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26. 6. 96


6 JUNE 1996

A meeting of the Central City Committee

was held on Thursday 6 June 1996 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Margaret Murray (Chairman),

The Mayor, Ms Vicki Buck,

Councillors Anna Crighton, Newton Dodge,

Alistair James and Charles Manning.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors David Close, Denis O'Rourke and

Ron Wright. APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors Graham Berry and Barbara Stewart. Councillor Ron Wright retired at 4.45 pm and was present for clauses 1-4 and 6.

ABSENT: Councillor Morgan Fahey. The Committee reports that: PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION


Officer responsible                    Author                       
City Streets Manager                   Tony Lange, Area Roading     
Corporate Plan Output:  Capital Outputs Page 9.5.26                    

The purpose of this report and attached draft publicity leaflet is to obtain the Council's approval to the scheme in Southwark Street so that property purchase negotiations can commence. The project involves kerb and channel renewal on both sides to form 8.5 m and 10.5 m wide road, new footpaths and possible tree planting. The timing for this project is to obtain necessary property in 1996/97 which is designated in the City Plan, with construction in 1997/98 financial year. Recommendation: That the Council endorse the scheme in principle for property purchase negotiations to commence subject to there being no submissions received to the designations in the City Plan.





The Principal Policy Analyst reported progress on the investigation of the proposal for an underground bus terminal and carpark in Cathedral Square. The revised plan was not available for the meeting on 6 June and it was suggested that the matter be referred to a special joint meeting of the Central City Committee and the Strategy & Resources Committee on 21 June 1996. In discussion on this clause Councillor Anna Crighton moved that: (a) The Council not proceed further with any proposal for an underground bus and/or carparking facility in Cathedral Square; (b) Cathedral Square be redesigned on the basis that: (i) No bus stops be provided in the Square; (ii) Two way north/south traffic around the eastern side of Cathedral Square be provided along with suitable traffic management regulation to deal with peak time traffic as may be necessary. In speaking to the motion Councillor Anna Crighton commented on possible financial implications to the Council and operational objections to the proposed bus terminal/carpark. The Chairman and other Committee members were concerned that full information on the proposal was not available at the time of the meeting. It was moved by Councillor Newton Dodge that the matter lie on the table until a proposed special joint meeting of the Strategy & Resources Committee and the Central City Committee to receive the officer's report on underground bus terminal/carpark proposal scheduled for 12 noon on 21 June 1996. The motion was adopted when put to the meeting.

3. MAJOR EVENTS PUBLICITY At the January meeting of the Central City Committee Councillor David Cox requested staff recommend a proposal for signage in the central city. While the new poster bollards serve a need it was felt that these could be complimented with a larger display that could be added to regularly and give extra profile to current and upcoming major city events. The City Promotions Co-ordinator in her report to the meeting outlined options. Touchscreen Information Systems were favoured but there is no provision in the 1995/96 budget. The total establishment cost of one site is approximately $25,000 with additional sites approximately $6,000 each. It was resolved that subject to funding being approved either at the 1996/97 six monthly budget review or in the 1997/98 budget process.

3. Cont'd

1. That Touchscreen Information Systems be installed inside the information bollards at the Bridge of Remembrance, end of the City Mall and in the City Mall outside Trustbank. 2. That a further Touchscreen Information System be included in the redevelopment of Cathedral Square.

4. CRIME PREVENTION CAMERAS The Committee was advised of progress on the installation of four crime prevention cameras in Colombo Street. Preliminary testing from the Cashel Street site began on 4 June 1996 and commissioning of the full system was expected to take two weeks. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner and the local branch of the Civil Liberties had reviewed Police procedures. Signs have been erected to inform people that they are entering an area where their actions may be recorded on video. The effectiveness of the system will be reviewed after the first six months of operation. It was stressed that the aim of the camera surveillance is to act as a deterrent and secondly, to apprehend people who commit illegal activities. It was resolved that a formal launch of the commissioning of the crime prevention cameras be held in association with the Police.

5. CATHEDRAL JUNCTION DEVELOPMENT Committee members were advised of progress on the Cathedral Junction development including some interim enhancement proposals for the site. Windlass Holdings Ltd, the company owning the site had already undertaken a considerable cleanup and improvement to the site. It was proposed that the Council provide some "temporary" landscaping in the form of trees (in pots), other planter boxes, some seating and the improvement of the surface between the tram tracks (already used by pedestrians) by filling with asphalted concrete. A further proposal for the display of children's art was described in a separate report to the Committee. It was resolved that up to $12,000 from the Central City Enhancement Fund be expended on the works as set out in the report to the Committee.


The Area Roading Engineer submitted a report on minor enhancement projects in the central city. This included a report on the securing of right of way accesses and a recently purchased high pressure hot water cleaning system to replace the scrubber currently used to clean the Square. Committee members were concerned that the proposed upgrading of lighting in Cathedral Square had been delayed. The Area Roading Engineer advised that the towers supporting the lights in Cathedral Square would require strengthening. It was resolved that a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee on the repair and maintenance of the lighting towers necessary to support the installation of new light fittings.7. CHILDREN'S STRATEGY The Children's Advocate, Lyn Campbell highlighted projects planned for the central city area which had been designed for children or by children. The Central City Committee had previously sought the opportunity to identify issues from the Strategy for Children report and to formulate an action plan. It was resolved that the seminar meeting of the Committee scheduled for 3.00 pm on 18 June 1996 address these issues. 8. PREFERRED TIME FOR SEMINAR MEETINGS The Committee in taking account of the forthcoming City Plan Committee meeting schedule resolved that a starting time of 4.00 pm be supported.

9. ART IN THE CITY The Committee was informed of the Art in the City project which is part of the programme meeting the recommendations of the Strategy for Children. Artworks will be displayed at the Cathedral Junction site to coincide with Kidsfest.

10. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC The Committee resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 16 of the agenda be adopted. CONSIDERED THIS 26TH DAY OF JUNE 1996


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