The Mayor has received the following letter from Women Towards 2000 Inc: "In 1989 our organisation, Women Towards 2000, was incorporated with one of its objects to establish a memorial to the late Kate Wilson Sheppard. Money was raised by public subscription and a memorial wall was erected in 1993 on the banks of the Avon near the Worcester Street bridge.
Women Towards 2000 has decided to use the balance of funds to establish an award to provide an opportunity for New Zealand women to develop their potential by undertaking further education, study, research or training in areas which are of value to the community in New Zealand. To achieve this objective we are forming a charitable trust which will be administered by the New Zealand Charitable Foundation. The Trust is to be called the "Kate Sheppard Memorial Award Trust".
The Trustee of the Trust will be the PGG Trust Limited, a Christchurch trust company. The Trust Deed provides for the Trustee to be assisted by an Advisory Committee, in considering applications for the award.
The Committee will comprise five or more women nominated by various organisations in Canterbury. We would be grateful if you would advise whether your organisation would be willing to consider nominating one member for the Advisory Committee. Any woman nominated would be appointed for a term of three years. Membership of the Committee will be on a voluntary basis.
Applications for the award will close on 30 June in each year after which the Trustee will call a meeting of the Advisory Committee to consider the applications received. The award winner will be announced on or about Suffrage Day, 19 September.
Should you need more information before discussing this matter with your organisation, would you please telephone the writer on telephone 359-9827.
It would be appreciated if we could have your organisation's response by 31 March, if at all possible."