4 MARCH 1996
A meeting of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board was held on Monday, 4 March 1996 in the Boardroom, Shirley Service Centre, 36 Marshland Road
at 4.00 pm PRESENT: David Dobbie (Chairman), Clare Duff, Carole Evans, Alister James, Don Rowlands, Gail Sheriff, Jack Travis, Chrissie Williams APOLOGIES: An apology was received and accepted from Dave East for absence and from Don Rowlands for lateness Don Rowlands arrived at 4.15 pm and was present for all clauses with the exception of clauses 1, 2, 3 and clause 4. Alister James retired at 6.45 pm and was not present for clause 19.
Officer Responsible Author Design Services Manager Lester Reilly, Legal Surveyor Design Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation
"The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop two portions of legal road. The owners at Stout Street have approached the Council and asked if they can purchase the redundant road and road widening adjoining the frontage of their property. Under the Waimairi Transitional District Scheme this land is no longer required for widening purposes and after the necessary road stopping action could therefore be sold. Negotiations between the adjoining owners and the Property Unit for purchase have been satisfactorily concluded subject to a successful road stopping procedure. The plan is attached. The road to be stopped is not formed as road but is vacant land. The adjoining owners have not yet built on their land. Prior to sale the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action: Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop those portions of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto. Reason for the Road Stopping
The Council has received a request from the adjoining owners for the purchase of the land which is no longer required by Council for road purposes. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put
The portions of road when stopped, will be sold to the adjoining owner pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974. Parcel A is to be amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. Parcel B is a stand alone parcel. Parcel A is situated alongside No 6 Stout Street and is 2.06 metres in width. Schedule Portion of Stout Street and Broadpark Road being all those parcels of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:
Shown Area SO Adjoining Land A 99 m2 19566 Lot 32 DP 817 B 799 m2 19567 Lots 31 and 32 DP 817"
Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. 4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken.
Officer Responsible Author Property Manager David Falls, Property Services Officer Corporate Plan Output: Capital Outputs Sale of Assets page 8.4.60
"The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval for the revocation of a scenic reserve at 405 New Brighton Road (plan attached). BACKGROUND
The Council in 1995 purchased the above property held in two titles one of which is required for the proposed green corridor between the Travis Swamp and the Avon River. The eastern title being vacant land was gazetted as Scenic Reserve while the western title containing a residential dwelling was disposed of by public auction in terms of the Council's recommendation. In view of the proximity of the dwelling to the eastern boundary (two metres) the prospective purchasers were advised the Council would consider an application from the successful bidders to acquire the 3 metre wide strip of land shown marked "A" on the attached plan, for amalgamation with their property title (for the sum of $9,000 to enhance the dwelling as assessed by the Council's valuer). The successful bidders for the property have advised they now wish to take up this option. As this area is now held by the Council as Scenic Reserve it will be necessary to pass the following resolution prior to the disposal. RESOLUTION
Pursuant to Section 24 of the Reserves Act 1977 the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to make an application to the Minister of Conservation to revoke the reservation over the land described in the Schedule hereto and subsequently dispose of the land to the adjoining owners for amalgamation with their property title. SCHEDULE
All that parcel of land containing 192m2 or thereabouts being Part Lot 1 DP 55046 Lot 24 DP 36901 being part of the land contained in Certificate of Title 40B/74 (Canterbury Registry) as shown marked "A" on plan S2614 annexed hereto." Recommendation: That the above Resolution be adopted, subject to a restricted covenant being imposed on the Title to the effect that no building will be permitted on the portion of land.
1. That a bus tour of the coastal area be arranged between Board members and Officers and a follow-up Board meeting be held to discuss the updated Coastal plans.
1. MAINSTREET - PROPOSED EASTER CARNIVAL A letter was received from Mr Peter Seymour, Mainstreet Co-ordinator, relating to a proposed Easter Carnival. The Board resolved that $5000, of the $10,000 allocated by the Board last year for New Brighton Summer Activities, be reallocated to Mainstreet to hold an Easter Carnival between 4- 9 April 1996 and a St Patrick's Day celebration during the week ending 17 March 1996. 2. NEW BRIGHTON NETBALL CLUB A letter was received from Jill White, President of the New Brighton Netball Club relating to the possible relocation of the Club to the site at Owles Terrace, New Brighton. The Board resolved to approve the New Brighton Netball Club using up to $5000 given by the Board for relocation expenses, for upgrading their existing netball courts due to the delay in finalising the Owles Terrace site. 3. BEXLEY RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION A letter was received from the Bexley Residents' Association relating to the use of Bexley Road as a major arterial road. The Board resolved: 1. That an interim response be given to the Bexley Residents' Association's concerns relating to Bexley Road as a major arterial. 2. That the concerns outlined in the Bexley Residents' Association letter relating to Bexley Road as a major arterial be investigated by officers and reported back to the Board.
The Board were advised of the proposed delegation to the Parks Manager for the approval (or otherwise) of neighbours consents. The Board resolved that the Parks Unit submit the following recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Committee: 1. That pursuant to section 715 of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council delegates to the Parks Manager the power to consider neighbours consents in accordance with 1 and 2 of the proposed process.
2. That the Parks Manager monitor neighbours consents to ensure that the assessments are acceptable and consistent across the city.
The Land Drainage Engineer advised on progress on remedying property and street flooding in the Waitaki Street/Bexley Road area. The background of this report is a number of occasions in which flooding of the streets, properties and one house has occurred. The Board resolved: 1. That the removal of cabbage trees in Waitaki Street (and Bexley Road, if any) be considered in conjunction with the Area Parks Officer's report at the Board's 1 April 1996 meeting. 2. That the debris grille on Knights Drain, upstream of Bexley Road be replaced with an improved grille. 3. That the effectiveness of the pump station be monitored by the Water Services Unit and be reviewed after the above measures are implemented.
The Communications and Promotions Manager sought comment from Community Boards on the suggestion that the existing Civic Awards can be expanded to include Awards for gallantry. The Board resolved:
1. That a gallantry award be established as part of the current Civic Awards scheme as suggested and using the following principles: (a) The award should be a secondary award to the National Honours and those awarded by the Royal Humane Society. (b) They should be a local recognition distinct from the Civic Awards. (c) Should recognise a single act of selflessness at an individual level. (d) Be for service beyond the call of duty. (e) The incident should relate to people not directly related to the proposed recipient and be or an action which was spontaneous and placed their own life at some risk. In addition the persons being rescued, would also need to have been in some danger. 2. That greater use be made of the existing award structure and Community Manager's being encouraged to provide nominations on the recommendation of their Boards'.
The Leisure and Community Services Manager advised that at the November meeting of the Community Services Committee a report was requested regarding the funding proposal put forward by representatives of the Aranui Youth Programme to extend its involvement in Aranui by developing a youth centre. The Board considered this report on the proposal put forward by the Aranui Rangitahi Trust. The Board resolved that the Board Chairperson and one other Board member be included in any future discussions between the Council and the Aranui Rangitahi Trust.
The Community Manager submitted proposals for Community Affairs Committee and Seminar meetings for this year, in consultation with the Chairman. The Board resolved: 1. That the schedule of Community Affairs Committee and Seminar meetings as outlined be adopted, subject to consideration being given to other seminars being called if necessary. 2. That Councillor Close be co-opted to the Community Affairs Committee and invited to all seminars. Clare Duff, Carole Evans and Gail Sheriff requested that their vote against recommendation 1 be recorded.
The Assistant Area Traffic Engineer informed the Board of a public meeting that was held to discuss road safety concerns on the section of Pages Road between Woodham Road and Baffin Street. A further meeting was held on Wednesday, 6 March 1996. 16.2 COMMUNITY MANAGER'S UPDATE
The Community Manager reported on a number of local matters of interest.
The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public, as set out on page 30 of the Agenda be adopted.
The meeting concluded at 6.50 pm