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26. 6. 96



A meeting of the City Plan Hearings Committee

was held on Tuesday 4 June 1996 at 12 noon

PRESENT: Councillor Charles Manning (Chairman),

Councillors David Buist, David Cox,

David Close, Newton Dodge, Lesley Keast

and Margaret Murray.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Carole Evans. The Committee reports that: PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE COMMITTEE AND


1. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY CHAIRMAN Given the extent of work to be carried out by the City Plan Hearings Committee over the next few years, the appointment of a Deputy Chairperson had been suggested. It was resolved that Councillors Newton Dodge and David Cox be appointed as joint Deputy Chairpersons of the City Plan Hearings Committee.

2. HEARINGS WORKLOAD, CITY PLAN RR 2980 The Committee received a report on the options for managing the workload. The Committee resolved: 1. That hearing panels be established to operate in parallel with each other as far as possible on separate days, in accordance with a schedule of topics to be developed by the end of June; and that this include a mixture of continuous (eg, three to four days per week over successive weeks) hearings and two day per week hearings. 2. That hearings be limited to a maximum of seven hours per day, with hearings to conclude no later than 4.00 pm. 3. That the Chairman and Senior Planner, City Plan meet with the Planning Bar Association to discuss procedures for hearings.

3. APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS RR 2981 The Committee received a report on the issue of additional representation on the City Plan Hearings Committee including that of the tangata whenua. 3 Cont'd The Committee resolved: 1. That officers approach tangata whenua to determine their willingness/ability to nominate a suitable person or persons having knowledge of resource management issues from a tangata whenua perspective, and any matters associated with such representation. 2. That a person nominated by tangata whenua serve on Hearings Panels dealing with issues of relevance to tangata whenua, drawn from one or more nominees. 3. That upon completion of (1) above, and the endorsement of this Committee, a recommendation approving the appointment of nominees of tangata whenua be made to the Council. 4. That hearings panels always comprise a majority of elected members.


IN OPPOSITION OR SUPPORT RR 2982 The Committee resolved that no time extension be permitted. The meeting concluded at 1.20 pm CONSIDERED THIS 26TH DAY OF JUNE 1996


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