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26. 6. 96


13 JUNE 1996

A meeting of the Projects and Property Committee

was held on Thursday 13 June 1996 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Councillor Ron Wright (Chairman),

The Mayor,

Councillors Oscar Alpers, Carole Anderton,

Carole Evans, Ishwar Ganda, Ian Howell,

Alister James and Denis O'Rourke.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor David Close.

APOLOGY: An apology was received and accepted from Councillor Morgan Fahey. The Mayor retired from the meeting at 4.30 pm

during consideration of clause 2.1 and was not

present for the remaining clauses. The Committee reports that: PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION



Officer responsible                    Author                       
Major Projects Co-ordinator            Albert Louman                
Corporate Plan Output:  Corporate Plan, Volume 1, Table 8              

The purpose of this report is to bring members of the Projects and Property Committee up to date on progress on the Convention Centre Project. REPORTING PERIOD ENDING 31 MAY 1996


Concrete work continues to make good progress, with the majority of the precast concrete wall panels and floors having been placed. Framing of walls and floors has begun, and a start on service trades is targeted for June. OUTSTANDING ISSUES

Kitchen Confirmation of the availability of funding from the Waste Management Unit for the refrigeration/cooling to the `wet' recyclable waste area is still awaited.

1 Cont'd The Contractor has completed the repricing of the kitchen equipment and confirmation is awaited from the Venue Manager that some minor changes to meet the budget are acceptable. On receipt of this confirmation, the Contractor will be instructed to proceed with the ordering, fabrication and installation of the equipment. Joinery Warren & Mahoney have had a series of design meetings with the Venue Manager to discuss NCC (New Zealand) Ltd's requirements for reception and bar counters, and other joinery items. These meetings will enable the joinery to be drawn up and finalised. Furniture, Fittings and Equipment (FF&E) Several meetings have been held with NCC (New Zealand) Ltd to define their role in the FF&E procurement process in relation to Warren & Mahoney's interior design responsibilities. NCC (New Zealand) Ltd are currently preparing a list of the required FF&E items, and once this is finalised the method of procurement will have to be agreed. Audio-Visual Mr Larry Elliott, a specialist audio-visual consultant, has been appointed to complete a peer review of the audio-visual design. The first stage is a review of the cabling included within the building contract. This was to be completed by 31 May 1996, and will be followed by a technical review of the overall system design. The procedure for the preparation of the design specification and the procurement of the audio-visual equipment including installation is still to be resolved. Consents An application for a resource consent for the LPG flue discharges from the hot water boilers and other LPG appliances is close to completion and will be lodged with the Canterbury Regional Council in late May/early June 1996. The design of the LPG enclosure has been submitted to the Council's Dangerous Goods Inspectors for their approval. APPROVALS REQUIRED

No approvals are sought from the Projects and Property Committee at this meeting. 1 Cont'd ADD-BACK ITEMS

At the time of the award of the construction contract for the Convention Centre, the Council required that deletions of $857,000 be made so that the cost plan matched the funding currently available (ie $15m). The Council also resolved that if additional funds became available from sources such as naming rights, commercial agreements or other fundraising, then these additional funds could be used to reinstate the deleted items. The required deletions of $857,000 were achieved by issuing Variation Orders based on the Quantity Surveyor's estimates. This reduced the contract value to $11,411,446.00 including a Contingency Sum of $200,000. Most of the changes to achieve the deletions required further design work before the precise reduction could be quantified. Redesign and subsequent pricing is now effectively complete with the remaining issues relating principally to mechanical services controls and the finalising of the light fittings for the project. The Quantity Surveyor's assessment is that, overall, the targeted deletions have been achieved with the Contingency Sum as at the end of May 1996 being $202,685.34, ie a slight increase in the original amount. As the detailed design noted above has progressed, alternative means of achieving the same effect at less cost have been identified by the Consultants, with the result that many of the items on the `add-back' list are no longer required. However the Consultants consider that a number of items on the add-back list are desirable if the quality of the building is not to be compromised. The Architect also considers that the quality of a number of items currently within the contract should be improved. The key items for consideration would be: Carpet - improved quality $80,000

Light fittings - anticipated deletion cannot be

achieved without reducing the standard or

number of fittings $12,000

Skylight glazing - reinstate double glazing $10,000

Total $102,000

Given the success in achieving the targeted deletions, the Quantity Surveyor was asked whether they would be comfortable in utilising part of the Contingency Sum for this purpose. They have advised that, in their opinion, it is too early in the contract to consider such a move. This course is therefore not recommended, and items should only be added back if additional funding is available. To date, sources such as naming rights, commercial agreements or other fundraising have not raised any additional funding. 1 Cont'd It is therefore recommended that no items should be added back or have their quality improved at this stage.


The Contractor remains on programme to complete the building contract by 14 February 1997 (contract completion date), and the total project is on programme to be completed by 31 March 1997.


The estimated completion cost of the building contract is as follows:

Building Contract (including Building                 $12,218,904.00  
Contingency  and Kitchen Equipment)                                   
 Less Building Contingency                             ($200,000.00)  

a)  Agreed Variations                                                 
 - Variation Orders                     (566,198.34)                  
b)  Assessed Variations                                               
 - Variation Orders  - Variation        (297,411.00)                  
Price Requests                             53,466.00                  
                                        ($810,143.34   ($810,143.34)  
estimated completion cost of building                 $11,208,760.66  
less budget provision for building                                    
contract (included in Monthly                         $11,411,446.00  
Financial Summary Report below)                                       
total remaining building contingency                   ($202,685.34)  

*** Note - Excludes cost of LPG supplementary heating to Main Convention Halls' air conditioning and kitchen's supply air (which are being funded by a separate EECA loan) and $2,116.83 for electrical conduits which are being paid for by Southpower. - Excludes $50,000 reduction in Project Contingency Sum (from $110,000 to $60,000) which is shown separately in the Monthly Financial Summary Report below. 1 Cont'd Monthly Financial Summary Report

Expenditure to 31 May 1966

Item Description                   Expenditu   Cost to   Forecast    Budget    Variance   
                                     re to    Complete     Total    Provision     ($)     
                                     date        ($)     Cost  ($)     ($)                
a. expenditure -                                                                          
1. Demolition                      232,422    Nil        232,422      226,000      6,422  
2. Building                                                                          Nil  
(including Building                1,231,578  10,179,86  11,411,44  11,411,44             
Contingency and                               8          6                  6             
Kitchen Equipment)                                                                        
3. Traffic Management                  Nil                                           Nil  
Improvements                                  110,000    110,000      110,000             
including Design                                                                          
Services Unit Fees                                                                        
(Kilmore Street/                                                                          
Peterborough Street)                                                                      
4. Storage Shelving.               Nil        50,000     50,000        50,000        Nil  
5. Furniture Fittings               Nil        938,054    938,054     938,054        Nil  
and Equipment.                                                                            
6. Audio-Visual                    Nil        528,000    528,000      528,000        Nil  
7. Fees                             648,834    157,666    806,500     806,500        Nil  
(Architectural and                                                                        
8. Other Fees and                                                                    Nil  
Miscellaneous                      432,670    217,330    650,000      650,000             
Expenses (Project                                                                         
Management, Quantity                                                                      
Surveying etc)                                                                            
9. Marketing                        224,373    75,627     300,000     300,000        Nil  
Operational Expenses)                                                                     
10. Project                        Nil        53,578     53,578        60,000    (6,422)  
11. Transfer from Sport                                                               Nil  
and Entertainment Centre                  Nil  (80,000)   (80,000)    (80,000)             
Budget (for over size                                                                      
 Total Expenditure -               $2,769,87  $12,230,1  $15,000,0  $15,000,0        Nil  
Building                                   7  23         00                00             
b. expenditure -                               Nil                                 (736)  
land purchase                      3,999,264             3,999,264  4,000,000             
 Total Expenditure -                           Nil                                ($736)  
Land Purchase                      $3,999,26             $3,999,26  $4,000,00             
                                           4             4                  0             
c. total expenditure               $6,769,14  $12,230,1  $18,999,2  $19,000,0     ($736)  
- building and land                        1  23         64                00             
d. less contributions                                                                      
(a) Total Contributions                                                                    
from Convention Centre                                                                     
Naming Rights and                                                                          
Commercial Support                                                                         
(i) Naming Rights             Nil                                                         
(Code 00811/803)                                                                          
(ii) Commercial               Nil                                                         
Support Agreements                                                                        
(Code 00811/804)                                                                          
(b) Less Fundraising                                                     ****             
Expenses                   49,786                                                         
 Net Contributions      ($49,786)  ($49,786)  2,401,786  2,352,000  $2,352,00        Nil  
e. net cost to council             $6,818,92  $9,828,33  $16,647,2  $16,648,0     ($736)  
- building and land                        7  7          64         00                    

1 Cont'd **** Budget Provision for Contributions of $2,352,000 is broken down as follows:

1995/96 $630,000

1996/97 $982,000

1997/98 $370,000

1998/99 $370,000 The Committee was advised that because of the lead times required, approval would be required at the June round of meetings for the additional expenditure of $102,000 required to effect an improvement in the quality of the carpet, light fittings and skylight glazing considered necessary by the consultants. The Committee was also advised that should the additional expenditure not be approved then the quality of the carpet would be significantly inferior to the Town Hall carpet. Members of the Committee were unanimous that approval should be granted for the additional expenditure required to cover the items listed by the consultants, bearing in mind the close integration between the Convention Centre and the Town Hall. This additional expenditure is to be funded from the contingency sum of $200,000. Recommendation: That approval be granted for the following additional expenditure as a charge on the contingency sum of $200,000: Carpet - improved quality $80,000

Light fittings - anticipated deletion cannot be

achieved without reducing the standard or

number of fittings $12,000

Skylight glazing - reinstate double glazing $10,000

Total $102,000



2. PROGRESS REPORTS ON MAJOR PROJECTS The Committee received progress reports on the following projects: 2.1 Christchurch Sport and Entertainment Centre, including a presentation by the Major Projects Co- ordinator on his recent visit to Canada to inspect similar facilities. 2.2 Christchurch Pier fundraising. The meeting concluded at 5.00 pm



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