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26. 6. 1996


4 JUNE 1996

A meeting of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board

was held on 4 June 1996 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Mr Oscar Alpers (Chairman), Mrs Carole Anderton,

Mr Philip Clearwater, Mr David Drayton,

Mrs Sonia Gill, Mrs Patricia Hunter, Mrs Ann Lewis. APOLOGIES: The Board received apologies for absence from Dr Morgan Fahey and Mr Ian Howelland resolved to sustain these apologies. The Board reports that:





364 RIVERLAW TERRACE) Map Reference: L14

Officer Responsible                    Writer                        
Design Services Manager                Lester Reilly, Legal          
                                       Surveyor Design               
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation               

The unformed portion of Riverlaw Terrace between Aynsley Terrace and the east boundary of 364 Riverlaw Terrace is shown in the notified City Plan as "road to be stopped". The Council wishes to develop the area as a riverside reserve and walkway. As this portion of legal road is now redundant for that purpose it can therefore be stopped and declared a local purpose (Esplanade) reserve and held in the name of the Council. All the adjoining owners have been approached and have agreed to the proposal. No submissions opposing this proposal have been made to the new City Plan. The plans are attached. The land is not formed as road but occupied by the Council and used as a riverbank reserve. Prior to stopping the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action: RESOLUTION Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plans and described in the Schedule hereto. 1 Cont'd Reason for the Road Stopping

The reason for the road stopping is to implement the designation as shown in the notified City Plan and to hold the land for the purpose for which it is being used. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portion of road when stopped will be held by the Council pursuant to Section 345 (3) of the Local Government Act 1974 as a Local Purpose (Esplanade) reserve. Schedule Unformed portion of Riverlaw Terrace being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown           Area          SO            Adjoining Land         
      A            4786m2       19606     Lots 1 & 2 DP 38636 Lots     
                                          1,4,5 & 6 DP 15745 Lot 4     
                                          DP 12670 Lots 11, 14, 15 &   
                                          16 DP 12479 Lot 1 DP 7561    
                                          Part Bed of the Heathcote    

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That, if no objections are received, or if the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be held by the Council pursuant to Section 345(3) of the Local Government Act 1974 as a Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve. 4. That, if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearings Panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to the Council as to the action to be taken.



Officer Responsible                    Writer                         
Design Services Manager                Lester Reilly, Legal           
                                       Surveyor Design                
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation                

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road. The portion of road to be stopped is to restrict vehicle access from Foster Street and Clarence Street (south of Foster Street) and to use the new road being constructed as shown on the attached locality plan. The City Streets Unit agrees with this proposal. The plan is attached. RESOLUTION Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto. Reason for the Road Stopping

The reason for this road stopping is for traffic management purposes. Vehicle access from Foster Street and Clarence Street (south of Foster Street) to Whiteleigh Avenue will be via a new road now under construction. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portion of road when stopped will be held by the Council pursuant to Section 345 (1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 and landscaped. Schedule Portion of Clarence Street being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown           Area            SO           Adjoining Land      
      A             190m2          19605      Lot 1 DP 41114 Lot 1   
                                              DP 57359               

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That, if no objections are received, or if the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped.

2 Cont'd 3. That the stopped road be held by the Council pursuant to Section 345 (1) (b) and landscaped. 4. That, if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearings Panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to the Council as to the action to be taken.


Officers responsible                   Writers                      
Property Manager
Roading Manager Dave Falls, Property Officer
Michael Thomson, Project Co-ordinator Corporate Plan Output: 9.5.0 (property purchase)

The purpose of this report is to obtain the Council's approval to commence purchase of properties designated for road widening on Strickland Street. The Council has included the reconstruction and widening of Strickland Street, between Milton Street and Leitch Street in its 1997/98 financial year. This work (budgeted at $310,000 will be stage 2 of a 3 stage project to reconstruct and widen the total length of Strickland Street. Provision has been made in the 1996/97 year's budget to purchase designated land up to a value of $320,000. Before the stage 2 works can commence, 15 property severances need to be acquired. To complete the acquisitions, approval is now sought to purchase the north-east side severances. The addresses of the properties affected and the size of the necessary severances are set out below. Detailed plans showing the severances and legal descriptions are attached. Addresses: 80, 82A, 82B, 84, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 122, 124 Strickland Street and 2 Devon Street. Legal Description: As shown on plans attached. Zone: Living 3 - proposed new City Plan. Areas of Severances: 36m2, 36.5m2, 36.5m2, 50m2, 58m2, 37m2, 37m2, 55m2, 55m2, 37m2, 39m2, 61m2, 58m2, 68m2 and 109m2 respectively.

3 Cont'd Valuation: Compensation for the individual severances inclusive of injurious affection will be assessed on the Council's behalf by an independent valuer. The Property Unit has however supplied a preliminary estimate that settlement of the acquisitions should be achieved in the range of $5,000-$25,000 per property. Proposed Settlement: Because of the number of properties and the relatively small sums involved in the acquisition of the individual severances, it is proposed that authority be delegated to the Property Manager to approve the necessary settlements on the following basis: (a) That the owners be offered the compensation assessed by the Council's valuer and, if the owners choose also to obtain their own valuation, compensation be negotiated and settled at a figure between the respective valuations and up to the maximum assessed by either valuer. (b) That settlements so achieved be reported to the Council for information at a subsequent meeting. (c) In the event that settlement cannot be achieved within the above parameters, the matter be referred to the Council with a separate recommendation. (d) That any necessary total property purchases be referred to the Council with a separate recommendation. The above process will enable the Property Unit to efficiently expedite the acquisition of a group of property severances. The ability to conclude negotiations and effect immediate settlement is in the interests of the property owners who are stimulated by not being delayed by the four-week reporting cycle to the Council and there is a considerable saving in the staff time which will be involved in preparing and submitting individual reports on the properties. At the meeting of the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board Mrs Gill declared an interest and took no part in the discussion and voting on this clause. 3 Cont'd

Recommendation: That the Property Manager be authorised to settle the property severance purchases detailed in this report on the proposed basis.



The Board resolved that the report to the Council of the Board meeting of 2 May 1996, as circulated, be confirmed.


The Board considered a report seeking approval for naming a lane for a proposed subdivision at 18 Bowenvale Ave. At the Board meeting concerns were expressed that the proposed names were too long for a relatively short right of way and would be difficult to fit on to a street map. The Board resolved: 1. That the applicant be advised that the suggested names are too long and are therefore not approved. 2. That it be suggested to the developer that a shorter name, which would fit more conveniently on a street map, would be more appropriate for this right-of-way. 3. That the Board would suggest the name "Davis Lane" if this name were acceptable to the appropriate authorities.


The Board considered a report reviewing past work in areas that might be included in Agenda 21 and work that is currently underway. The Board resolved: 1. That Community Boards consult with their communities to adopt or support one or two programmes or projects each year chosen from the programme areas of Agenda 21, to be identified as Agenda 21 projects. 2. That, at a suitable time, the Board write to residents' groups and to community centres seeking: a) their suggestions for consideration later this year as projects for the 1996/97 and 1997/98 budget years and b) whether they would like to suggest any projects for consideration for "Turning Point 2000".

6 Cont'd In discussion, Board members indicated that they did not anticipate this resolution being implemented until an appropriate time.


The Board considered for information a report updating progress on Water Services Capital Works in the Board's area. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Board considered a petition signed by 91 people concerned about hazards faced when crossing Lincoln Road on the pedestrian crossing adjacent to the main entrance to the Addingtown Shopping Complex. The Board resolved that the petition be received and that a report on this matter be requested for a future meeting of the Board.



The Board considered a report advising on progress on the six month project using Taskforce Green workers to update the file on neighbourhood support groups in the Police computer system and to request additional funding for this project for a final six month period. The Board resolved that the Board contribute $780 from its 1996/97 discretionary funds towards the support of Neighbourhood Support groups throughout Christchurch, and subject to a Police evaluation at the completion of the project.

10. OUT OF SCHOOL PROGRAMME RESEARCH (OSP) The Board considered a report providing background information on the research being carried out into the need for out of school care and holiday programmes for children aged 5 to 12 years in Christchurch. The Board had already provided funding of $3,000 towards this research programme. The Board resolved: 1. That the information be received. 2. That a further sum of $257 be provided from the Board's discretionary funds to provide the full amount required to complete this project.


The Board considered requests from two community organisations for additional financial support in the 1996/97 year to assist in meeting increased rental costs. The community organisations concerned were the Waltham Community Cottage and the Rowley Resource Centre. The Board resolved: 1. That the Community Manager be asked to investigate the possibility of objecting to the rent increase proposed for the Waltham Community Cottage, if it was still in time to do this, and that the Waltham Community Cottage be advised that, if it is not possible to resist the rent increase, the Community Board will make an additional grant to meet the increased cost of the rent. (It was informally agreed that the Property Unit would be asked to investigate the appropriateness of the proposed rent increase.) 2. That the question of the Board making a grant to meet the increased rental for the Rowley Resource Centre be held over for consideration until the next meeting of the Community Board to allow the Community Activities Officer to report further on this rental increase to the Board and on the benefits to the community of the reorganising of accommodation used by the Rowley Resource Centre.


The Board considered a report for information setting out the results of the deliberations of the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Funding Committee. This report set out the amounts allocated under each of the funding schemes and showed the sums retained for distribution in the next funding round. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Board considered a report giving the results of surveys conducted to identify the recreational needs of residents in the south-west Christchurch area in order to ascertain whether the Pioneer Sports Stadium was meeting those needs and, if not, to investigate how the Stadium could better cater for the needs of the community. Mr Ian Whitehead, the Manager of the Pioneer Sports Stadium, was in attendance and outlined the results of this recreation survey. Summaries of the two surveys conducted were tabled at the meeting. The Board resolved: That a submission be made to the Council seeking reinstatement of funding for the fitness centre and the Pioneer Sports Stadium in order to provide for the incorporation of a fitness centre with weight and aerobics facilities into the design for the proposed swimming pool.

13 Cont'd During the discussion on this matter, the surplus City Streets land adjoining the Pioneer Sports Stadium was referred to with the suggestion that passive recreation facilities should be investigated for location on this land possibly with assistance from the Landscape Design department at Lincoln University. It was left to Mr Whitehead to investigate this possibility with the Property and Parks Units and to ascertain to what extent planning work for uses for this area of surplus land had already been carried out and to report back on these matters to a future meeting of the Board.


The Board considered a report responding to a request from the Board's previous meeting seeking an investigation into the possibility of the Hoon Hay Community Creche Management Committee running parenting courses at the Creche and also seeking advice on whether arrangements could be made for the Creche to accommodate parents involved with the Rowley Resource Centre and the Youth Centre on the courses that the Creche organises. Information on the matters requested was provided in the report. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Board had sought a report reviewing the financial arrangements for the Cracroft Community Centre in view of the substantial excess of income over expenditure and the substantial accumulated funds shown in the accounts of this community centre. The report reviewed the reasons for these funds and the committee's intentions for spending the accumulated funds on equipment renewal over the next 12 months. The Board resolved that the information be received and that the Cracroft Community Centre be thanked for their informative response and for their continued good management of the Centre.


An update of the Board's Community Development, Discretionary and Employment Initiatives Funds was tabled at the meeting for the information of Board members. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Community Affairs Committee met on 21 May 1996 and reported as follows: 17 Cont'd 17.1 spreydon/heathcote community board's objectives and performance indicators - future development The Committee considered a report prepared by Jennifer Pitcher, Senior Policy Analyst, and the Community Activities Officer which had been circulated to the Committee outlining the use of a consultative approach in identifying specific needs, objectives, actions and performance indicators that the Board should become involved with. The Committee agreed to leave this matter in the hands of the Community Manager to discuss the methodology to be adopted with Ms Pitcher and other members of the Working Party and to report back to the Board in due course on alternative ways and the most economical ways of achieving consultation with the community. The Board resolved that the information be received.

17.2 spreydon/heathcote community board 1996/97
project fund allocation - employment The Board had agreed to consider funding requests from Kingdom Resources Limited and from Business Grow at the same time. Ms Jill Taiaroa, Regional Manager of Business Grow, and Mr Angus Stevenson, Marketing and Development Co-ordinator for Kingdom Resources Limited, were in attendance at the meeting and briefed Committee members on the activities and funding requirements of their organisations. The Committee considered that it was difficult to see the specific value to the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board of partly funding a metropolitan activity. The Board resolved:

(i) That Business Grow should now be funded at Metropolitan level and that this application be declined. (ii) That the Board support Kingdom Resources Limited with a grant of $25,000. 17.3 liaison with residents' associations At the conclusion of the Board meeting on 2 April 1996, the Board Chairman suggested that the Community Affairs Committee may wish to consider appointing Community Board members to act as liaison persons with Residents' Associations.

The Board resolved that all Board members be requested to indicate their availability to be liaison persons with residents' groups and Community Centre Management Committees with a view to the Board making appointments and that residents' groups be advised of these appointments and advised that the Community Board member will be available as the first point of contact with the Community Board but will not be expected to attend meetings of the group on a regular basis.

17 Cont'd 17.4 waterway improvement programme Ms Rachel Barker screened a 10 minute video on Waterway Enhancement for the information of the Committee and answered Committee members' questions. The Board resolved that the Board co-ordinate an Arbor Day event with local schools for Arbor Day (June) 1997. Ms Barker advised that suitable trees for this planting could be provided from the Council's Nursery at no cost to the Community Board, provided that a firm commitment were made at an early date and an order placed for these trees. 17.5 KEEP CHRISTCHURCH BEAUTIFUL

The Committee considered a report from Ms Kerry Everingham, the Keep Christchurch Beautiful Campaign Co-ordinator, seeking the support of the Board for the establishment of a Community Committee within the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board area to assist the Board to meet the needs of the community in the areas of litter abatement, beautification of the local environment and encouraging Civic pride. The Committee was advised that these Community Committees have been established in both the Burwood/Pegasus and the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board areas. There was a strong feeling amongst members of the Committee that this request was pitched at the wrong level in seeking the involvement of Community Board members in the establishment of a Keep Christchurch Beautiful Community Committee in the Spreydon/Heathcote area. The Board resolved that it be suggested that the Keep Christchurch Beautiful Campaign Co-ordinator write to Residents' Associations, to Garden Clubs and to similar organisations seeking their support.


The Committee considered a proposal that the Community Board allocate a percentage of its Project Funds into a top-up scheme for Community Development and Hillary Commission funding. In the past Riccarton/Wigram, Hagley/Ferrymead and Fendalton/Waimairi Community Boards have allocated a percentage of their Project Funds towards a top-up scheme for community funding. This proposal was discussed at the meeting and was held over for further discussion at the next meeting of the Community Affairs Committee. Some reservations were expressed at the way needs for Community Development funding were assessed and distributed with the question asked whether there was a need to ensure greater accountability in the way these funds are distributed.

17 Cont'd The Committee agreed that the Community Activities Officer be asked to look at the criteria and the level of accountability for the Community Development Scheme and to report to a future meeting of the Community Affairs Committee on these matters and that he discuss the reservations expressed at the Committee meeting with appropriate LACSU staff and, at an appropriate time, advise the Community Board. It was also agreed that this matter be referred to the Community Board Chairpersons' Forum for consideration. The Board resolved that the information be received. 17.7 SPREYDON/HEATHCOTE COMMUNITY BOARD 1994/95 OBJECTIVE REVIEW EFFECTIVENESS OF RESIDENTS' GROUPS AND COUNCIL RELATIONSHIP WITH THESE GROUPS The Committee considered a report updating progress on the telephone survey sampling awareness of residents' groups within the Spreydon/Heathcote area. Discussion on future courses of action was also sought. The Board resolved that the Board support a telephone survey in principle but now investigate the cost of combining this telephone survey with a survey of the Community Board's objectives and performance indicators as referred to in Clause 17.1 of this report. 17.8 CHILDREN'S STRATEGY STUDY 1995

The Board had requested the Community Affairs Committee to examine some of the specific issues raised by the Children's Strategy Study 1995 and to consider convening a regular meeting with school and kindergarten representatives and similar interests, perhaps on an annual basis. Mrs Lyn Campbell, the Council's Children's Advocate, was in attendance at the meeting to brief the Committee on the Children's Strategy Study 1995. The Committee resolved: (i) To hold a meeting with representatives of schools in the Spreydon-Heathcote area on an annual basis. (ii) That the first of these meetings be tentatively held on Tuesday 30 July 1996 at 4.30 pm and that the purpose of this meeting be to trial what children need in school and that Mrs Campbell be invited to assist this process and to give a lead to find out what the needs of children are. The Board resolved that the information be received. The Board further resolved: (1) That the information contained in the Community Affairs Committee report be received. (2) That the decisions of the Community Affairs Committee be confirmed and that the recommendations of the Committee be adopted.


The Summit Road Society Inc. had approached the City Manager inviting the Hagley-Ferrymead and the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Boards to appoint representatives to the Society. The Board resolved that Mrs Heather Brown be appointed the joint representative of both Community Boards. 19. CONSIDERATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS

The Chairman advised the Board that two supplementary reports were available for consideration, these reports referring to Further Submissions on the New City Plan and to the Cashmere Playground Equipment Working Party. The Chairman outlined the reasons why these reports were not included in the main agenda paper for this meeting of the Board and why these matters could not wait until the next Board meeting for consideration. The Board resolved to receive and to consider the supplementary reports. 20. FURTHER SUBMISSIONS - NEW CITY PLAN

The Board considered whether it wished to make further submissions to the new City Plan. The Board resolved that the matter of making further submissions on the new City Plan be referred to the Community Affairs Committee for consideration at its meeting on 18 June 1996 and that the Chairman be authorised to make further submissions on behalf of the Board. 21. CASHMERE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT WORKING PARTY

The minutes of the last meeting of the Cashmere Playground Equipment Working Party were tabled at the meeting for the information of Board members. The Board resolved that the information be received. 22. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC

The Board resolved that the resolution to exclude the public as set out on page 21 of the agenda be adopted.

The meeting concluded at 5.50 pm



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