A meeting of the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board
was held on Wednesday 6th March 1996 at 5.00pmPRESENT: Anna Crighton (Chairperson), Richard Boulton, Heather Brown, David Cox, John Freeman, Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien, Bob Todd. APOLOGIES: An apology was received and accepted from Charles Manning.
Officer responsible Author City Street Manager Barry Cook, Area Traffic Engineer Annual Plan Output: On Street Operations - Traffic Design Work 9.6.4The Board considered reports at the November 1995 and February 1996 meetings. A petition concerning the crossing was also received by the Board. The Board resolved to form a working party to meet with residents and representatives from the School and Churches. A Working Party of the Board met in the St John's Church Hall on Thursday 29 February at 7.00pm. The meeting was generally supportive of the changes and the following suggestions were made. * The Council's focus has been mainly on the school and time should be allocated to keep the residents (particularly the elderly) aware of any changes. Father Dan Doyle suggested that he would assist in facilitating this process as far as his churches parishioners were concerned. * Board members and residents were keen to observe a pedestrian refuge island being used at school times. Arrangements have been made for an on site visit to the Hammersley Park School pedestrian refuge island in Marshland Road. Video displays of the Hammersley Park school island were available for people that cannot make the site meeting. * Some interest was expressed in having the kerb build outs and pedestrian refuge island in the new position together with the white painted pedestrian crossing markings. Unfortunately the existing pedestrian crossing is not extensively used outside school hours and the school only operates the patrol after school. The replacement of the markings cannot be justified on safety grounds. If the markings were to be installed a central pedestrian refuge island would not be recommended. If the proposed changes as circulated in the last publicity leaflet (copy attached) are installed, information will be distributed to elderly residents. The churches can also be involved in this process. The safest facility for pedestrians at this location is to remove the pedestrian crossing markings and replace them with kerb build outs and a pedestrian refuge island, and for the Council to request a part-time pedestrian school patrolled crossing. This is the basis of the current proposal. Recommendation: That the Council adopt the following recommendations: 1. That the pedestrian crossing outside St Anne's School in Ferry Road be removed. 2. That the kerbs be built out on both sides of Ferry Road and a pedestrian refuge island be installed outside No 670. 3. That the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the north side of Ferry Road commencing at a point 37 metres from its intersection with Maronan Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 24 metres. 4. That the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the south side of Ferry Road commencing at a point 48 metres from its intersection with Maronan Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 21 metres. 5. That the Land Transport Safety Authority be asked to approve a trial site for a part time school patrol crossing to operate at the new crossing point outside St Anne's School in Ferry Road which incorporates a pedestrian refuge island.2. SUMNER SPORTS PAVILION - VARIATION OF LEASE RR 2246
This report was presented to the 7 February meeting. The Board when discussing the application expressed concern at the lack of consultation with the public on the application. It was resolved at that meeting to let the matter lie on the table until the March meeting in order for the public to be fully consulted on the Club's application.
Officer responsible Author Parks Manager Steve McDonald Corporate Plan Output: Consents & Applications - Leases 9.4.13"The purpose of this report is to present an application from the Sumner Sports Pavilion, sited at St Leonard's Square, for an extension to the hours of its Club Liquor Licence. The land on which the pavilion is sited is leased from the Christchurch City Council, so the club is seeking permission for a variation to its lease allowing the extension to the licence. The Community Board is asked to make a recommendation for adoption by the full Council.
Present hours :
The club presently operates its licence during the following times: April 1 to August 31 (Rugby)
Two evenings per week 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Saturdays & Public Holidays 3.00 pm to 8.30 pm
Sundays 3 hours after the conclusion of a match but not
later than 7.00 pm September 1 to March 31 (Cricket)
Monday to Thursday 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Saturday 3.00 pm to 8.30 pm
Sundays 3 hours after the conclusion of a match but not
later than 7.00 pm Proposed hours :
The club proposes to apply for an extension to its licence during the following times: April 1 to September 30
Monday to Thursday 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Saturdays & Public Holidays 2.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Sundays 2.30 pm to 8.00 pm October 1 to March 31
Monday to Thursday 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Saturday 3.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Sunday 2.30 pm to 8.00 pm It is not the clubs intention to serve alcohol throughout those times, but to have the facility available when club functions or meetings make the provision of alcohol desirable. BACKGROUND
The club originally applied for this extension to its liquor licence in July 1994. The application was reported to the Board which, due to the number of objections, declined it. However, the Board invited the club to re-apply in twelve months - allowing them the opportunity in the meantime to resolve some of the problems that had led to the objections. At both the Community Board meeting and a subsequent meeting between the residents and the club administration, residents were invited to contact Parks staff or Licensing Agency staff directly if there were any problems. The purpose of this was to keep a record of complaints which could be taken into account by the Board when the club re-applied for the extension, as well as to facilitate the resolution of problems between the club and neighbouring residents. In the intervening 15 months, the Licensing Agency have received no complaints and the only correspondence received by the Parks Unit was a copy of a letter from Mr M Sullivan to the Environmental Health Unit (Mr Sullivan resides on Campbell Street directly across from the clubrooms). In his letter Mr Sullivan did not make a complaint but suggested that the upstairs windows of the clubrooms should be sealed shut to reduce noise along Campbell and Whitfield streets. That suggestion is dealt with later in this report. No other correspondence has been received from residents in the area regarding the activities of the club, since the original application was declined in 1994, until public notification was made of this new application in November 1995. GENERAL POINTS TO CONSIDER FOR LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATIONS
The following points might be considered in relation to the granting of Club Licences in general: 1. The terms of a Club Licence do not allow the sale of liquor to the public, but to members and guests only. 2. A certified Bar Manager must be on duty at all times when liquor is sold, so there is control over behaviour, consumption by minors and intoxication. A Bar Manager, and the club itself, could forfeit their licenses if intoxicated persons are served. 3. The hours of this lease variation - should it be granted, would be incorporated into the lease which would allow Council to hold the club to a standard of conduct of the licence, failing this would be a breach of the lease. 4. It is the Council's policy that clubs applying for licenses should have the approved hours specified in their leases to provide control by Council if their operation creates a nuisance with their neighbours. 5. Council has attempted to maintain a consistency across the City of the licensed hours for various sporting codes, while taking into account the proximity of residences, available parking and other relevant factors in specific cases. POINTS TO CONSIDER FOR THIS LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATION SPECIFICALLY
The following points might be considered in relation to the granting of extended hours to the Sumner Sports Pavilion: 1. The clubrooms are situated on one side of St Leonard's Square, with residences on the opposite side of the street particularly close, and other residences surrounding the park. Thus activities in the premises themselves and the grounds around them, have the potential to cause disturbance to neighbours. 2. There is no off-street parking available at the pavilion, although there is potential angle parking for 4 - 5 cars on the street frontage. 3. Previous to the clubs 1994 application for an extension to its hours several complaints from residents had been received over time regarding activities at the pavilion. These related to excessive noise from the building, disturbances and unruly / noisy behaviour in the park and on the streets from those using the pavilion, and foul language from users of the pavilion. District Licensing Agency and Environmental Health Officers met with the club management in July 1994 to discuss the complaints and received assurances that efforts would be made to reduce the problem. No complaints have been received by Noise Control Officers since that meeting, despite residents being specifically requested to make complaints known to Council so they could be logged and included in a report for any subsequent re-application. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION
A letter-box notification of this application to the neighbouring residents has been carried out, and 5 objections have been received. In addition to these a petition has been received containing 25 signatures, representing 17 households and opposing any extension to the hours. Objections were made on the following grounds:
q Noise at night, including noise from departing vehicles and patrons q Likely extra traffic q Sunday licensing is not appropriate and encourages drink / driving q Bar is unsuitable place for youngsters Other issues raised in submissions related to matters not pertaining to the licence or lease variation and are not included in this report. Discussion of the points raised above follows:
Unsuitable for youngsters
The last two objections are dealt with through the Licensing procedure itself. Under licensing regulations, areas where alcohol is sold are restricted to adults, and the licence is not granted unless the authority is satisfied that these provisions are being met. Sunday licensing
The issue of Sunday licensing is dealt with under the provisions of the Sale of Liquor Act, and is not appropriate for discussion in this forum. Extra traffic
The clubrooms are already occupied until often quite late at night, so traffic resulting from their use already exists in the area. The proposed Sunday hours have been applied for to cover times when matches are being played and the rooms are being used, so the traffic is already in the area at these times. Experience with other licence approvals has not indicated noticeable increases in traffic levels with extended hours. Council provides parks for the public use and encourages increased use. While this may tend to increase traffic over time, the possibility of increased traffic levels is not seen as a reason to discourage activities on a park. Noise at night
This is recognised as a problem with any club on a park in a residential area - as most are. In fact it is the noise problem which appears to have drawn the bulk of the objections to this liquor licence application, rather than the licence itself. One means by which the problem of noise from within the building can be reduced is by adopting the suggestion of one of the objectors - that the upstairs windows of the clubrooms facing onto Campbell Street be permanently closed. This seems to be a reasonable suggestion and the club have indicated that they are happy to comply - with the exception of the kitchen window, which they wish to leave open while the dishwasher is in use. Apart from noise from within the building, there is an apparent problem with noise from members leaving the rooms late at night. This factor featured as the major cause of concern for residents, who quite reasonably assumed that extra licensed hours would increase the time of occupancy of the building accordingly. This does not necessarily have to be the case, and in fact the District Licensing Agency has recommended that the hours of occupancy of the building be governed as part of this application. His suggestion is that a time of 10.00 pm or 11.00 pm might be appropriate, the Parks unit would support such a condition. The club have indicated their willingness to comply with this condition. Currently there is no limit, within the terms of the lease, to the hours of occupancy of the building. Submissions in favour of the application
Submissions were received from 4 residents at three households, in support of this application. CONSISTENCY WITH OTHER CLUBS
Across Christchurch there are several other clubs in similar situations in terms of parking and proximity to residents. Generally speaking, their hours are longer than those currently enjoyed by the Sumner Sports Pavilion. Some examples of clubs in similar situations - in terms of proximity to residences, are: Burnside Rugby Club 5.00 pm till 11.00 pm Shamrock Soccer Club 2.30 pm till 9.30 pm South Brighton Bowling Club 8.30 am till Midnight Shirley Bowling Club 11.00 am till 11.00 pm St Albans Bowling Club 8.30 am till 10.00 pm Cashmere Wanderers AFC 1.00 pm till 11.00 pm Bishopdale Tennis Club 7.30 am till 11.30 pm Previous Council decisions on lease variations have indicated a desire to maintain a consistency in licensing hours across the City for clubs in similar circumstances. As the liquor licence is a major means of fund-raising for the club, hours that are too limiting can be a severe disadvantage. The increase in hours that have been applied for in this instance, is quite moderate and would not be inconsistent with hours granted to other clubs across the City which have neighbouring residences situated close by. CONCLUSION :
This is not an application for a Liquor Licence, the purpose of this application is to set the parameters within which a Licence application can be made, in the process allowing Council control over the operation of the licence if eventually granted. Several other clubs have applied for extended hours to their liquor licences since the new Sale of Liquor Act came into force. These have each been judged on their merits in terms of parking, possible nuisance to neighbours and any other factors which have a bearing on their application. In the case of the Sumner Sports Pavilion, there is no on-site parking and this causes inconvenience to residents to the extent that arriving and departing patrons must embark and disembark on the street near residences. This is particularly a problem late at night. There have been submissions both in favour of, and objecting to, the increase in hours. Both positive and negative submissions have been received from those residents living directly opposite or adjacent to the clubrooms. Those submissions objecting to the extension were mostly concerned with noise, remedies for late night noise are available in the process of this application and should be part of the Board's recommendation to Council. The hours applied for are not excessive compared to other applications granted to clubs previously. Submissions objecting to the clubs previous application for longer hours focused on problems with the behaviour of club members as well as the noise problem. Behaviour of members was not a factor in the submissions for this application. Nor were any complaints received by Parks or Licensing Agency staff in the last 12 months. During this time there have also been no complaints made to Noise Control. This would tend to indicate that the club management have made a genuine effort to control unruly behaviour at the pavilion, and this should be recognised. After this matter was held over at the February meeting of the Hagley / Ferrymead Community Board, a meeting was held between the club management and interested residents, to discuss the application.
Therefore the Parks Manager recommends that the Council adopt the following recommendations: Recommendation: 1). That permission for the Sumner Sports Pavilion to apply for an extension to the hours of their Club Liquor Licence to the following, be granted.: April 1 to August 31 (Rugby)
Monday to Thursday 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Saturdays & Public Holidays 2.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Sundays 2.30 pm to 8.00 pm October 1 to March 31 (Touch Rugby)
Monday to Thursday 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Saturday 3.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Sunday 2.30 pm to 8.00 pm Subject to the following conditions: 1) That the club arrange to have the top floor windows facing Campbell St permanently fixed closed to reduce noise from within the building reaching residences across the street. 2) That the clubroom premises be vacated by 10.00 pm on weeknights and Sunday nights, and by 11.00 pm on Friday and Saturday nights" The Board following discussion on the issue recommends that: 1. Permission for the Sumner Sports Pavilion to apply for an extension to the hours of their club liquor licence to the following be granted.
April 1 to March 31
Monday to Friday 7.00pm to 9.30pm
Saturday & Public Holidays 3.00pm to 9.30pm
Sunday 3.00pm to 8.00pm
Subject to the following conditions:
i) That the club arrange to have the top floor windows facing Campbell Street permanently fixed closed to reduce noise from within the building reaching residences across the street. ii) That an alternative means of ventilation be installed if so required. iii) That the club room premises be vacated by 10.00pm weeknights and by 11.00pm on Friday and Saturday nights.
Officer responsible Author Parks Manager Chris Freeman, Management Planning Officer Corporate Plan Output: Leases/City Plans and Applications, P 9.4.13"The purpose of this report is to recommend the approval of the creation of a 33m sewer easement over Drayton Drive Reserve (described as lot 30 DP 52702). The reserve is sited on Mt Pleasant Hill and the purpose of the sewer is to enable subdivision of two currently land locked properties. The Subdivision Planning Officer advises the Parks Unit that the matter has been outstanding since 1993 and that after consideration of various options has recommended that a route through the reserve is most desirable. The reserve is vested under the Reserves Act 1977 and as such an easement can be issued pursuant to Section 48 (1) of that act subject to Department of Conservation approval. The Parks Unit considers that there will be loss of value to the reserve caused by registration of the easement and therefore considers that compensation should be paid by the developer.
In addition the use of the reserve will be affected by the presence of the sewer however the Parks Unit has suggested that a walkway be constructed over the sewer site as part of the required restoration. The walkway over the reserve would be part of an extended link which will run from McCormacks Bay to the recently acquired reserve on Major Hornbrook Road and the construction of the track over the sewer line would minimise the material affect of the laid pipe on the reserve. The Subdivision Planning Officer also advises that provision in the easement terms should be made for a link to lot 2 DP 54110 which is a property adjoining the reserve and which is likely to be sub-divided in the future. Recommendation: 1. That pursuant to Section 48(1) of the Reserves Act 1977 and subject to ministerial consent an easement be issued for a sewer to be constructed on Drayton Drive Reserve (described as lot 30 DP 52702) which should be subject to the following terms: (i) That where any repairs or maintenance to the sewer is required, restoration to the track should be completed to the Parks Managers satisfaction. (ii) That access to the sewer be available to the owner of lot 2 DP 54110 should the owner wish to subdivide the property subject to the issuing of an easement on terms to be agreed by the parties. (iii) That the Parks Unit be absolved from any liability for damaging the pipe when carrying out its lawful activities in a responsible and workmanlike manner. (iv) That the Parks Unit retain the option of charging rental should the ownership and/or administration of the Drainage Unit pass out of the Council. 2. That the installation of the pipe and issuing of the easement be subject to the following terms: (i) That the developers pay all costs incurred with the creation and registration of the easement including survey and legal costs. (ii) That restoration be made which includes the creation of a track to be constructed as specified by the Parks Manager and to be completed to the satisfaction of the Parks Manager. (iii) That a payment of $1,500 be made to the Parks Unit by way of compensation for the loss of value that the reserve would suffer as a result of the registered easement."
Officer responsible Author Parks Manager Chris Freeman, Management Planning Officer Corporate Plan Output: Leases/City Plans and Applications, P 9.4.13"The purpose of this report is to recommend the approval of a 6m stormwater easement over an area of unnamed reserve (described as lot 5 DP 65624) on the south side of Ferry Road east of the Radley Street bridge.
A request has been made to pass a storm water pipe across the reserve for the purpose of a storm water outfall which is required as a result of a recent sub-division north of Ferry Road and will consist of a 600 mm pipe which runs under Ferry Road then under an area of private land(described as PT 1 DP 65624) continuing 6m under the narrow strip of reserve and then finally passing under an area of unformed road which borders the Heathcote river. An easement is required for the pipe over the private and the reserve land. The reserve is vested under Reserves Act 1977 and an easement can be issued pursuant to section 48 (1) of that act subject to Department of Conservation approval. The Parks Unit considers that there is little or no loss of value to the reserve and that the restriction of use created by the presence of the pipe should be balanced in this instance by the public need for a storm water drain. For this reason issues as to compensation for restriction of use do not arise in this instance.
Recommendation: 1. That pursuant to section 48 (1) of the Reserves Act 1977 and subject to ministerial consent an easement be created for the stormwater pipe crossing the reserve (described as Lot 5 DP 65624) subject to the following terms: a) That the Parks Unit be absolved from any liability for damaging the pipe when carrying out its lawful activities in a responsible and workmanlike manner. b) That the Parks Unit retain the option of charging rental should the ownership and/or administration of the Drainage Unit pass out of the control of the council. 2. That the installation of the pipe be subject to the following terms: a) That the developer be responsible for the restoration of the ground to the Parks Managers satisfaction. b) That the developer pay all costs incurred in creation and registration of the easement."
It was resolved that the report of the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board meeting held on Wednesday 7 February 1996 be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting subject to the following amendments. Clause 6: Aaron O'Brien wished to have his vote against part 2 of the resolution recorded.
6. PETITIONS A petition signed by 40 residents living in the Finlay Place area requesting that a judder bar be constructed within the entrance of Finlay Place was received. The Board resolved that the Area Traffic Engineer be requested to investigate the traffic issues concerned and provide a report to the April meeting.
7. DEPUTATIONS 7.1 MOA RESERVE RIGHT OF WAY (Clause 8 also refers)
7.1.1 Diana Proctor of No. 38 Ely Street spoke on her petition regarding the right of way across reserve land providing access to Moa Reserve. She advised that when she purchased the property in 1991 she was aware that a reserve was to be developed but was not aware that a right of way was on the site. She expressed concerns at the location of the right of way and also that consultation had been carried out between the developer of the land but not the neighbouring property owners. 7.1.2 Mrs Fife the previous owner of the property at 40 Ely Street, explained to the Board how she had swapped her property with a Council owned property in 15 Moa Place in order for the reserve to be developed. She also expressed concern that at no time during the negotiations did Council officers explain to her that a right of way was proposed for this portion of land. 7.1.3 Councillor Denis O'Rourke spoke on the deficit of green space within this area. He suggested that a committee of Board members be established to consider alternative access to the land and that discussions continue with the owner, Mr R G Mauger.
The Property Officer, Dave Falls, detailed to the Board a timeline dating back to 1986 when the Ministry of Works first contacted the Council with a view to disposing of their surplus land. He explained the number of land swaps and also advised of the land swap with R G Mauger in order to provide access to Moa Reserve. The Board resolved that a Committee comprising, Anna Crighton, Aaron O'Brien, and Councillor O'Rourke be established to consider and discuss with Mr R G Mauger options for resolution of access to Lot 3 DP 10421. 9. CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE IN LOCAL ELECTIONS
The Chairperson had received correspondence from the Internal Affairs Department calling for submissions on the public discussion document "Campaign Expenditure in Local Elections". The Board had previously established a Working Party to look at the election process and low voter turnout and it was resolved that this Working Party which comprises Heather Brown, Richard Boulton, John Freeman, Aaron O'Brien and Liz McRostie be requested to consider and recommend to the Board possible submissions on the discussion document. It was further resolved that the Working Party be reconstituted as a Committee.
A request was received from the Sumner Residents' Association for the Council to consider the appointment of honorary Dog Rangers in the Sumner Area. The Supervisor, Dog Control Operations, Mark Vincent, advised that there was currently a review of Council's Dog Bylaw being undertaken. The Board resolved: 1. To recommend to the Environmental Committee that a pilot scheme providing for the appointment of honorary dog rangers in the Sumner Area be introduced. 2. That Eric Johnson and John Vissar be awarded Honorary Dog Ranger status. 3. That a training session be arranged for all Honorary Rangers. 4. That an investigation as to the use of a portion of Sumner Beach for a dog park be presented to the April Board meeting along with the review of Council Dog Bylaws.
11. CANNON HILL CRESCENT FOOTPATH The Mt Pleasant Primary School had requested that a footpath be provided along the Cannon Hill Crescent frontage of the school. The Area Roading Officer, Sharon O'Neill, advised that the total cost of the project was $17,000. $10,000 from the Roading Unit budget was available for the provision of this footpath, however this would leave a shortfall of $7,000 which the Board was asked to contribute. It was resolved that $7,000 of Board's discretionary funding be provided towards the installation of a footpath outside Mt Pleasant School on Cannon Hill Crescent.
12. STRUCTURE ON STREET APPLICATION - 118A SCARBOROUGH ROAD A request was received from the property owner of 118a Scarborough Road requesting approval to construct a deck area on legal road in order to provide a turning area for vehicles. The Board resolved that permission be given for the structure subject to the following conditions: 1. A Resource Consent and Building Consent being obtained for the structures. 2. A standard Deed of Licence being entered into with the Council. 3. The area around the deck being landscaped and maintained to the satisfaction of the Roading Manager. 4. That the deck not intrude over the steps onto the adjacent property. 5. That the licence holder being entirely responsible for the stability, safety, and future maintenance of the driveway, retaining walls and formation work associated with the structure. 6. The site is to be kept in a safe and tidy condition at all times during the course of construction. 7. Construction of the structure being commenced within 6 months and completed within 12 months or this approval will lapse. 8. No alteration being permitted to the existing road seal.
The Area Traffic Engineer, Barry Cook, reported to the Board on problems being experienced when vehicles turning right from Garlands Road into Radley Street were not giving way to those vehicles turning right out of Radley Street. It was resolved that a give way sign be placed against Radley Street at its intersection with Garlands Road. 14. ESPLANADE COACH PARK
A proposal was put to the Board to provide coach parking on the Esplanade adjacent to Cave Rock. It was resolved that: 1. The stopping of vehicles at any time on the north east side of the Esplanade commencing at a point 68 metres from its intersection with Burgess Street and extending in a north west direction for a distance of 31m be removed. 2. That the stopping of vehicles be prohibited (at any time) on the north east side of the Esplanade commencing at a point 85m from its intersection with Burgess Street and extending in a north west direction for a distance of 14m. 3. That a "coaches only" time limit of 30 minutes be created on the north east side of the Esplanade commencing at a point 68m from its intersection with Burgess Street and extending in a north west direction for a distance of 17m.
The Board considered a report on the possible inclusion of the old Woolston Tennis Club site, adjacent to McCombs Gardens fronting onto Richardson Terrace, into Woolston Park.
Recommendation: The Board resolved to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Committee the following: 1. That the Council accept the surrender of the lease of the site by Woolston Workingmen's Club. 2. That responsibility for administering this site be transferred from the Property Unit to the Parks Unit. 3. That landscape plans be prepared for the consultation process which include the following: a) The retention of the upper hard surface (3 courts adjacent to Woolston Park) for future sports requiring a hard surface. b) The plans show the removal of the lower two courts, practice area and pavilion. c) The plans to show an extension of McCombs native gardens into the lower area, and that an area be set aside for the installation of an information board with pictures and biographical details of James McCombs (Lyttelton MP 1913 - 1933, City Councillor 1913 - 1917, 1931 - 1933); Elizabeth McCombs (Lyttelton MP 1933 - 1935, first woman to be elected to NZ Parliament, City Councillor 1921 - 1935) and Sir Terence McCombs (Lyttelton MP 1935 - 1951, City Councillor 1950 - 1956, 1977 - 1982). d) The removal of the present high front fence replacing it with a structure in harmony with the low stone fence along the existing road frontage of McCombs Native Gardens. 16. P30 PARKING RESTRICTION - KILMORE STREET
The Area Traffic Engineer (Central) advised that concerns had been raised regarding the double parking of vehicles outside the shops in Kilmore Street, east of Barbadoes Street. It was resolved that the existing P30 parking restriction on the northern side of Kilmore Street, east of Barbadoes Street, be extended to a point 37 metres measured in an easterly direction from the eastern kerbline of Barbadoes Street.
17. NO STOPPING RESTRICTION - CASS STREET A report was presented by the Area Traffic Engineer (Central), Peter Atkinson, relating to property damage and other social problems occurring in Cass Street. A public meeting held with representatives of the Council and the Police as well as the property occupiers in Cass Street requested that additional street lighting be provided as well as a restriction to the stopping of vehicles. The Board resolved that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited between the hours of 8pm and 5am Monday to Sunday on the North and South side of Cass Street between Colombo Street and Orbell Street. A further report that details the effect of the restrictions was requested for the August meeting.
18. MONCKS BAY WALKWAY Members were provided with an update on the Moncks Bay Walkway extension. The Board resolved that: 1. The information be received. 2. A letter of appreciation be sent to Mr Stemmer thanking him for his contribution to this project. 3. Board members attend a special celebration opening at 2.30pm on Thursday 4 April.
A report detailing concerns by residents to Councillor Cox on the launching of a large catamaran into the Estuary across a small beach opposite Redcliffs Park by Matthews Corporation Ltd was presented to the Board. The Area Parks Officer, John Allen, outlined to members the process by which the Parks Unit allowed contractors access across Council land. The Board resolved to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Committee: 1. That any future requests for the launching or retrieval of boats across the beach opposite Redcliffs Park be supervised by the Area Parks Officer under delegated authority from the Parks Manager. 2. That at the time of each launching a contract be signed beforehand which allows the contractor to launch the boat from the beach upon payment of a $2,000 bond. 3. That the boat be launched and away from the site within 18 hours of arriving at the site. 4. That the Area Parks Officer under delegated authority from Parks Manager monitor this situation and should the launchings become more frequent than six per year, or a nuisance to other legitimate recreational users or residents in the area, permission not be granted for further launchings to occur from the beach. 5. That a charge be made for contractors being provided with access across Council land.
20. BASKETBALL HALFCOURTS The Board was asked to consider the siting of a halfball court sited on the old disused tennis courts at Woolston Park. It was resolved that the remainder of the $9,000 ($3,900) to the construction of a halfcourt at Woolston Park on the old tennis court site subject to the Council agreeing to the inclusion in Woolston Park be adopted.
Members were advised that a stone seat had been donated by Mr & Mrs Perry of Taylors Mistake Road in memory of their son Duncan. The Board resolved that: 1. A letter of thanks be sent to Mr & Mrs Perry for their donation. 2. A letter of thanks also be sent to Mike Verheal for his time and effort in constructing the seat. 3. That a commemorative plaque be placed on the seat that also acknowledged Mike Verheal's work.
22. DRAFT COMMUNITY FACILITIES POLICY AND MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES Members discussed the submissions made by the Working Party on the Draft Community Facility Policy and Management Guidelines. The Board resolved to ratify the Working Party's resolutions. 1. That the proposals contained within the Guidelines be supported and that staff be commended for a well prepared and researched document. 2. That a Working Party be established to monitor the implementation of the policy.
23. SUMNER FLOOD RELIEF PIPELINE Members were advised that there had been a long history of odour problems emanating from the Sumner flood relief pipe. The Water Services Unit recommended to the Board that a temporary tide gate which would stop the increase of sand and seaweed be installed. As there are proposals to carry out a beach enhancement programme it was recommended that a temporary gate with a nominal lifetime of ten years be installed. The Board resolved that a tide gate be installed at the outfall of the Sumner flood relief pipeline recognising that the outfall may be modified in future years depending on progress with the Sumner/Scarborough replenishment programme.
24. CIVIC AWARDS FOR GALLANTRY Comments were being sought from all Community Boards on the suggestion that existing Civic Awards schemes be expanded to include awards for gallantry. It was resolved that: 1. Civic Awards Scheme be retained as at present for recognition of outstanding voluntary community services benefiting the City. 2. That Community Boards be encouraged to recommend nominations when appropriate for awards by both the Royal Humane Society and the NZ Honours system for gallantry and bravery awards.
25. STATEMENT OF PRIORITIES Members were requested to reassess the statement of goals that was established by the previous Board. The Board resolved to hold a special meeting on Monday 29 April at 4.00pm to review its Statement of Goals and that Councillor O'Rourke be invited to attend.
Correspondence was received from the Woolston Community Association congratulating the Board and Area Officers on the upgrading of the Heathcote River and the Radley Park at Cumnor Tce.
Members were presented with results from the Community Pride Garden Awards. Concern was expressed with the methodology in selecting prize winning gardens and Officers undertook to come up with suggested proposals to streamline the process. Liz McRostie, Heather Brown, John Freeman and Bob Todd were asked to present the prizes and merit certificates for gardens in the residential, elderly persons housing, flower and vegetable, and commercial gardens respectively.
Members were provided with information on the Capital Works Programme for completion in the 1995/96 financial year.
26.4.1 Mr Bernie Hansen representing the Sumner Residents' Association spoke to the Board on the introduction of Honorary Dog Rangers (Clause 10 refers). 26.4.2 Mr Eric Scott from Moa Neighbourhood Committee expressed his groups concerns on the Right of Way across Moa Reserve (Clause 8 refers).
An application was received from the Summit Road Society seeking financial assistance from the Board. Members requested that additional information be requested on other funding sources sought, a breakdown on the total cost of the project and requested that this information be referred to the Special Budget Meeting scheduled for 14 March 1996.
The Board requested that this report lie on the table until the April meeting when the Recreation Co-ordinator would be present to speak to the report.
A request to provide two additional bus stops on Port Hills Road had been received from the Canterbury Regional Council. Subsequent to the Agenda being printed two letters from adjacent residents objecting to the proposal had been received. The Board requested that this issue be deferred until the April meeting and order for officers to consult with residents. 27.4 RECREATION EQUIPMENT
This report relating to the provision of additional recreation facilities in parks in the Board's area was deferred pending further information on a full audit on all parks in the Hagley-Ferrymead community. This report is to include those parks which do not comply with current safety standards, the cost of upgrading and the programming for such upgrading works. 27.5 NEIGHBOURS CONSENTS - DELEGATION TO PARKS MANAGER
The Board resolved to let this matter lie on the table pending further information from the Council's Solicitor.
It was resolved that the draft Resolution to Exclude the Public as set out on page 39 of the Agenda be adopted. The meeting concluded at 8.02pm CONFIRMED THIS 2ND DAY OF APRIL 1996