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26. 6. 96


17 JUNE 1996

A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board

was held at Sockburn Service Centre

on Monday 17 June 1996 at 4.30pm

PRESENT David Buist (Chairperson), Graham Berry,

Helen Broughton, Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda,

Lesley Keast, Mark Kunnen, Mike Mora





The Property Manager presented a report to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road. The portion of Awatea Road at the Carrs Road intersection is to be realigned and straightened to remove the dangerous bends. After legalisation of the proposed new formation, there are a number of parcels of land that will be surplus to roading requirements. It is proposed to stop these parcels of road and transfer the land as part compensation for other land required for roading purposes. The land is designated in the Council's notified City Plan as road to be stopped. Negotiations between the adjoining owners and the Property Unit for purchase of land or exchange have been satisfactorily concluded subject to a successful road stopping procedure. The plans are attached and these identify the specific areas of land noted in the following resolutions. Prior to sale the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action: Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop those portions of road as shown on the plans and described in the Schedule hereto. Reason for the Road Stopping

The portions of land are no longer required for road purposes after the portion of Awatea Road has been straightened. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portions of road when stopped, will be sold or transferred to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the
Local Government Act 1974. Schedule Portions of Awatea Road being all those parcels of land situated in the
City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown       Area           SO             Adjoining Land                   
      A         462 m2         19607          Lot 1 DP 20102 RS 38290          
      D         1253 m2        19608          Part Lot 2 DP 20102 RS 38290     
      F         1549 m2        19609          Lot 1 DP 20727                   
      I         1107 m2        19610          Part Lot 1 DP 1783               

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be sold or transferred to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to
Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. 4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken." 2. PROPOSED ROAD STOPPING:



The Property Manager sought Community Board endorsement to the public advertising to road stop a portion of Buchanans Road in accordance with
Section 343 (1)(a)(i) and (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. It will be recalled that the property purchase in relation to this report (A R & L Morgan) was considered by the Community Board at its 1 April meeting in public exclusion. Buchanans Road between Pound Road and Hasketts Road was widened in 1966 from 20.12 to 25.15 m. The land was vested as road when the adjoining land was subdivided but the fences were not set back to the new boundary. When the land was purchased by the present owner, he did not realise that he was occupying 5.03m of legal road. He has since planted a shelter belt and erected gates on legal road. The adjoining intersection of Buchanans Road/Pound Road has a bad safety record. To try to solve this problem the Council proposes to set all fences back on the intersection to improve the sight distances. As part compensation for the loss of land on the intersection, the adjoining owner has requested that he be transferred the land on the Buchanans Road frontage that is not required for road purposes. This has been reported at last months Board meeting. Negotiations between A R & L Morgan and the Property Unit for purchase have been satisfactorily concluded subject to a successful road stopping procedure. The land is not formed as road but fenced and occupied by the adjoining owners. Prior to sale the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action: Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto. Reason for the Road Stopping

The Council has received a request from the adjoining owners for the purchase of the land which is no longer required by Council for road purposes in exchange for land required by Council for road purposes. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portion of road when stopped, will be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. The land is situated alongside and occupied by A R & L Morgan of
355 Buchanans Road and is 5m in width. Schedule Portion of Buchanans Road being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown       Area           SO             Adjoining Land         
      A         442 m2         19615             Lot 3 DP 24939      

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the
Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. 4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken."



MAGDALA PLACE (SOUTH WESTERN END) The Property Manager sought to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road. The owners at the end of Magdala Place have approached the Council and asked if they can purchase the redundant road adjoining the frontage of part of their property. The portion of land to be stopped is not required for road purposes. Before transferring the land to the adjoining owner it is proposed to create easement in gross as shown on the attached plan. The City Streets Unit agrees with this proposal. Negotiations between the adjoining owners and the Property Unit for purchase have been satisfactorily concluded subject to a successful road stopping procedure. The land is not formed as a road. Prior to sale the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action: Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto. The land is situated alongside and is 20.12 m in width. Reason for the Road Stopping

The Council has received a request from the adjoining owners for the purchase of the land which is no longer required by Council for road purposes. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portion of road when stopped, will be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. Schedule Portion of Magdala Place being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown       Area           SO                Adjoining Land      
      A         751 m2         19619          Lot 4 DP 2649 Part     
                                              Lot 1 DP 9987 RS       
                                              41453 & 41341          

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the
Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. 4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken."




The Environmental Services Manager sought approval from the Community Board of two new rights of way names and one change of name. 1. Waterloo Road

At the Board's meeting on 4 December 1995 the name Alliance Place was approved for use for a cul de sac off Waterloo Road. The owners have changed their mind about this name and wish to change it to Gerald Connolly Place after Gerald Connolly who died in December 1995. He was well known in Christchurch, having worked in the property field for over forty five years. There was discussion on the request to change the name from that previously approved. The Board in the past has wished to honour the Rt Hon Michael Connolly by naming a street after him. Concern was held that this request would preclude that happening. Mike Mora moved that the Waterloo Road Subdivision be named Alliance Place and not Gerald Connolly Place. This was seconded by Lesley Keast but when put to the vote was lost. 2. Subdivision off Main South Road

This subdivision creates a new right of way, for which the applicant has proposed the name Clocktower Lane which is appropriate considering the proximity of the Lane to the well known local landmark. 3. Cul-de-sac Off Wigram Road

A new subdivision off Wigram creates a new right of way, for which the applicant has proposed the names Edgewater Lane or Petula Lane.

The Board resolved to approve the following names: 1. Gerald Connolly Place 2. Clocktower Lane

There is a private lane within the city off Durham Street with the same name (albeit not formally recognised). The Board sought clarification to allow this subdivision right of way to be be so named in view of this fact.



The Community Manager sought Board comment on two Canterbury Regional Council service routes prior to retendering in February 1997. The two routes concerned were the Avonhead (21) and Ilam (24) bus routes. It was noted that these routes run in the vicinity of the University of Canterbury and there had been discussions with the Canterbury Regional Council on these two routes through the Community Board's University of Canterbury Carparking Working Party. The Board resolved to receive the information.


Throught the Environmental Policy and Planning Manager the Board received an extensive report on the Council's involvement with Agenda 21. At the last meeting of the Chairpersons of the Boards prior to the 1995 elections, there was a discussion on Agenda 21 and the role of the Council and the Community Boards. It was thought that at an early meeting of the newly elected Community Boards, a background paper on this matter would be useful. There has been some delay in doing this as the Council's Strategic Objectives are still being finalised. The purpose of the report is to review briefly, past work in areas that might be included in Agenda 21 and work that is currently underway. The Community Manager reported to the Board that during the current financial year the Community Board has, in partnership with Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board, provided financial assistance to allow the Christchurch/Otautahi Agenda 21 Committee to employ a field worker, Martin Lukes. The other four Community Boards are also embracing Agenda 21 and have employed Lucas Associates to compile indigenous ecosystem maps for their particular areas. At the recent New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Monier Awards, Lucas Associates were the recipients of a commendation award for landscape documentation on their indigenous ecosystems of Otautahi/Christchurch, Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote areas. The citation for this award reads as follows: "This is a wonderful response to the Rio challenge for communities wishing to restore natural ecosystems to Christchurch. It is simple, clear and inspirational; compact but comprehensive and provides a model for others to follow. Colour co-ordinated sections of the text with equivalent areas on the map make this work easily accessible to the lay user. Evocative thumb-nail sketches used as signatures for each ecosystem type reinforce the intent of the work." Lucas Associates were also recipients of awards for similar work done in Christchurch, Buller District and Queenstown. The Board resolved that the information be received and that a letter be sent to Lucas Associates thanking them for their work in this important community focus. 7. KYLE PARK STORMWATER DISPOSAL

The Water Services Manager provided an extensive report on investigations into the use of Kyle Park for stormwater detention, treatment and disposal to groundwater. Kyle Park is situated in a triangle between Waterloo Road, Carmen Road and the Main South Railway. It was originally a gravel pit and was subsequently filled with a mix of domestic waste and clean fill by a private operator. Stormwater from 32 hectares of urban catchment has for many years been directed onto the park and disposed of to ground soakage. The stormwater percolates through the waste body and has the potential to cause groundwater contamination, although effects to date are believed to be minor. The activity does not have a resource consent from the Canterbury Regional Council. Five options for disposing of this stormwater in an approved manner have been investigated. The cheapest option is to continue to dispose of the stormwater to ground soakage at Kyle Park, but at a point distant from the waste body. Stormwater would be held in a temporary storage area of approximately 0.6 hectare extent, including a permanent pond of approximately 1,100 m2.area, then filtered, and discharged to groundwater via a soakage bore. The impact of the works on Kyle Park can be minimised by appropriate design, and it is expected that the pond and landscaping would enhance the park's appearance. The works in Kyle Park will include construction of a permanent pond with appropriate landscaping, an area set aside for temporary storage and a concrete structure (possibly underground) containing the sand filter. The impact of these can be minimised by good design, and the pond and landscaping could enhance the park's appearance. During a large storm the storage area would partially or wholly fill and would take from one to three days, to empty. However, events in which the pond would fill would be rare, and at such times, because of generally wet ground conditions, it is unlikely that the public users would be inconvenienced. Thus the park's function need not be adversely affected. There are issues of park function and public safety to be discussed: it is expected that these would be canvassed during the design and consenting process. The Board resolved - 1. That this report be received.

2 That Water Services Unit staff advise Canterbury Regional Council staff that this activity is under investigation. 3 That Council apply to the Regional Council for an interim resource consent to discharge stormwater to ground soakage subject to monitoring of groundwater quality, 4 That the Water Services Unit carry out a more detailed study into the design aspects and costs of stormwater treatment and disposal to groundwater at Kyle Park. 5. That the Water Services Unit carry out an investigation into other options for stormwater disposal other than Kyle Park.



Over recent months the Community Board has been advised of the workings of the Joint Fendalton/Waimairi and Riccarton/Wigram Working Party on this and the Board was now asked to resolve to implement various on-street parking management restrictions on the residential streets surrounding the University of Canterbury. At the 5 June meeting the Board agreed to the placement of the traffic management measures as per a schedule (which listed all the streets in question). There had been an instance where residents of some streets had sought traffic management decisions which were at variance to the Working Party deliberations. It was noted however that the following resolutions would be subject to ongoing review. The Board resolved: A. That a P120 Parking Restriction between the hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, during the period from 1 March to 30 November each year apply in the following locations.

1. On the southern side of Rudleigh Avenue commencing at a point six metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Newnham Terrace and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 219 metres. 2. On the southern side of Hanrahan Street commencing at a point 12 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Newnham Terrace and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 219 metres. 3. On the southern side of Rountree Street commencing at a point 17 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Waimairi Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 262 metres. 4. On the eastern side of Clonbern Place commencing at a point 13 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Rountree Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 124.5 metres. 5. On the southern side of Siska Place commencing at a point 8.5 metres measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Clonbern Place and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 184 metres. 6. On the southern side of Karamu Place commencing at a point 11.5 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Balgay Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 62.5 metres. 7. On the northern side of Milnebank Street commencing at a point 11.5 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Balgay Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 101 metres. 8. On the southern side of Hinau Street commencing at a point 8 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Puriri Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 157 metres. 9. On the western side of Konini Street commencing at a point 18.5 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Riccarton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 136 metres. 10. On the western side of Konini Street commencing at a point 8 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Totara Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 151.5 metres. 11. On the southern side of Totara Street commencing at a point 6 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Clyde Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 168 metres. 12. On the southern side of Totara Street commencing at a point 10.5 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Konini Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 149 metres. 13. On the northern side of Montana Avenue commencing at a point 8.5 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Ilam Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 244.5 metres. 14. On the southern side of Newbridge Place commencing at a point 11 metres measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the south kerbline of Maidstone Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 233 metres. 15. On the eastern side of Clyde Road commencing at a point 66.5 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Riccarton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 98.5 metres. 16. On the eastern side of Clyde Road commencing at a point 6 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Totara Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 69 metres. 17. On the eastern side of Clyde Road commencing at a point 121 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Totara Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 45.5 metres. 18. On the eastern side of Clyde Road commencing at a point 130 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Hinau Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 422 metres. 19. On the eastern side of Puriri Street commencing at a point 6 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Hinau Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 80 metres. 20. On the eastern side of Puriri Street (northern end) commencing at a point 12 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Totara Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 47 metres. 21. On the northern side of Rountree Street commencing at a point 14 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Clonbern Place and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 97.5 metres. B. That a P120 parking restriction be placed in the following locations.

1. On the eastern side of Newnham Terrace commencing at a point 9.5 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Riccarton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 142 metres. 2. On the eastern side of Newnham Terrace commencing at a point 9 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Rudleigh Avenue and extending in a northern direction for a distance of 156 metres. 3. On the southern side of Hanrahan Street commencing at a point 7 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Waimairi Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 186.5 metres. C. That a P10 parking restriction be placed on the eastern side of Puriri Street commencing at a point 8 metres measured in a southerly direction from a point opposite the southern kerbline of Kotare Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 35 metres.

D. That a "No Stopping" restriction between the hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, during the period from 1 March to 30 November each year apply in the following locations.

1. On the southern side of Rountree Street commencing at a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Clonbern Place and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 103 metres. 2. On the western side of Clonbern Place commencing at a point 15 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Rountree Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 75.5 metres. 3. On the northern side of Siska Place commencing at a point 8 metres measured in a western direction from a point opposite the Clonbern Place kerbline of westerly and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 175.5 metres. 4. On the eastern side of Balgay Street commencing at a point 12 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Riccarton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 83 metres. 5. On the eastern side of Balgay Street commencing at a point opposite the northern kerbline of Karamu Place and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 135 metres. 6. On the eastern side of Balgay Street commencing at a point 13.5 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Milnbank Place and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 183 metres. 7. On the northern side of Karamu Place commencing at a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Balgay Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 128 metres. 8. On the southern side of Hinau Street commencing at a point 8.5 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Clyde Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 132 metres. 9. On the southern side of Hinau Street commencing at a point 8 metres measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Konini Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 153 metres. 10. On the eastern side of Clyde Road commencing at a point 6.5 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Hinau Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 38.5 metres. 11. On the western side of Clyde Road commencing at a point opposite the northern kerbline of Hinau Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 28.5 metres. 12. On the western side of Clonbern Place commencing at a point 9 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Siska Place and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 53 metres. 13. On the western side of Clyde Road commencing at a point 49 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Hinau Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 62.5 metres. 14. On the eastern side of Clyde Road commencing at a point 68.5 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Hinau Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 10 metres. 15. That staff review the effectiveness and positioning of existing parking ticks on Creyke Road. 16. That the options for on-street parking controls on Maidstone Road be further investigated by staff and reported back to both Boards.


The Board gave consideration to the preparation of a submission on the Draft Annual Plan and the following resolutions were passed and will form part of the written submission. The Board resolved - 1. (a) That the Sparks Road intersection safety work be advanced into 1996/97 in the sum of $130,000 at the expense of Buchanans/Pound Roads intersection (1996/97 allocation now $110,000) and the balance of funds required be sought from the 1997/98 unspecified allocation. (b) If the substitution is not approved the Board asks that the City Streets Manager identify, if possible, funding from other sources. 2. That depending on final decisions in respect of the Riccarton Road Traffic Congestion deliberations, the currently programmed Riccarton/Straven intersection work may require flexible reprogramming to be brought forward as an essential part of any work undertaken to relieve congestion on Riccarton Road.

3. In view of the importance placed on cycleways, the Community Board wishes to endorse the scheduled cycleway works to proceed as listed on the Draft Annual Plan.

4. In view of the importance of the hospital carpark work the Community Board wishes to endorse its priority in the 1996/97 year as listed on the Draft Annual Plan. 5. (a) That the Community Board reaffirm its position on the retention of a Council-operated Service Centre in Riccarton. (b) That the Community Board draw to the Council's attention the previous Community Board recommendations regarding the Riccarton Community Mall room. (The previous resolutions in this regard will form part of the submission.) 6. That the Community Board support the Port Hills Trust Board in seeking continued Council acquisition of land on the Port Hills. 10. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC

The Board resolved that a draft resolution to exlude the public as set out on page 48 of the Agenda be adopted. The meeting concluded at 5.45pm.



D N Buist


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