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28. 2. 1996



A Meeting of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board

was held on 7 February 1996, at 4.30 p.m.

PRESENT: Mr Oscar Alpers (Chairman), Mrs Carole Anderton,

Mr Philip Clearwater, Mr David Drayton, Dr Morgan Fahey OBE, Mrs Sonia Gill, Mr Ian Howell, Mrs Patricia Hunter and Mrs Ann Lewis. Dr Fahey retired at 6.35 pm and was present for all clauses except 23, 26, 27, 29 and 31. The Board reports that:



rr +

Officer Responsible:                       Writer                          
Roading and Traffic Manager                Paul Burden, Area Traffic       
Corporate Plan Output:  Advanced Transport Planning 9.6 text 5               

The Area Traffic Engineer reported: "The purpose of this report is to seek the support of the Council to install traffic restraint devices in Rowley Avenue in conjunction with the advertised safety improvements. The publicity leaflet advertising improvements to pedestrian safety outside Rowley School on Rowley Avenue has received strong support in favour of the proposal. This work is due to commence in the near future. A petition was received in December last year with over 50 signatures requesting that speed humps be added to the proposal. I agree that a speed hump on each approach to the school would further enhance the level of safety. A significant factor contributing to the danger facing young children crossing here is the speed of traffic. Speed humps are traffic restraints and subject to the Council policy as to when they can be constructed. The Policy states the following: 1. That traffic management measures and restraints be constructed where: (a) There are defined, significant and measurable safety reasons for providing these or (b) That traffic management measures and restraints may be constructed where major roading projects involving the use of traffic calming devices or threshold treatments have first been referred to Community Boards for discussion prior to the circulation of pamphlets describing the work, with contentious issues being referred back to the Operations Committee for resolution.

2. That in other areas, traffic restraints and management measures be installed only where a Local Area Traffic Management or Neighbourhood Improvement Area Plan exists. 3. That works that are planned for and budgeted in the current year and which meet the criteria set out below be proceeded with etc. The installation of speed humps in Rowley Avenue would not meet any of these prerequisites. As such a dispensation from the policy will be required. Rowley Avenue is also a bus route and there is a concern that standard speed humps cannot be safely negotiated by buses. It may therefore be necessary to alter the standard to accommodate buses." As a dispensation from Council policy is required to undertake this work, the Community Board supported the installation of traffic restraints in Rowley Avenue and is recommending that the Council support this proposal. At the Board meeting, the Board accorded speaking rights to Mrs Christine Kiesanowski, a concerned parent and spokesperson for the school, to speak in support of this clause. Mrs Kiesanowski emphasised the need for safety in this area as school children were at risk from speeding vehicles and the poor visibility of the school crossing. The Board resolved: (1) That the Board support the installation of traffic restraints in Rowley Avenue and that recommendation be made to Council to endorse this decision. (2) That the Community Board write to the Police Chief Traffic Officer and to the Council Parking Manager to request that there be enforcement of speed limits and of parking restrictions in this section of Rowley Avenue, particularly between 8.30 am and 9.00 am and 3.00 pm and 3.30 pm as a matter of urgency. (3) That the Principal of the Rowley School be advised of the above action. (4) That the Police and the Parking Manager be asked to report back to this Community Board on the outcome of the additional enforcement. Recommendation: That the Council provide a dispensation from the existing policy on the installation of traffic restraints and support the installation of traffic restraints in Rowley Avenue in order to enhance the safety of the pedestrian crossing outside the school. 2. RIGHT OF WAY OVER 98 HUNTSBURY AVENUE RESERVOIR RESERVE

Officer Responsible Property       Writer Grant Ancell, Property         
Manager                            Services Officer 16/5/9/2             
 Annual Plan Output: Budget Provision:   Unbudgeted                     


The adjoining owner at the rear of this Local Purpose (Reservoir) Reserve has for a number of years had an informal right of access and underground services easement along the northern boundary of the reserve. The owners now wish to subdivide their 2020 square metre site and to achieve this would require a registered right-of-way and services easement.


The Water Services Manager advises that he has no objection to the granting of the easement conditional upon: 1. The easement being granted along the southern boundary of the reserve

2. The easement being granted to utilise a minimum area so as to not restrict the future requirement of the reserve.

3. The current informal right being cancelled in all respects.

4. The water supply to the dwelling being re-routed along the new right-of-way. The Property Manager reports that agreement has been reached to construct the right-of-way primarily along the adjoining private right-of-way for most of its length and then across the south western corner of the reserve utilising only 61 square metres of the Council's 1128 square metre reserve site. A current market valuation has been obtained. Agreement has not yet been reached over the sale price but this must be no less than a value set by a registered valuer. To meet the reporting dates to the Community Board and Council, consent to the principle of granting the right-of-way is sought, with settlement at a value not less than that set by a registered valuer as negotiated by the Property Manager and the Water Services Manager. In addition to Council approval being granted to create this right-of-way, the Minister of Conservation's consent will also have to be obtained before a right-of-way can be registered. As this consent will involve a one month public notification procedure in terms of section 48 and 119 of the Reserves Act 1977, such notice was placed in the Press on Saturday 20 January 1996 to run concurrently with the Board/Council reporting procedure. The applicants have applied for and received a conditional consent to subdivide their site using this proposed right-of-way as legal frontage and physical access. (E95/1802) Applicant: D F & H M Parker Applicant's Land: Pts lots 61 & 63 DP 7182 , CT 522/71 Council's Land: Reserve 4301 City of Christchurch, CT 12F/185 Easements required: Right-of-way over and rights to drain & convey water, drain sewage, convey electricity and telephone communications over lot A shown on plan 17198. At the Board meeting Mr Drayton declared an interest in this matter. Some questions were asked of him, which he answered. Recommendation: 1. That approval be given to the granting of the easements described above as the `easement required' over the Reserve described above as the `Council's land' for the benefit of the above land described as `applicants land', pursuant to section 48 of the Reserves Act 1977. 2. That the price for the registered right-of-way and services easement described in (1) above be negotiated to best advantage by the Property Manager and Water Services Manager and settled at a figure no less than that assessed by a registered valuer.


Officer Responsible Property       Writer Stephen Cribb, Property        
Manager                            Services Officer 9/34/3               
 Annual Plan Output:  Roading Unit Capital Outputs - Net Assets         
(Fixed Assets)                                                          

Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the disposal of a residential property that was purchased to complete the land required for the realignment of St Martins Road between Burnbrae Street and Gamblins Road (see attached plan - blue paper). The balance of the land is now surplus to Council requirements. In order for the disposal of the land and house to comply with the provisions of the Local Government Act, the Council must pass the necessary resolution.


Pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to dispose of the land described in the following Schedule. Schedule

All that parcel of land containing 700m2 or thereabouts being Part Lot 1 DP 6102 and contained in part CT 338/204.

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That the 700m2 of land at 19 St Martins Road be offered for sale by public tender or at a price not less than the minimum reserve price as assessed by a registered valuer appointed by Council. 3. That, if a satisfactory tender price is not obtained, the property be listed for sale with a real estate agent at not less than the above minimum price.



HAWFORD ROAD Map Reference: L14

Officer Responsible                     Writer                          
Design Services Manager                 Lester Reilly, Legal Surveyor   
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation                  

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road. The owners at No 111 Hawford Road have approached the Council and asked if they can purchase the redundant road widening adjoining the frontage of their property. Under the Council's proposed City Plan this land is no longer required for road widening purposes and after the necessary road stopping action could therefore be sold. The Traffic Unit agrees with this proposal. Negotiations between adjoining owners and the Property Unit for purchase have been satisfactorily concluded subject to a successful road stopping. The plan is attached. The land is formed as grass berm. Prior to sale the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action: Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the attached plan and described in the Schedule hereto. Reason for the Road Stopping

The Council has received a request from the adjoining owners for the purchase of the land which is no longer required by Council for road purposes. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portion of road when stopped, will be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. Schedule Portion of Hawford Road being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown       Area           SO             Adjoining Land         
      A         77 m2          19543          Lot 2 DP 21163         

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That, if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. 4. That, if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken."



Officer Responsible                       Writer                          
Roading and Traffic Manager               Michael Thomson, Projects       
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs 9.6.0                      

The purpose of this report is to gain Council approval to change the control of signalised intersection slip lanes where required, in accordance with the national Guideline. Slip lanes are most commonly used to assist left turning traffic, however in some locations, right turning traffic may benefit from such designs ie one way streets.

There has been a general lack of consistency in the control and signing of slip lanes. Conflicting signage has resulted in a lack of understanding by many motorists, particularly of the meaning of the `Free Turn' sign. By signing slip lanes consistently and in accordance with the `Road and Traffic Standard No 9' (Guidelines for the Signing and Layout of Slip Lanes), motorists will become more aware of their obligations when using slip lanes. The Land Transport Safety Authority and Transit New Zealand are working towards complete removal of all `Free Turn' signs and replacing them with either `Turn Left At Any Time With Care' signs or installation of `Give Way' controls for the turning traffic where appropriate. Recommendation: 1. That the left turn traffic movement on the Blenheim Road east approach, at its intersection with Annex Road, be controlled by a `Give Way'. 2. That the left turn traffic movement on the Colombo Street south approach, at its intersection with Huxley Street and Milton Street, be controlled by a `Give Way'. 3. That the left turn traffic movement on the Lincoln Road approach, at its intersection with Grove Road, Hagley Avenue and Moorhouse Avenue, be controlled by a `Give Way'. 4. That the left turn traffic movement on the Ensors Road north approach, at its intersection with Brougham Street, be controlled by a `Give Way'. 5. That the left turn traffic movement on the Blenheim Road east approach, at its intersection with Clarence Street, be controlled by a `Give Way'. 6. That the left turn traffic movement on the Foster Street approach, at its intersection with Blenheim Road, Mandeville Street and Lowe Street, be controlled by a `Give Way'.


Officer Responsible:                       Writer                         
Community Manager, Beckenham               John Shanks, Committee         
Corporate Plan Output:                                                      

At its meeting on 29 August 1995, the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board considered a report outlining the upgrading and proposed restoration of grave monuments in the Addington Cemetery. The report noted that the Parks Policy and Quality Control Manager was seeking a bylaw change to allow the Council to restore grave sites in cemeteries such as this one at Addington so that heritage aspects of the cemetery were not lost. The Board resolved: (1) That it brought to the Council's attention that the implementation of the new bylaw change was now urgent. (2) That the possibility of installing lighting in the Addington Cemetery activated by infra red sensors be considered. The Parks Policy and Quality Control Manager commented on the Board's resolutions as follows: "We are proceeding with the change to the existing bylaw to give the Parks Manager authority to ensure that we can undertake restoration of monuments in the older cemeteries. I envisage that this process may take about three months to complete. With regard to the need for lighting in the cemetery, we are probably not in a position to do this work until the 1997/98 budget when we have allowed $14,700 for neighbourhood reserve lighting in general. We have allocated $10,000 in the 1996/97 budget year but this is to be used for Linwood and Woodham Parks as requested by the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board. Therefore the only way to bring this forward would be for the Board to consider the use of discretionary funds for the lighting of Addington Cemetery." The Board believes that the lighting of the Addington Cemetery should be accorded the highest priority and that the maintenance and enhancement of cemeteries is the responsibility of the Council. Accordingly, the Board makes the recommendation which follows.

Recommendation: That the Council make provision for the installation of lighting in the Addington Cemetery in the 1997/98 year from the proposed provision for general neighbourhood reserve lighting.


The Board resolved that the report to the Council of the Board meeting of 21 November 1995, as circulated, be confirmed. 8. ORAL DECLARATION BY BOARD MEMBER ATTESTED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY MANAGER

Mrs Ann Lewis, who had been unable to attend the Board's inaugural meeting, completed her oral declaration at this meeting of the Board. This declaration was attested by the Community Manager on behalf of the City Manager.


(a) Resource Management Advice Service Mr Tim Barnett and Ms Amelia Davis of the Resource Management Advice Service of the Christchurch Community Law Centre addressed the Board seeking funding for the Resource Management Advice Service.

The Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board had previously offered funding for this service if the Council declined to provide grants funding. These speakers advised the Board that, in terms of the Board's resolution, they had come back to the Board seeking funding since the Board had provided an allocation of $4,500 for this service at its meeting on 2 May 1995, subject to the outcome of the application to the Council for funding. As the Board had already resolved on 2 May 1995 to provide a grant of $4,500 from the 1995/96 Discretionary Funds to the Community Law Centre in the event that its application to the Council for funding were wholly unsuccessful, the Board left it to Mr Barnett to arrange with the Community Manager for the uplifting of the grants funding offered, if the outcome of the application to the Council for funding were in fact unsuccessful. The Board undertook to consider the provision of a further funding grant in the 1996/97 year when other discretionary funding allocations were made. The Board resolved that the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board urge the Council to take over the funding of the Christchurch Community Law Centre Resource Management Advice Service rather than continuing with the present funding on an ad hoc basis through Community Boards. (b) Presentation of Petition -

Cashmere Village Green Playground Mrs Gillian Parr presented a petition to the Board and urging the reconsideration and the abandonment of the project to erect children's playground equipment on the Village Green in Dyers Pass Road. This petition contained 333 signatures, was received by the Board. Dr Bruce Harding addressed the Board in support of this petition. Mr Ron Skews also addressed the Board in elaboration of the concerns expressed, in particular emphasising concerns at the safety of the Green for use as a children's playground, because of the narrow, busy road, the limited parking space and the sharp corner. Mr Skews suggested that the open space available in the Green was inadequate to accommodate a playground and suggested that the philosophy outlined in the new City Plan would support this view. (c) St Martins School Board of Trustees Although the St Martins School Board of Trustees had sought speaking rights to address the Board at this meeting, a letter was tabled advising that the Board of Trustees no longer needed these speaking rights. A petition containing a total of 255 signatures urging the Council to ensure that adequate funding was allocated immediately to allow appropriate solutions to be put in place to enhance the safety of the Centaurus Road/Wilsons Road/Albert Terrace intersection and to enhance the two pedestrian crossings in this location, was received by the Board.


The Board considered a report recommending the placing of a stop control on traffic entering Colombo Street from Ashgrove Terrace in order to make this part of the intersection consistent with the treatment of Waimea Terrace. This was seen as relieving the confusion motorists entering Colombo Street from Ashgrove Terrace experience at present. The Board resolved: 1. That the existing give way control on Ashgrove Terrace at its intersection with Colombo Street be rescinded. 2. That a stop control be placed against Ashgrove Terrace at its intersection with Colombo Street.



After hearing submissions on the possible hazards of locating play equipment in the Cashmere Village Green and being presented with a petition urging the reconsideration and abandonment of the project to locate play equipment on the Green, the Board resolved: 1. That, in the light of these submissions, the previous resolution of the Board (that a play structure be constructed on the Cashmere Village Green from the funding allocated in the 1995/96 Annual Plan) be rescinded and that the Board reconsider its position on this matter. 2. That an inspection of the Cashmere Village Green and other playgrounds be included in a tour of inspection to be undertaken by the Community Affairs Committee.


The Board received a report from the Area Traffic Engineer for information updating the progress being made on addressing concerns over the level of safety at the Centaurus Road/Wilsons Road intersection. This report was considered in conjunction with the petition presented to the Board from the St Martins School Community at the commencement of this meeting.

The Area Traffic Engineer advised that proposals to improve this intersection were being worked on and that a further report on these developments would be brought to a future meeting of the Board. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Board considered a report seeking approval for the installation of parking restrictions in Valley Road to make it easier for shoppers to find car parking adjacent to the supermarket on the corner of Valley Road. The Board resolved that the parking of vehicles be restricted to a maximum of 10 minutes at any time at the north side of Valley Road commencing at a point 7 metres east of the intersection of Cashmere Road and extending 23 metres in an easterly direction


The Board considered a report seeking approval for the installation of a parking restriction in Hunter Terrace immediately in front of the Beckenham Service Centre. The purpose of this restriction was to create a short term parking area in close proximity to the main Service Centre entrance to assist customers of the Service Centre to find convenient car parking. The Board resolved that the parking of vehicles be restricted to a maximum of 30 minutes on the south side of Hunter Terrace from the Colombo Street intersection and extending 54 metres in an easterly direction. 15. HUNTSBURY COMMUNITY CENTRE - EXTENSIONS

The Board considered a request from the Huntsbury Community Centre Management Committee Inc. for a grant to complete a planned extension to the Huntsbury Community Centre. Mr Drayton declared an interest in this matter and took no part in the discussion and voting on this clause. The Board resolved that the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board grant the Huntsbury Community Centre Inc. up to $5,500 towards the costs of the proposed extension and provision of toilet facilities for disabled people, $1,961 being granted from the Board's 1995/96 Discretionary Funds and up to $3,539 being granted from the board's 1996/97 Discretionary Funds.



The Board considered a report providing an update on progress on Roading and Traffic Capital Works programmed for the 1995/96 financial year.

Included in the report was a reference to the total reconstruction proposed in Fairview Street with angled slow points, as a result of extensive public consultation with Fairview Street residents. The Board resolved: 1. That the information be received. 2. That the Roading and Traffic Unit be requested to ensure that the proposed angled restraints reduce only the speed and not the capacity of this street.



The Board considered an application for approval for the construction of a Tanalith treated timber retaining wall of a maximum height of 1.45 metres. The Board resolved: 1. That a building consent be obtained. 2. That a standard deed of licence be entered into with the Council. 3. That the owner be entirely responsible for the stability, safety and future maintenance of the retaining walls. 4. That the site be kept in a safe and tidy condition at all times during the course of construction. 5. That backfill to the retaining wall be free draining material. All work to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Roading Manager. 6. That construction of the structures be commenced within six months and completed within 12 months or this approval will lapse.



The Board considered a request for the construction of a fence on road reserve at 10 Erewhon Terrace. This matter had been investigated by Board members in conjunction with the Roading Maintenance and Policy Engineer and the Area Roading Officer who had met the applicant and an objecting neighbour individually at their homes.

The Board resolved: That approval for the fence to be permitted to remain be given subject to the following conditions: 1. That the fence will exist at the Council's discretion and that part of it will be removed within two months at the owner's expense if deemed necessary for the purpose of providing access for the adjacent neighbour.

2. That a standard deed of licence be entered into with the Council. 3. That the owner be entirely responsible for the stability, safety and future maintenance of the fence.


The Board considered a report updating Community Boards on the progress being made on Capital Projects within their respective areas as well as to give an overview of all property related Capital Projects being carried out by the Council. The Board resolved that the information be received. 20. PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDATE PROGRESS REPORT

The Board considered a report for information to advise Community Board members of progress to date on the Parks Unit's Capital Projects Programme in the Board area. The Board resolved that the Parks Capital Projects Update Report be received.


The Board considered a report outlining the duties and responsibilities of the Community Board in making submissions on behalf of the Council, where appropriate, on applications to the Liquor Licensing Authority. This was a function delegated to the Community Board by the Council. The Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board in the past has delegated the responsibility for considering these applications and deciding whether or not to make a submission to two members of the Board. The Board resolved: 1. That the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board delegate two Board members to consider liquor licence applications and to make submissions to the Liquor Licensing Authority on behalf of the Council, if this is deemed necessary. 2. That Mr Clearwater and Mr Drayton with Mrs Hunter as an alternate, be given the authority to consider these applications on behalf of the Board.



At its meeting on 13 December 1995, the Council reviewed its appointments to the various outside organisations on which it is represented. In the case of the Port Hills Park Trust Board, the Council considered it would be more appropriate for a Community Board member to serve as a member of this Trust Board. During the previous term of the Council Councillor Charles Manning was the Council's representative. Accordingly, the Council resolved that the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board be invited to appoint one of its members to represent the Council on the Port Hills Park Trust Board.

The Board resolved: 1. That the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board accept the Council's invitation to appoint one of its members to represent the Council on the Port Hills Park Trust Board. 2. That Mrs Sonia Gill be appointed to represent the Christchurch City Council on the Port Hills Park Trust Board.



At its meeting on 29 August 1995, the Board considered and affirmed its objectives for the 1996/97 financial year with the intention that these objectives be referred to the incoming Board for consideration and amendment or confirmation. The Board resolved that the Board confirm its previously affirmed objectives as its objectives for the 1996/97 year.


Miss Jennifer Pitcher, Senior Policy Analyst, was in attendance at the Board meeting to outline the Draft Community Facility Policy and Management Guidelines to the Board. In the discussion which took place, Mrs Anderton sought the opportunity to go through this document in detail with the officers. It was agreed that it would be valuable for interested members of all Community Boards to have the opportunity to go through these draft Policy and Management Guidelines with appropriate officers to give an enhanced understanding of the policies contained in them. The Board resolved: 1. That the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board endorse the draft Policy and Management Guidelines for Community facilities as a useful and appropriate tool for managing community facilities to meet community needs more efficiently and effectively. 2. That the Senior Policy Analyst be requested to arrange a workshop for all Councillors and Community Board members to allow more detailed discussion and briefing of the draft Community Facility Policy and Management Guidelines to take place. 25. HOON HAY YOUTH CENTRE

The Board considered a request for additional funding support for the Hoon Hay Youth Centre. The Board resolved: 1. That the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board make a grant from its 1995/96 Environmental and Employment Promotion Fund of $798 to cover an increase in the hours worked by the Youth Worker from 35 hours per week to 40 hours until 30 June 1996. 2. That the other issues referred to the Board in this report be held over for consideration at the meeting of the Community Affairs Committee to be held on 20 February 1996.

3. That Board members visit the Hoon Hay Youth Centre as part of the proposed tour of the Board's area to be held on 20 February 1996.


The Board considered for information a report outlining a proposed new cycle bridge to connect Thorrington Street with Studholme Street over the Heathcote River. The Board resolved that the information be received.

27. BUS STOPS RR 1852

The Board considered a report outlining a request from the Canterbury Regional Council for the rearrangement of bus stops on Route 27 - Bowenvale, to increase the number of stops and the availability of services to the public.

The Board resolved: (a) That bus stops in the following areas be removed: 1. 58 Norwood Street.

2. 49 Lansdowne Terrace

3. Opposite 4 Palatine Terrace.

4. Opposite 24 Palatine Terrace. (b) That bus stops be established in the following areas:

1. Outside 78 Norwood Street.

2. In Norwood Street behind the property at 106 Fisher Avenue.

3. Centaurus Road 30 metres west of Major Aitken Drive.

4. Centaurus Road 20 metres east of Major Aitken Drive.

5. 41 Lansdowne Terrace.

6. 61 Lansdowne Terrace.

7. 44 Lansdowne Terrace.

8. Outside 9 Buxton Terrace.

9. Outside 22 Kowhai Terrace.

28. WATERWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME RR + Ms Rachel Barker, of the Water Services Unit, was in attendance at the meeting to outline the Waterway Improvement Programme for the coming two years. Ms Barker invited Board members to view a 10 minute video on Waterway Enhancement. The Board agreed to invite Ms Barker to screen this video at the March meeting of the Community Affairs Committee, if such a meeting were held. The Board resolved: 1. That the report be received. 2. That the Waterway improvement Programme priorities listed in the attached tables 1 through 4, be endorsed for implementation in the 1995/96 and 1996/97 years.


The Chairman advised the Board that he had requested from the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit a report on the Addington Railway Workshops and Saleyards sites, the current situation with these sites and what steps may be available to the Council to promote the redevelopment and improvement of these sites. The Board noted that a report was being prepared by the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit and would be referred to the March meeting of the Board. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Chairman had suggested that a meeting of the Community Affairs Committee be held on Tuesday 20 February 1996, commencing at 4.00 pm, to allow for the election of a Chairperson for the Community Affairs Committee and to conduct any other business requiring the attention of the Committee. During discussion at the Board meeting on other matters, it had been agreed that a tour of inspection should also be arranged for this same afternoon to allow Board members to view at first hand facilities on which a Board decision was required.

The Board resolved: 1. That the Community Affairs Committee meet on Tuesday 20 February 1996, commencing at 4.00 p.m., to elect a Committee Chairperson and to deal with any business which requires the Committee's attention. 2. That a tour of inspection to include a viewing of facilities on which a Board decision is required be included as part of the agenda for this meeting of the Community Affairs Committee. 31. UPDATE OF BOARD FUNDS

An update of the Board's Community Development, Discretionary and Employment Initiatives Funds was tabled at the Board meeting for the information of Board members.

It was resolved that the information be received.



(SGD) O T Alpers


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