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28. 2. 96



A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board

was held at Sockburn Service Centre

on Wednesday 7 February 1996 at 5.00pm

PRESENT David Buist (Chairperson), Graham Berry,

Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda, Lesley Keast,

Mark Kunnen, Mike Mora and Bob Shearing. Mary Corbett retired at 7.20pm and was present for

Clauses 1-11 inclusive.

1. APOLOGY Received and accepted from Helen Broughton PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION



Officer Responsible:                       Author                         
Legal Services Manager                     Peter Mitchell                 
Corporate Plan Output:  Legal Advice                                        

In September 1994 the Council granted a subdivision consent to Klondyke Developments Limited to subdivide land situated in Edmonton Street. Klondyke has completed Stage I of the subdivision and has anticipated that Stage II will be completed within the next few months. Crossing Klondyke's land (and shown marked on the plan attached as Map 1) is a water race which goes under Shands Road, across the Klondyke land and then runs down to Halswell Junction Road. Water races are controlled by the Council under the Local Government Act 1974 and are designed to provide stock water, but not water for irrigation. Under an administrative arrangement with the Selwyn District Council, the City Council has resolved that the water race system on the map attached be administered by the Selwyn District Council. The Local Government Act provides that the Council must maintain a water race map and such a map was prepared by the Paparua County Council in 1984. On that water race map the branches of the water race the subject of this report are referred to as L7, L9 and L10. A copy of a map showing the location of the water race as shown on the water race map is attached as Map 2. It will be noted that the line of the physical water race (Map 1) does not follow the line of the race on the map (Map 2) in all instances. In preparing its application for subdivision consent, Klondyke had requested the Council to discontinue the water race running across its land so as to enable Klondyke to build over the land occupied by the water race. As will be apparent from Map 1, discontinuance of the water race over the land owned by Klondyke would have the practical effect of cutting off water to those parts of the race which are physically downstream of the Klondyke land. Although Selwyn District Council administers the water race system on behalf of the City Council, the Legal Services Manager has advised that issues such as the discontinuance of parts of the water race within the City's district must be decided by the City Council, not by Selwyn District Council. Klondyke has requested the Council to discontinue the water race because having the water race crossing its land would, from its perspective, result in considerable diminishment to the value of approximately 14 sections in its subdivision. The proposed discontinuance of this part of the water race system over Klondyke's land was the subject of a report to the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board in November 1994 and at that time the Board had resolved to discontinue the water race running across the Klondyke land. However, it subsequently became apparent that two landowners, Mr Peter Hodge and Mr Arthur Fuller, who adjoined the water race opposed any such discontinuance. In 1995 there were lengthy discussions between Council officers and these two landowners regarding the future of the water race and their stated desire to have stock water available on their land. There are 13 landowners who would be physically entitled to obtain water from that part of the water race system shown on Map 1. Of those 13 landowners only Mr Hodge now maintains his opposition to the discontinuance of the water race. Mr Fuller has obtained an alternative supply of stock water from the rural restricted supply pipe in Springs Road. One of the landowners, Pacific Metals Limited, actively supports the discontinuance of the water race because as its land is lower lying than the adjoining Klondyke land it is concerned that any continuation of the water race may at some stage result in flooding of its land. There are 9 landowners whose land is crossed by the water race as shown on Map 2. Another factor in this matter is that the water race shown marked as L10 on Map 2 was physically destroyed approximately two years ago when earthworks were carried out on the land where it was situated. Today there is a bulk store constructed by Farmers/Deka on the western part of that land, Mr Hodge has an accessway in the middle of the land and there has been industrial development on the eastern side of that land near the corner of Halswell Junction Road and Springs Road. Although there have been ongoing discussions between Council officers and Mr Hodge, there has been no settlement to date whereby he will grant his consent to the discontinuance of the water race. In his correspondence with the Council, Mr Hodge has raised issues relating to future roading patterns regarding his land if he should wish to subdivide his land in the future. Council officers have advised him that subdivision consents are granted on the basis on which applications are received and that the question of roading patterns is a separate issue from the issue of water races. In October 1995 Mr Hodge was granted a subdivision consent by the Council for the land served by the water race. The consent is for a 3-lot industrial development. A condition of the consent is that Mr Hodge grant permission to discontinue the water race. There is an alternative roading pattern which involves consensus between Mr Hodge, Klondyke and the owners of the Farmers' land and to date such consensus has not been reached. Officers do not believe that it is realistic to expect any such consensus in the immediate future and accordingly are now recommending to the Board that the water races shown on Maps 1 and 2, be discontinued. All of the land on which the water race system to be discontinued is shown is zoned Industrial and Rural in the Paparua section of the Transitional District Plan. The land is zoned Business and Rural in the proposed City Plan. If the water race is discontinued, as recommended in this report, then it is proposed that the water race would pass under Shands Road and future flow from the water race at that point would be piped into a stormwater drain situated in a public road within the new Klondyke subdivision. The Council's power to consider discontinuance of a water race is contained in s.427 of the Local Government Act 1974 which provides : "(1) The council, with the prior consent of the Regional Council (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) may, pursuant to a special order in that behalf, discontinue any water race from a date to be fixed in the special order, being not earlier than 3 months after the date of the making of the special order. (2) Without limiting the power of the council to have regard to any other relevant matters, the council, in deciding whether or not any water race should be discontinued, shall have regard to-

(a) The cost of maintaining the water race; and

(b) The revenue derived by the council in respect of the water race; and

(c) The number of persons who for the time being are using water from the water race; and

(d) The availability and cost to those persons of any alternative supplies of water; and

(e) Any change in the circumstances since the construction of the water race.

(3) The council shall serve copies of the proposed special order on persons entitled to use water from the water race, so far as they can be reasonably ascertained, at least 14 days before the date fixed for the meeting to confirm the resolution to make the special order. (4) Within one month after the date of the making of a special order under this section, any person entitled to use the water from the water race may apply to a District Court for an order setting aside the special order. Pending the determination of the application, the council shall not be entitled to discontinue the water race. (5) On the hearing of the application, the Court, whose decision shall be final, shall determine whether the special order should or should not be set aside, and in the former case the special order shall be deemed to be void. (6) Where the Court determines that any such special order shall not be set aside, the council may discontinue the water race at any time after the expiration of 3 months from the date of the giving of the decision of the Court. (7) All applications to a District Court under this section shall be made by way of originating application in accordance with the rules of that Court, and the fees prescribed by those rules in respect of originating applications shall be payable. (8) Where all persons entitled to be supplied with water from the water race, or, as the case may be, the part proposed to be discontinued, consent thereto in writing, the council may, by resolution publicly notified, discontinue any water race or any part of any water race from a date to be specified in the resolution. (9) Where all the water races in a water-race area have been discontinued, the council may by resolution abolish the area."

With regard to s.427(1), consent has been sought from the Canterbury Regional Council to the discontinuance of that part of the water race system shown on Maps 1 and 2. With regard to s.427(8), as Mr and Mrs Hodge being landowners affected by the proposed discontinuance, have not given their consent then the Council cannot discontinue the water race by resolution publicly notified, but must carry out the special order procedure referred to in s.427(1). It is anticipated that if the Council agrees to discontinue the water race then the special order procedure will be commenced at the Council meeting on 28 February 1996 with the resolution being confirmed by the Council on 27 March 1996, and the special order coming into force on 28 June 1996, being a date not earlier than 3 months after the March 1996 Council meeting. S.427(2) specifies criteria that the Council must have regard to in deciding whether or not the water race should be discontinued. Those criteria are : (a) The cost of maintaining the water race The annual cost of maintaining that part of the water race shown on Map 1 proposed to be discontinued (which is approximately 3 kilometres in length in total) would be in the order of $2,000 per annum. (b) The revenue derived by the council in respect of the water race Due to the inability of water to be supplied in the water race on a regular basis, the Selwyn District Council did not charge stock water rates for these properties in 1993 and 1994. Actual revenue based on one landowner requiring stock water is approximately $155.00 per annum. (c) The number of persons who for the time being are using water from the water race As indicated above, today only Mr and Mrs Hodge have indicated a desire to use water from the water race as shown on Map 1. (d) The availability and cost to those persons of any alternative supplies of water There is a rural restricted supply pipe in Halswell Junction Road which is available to provide water to the land owned by Mr and Mrs Hodge. This would involve the laying of a 20mm pipe in the accessway which they own from Halswell Junction Road and Mr Hodge has previously indicated that he would wish to have 5 troughs available for stock purposes. It is estimated that the cost of the piping and the troughs would be approximately $8,400. There would also be an estimated annual charge by the City Council of $65 per cubic metre per annum with a maximum of 3 cubic metres per day being available for water from the rural restricted supply. The rural restricted supply would provide up to 3 cubic metres of water per day for stock purposes. It is estimated that this would supply more than sufficient water to supply stock with water in this block. (e) Any change in the circumstances since the construction of the water race Clearly the major change has been the industrial redevelopment which has occurred in the land around the water race area and the redevelopment by Klondyke itself of the land which it owns and through which the water race runs. As noted above, most of the land on which is situated the part of the water race proposed to be discontinued is now zoned Industrial, and has been for a number of years. It would appear that industrial redevelopment is now taking place and consequently the need for the water race has diminished considerably. It can also be noted that of the 13 landowners entitled to take water from the water race only one now wishes to continue to do so, and apparently only until his subdivision consent is implemented. On balance, the officers believe that the appropriate course of action is to discontinue the water race as a consequence of the Klondyke subdivision. The Water Services Unit is of the view that the potential consequences to Klondyke of having the water race running through their land significantly outweigh any disadvantage to Mr Hodge of having to obtain his stock water from the rural restricted supply in Halswell Junction Road. Furthermore, if the water race was to continue to be crossing the Klondyke land it would still be controlled by the Council and there would be additional administrative expense for Council officers in having to deal with potentially twelve landowners instead of the current one, namely Klondyke. Mr Hodge has a readily available alternative supply of stock water and he has in any event indicated that he sees the availability of stock water as an interim measure until the day comes when he is able to implement his own industrial redevelopment. Consequently, the officers would recommend that the Council discontinue that part of the water race system shown marked on Maps 1 and 2. Because the location of the water race is shown marked on Map 2 does not in all instances align with the water race where it is physically situated on the ground, the recommendation below applies to both maps. Mr Mitchell was invited to address the Board. He noted that representatives from Klondyke Developments Ltd and Mr Peter Hodge were in attendance also but did not wish to address the Board. Mr Mitchell advised that verbal agreement had been received from Mr Hodge to the discontinuance of the water race and that it was anticipated that all outstanding matters would be resolved by negotiation before the Council met on 28 February 1996 to consider the resolution to proceed with the special order resolution. However, Mr Mitchell requested that the Board adopt the officer's recommendation and that he anticipated being in a position to advise the Council of the completion of outstanding matters and, by way of supplementary report to the Council, seek a resolution to the discontinuance of the water race and thereby negate the need to pursue the special order. Members were in agreement with the proposed course of action outlined by the Legal Services Manager. Recommendation: That the Council adopt the following draft resolution subject to a satisfactory conclusion being reached on the requirements of the existing water race users.

1. Pursuant to section 427(1) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Christchurch City Council resolves, by way of special order, to discontinue the water races specified in the schedule to this recommendation. 2. The date of discontinuance is 28 June 1996. Schedule A - Map 1 attached.

That part of the water race system marked "water race" commencing at Shands Road. Schedule B - Map 2 attached.

(i) That part of water race of L7 to the east of the eastern boundary of Shands Road;

(ii) All of water race L9;

(iii) All of water race L10;

(iv) All of water race G7.


Officer Responsible:                       Author                         
Property Manager                           Grant Ancell, Property         
                                           Services Officer               
Annual Plan Output: Waterway Environment (New Assets)  Budget               
Provision:     $180,000 p 9.3.42                                            


The Water Services Manager is endeavouring to create a walking link from Wigram Road to the Heathcote River along a dry water course which adjoins the proposed new A & P showgrounds. Immediately adjoining this watercourse is the smaller of two ponds which were formed as a result of gravel mining operations many years ago. It is proposed that these ponds which are already a haven for bird life will enhance the walkway and provide a valuable natural amenity in the locality. The owner of the land adjoining the south western boundary at the Wigram Road frontage of the proposed new A & P showgrounds, shares an irregular boundary with the Christchurch City Council block along this dry water course. Discussions have been progressing with this owner to agree to a regular boundary which involves the exchanging Council's entitlement to the land in the dry river bed currently not held in either title for the smaller of the two ponds. The Proposal

Agreement has now been reached to a settlement enabling the purchase of the smaller pond and a land exchange along the dry water course. Details of that settlement are as follows:: Address: 199 Wigram Road Owner: Musgrove Bros. Ltd

Area: (i) to be acquired by CCC 4485 m2

(ii) to be vested in Musgrove Bros Ltd 2570 m2 Zone: Rural 2

Valuations: (i) Musgroves land, 4800 m2 at $2.30/m2. (ii) CCC land, 2400 m2 at $3.77/m2. ie a value difference of $1,300. Note since that valuation a full survey has been undertaken to better define the land boundaries. In discussions with the owner it was difficult to justify the difference in values for the Council land and his own. In view of the small areas involved and the co-operation that the owner has afforded the Council in agreeing to sell part of his title, it was agreed to base the valuations on both the land to be acquired by and exchanged with Council at the rate of $2.30/m2. This approach showed a value difference of $5,300 payable to Musgrove Bros Ltd.

Source of Funds: Code: 17133/302 Costs: Legal, survey and fencing of part new boundary $2000

Settlement: $5,300 plus of GST. Recommendation: 1. That the Council resolves to acquire the land in the first schedule for reserve purposes and to vest in the owner the land described in the second schedule with a payment to the owner of $5,300 as equality of exchange, plus GST , fencing and legal and survey costs. First Schedule

Part dry creek bed adjoining pt reserve 92 and part reserve 92 as held in Certificate of Title 11B/500, shown on the plan of subdivision attached, containing 4485 square metres. Second Schedule

Part dry creek bed adjoining pt lot 1 DP 9212 and part lot 1 DP 9212 as held in Certificate of Title 18K/1028, shown on plan of subdivision attached, containing 2570 square metres. 2. That in order for the exchange to comply with the requirements of section 230 of the Local Government Act, the Council adopts the following resolution. Resolution That pursuant to section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to dispose by way of exchange the property described in the second schedule above. PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE BOARD AND



It was resolved that the reports of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board meetings held on 20 November/4 December 1995 and 12 December 1995 be confirmed as a true and correct record of those meetings. 5. SPEAKING RIGHTS



Mr Barnett had been granted speaking rights to address the Board in his capacity as Co-ordinator for the Christchurch Community Law Centre who was seeking support from the Community Boards to maintain the services offered by this law centre. Members were in receipt of information, including the Annual Report and other documents. The Board resolved to make a grant to the Christchurch Community Law Centre in the sum of $1,000, to be funded from the Board's 1995/96 Discretionary Fund. A further recommendation to provide a grant from the Board's 1996/97 Project/Discretionary allocation was lost.


KENNEDYS BUSH ROAD NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION Mrs Lukey as Chairperson of the Kennedys Bush Neighbourhood Association had been granted speaking rights to support a letter received seeking the financial support of the Board in respect of the Association having to engage legal counsel in respect of a hearing by the Planning Tribunal. This related to the legal status of the Association and its ability to be able to lodge an appeal against a Resource Management Panel decision. In the letter to the Board the Association notes that the appeal against the decision was made as the Kennedys Bush Road Neighbourhood Association, incorporation pending, and subsequently became incorporated before the resource management hearings were held. The lawyer for the applicant required the Association to go to the Planning Tribunal to contend that as the incorporated body had not written a submission then the Association had no right of appeal. The judgement from the Planning Tribunal supported the applicant's solicitor and Mrs Lukey was in attendance to advise the Board of the financial cost involved in having to go to the Planning Tribunal to have this legal point clarified. The Board was in receipt of previous information in respect of financial assistance being granted to resident groups on matters relating to resource management including an April 1991 report to the Environmental Committee which suggested that the Council may consider making a policy statement on the question of financial contributions to resident groups involved in the planning process. The Council decided not to create a policy and it was then placed back to each Community Board to consider such requests on a case by case basis. This stance was supported by a September 1991 meeting of Community Board chairpersons and at its February 1992 meeting the board resolved that "all resident associations be advised of the Board being able to receive such requests for individual consideration but no guarantee could be given that favourable consideration is assured." Members are appreciative of the fact that this request was slightly dissimilar to those requests received previously and listened to the submission from Mrs Lukey. Whilst members were sympathetic to the Association's request, the majority could not support any financial support. It was not considered appropriate for the Community Board to use its funds to assist resident groups who had, by their own decisions, pursued appeals under the Resource Management Act when the Council, through the Resource Hearings procedure, had deliberated on and made its decision on a notified application. Mrs Lukey identified an immediate shortfall of $600 in costs incurred; any grant would have helped reimburse the funds raised which were being earmarked for an appeal against the Panel decision. The Board resolved to make a grant to the Kennedys Bush Road Neighbourhood Association in the sum of $600, to be funded from the Board's 1995/96 Discretionary Fund. A further recommendation to provide a further grant from the Board's 1996/97 project/discretionary allocation was lost. 6. STATEMENT OF PRIORITIES AND BOARD OBJECTIVES AND


The Board was in receipt of its 1995/96 Statement of Priorities and Board Objectives and Performance Indicators and by resolution a special meeting will be held on Monday 11 March 1996 to review the current information and to amend the statements to be included into the 1996/97 Corporate Plan.


The Board was in receipt of an extensive schedule which provided information on the recognised resident groups, outside organisations and Board working parties which had been established under the previous Community Board. By resolution the Board made decisions on its representation as follows: 1. Resident Groups It had been the practice for the Board to have two members to act in a liaison capacity with each recognised group. It was decided that members indicate their preference for the resident group which they wished to be associated with and that the Chairperson would bring this back to the Community Board for adoption, noting that a fair allocation of members would be sought. 2. Outside Organisations The following members will represent the Board on outside organisations: Riccarton Bush Trust Graham Berry / Mark Kunnen

and David Buist

Hornby Citizens Advice Bureau Bob Shearing

Paparua Community Care Trust Bob Shearing

Paparua Prospect Trust Mike Mora

Riccarton Library Committee Helen Broughton / Mark Kunnen

Sir John McKenzie Children's Library Graham Berry / Helen Broughton

Street Garden Competition Committee Ishwar Ganda

Keep Christchurch Beautiful Committee

- Wigram Ishwar Ganda / Mike Mora

- Riccarton Helen Broughton / David Buist 3. Working Parties The Board also approved appointments to the following working parties. Community Funding/Service Awards Mary Corbett / Leslie Keast /

Graham Berry / Mike Mora

New Zealand Fire Service -

Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board David Buist / Bob Shearing

Agenda 21 - Spreydon/Heathcote Board Helen Broughton / Mike Mora

Hornby High School Community Facility Leslie Keast

Waimairi Study Award Committee Ishwar Ganda

Reserves Hearings Panels Committee All members

University Parking -

Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board David Buist / Mark Kunnen

Sale of Liquor Committee Graham Berry / Bob Shearing 8. NEIGHBOURHOOD SUPPORT GROUP CO-ORDINATOR


At the Community Board Chairpersons Forum of 13 September 1995 it was agreed that various Community Boards be asked to make a grant of $1,000 to provide a wage top-up for the proposed Taskforce Green worker to undertake the updating of Neighbourhood Support Group Co-ordinators addresses city-wide. Recently the Board Chairperson and Deputy met with the local District Police Superintendent and the Community Constables and Sergeants who covered the Riccarton and Wigram areas, and also met Mr Noel Taylor who is the person employed to undertake the updating. The Board resolved to allocate an amount of $1,000 to assist in the employment of this co-ordinator.


The Board was in receipt of an extensive report prepared by the Senior Policy Analyst, Jennifer Pitcher, on this matter. The previous term of the Community Board had, through a working party, helped prepare a response to the original draft that had been promoted to Community Boards. The Community Board was very supportive of the draft policy as it will provide a much needed direction and focus for the local facilities within this area, being Council owned and managed as well as three community-owned centres. The Board resolved to endorsed the draft policy and has established a committee of two Board members (Bob Shearing and Mark Kunnen) along with the Community Manager and Community Activities Officers to assist in the implementation of the draft policy.



Mr Kunnen, as chairperson of this committee, provided an update on the two meetings held recently, the second being with representatives of the University of Canterbury. Both Boards had acknowledged the problem of on-street parking around the University on the campus `boundary roads' and the smaller residential streets. Technical reports had discussed the officer/University working party deliberations during a number of meetings in 1995. The second meeting had identified options to improve the on and off-site parking opportunities that would be further investigated and considered by the Committee prior to a full report.


The Board was in receipt of a draft Traffic Management Plan which covered the area of Hornby bounded by Amyes Road, Springs Road, Main South Road and Shands Road. This area is characteristic of an area in need of traffic management and the Management Plan sought to address issues such as wide straight sections of road which encourage excessive speed traffic and no barriers for the industrial traffic infiltrating through residential areas. The Board approved the draft Hornby Local Area Traffic Management Scheme for community consultation.


A report from the Traffic Projects Engineer, Mr Mike Grady, sought to replace the proposed Brockworth/Leslie Hills overbridge over the main railway line midway between Riccarton Road and Blenheim Road with a re-routing onto the Blenheim Road overbridge with an extension wide enough to allow cyclists and pedestrians. Mr Grady was in attendance and discussed with members the current practice of the overbridge footpath being used as a cycleway. The Board resolved that this work should be confirmed but also sought a response from the Roading and Traffic Managers to reconsider the strengthening work of the Blenheim Road overbridge as against a possible realignment of this section of Blenheim Road to line up with Moorhouse Avenue through Lowe Street.


The Traffic Projects Engineer also reported to the Board on the cycleways planned for this part of residential Riccarton following a public consultation leaflet. The proposed cycleway will travel on roads which will have wide carriageways and the natural separation of cyclists and vehicles was not seen as a problem. There was a short cut proposed through Middleton Park which would help cyclists avoid the Middleton Road/Lochee Road intersection. The Board resolved to approve this section of the Peverel/Suva cycleway through Middleton Park.


The Projects Engineer, Mr Michael Thomson, sought Board approval to change the control of signalised intersection slip lanes at three locations and provided information on the controls and signage required and advised the Board that the Land Transport Safety Authority and Transit New Zealand were working with local authorities to better formalise these intersections. The Board resolved to place give way signs at three intersections in its area that had previously been controlled by other signs which were now becoming obsolete.


The Board was in receipt of an extensive schedule of works to be undertaken within its area and had received information in relation to roading, traffic, parks and property. The Board noted that such information was required under its approved terms of reference and that it would take ownership of all capital works within its area other than those designated as major and metropolitan. The Board was appreciative of the information and resolved that it be accepted.


Ms Rachel Barker, on behalf of the Water Services Manager, was in attendance to provide a progress report on the components of the tributory waterway improvement programme in relation to waterway enhancement and waterway piping and improvements within the Community Board area. Work proposed on the Paeroa Reserve was discussed by the Board as the plans were different to those considered originally by the Board when it was considering a request to relocate a new playground from Shands Crescent into this reserve. It was agreed that this updated plan would be circulated for public consultation by the Water Services Unit. The Board resolved that the priorities as listed would be adopted for implementation.


By resolution the Board has given consent for 3M to install a Metrolite bus shelter on the site outside numbers 128 and 130 Main South Road.


In conjunction with the installation of a pedestrian refuge in Riccarton Road between Shands Crescent and Rattray Street, the bus stop on the south side required relocation as its present location conflicted with a proposed crossing point and the relocation was sought to ensure clear visibility for pedestrians and adequate lane widths for motorists. The Board resolved that the bus stop in its current position on Riccarton Road, 9 metres to the east of Shands Crescent intersection, be rescinded and that a bus stop be installed on the south side of Riccarton Road, 28 metres west of the Shands Crescent intersection. 19. COMMUNITY BOARD 1996 MEETING SCHEDULE

By resolution the Board adopted April 1 and November 25 for meetings to be included into the 1996 schedule. (These dates have been held over due to conflict with Council dates on the usual Wednesday dates at these times of the year.)



The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public as set out on page 42 of the agenda be adopted.



D N Buist


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