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To consider the following motions, notice of which has been given by the Councillors listed pursuant to Standing Order 2.18.14:

Notice of Motion Lodged on 19 July 1996

1. That the resolution of the Council at its meeting on 29 May 1996 in respect of the Centennial Pool site be rescinded; and 2. That fully costed alternative proposals be prepared and considered for the redevelopment of the Centennial Pool site, and as to the location of the proposed central city swimming pool development.

This motion has been signed by the following Councillors:

Councillor Oscar Alpers

Councillor Pat Harrow

Councillor Carole Evans

Councillor Gail Sheriff

Councillor Barbara Stewart

Councillor Margaret Murray

Councillor Alister James

Councillor David Cox

Councillor Graham Berry

Councillor Newton Dodge

Notice of Motion Lodged on 25 July 1996

1. That the resolutions of the Council at its meetings on 29 May and 24 July 1996 in respect of the Centennial Pool site be rescinded; and 2. That fully costed alternative proposals be prepared and considered for the redevelopment of the Centennial Pool site, and as to the location of the proposed central city swimming pool development.

This motion has been signed by the following Councillors:

Councillor Oscar Alpers

Councillor Gail Sheriff

Councillor Graham Berry

Councillor Pat Harrow

Councillor Margaret Murray

Councillor David Cox

Councillor Carole Evans

Councillor Newton Dodge

Councillor Barbara Stewart

The following resolutions were previously adopted by the Council on 29 May and 24 July 1996:

Special Council Meeting of 29 May 1996

"1. That Mainzeal's proposal for the redevelopment of the Centennial pool site be approved subject to:

(a) The deletion of the apartments on the Oxford Terrace site from the plan. (b) Detailed design and costings being submitted to the Council for final approval. (c) The sale of surplus land being confirmed conditional upon appropriate easements being put in place. (d) Mainzeal undertaking to meet all demolition costs associated with the redevelopment of the Centennial pool site. 2. That the existing Centennial pool operation cease as at 30 June 1996. 3. That the Leisure and Community Services Unit arrange the various applications and sponsorship proposals to obtain the grants and sponsorship as outlined in the initial report. 4. That the proposal be referred to the Projects and Property Committee and the Parks and Recreation Committee for "fine tuning"." Ordinary Council Meeting of 24 July 1996

"1. That it be recommended to the Projects and Property Committee that the Council enter into a negotiated contract with Mainzeal for the redevelopment of the new Centennial Pool. (Following a question by the City Manager, Councillors indicated that their intention in adopting this resolution was that the Projects and Property Committee report back to the Council with a recommendation regarding the contract.) 2. That the pool building be enlarged to meet the increased size of the activity areas comprising the project, ie:




Leisure Pool/Floor
226 m2
106 m2
Leisure Pool/Walls
38 m2
66 m2
28 m2
Foyer Area
144 m2
63 m2
(81 m2)
Fitness Area
120 m2
286 m2
166 m2
Change Rooms
233 m2
257 m2
24 m2
Pool Hall Width
19 m2

3. That the financial implications of the projected increase in the cost of the project be referred to the Strategy and Resources Annual Plan Working Party. 4. That the new concept plan and redevelopment programme for the Centennial Pool be approved. 5. That approval be granted for the demolition of the existing pool to proceed. 6. (a) That Council staff prepare a report on the options of management for the facility. (b) That this be done concurrent with design and construction."

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