5 MARCH 1996
A meeting of the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board was held on
Tuesday 5 March 1996 at 4.00 pm
PRESENT: Barbara Stewart (Chairman), Val Carter, Graham Catley,
Cheryl Colley, Margaret Murray, Keith Nuttall, Ian Rivers, Hazel Tait, Ron Wright
The Board reports that:
In its consideration of roading and traffic projects in the Fendalton/Waimairi area programmed for 1995/96, the Board discussed Southpower's undergrounding programme and concern was expressed at a possible reduction in the carrying out of this conversion programme. Members were unanimous that Southpower should continue to advance and complete the undergrounding of its overhead services within the expected 40 year timeframe previously identified. Also reported to the Board as earlier requested, were details of works proposed to be deferred to 1996/97 for which the Fendalton/Waimairi share amounted to $350,000. Some of the key factors leading to the increase in carry-forwards were reported on and the Board was informed that the Roading Unit had initiated a revised project implementation process to return the annual roading programme to a manageable level. Members endorsed the importance of the Council continuing to give priority to maintaining and improving the roading network.
Recommendations: 1. That the Council reconfirm the intent that Southpower develop a programme for the completion of undergrounding within 40 years. 2. That in giving priority to maintaining and improving the roading network, the Council take all necessary steps to ensure that the recent carry-forwards in the roading programme do not recur. The Board also separately resolved to ask Southpower to repeat for the benefit of all Community Board Members, the video presentation previously made to Councillors. 2. SALE OF 202-204 WOOLDRIDGE ROAD RR 2336
Officer responsible Author Property Manager Lewis Burn, Property Services Officer 23/4/27 Corporate Plan Output: Commercial Properties 8.9.5.
The purpose of this report is to obtain the Council's approval to grant a monthly tenancy of an industrial section in Wooldridge Road Harewood to the present tenant, and further to then sell this property by public tender subject to the tenancy. The Council policy in respect to the disposal of property is that all property is to be sold by tender unless there are good reasons for doing otherwise. A plan of the property is attached (buff paper). BACKGROUND
In the 1950s the former Waimairi District Council developed and leased for industrial purposes land on the northern side of Wairakei Road and returning into Wooldridge Road. The subject property is the last section of this development held by the Council and has been leased to the present tenant, Gilbertson Construction Ltd since 1965. The term of this lease expired 1 June 1995 and is `running on' as a monthly tenancy. The expired lease contained no right of compensation for the improvements (all owned by the tenant) and an offer has been made by the tenant to purchase the freehold tenure. SITE
The property is a little removed from the main industrial activity in the locality but has potential for redevelopment with an outlook across Nunweek Park. It is zoned Business 4, providing for light industry and service purposes. The site is occupied by a group of buildings erected in the 1950s all of which are owned by the tenant who has sublet the premises for a campervan rental yard and a bath refurbishing business. The title is subject to a drainage easement which relates to an open 3.5 metre wide stormwater drain along the northern boundary making approximately 110 square metres of the land incapable of practical utilisation.
No interest or objection has been received to the possible sale of this land following circulation of Council business units. There are however, no grounds for recommending a departure from Council policy of selling by public tender as the property is used by the tenant as an investment and is not personally occupied. TENANCY
It is proposed the property be sold by tender subject to a monthly tenancy. It is considered that a tenancy of this nature would be attractive to potential investors seeking a rental return from their investment while also having the flexibility to redevelop and release the property on short notice. The existing tenant while keen to purchase has indicated he will take a monthly tenancy of the site and accepts that in terms of Council policy the freehold is to be sold by the public tender process. The tenancy rent would be assessed on a commercial rate of return on the land value. 2. contd
As mentioned earlier in this report the existing tenant owns all the improvements. The Council's interest is the land value. The tender conditions will disclose the value of these improvements. In the event that the freehold is sold to someone other than the present tenant, the successful tenderer would be required to pay to the tenant the predetermined value of the improvements on settlement with the Council. Note the Council is under no obligation to compensate the tenant for the value of the improvements. VALUATION
The revised Government Valuation as at 1 September 1995 is: V.I. $68,000
L.V. $72,000
C.V. $140,000 Details of the market value of the land and improvements are given in the public excluded section of this report. COMMENT
By offering the land for sale by tender subject to a monthly tenancy the existing tenant's position is not compromised and the Council should be able to effect disposal of this surplus property at its true market value while at the same time deal with the tenant's improvements in an equitable manner. RESOLUTION
In order for disposal of the land to comply with the provisions of Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974 it is necessary that Council adopt the following resolution. "Resolution
Pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974 the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to dispose of the land described in the following Schedule. Schedule
All that parcel of land comprising 976 square metres or thereabouts being Lot 1 Deposited Plan 24940 and being all of the land contained in Certificate of Title 6C/1324." Members had some concerns at the present scale of activities occurring on the property and the amount of overflow parking occurring on Wooldridge Road. In response to this occurrence it was felt that a condition of sale should be added such that any site uses be in accordance with the provisions of the City Plan. Recommendation 5 which follows covers this aspect.
2. contd. Recommendations: 1. That the Council adopt the above resolution. 2. That the land at 202-204 Wooldridge Road, Lot 1 DP 24940, be leased to Gilbertson Construction Ltd on a monthly tenancy at a rental to be negotiated by the Property Manager. 3. That the property then be sold subject to the monthly tenancy by public tender at a price not less than the market value reserve as set by Council's valuer. 4. In the event that no acceptable tender is received, the Property Manager be authorised to negotiate and conclude a sale with Gilbertson Construction Ltd. 5. Sale to be subject to site uses being in accordance with the provisions of the City Plan.
The Board resolved that the report of the Board meeting of 1 February 1996 be confirmed.
Di Lucas of Lucas Associates, addressed the meeting on a proposal taken up by several other Community Boards, to prepare ecological maps and charts detailing the past flora and fauna for their respective areas of the city. The Board resolved that the proposal as submitted be referred to its Annual Plan Committee for further consideration and report back.
5. UNIVERSITY CAR PARKING Consideration was given to a report submitted by the Area Traffic Engineer, Sockburn, detailing the work undertaken to date by the University Car Parking Joint Working Party (Riccarton/Wigram and Fendalton/Waimairi Community Boards). Discussions had occurred between the Working Party, the University of Canterbury and the Canterbury Regional Council regarding the car parking overspill onto surrounding streets and specific attention had been given to the following matters: * initiatives that the University can take to increase car parking and car parking occupancy on campus;
* provision of a trial student bus service;
* submissions to the Draft City Plan process; 5. contd
* the provision of parking restrictions on certain streets within a defined area around the University. Mr Mark Kunnen, Chairman of the Joint Working Party, was in attendance and he elaborated in more detail on the activities of the Working Party. The Board gave specific consideration to the public consultation process including details of a planned public meeting proposed to be held at the end of March. Members were of the view that rather than going forward to the public meeting with a fixed proposal based around time limit parking restrictions it would be better to use the public meeting as a forum to discuss and receive feedback on parking options generally. Accordingly the Board resolved to endorse the public participation process of exploring parking options associated with the University of Canterbury and that a suitable date be organised for a public meeting to be jointly chaired by the Chairmen of the Fendalton/Waimairi and Riccarton/Wigram Community Boards with assistance from Members of the Joint Working Party. The Board also resolved that Ron Wright replace Keith Nuttall on the Joint Working Party during March and April 1996.
Further to informal contact with Members of the Shirley/Papanui Community Board, the Board resolved that the Traffic Safety Committee and Graham Catley meet with representatives of the Shirley/Papanui Board to discuss matters of mutual interest regarding Harewood Road.
The Board received the report of the Committee's meeting held on 22 February 1996 and adopted the following recommendations put forward by the Committee. Papanui Road-Merivale Lane to Holly Road Pedestrian Facilities 1. That existing parking restrictions on the north side of Merivale Lane commencing at its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for 200m be removed. 2. That the stopping of vehicles be prohibited between the hours of 7.00 am and
9.00 am and 3.00 pm and 4.30 pm be installed on the north side of Merivale Lane commencing at its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 150 metres. 3. That traffic management changes involving the restriction of right turns at the Merivale Lane/Papanui Road intersection and the relocation of the existing zebra crossing south to a position adjacent to the Cotswold Hotel be circulated for public comment.
7. contd
Fendalton Road (North Side) No Stopping Restriction Stratford Street to Railway Crossing
The matter of installing lane lines in tandem with the parking restriction was considered by the Committee and staff confirmed that the time limit parking restriction could be applied without lane lines needing to be provided. Accordingly the following recommendation was adopted: That the stopping of vehicles be prohibited between the hours of 7 am and 9 am Monday to Saturday on the north side of Fendalton Road commencing at its intersection with Stratford Street and extending in an easterly direction to its intersection with Clifford Avenue. Merivale Lane - Neighbourhood Improvement Works The Committee reviewed the proposed platform works planned to be undertaken in Merivale Lane and it was reported that the raised platform and angle parking in the vicinity of Rangi Ruru had, after public consultation, been deleted due to the opposition received. With regard to the Hewitts/Naseby/Merivale intersection it was acknowledged that a platform in this location would be effective in reducing the speed of vehicles in the vicinity of the school and should assist in deterring vehicles from using Merivale Lane as a shortcut. Accordingly support was indicated for the platform work to proceed. The Board therefore resolved that the intention for the installation of the raised platform at Hewitts Road/Naseby Street/Merivale Lane intersection be confirmed. It was noted that the matter of the need for a supplementary platform treatment in Merivale Lane near Rangi Ruru would be reviewed at a later time. Bishopdale Centre Car Park
Keith Nuttall declared interest and withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this item.
The Board decided that the matter of the design and layout of the Bishopdale Centre south car park be referred back to the Traffic Safety Committee for further consideration including a site visit.
Details were advised of a proposal to install poster bollards in the area outside McDonalds on Papanui Road and within the Bishopdale Centre area. The general view of Members was that there was not a readily identifiable need for poster facilities in either of these two shopping areas and as such poster bollards did not need to be provided. Also expressed was a concern that the bollards were too high for these suburban shopping locations and would therefore be out of scale in relation to buildings and other features in their immediate areas. Accordingly, the Board resolved that poster bollards not be provided in these two locations.
The Board was advised that with Dayle Hadlee's recent resignation as Principal of Fendalton School he had also relinquished his position as a community representative on the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Funding Committee. In receiving this information, the Board resolved to thank Mr Hadlee for his contribution and voluntary involvement on the Community Funding Committee. It was also decided that a new community representative not be sought for the upcoming funding round due to the short timeframe available to seek a new member and further that the four remaining community representatives on the Funding Committee were in their last year of representation and new nominations would be sought in November next. In recognition of Mr Hadlee's community involvement, the Board also decided to arrange a farewell function for Mr Hadlee at which other school principals would be invited to attend.
10. ANNUAL PLAN COMMITTEE - REPORT OF 19 FEBRUARY 1996 Submitted for the Board's consideration were the outcomes of the Committee's meeting held on 19 February to consider requests for financial assistance (Christchurch Community Law Centre and T E A M), discretionary funding for 1995/96 and to discuss costings associated with improvements to the Bishopdale Centre Car Park. In respect of these matters, the Board resolved to adopt the following recommendations: Requests for Financial Assistance
1. That the request from the Christchurch Community Law Centre for financial assistance be declined. 2. That $2,000 from the Board's 1995/96 discretionary fund be made available to
T E A M towards the establishment of its programme in the north-west of Christchurch.
10. contd.
1995/96 Discretionary Funding
That the remaining $18,215 of 1995/96 discretionary funds be allocated as follows:
* Bishopdale Community Centre $11,115 (main entrance and interior improvements including signage) * T E A M (project implementation, share with $2,000 Shirley/Papanui Community Board) This allocation to be subject to review by the Board of project outcomes * Road landscape improvements (continuation of $5,100 Fendalton/Waimairi programme)11. YOUTH ACTIVITIES
Consideration was given to a report on the two youth activities jointly funded by the Fendalton/Waimairi and Shirley/Papanui Community Boards in the Papanui, Bryndwr and Bishopdale areas in December 1995 and January 1996. Attendances at the two events were disappointing and the report highlighted the need to improve promotion and publicity arrangements for any such future functions. A follow up liaison meeting was held on 4 March to further explore with local community groups how the Council could assist in developing the initiatives so far undertaken. It was reported to the Board that there was insufficient interest shown by the groups to take this type of project any further at this stage and that if local initiatives did develop in the future these could be reported back to the Board. Accordingly an amount of $1,115 of discretionary funding was now available to be reallocated by the Board. In receiving the report, the Board resolved to note the lack of ongoing interest at this stage and that the matter of support for youth activities be reactivated within twelve months and reported on to the Board. It was further resolved that the balance of $1,115 of discretionary funding be reallocated to the Bishopdale Community Centre improvements. Additionally, the Board resolved that staff report on the opportunity for funding a motivational speaker to attend a joint school leavers function.
12. PLANS COMMITTEE - REPORT OF 21 FEBRUARY 1996 Submitted to the Board for record purposes were the outcomes of the Committee's meeting held on 21 February at which comments were prepared on the draft Policy and Management Guidelines for Community Centres. The Committee had power to act in this matter and the comments were accordingly forwarded for inclusion in the report to the Community Services Committee. 13. WAIMAIRI STUDY AWARDS COMMITTEE - REPORT OF 23 FEBRUARY 1996
The Board considered a report of the Committee's meeting held on 23 February 1996 at which a review was undertaken of the revised criteria for the Waimairi Study Awards. The views of the Committee as expressed in the report were adopted for on-forwarding to other Community Boards for consideration via the next Chairpersons and Managers Forum.
The Board resolved to appoint Graham Catley to replace Pat Harrow as the Board's representative on the Christchurch Beautifying Association's Street Competition Committee.
Consideration was given to a report on the suggestion that the existing Civic Awards scheme be expanded to include awards for gallantry. The report concluded that to adopt such a proposal would duplicate the existing national awards and those of the Royal Humane Society. The Board resolved that the Civic Award scheme be retained as at present for recognition of outstanding voluntary community services benefiting the city and, further, that the Board recommend nominations when appropriate, for awards by both the Royal Humane Society and the New Zealand Honours system for gallantry and bravery awards.
The Board received the following reports: 16.1 Neighbours Consents - Delegation to Parks Manager.
A report advising all Boards of a proposed Parks Unit submission to the Parks & Recreation Committee seeking their recommendation for approval of a delegation to the Parks Manager regarding neighbours consents. 16.2 Waste Management Capital Projects 1995/96 Progress Report
A report from the Waste Management Unit on progress to date of the 1995/96 Waste Management Capital Projects throughout the city and in the Fendalton/Waimairi community in particular. 16.3 Water Services Capital Works Programme 1995/96 Progress Report
Detailed in a report from the Water Services Manager were those Capital Works programmes for completion in the Board's area in the 1995/96 financial year. Also noted was the option for discussion regarding any amendment/improvement to the information being provided in future progress reports. 17. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC
The Board resolved to adopt the resolution detailed in Clause 19 of the Agenda.