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26. 6. 96



21 JUNE 1996

A joint meeting of the Central City Committee and the Strategy and Resources Committee was held on Friday 21 June 1996 at 12 noon.

PRESENT: Councillor Margaret Murray (Chairman),

The Mayor, Ms Vicki Buck,

Councillors Oscar Alpers, Graham Berry (to 12.45), David Close, Anna Crighton, Newton Dodge, Carole Evans, Ian Howell, Alister James, Charles Manning, Garry Moore (arrived at 12.30 pm and left at 2.15 pm), Denis O'Rourke and Ron Wright.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors Leslie Keast and Gail Sherriff (to 12.55 pm).

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence from Councillors Pat Harrow, Morgan Fahey and Barbara Stewart. The Committee reports that: PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION


Officer Responsible                 Author                                
City Manager                        Dave Hinman, Principal Policy         
Corporate Plan Output: Enhancement Projects                                 

All Councillors have received the report of the Council's Officer Study Team (Vol I) and the Appendices to the report (Vol II). The reports were considered at the joint meeting on 21 June together with a statement attached to this report and tabled prior to the meeting by Mr J Rutherford on behalf of PDIC. A legal opinion from Buddle Findlay was considered also during the Public Excluded section of the meeting and is included in the Public Excluded section of this report. BACKGROUND

"1. The redevelopment of Cathedral Square has been under active consideration by the Council since 1991. By the end of 1995 a development proposal for the Square had been recommended by the Council's Cathedral Square Sub- Committee.

1. Cont'd

2. This proposal is still being considered by the Council, along with suggestions for an alternative plan proposed by the group known as the "Cathedral Square Committee", consisting in particular of a number of leading city architects, central City retailers and landowners. 3. Two of the major design elements yet to be resolved include: (a) The future of buses in Cathedral Square; and (b) The type, form and location of North/South road access through the Square. While the Council Sub-Committee's plan retains an off-street bus terminal in the North/West quadrant of the Square and proposes a one-way, South bound slow street behind the Cathedral, the "Cathedral Square Committee" plan suggests locating the buses behind Cathedral Square and in Worcester Street East, and retaining a two-way road for vehicles. The group acknowledges that placing the buses behind the Cathedral is not entirely satisfactory, but considers it more appropriate than their being retained in what they regard as the prime Cathedral Square space to the West of the Cathedral. Landowners around the Square appear divided over this issue with most not wanting the buses located in their particular area. 4. In January this year, an Auckland based company, Pacific Development and Investment Corporation Ltd (PDIC) approached Council staff with the suggestion that in order to resolve the "impasse" relating to the Cathedral Square Plan, an option for an underground bus terminal in the Square, which had been investigated in a preliminary way about a year ago, should be revisited. In addition to benefiting the design of Cathedral Square and providing, in particular, a high quality bus terminal amenity, it was argued that a clear advantage of this proposal would be that it would be largely financed by external sources. It was suggested that the Council's contribution would be limited to provision of some of the land and responsibility for the surface treatment of the Square at a cost which should not be greatly in excess of that presently budgeted for Cathedral Square redevelopment. 5. Following presentations to Council staff and the Central City Committee, a detailed presentation was made to all Councillors at a special Council Meeting on 29 February 1996. At that special Council Meeting "Stake Holders" including Cathedral Square land owners, transport operators, Regional Council representatives, and retail representatives were invited to be present. 6. At the special meeting the Council adopted the following resolutions: (a) That the Council considers the concept of an underground public transport terminal and car park in Cathedral Square as proposed by PDIC worthy of full investigation.

1. Cont'd

(b) That the City Manager be asked to appoint an officer project team to prepare a comprehensive report on the proposal for an underground car park and bus terminal for consideration by the Central City Committee and Strategy and Resources Committee as soon as practicable, but no later than May. (c) That the report consider as far as possible, inter alia: (i) The overall feasibility of the project. (ii) The operational advantages for public transport. (iii) The social, environmental and commercial advantages and disadvantages for the users of the Square and for property owners around the Square. (iv) The financial implications for the Council and for public transport operators, and minimisation of risk to the Council. (d) That the project team undertake preliminary consultation with the Canterbury Regional Council, transport operators, the Cathedral Chapter, the Police and any other key players, to provide input for the report." THE JOINT MEETING The Principal Policy Analyst at the joint meeting on 21 June reported on the investigations of the Officer Study Team highlighting the major issues addressed. Other members of the team were introduced to report in greater detail aspects on the design and physical elements of the proposal. The financial implications of the Council's adoption of the project were covered noting also that additional funding would be required from either rates and/or increased transport user charges to cover the operating costs of the proposed facility. There was concern that the ramps for entry/exit to the facility would be detrimental to the environment of the Square. The increased area now required for the double ramp entry/exit was considered to be to the detriment of the area. The executive summary of the officer study team's report is attached. The recommendations of the study team were supported by the Chairmen of the Strategy & Resources Committee and the Central City Committee. Councillors Denis O'Rourke and Anna Crighton sought further discussion on the wider issue of finding a solution to providing a terminal for buses in the Central City and promoted the proposal that discussions be commenced with relevant land owners and other parties to develop a strategy for the use of land and buildings in the north-east block adjacent to the Square. This would include the completion of a revised Cathedral Junction development.

1. Cont'd

The Director of Finance noted that there is no provision for a bus terminal in the Annual Plan or within the next five years. This issue would require more debate and a change in priorities being agreed by the Council. The Committee members are disappointed that the underground proposal has not met the needs of a bus terminal particularly when considering the longer term aim to expand the public transport options in the city. The potential initially anticipated when the proposal was mooted was not realised. The Central City Committee has had a prime objective to resolve the Cathedral Square redevelopment issues and to expedite the completion of the project. There is also considerable public pressure for the Council to arrive at a decision on the redevelopment of Cathedral Square and with the discounting of the underground bus terminal/car park proposal other plans which have previously been brought before the prior Cathedral Square Sub-Committee and the Central City Committee could now be addressed. The provision of a covered bus terminal and possible development of the north-east block adjacent to the Square have wider implications for public transport in the city and for future priorities of the Council. The Cathedral Square redevelopment and the issue of proceeding with a bus terminus for the city were seen by the joint meeting as two projects to be addressed, with the Cathedral Square redevelopment having a high priority. Officers gave an undertaking to report back to the Central City Committee on Cathedral Square redevelopment by November 1996 should the Council adopt the recommendation from the joint meeting. Recommendation: 1. That the Council now abandon consideration of an underground bus terminal and car park option for Cathedral Square. 2. That PDIC be advised accordingly, and thanked for their work undertaken in this respect. 3. That the Central City Committee be requested to expedite planning and implementation of the Cathedral Square redevelopment, subject to the redevelopment not prejudicing the options envisaged in recommendations 4 and 5 below. 4. That an officer project team be requested to report to the Central City Committee by the November 1996 meeting on: (i) The possibility of an off-street bus terminal and associated facilities close to the Square. (ii) Interim provision for buses in the Square while off-street terminal options are developed.

1. Cont'd

(iii) Alternative options for enhancing the use of public transport. 5. That the report of the project team include an investigation of the development of a strategy for the use of the land and buildings in the north- east block adjacent to the Square which may include: (i) The provision of a covered bus terminal. (ii) The completion of a revised Cathedral Junction development. (iii) The retention and conservation of important heritage buildings in the north- east block. (iv) The provision of a high quality covered pedestrian walkway or shopping mall between the Square and the bus terminal/Cathedral Junction development. (v) Meeting the car parking needs of buildings in the vicinity of Cathedral Square. 6. That when giving consideration to recommendations 4 and 5 above, the Central City Committee be expanded to include the chairpersons of the Environmental & City Services Committees.

2. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC The Committee resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 3 of the agenda be adopted. CONSIDERED THIS 26TH DAY OF JUNE 1996


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