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26. 6. 96



After almost seven years the Town Hall Board (currently Sub-committee) held its last meeting yesterday, with the management of the facility having been taken over by NCC (NZ) Ltd. The Board was first put in place in July 1990. At the time it was an innovative arrangement by the City Council to provide a blend of commercial and community orientated culture to lead the development and management of the city's premier cultural and community facility. It is testament to the success of the Town Hall Board and staff that the number of events at the Town Hall has increased markedly over that period (80%), that the operating deficit of the Town Hall has reduced over that period and within this reduced level of expenditure substantial refurbishment of the facility has been achieved (in particular new seats in the James Hay and now new seating in the Auditorium). Sir Hamish Hay was Chairperson of the Board from 1990-1992. Pansy Wong has led the Town Hall Board as Chairperson since 1992 and throughout that period has been supported by Murray Compton as a Board member. Mary Corbett has also served as a non-Councillor Board member for the last 31/2 years. Ian Rivers, Joanna Murray and Paul Garland have, as non-Councillors, contributed for shorter periods to the success of this community facility. Recommendation: That the City Council express its sincere thanks and appreciation to all members of the Town Hall Board and particularly to those non-elected members who have given of their time and their expertise.



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