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27. 3. 96


12 MARCH 1996

A meeting of the City Services Committee

was held on Tuesday 12 March 1996 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Denis O'Rourke (Chairman),

The Mayor, Ms Vicki Buck,

Councillors Carole Anderton, David Buist,

Graham Condon, Gordon Freeman, Ian Howell and Ron Wright.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence from Councillor David Close and Councillor Carole Evans were received and accepted. The Mayor retired at 4.30 pm and was in attendance for clauses 1, 5, 6 and 7. Councillors Carole Anderton, Graham Condon and Ian Howell retired at 6.00 pm and were not present for clause 4. The Committee reports that: PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION


Officer responsible      Author                                     
City Streets Manager     Weng-Kei Chen, Road Maintenance and        
                         Policy Engineer                            
Corporate Plan Output:  Consents and Applications Page 9.5.5           

The purpose of this report is to seek the Council's consent to construct a services tunnel under Kotzikas Place in Sockburn. This proposal will enable the owner of the properties, United Fisheries Limited, to rationalise the existing factory's operations. In support of the application the reason given "It will enable United Fisheries to expand and process more onshore rather than on foreign mother ships. Creates more employment for the city. It also creates economies of scale and operation for both the existing factory and existing cool store". Section 338 of the Local Government Act 1974 provides that the Council may, pursuant to a special order, grant to any person an easement or other right for such period not exceeding 50 years and on such terms and conditions as the Council thinks fit, authorising that person to lay a pipe across a road and that right shall be subject to the payment of such rent and other conditions as the Council thinks fit. The proposed tunnel is a 1.5 metre diameter concrete pipe across the head of the cul-de-sac at Kotzikas Place. The tunnel will be 1.8 metres below the roadway and is below the existing services. Service authorities have advised that this proposal will not conflict with their services.

1. Cont'd

The request is reasonable and subject to the special order procedures being successful, it is recommended approval be granted subject to: 1. An appropriate lease and rental agreement being prepared by the Property Manager. 2. The easement grant will be for a period of 15 years, with opportunity for renewal for 15 yearly intervals thereafter subject to any Council conditions at that time. 3. All legal survey costs associated with this proposal are to be at the applicant's cost. 4. Work must commence within four (4) months of granting of the easement and work completed within 14 (fourteen) days of work commencing. 5. The applicant to be responsible for all costs associated with any damage at any time to the pipeline. 6. The granting of this easement shall not be deemed to be to the exclusion of any other service or easement which may be installed or applied for at any subsequent time. 7. The roadway opening be carried out in compliance with conditions set by the City Streets Manager at the time of construction. 8. The applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance of the trench or any subsequent damage to the road resulting from the failure of this pipeline. The maintenance period shall be 12 months from the date of initial surfacing. Recommendation: That it be recommended to the Council that special order procedures be commenced to grant United Fisheries Limited an easement for a period of 15 years to lay a service tunnel under Kotzikas Place subject to the above conditions 1 to 8.


Officer responsible                    Author                       
Waste Manager                          Mike Stockwell, Waste        
Corporate Plan Output:  Waste Management Unit: Solid Waste             
Regional Investigation and Development, p 9.2-65                       

The purpose of this report is to provide information about initiatives to implement a Canterbury Regional approach to solid waste management and disposal.

2. Cont'd


The report to February Council on the Burwood Landfill backgrounded current issues relating to our own City landfill. In summary Stage 2 (the present working area) will be filled in around seven years, Stage 3 is not viable and Stage 4 is only a possibility which is dependent upon purchase of land and obtaining a new resource consent. Over the past few months the surrounding District and City Councils have been working together with the view to establishing a mutually acceptable regional strategy for waste disposal. This has been triggered by the fact that several of them have only a very limited life left in their landfills (two to five years maximum). Because our own (Stage 2) landfill will be full up shortly and there is no guarantee at all that Stage 4 can proceed it makes eminent good sense for the City to join with its neighbours in a regional initiative. For instance one of the options might be that Burwood Landfill becomes the Regional Landfill until it is full, then another site outside the City boundary take over this role. Other options will of course be studied, this is only an example of what might be agreed to in a Regional scheme. REGIONAL MEETING

At the request of the combined Councils (Waimakariri, Hurunui, MacKenzie, Banks Peninsula, Kaikoura, Ashburton, Selwyn and Timaru) a meeting was held with Christchurch City Council elected representatives and officers on 28 February to discuss a regional approach and to map out a way forward. A very strong spirit of co-operation was evident at the meeting and the following recommendations were passed: 1. That Christchurch City Council agree in principle to participation in the Regional Waste Management and Disposal Strategy already agreed upon by other Canterbury District and City Councils.

2. That for this purpose a Regional Waste Management Working Party comprising representation from all Canterbury District and City Councils be established.

3. That the priorities be:

(a) To address short term requirements on a co-operative basis.

(b) To establish aims and objectives to meet the long term needs of all Canterbury communities.

(c) To develop options (including the role of private operators) to achieve long term solutions.

(d) To jointly implement preferred options.

4. That staff continue discussions on waste minimisation issues.

2. Cont'd

It was suggested that the Christchurch City Council representatives on the Working Party should be Councillors O'Rourke and Evans together with appropriate officers. Other Councils will generally send one elected member plus one officer on a routine basis with others co-opted as required. WAIMAKARIRI DISTRICT COUNCIL

Waimakariri District Council's landfills at Rangiora and Kaiapoi will be full up in 18 months to two years. They are currently investigating the possibility of another landfill elsewhere but Resource Consent is likely to be very costly and difficult. If the recommendations in this report are passed the Waste Management Unit will report next month on a proposal for the City to help out Waimakariri by taking a proportion of their waste stream at least short term. The Chairman commented: Waste Management must be regarded as a regional matter if we are to progress the course of waste minimisation and the maximum recovery of resources from the waste stream in an efficient, cost effective, and environmentally positive way. It is important also for Christchurch to demonstrate its concern for the welfare of the other areas and communities in Canterbury. The recent meeting was a very good start with a strong spirit of co-operation being evident. The time will come (and in some respects has come) when, in return for the assistance Christchurch can render now to other districts, we will be able to secure future options which may not otherwise be available to us. In addition, the meeting showed its willingness for Christchurch to lead, and this has obvious positive spin- offs for us. The recommendations from the meeting on 28 February should be strongly supported. Recommendation: 1. That the recommendations of the Regional meeting stated in Clause 2 above be adopted. 2. That the Christchurch City Council provide the administrative function for the Regional Waste Management Working Party (note the funding for this can be discussed at the next Working Party meeting and reported back to this Council in due course). 3. That progress reports from the Regional Waste Working Party be regularly reported to this Committee. 4. That Councillors Denis O'Rourke and Carole Evans and one officer be the Council's representatives on the Working Party. 3. POTENTIAL BELFAST FREEZING WORKS DISCHARGE TO


Officer responsible          Author                                  
Waste Manager                Mike Bourke, Liquid Waste Manager       
Corporate Plan Output:  Waste Management Unit: Liquid Waste            
Collection and Treatment.                                              

The purpose of this report was to seek the Committee's approval in principle to the possibility of accepting freezing works effluent as a trade waste to the Christchurch Wastewater Treatment Plant at Bromley. BACKGROUND

In the process of renewing the Resource Consent for the Belfast Freezing Works owned by the Primary Producers Co-operative Society Limited (PPCS) the Act requires that all options for discharge must be given consideration. At present this Company along with smaller flows from Colyer Watson Fellmongery and Kaputone Woolscour discharge treated effluent to the Waimakariri River. One of the potential options for effluent disposal from these industries is to pipe that effluent to a suitable point in the City's sewer reticulation system for treatment at the Christchurch Wastewater Treatment Plant at Bromley. DISCUSSION

While this option appears technically feasible there are many aspects of the proposal which will need careful consideration before any decisions are reached. In particular the impact on the Treatment Plant's biological load will need very careful evaluation as in recent years there has been a greater than expected increase in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD is a measure of the pollution load) at the Plant, and significant further BOD load may be difficult to accommodate at present without some capacity increase (ie extensions to the Plant). Other considerations would include impact on reticulation capacity, impact on treatment plant flow capacity, costs of additional reticulation, the trade waste charges to be levied, likely effect on timing of any expansion or upgrading of the Christchurch Wastewater Treatment Plant, impact on the need for the City to obtain resource consent for its discharge, the potential to include the diversion of the Belfast township sewage to Bromley (which is presently treated in oxidation ponds and discharged to the South Branch of the Waimakariri River) and the future of the Belfast Industrial Pressure Pipeline which the three companies presently use for their discharge to the Waimakariri River. There will be obvious environmental benefits in removing this effluent discharge from the Waimakariri River. Staff have had preliminary discussions with representatives of the companies and despite the need for a lot more consideration of the various impacts of the proposal PPCS seek an initial response from the Committee to the proposals as follows:

3. Cont'd

"Our current position is that we are keen to progress with the Council on this option, subject to a satisfactory arrangement on cost sharing and some reasonable certainty in terms of future charges. In relation to the latter point, we would probably want to wait on decisions made by the Council with regard to the upgrade programme intended for Bromley in the next 10-15 years. This will be mainly influenced by the outcome of a resource consent application by the Council to apply after 2001 and the decisions made in relation to increasing treatment capacity to cater for population growth and our effluent contribution.

We would be interested in some initial response from the Committee of their interest in the proposal and how they view the proposal in terms of the potential impact on any upgrade programme."

During the discussion on this proposal the Waste Manager advised the Committee that the Bromley Waste Treatment Works have a remaining 13% capacity before expansion works will be necessary. It was further noted that the acceptance of effluent from PPCS would bring the operation up to near full capacity. Given this situation Committee members did not support the proposal to accept PPCS effluent at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and have been alerted to the need to start investigations into options for improvements to the Plant to meet future demands. Recommendation: 1. That the Waste Manager report back to the City Services Committee and investigate options for the Belfast area effluent disposal requirement, the future general expansion requirements and options for the development of the Waste Water Treatment plant including a forward budget. 2. That a report to the Committee be available in three months.4. REQUEST TO REALLOCATE CAPITAL EXPENDITURE DEFERRED AND REBUDGETED IN 1996/97 OR SURPLUS TO


The Committee resolved to consider the following supplementary report.

Officer responsible                       Author                      
Accounting Services Manager               Ian Hay                     
Corporate Plan Output:  Overview                                        

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to reallocate capital expenditure funds not required in the 1995/96 financial year. As part of the six monthly review prepared for the March Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, it was identified that $7.878 million of capital expenditure was not required during the current year and had been rebudgeted

4. Cont'd

in future years. At the same time $1.573 million of urgent and worthwhile projects were identified which should be completed during the current financial year. Details are as follows: CAPITAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL SURPLUS

Roading (Rebudgeted in 1996/97)                          5.198M  
Water Services (Rebudgeted in 1996/97)                   2.360M  
Brooklands Water Supply Savings                           .320M  
`                                                     ---------  


Roading (Refer memo from Roading Manager attached)       1.268M  
Water Services - Spencerville Water Supply                       
(Refer memo from Water Services Manager attached)         .305M  

As the March meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee has been cancelled, it was appropriate the requests be considered by this Committee to enable the works to be completed during the current year if deemed appropriate. It should be noted both Units volunteered the savings in the interests of ensuring a consistent and manageable capital works programme. Recommendation: That the requests for additional capital expenditure be approved and funded from borrowing with the exception of the Cashel Street Upgrade - $200,000. Note: The Committee referred the Cashel Street project to the Strategy & Resources Committee Working Party to be considered as a 1996/97 project; its priority to be assessed against other 1996/97 enhancement projects. PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE COMMITTEE AND



The City Streets Manager submitted a further report on the proposal for the review of speed limits in the city. A technical advice team has been formed to review speed limits before submitting detailed reports to Community Boards. It was resolved: 1. That presentations to Community Boards now be made in April.

5. Cont'd 2. That officers submit details to the Committee of a publicity programme and submission process, to ensure the best possible opportunity for public input on the proposals following Community Board consultation. 3. That the Chairman seek invitations from all Community Boards to introduce the proposals to them.

6. TUAM STREET PEDESTRIAN CROSSING Proposals for the enhancement and upgrading of the pedestrian crossing in Tuam Street outside the Civic Offices were considered. The Committee resolved to adopt the proposal for public consultation. Following public consultation the response will be reported back to the Central City Committee. 7. CONTRACT NO. 94/95 - 176 BRIDLE PATH ROAD RECONSTRUCTION

The City Streets Manager submitted a report to the Committee to obtain Council approval to extend the previously authorised contract sum due to actual costs increasing the amount by more than 10%. The accepted tender price for the contract was $413,176.85 which included a contingency sum of $45,000. The final contract sum is likely to be in the order of $478,000. The reasons for the increased costs were outlined to the Committee. It was resolved that the increase to the original authorisation from $413,176.85 to $478,000 be confirmed for this contract. 8. CATHEDRAL SQUARE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR UNDERGROUND BUS TERMINAL/CARPARK

In a report to Committee the Chairman, Councillor Denis O'Rourke raised issues for general discussion relating to the proposal for an underground bus terminal/carpark in Cathedral Square. These issues and others raised by the Committee members have been forwarded to the officer project team established by the City Manager to report to the Central City Committee and the Strategy & Resources Committee.The meeting concluded at 6.10 pm. CONSIDERED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH 1996


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