Mill Island in the Avon River to commemorate the Centenary of the Association. The Board resolved: That this request be considered along with other funding requests at the Board's Project Fund Allocation meeting.
As all the information required for the Board to consider its Project Fund Allocations was not available at the time of the meeting, the Board agreed to hold a Special Board meeting to consider Project Fund Allocations. It was resolved that a Special Meeting of the Community Board be held on Tuesday 12 March 1996 at 7.00 p.m. to consider Project Fund Allocations and that this meeting be preceded by a Special Community Affairs Committee meeting to be held at 6.30 p.m. to hear the views of those interested Cashmere residents who were not heard on the Cashmere Village Green during the Board's tour of inspection on 20 February 1996.