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A meeting of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board was held on Monday, 5 February 1996 in the Boardroom, Shirley Service Centre, 36 Marshland Road at 4.00 pm PRESENT: David Dobbie (Chairman), Clare Duff, Dave East, Carole Evans, Alister James, Don Rowlands, Gail Sheriff, Jack Travis, Chrissie Williams APOLOGIES: An apology was received and accepted from Alister James for lateness. Alister James arrived at 4.30 pm and was present for all clauses with the exception of clauses 4, 5, 6 and part of clause 7.



Officer responsible                    Author                                    
Design Services Manager                Lester Reilly, Legal Surveyor Design      
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation                           

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road. As part of the scheme plan to develop the land known as the Ballantyne Block it is proposed to stop a portion of Inwoods Road north of Broadhaven Avenue and amalgamate the stopped road with Lot 62, a recreation reserve, to vest in the Christchurch City Council on deposit of the plan. The proposal is shown on the attached plans. The Parks Unit have agreed to the proposal. Easements to protect all services will be created after the road is stopped. Resolution

Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto. Reason for the Road Stopping

As part of the development of the adjoining land for residential sections it is proposed to stop a portion of Inwoods Road and amalgamate the land with the adjoining recreation reserve. The stopping is necessary for traffic management, to reduce the likelihood of conflict of vehicles at this intersection.

Purpose to which the stopping road will be put

The portion of road when stopped, will be held in Council ownership pursuant to Section 345 (1) (b) of the Local Government Act 1974 and declared a Recreation Reserve pursuant to Section 17 of the Reserves Act 1977. Schedule Portion of Inwoods Road being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows: Shown Area SO Adjoining Land

A 428 m2 19533 Lot 12 DP 892 and

Lot 31 DP 67293 Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be held in Council ownership pursuant to Section 345 (1) (b) of the Local Government Act 1974 and declared a Recreation Reserve pursuant to Section 17 of the Reserves Act 1977. 4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing Panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken.


Officer responsible                    Author                                    
Property Manager                       Grant Ancell, Property Services Officer   
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Unit Capital Outputs - Net Assets (Fixed Assets)     

Agreement has been reached with the original subdivider who developed Atlantis Street and an owner now wishing to gain access to Atlantis Street on cost sharing of construction costs (map attached). In order to legalise the 0.2 metre strip along Atlantis Street separating the above mentioned owner's land from the road formation it will be necessary for the Council to pass the following resolution: Resolution

Pursuant to the provision of Section 111 of the Reserves Act 1977 the Christchurch City Council hereby dedicates as road the land described in the Schedule hereto: Schedule

Area Being

20 square metres Lot 2 DP 66576 being all of the land contained in Certificate of Title 39A/580" Recommendation: That the above resolution be adopted.


Officer responsible                     Author                                  
Parks Manager                           Steve McDonald, Technical Officer       
                                        (Parks Admin)                           
Annual Plan Output: Ranger Services Citywide  9.4.12                               

This report from the Technical Officer (Parks Administration) sought the Board's approval to an application from the New Brighton Power Boat Club to have a section of By Law 120 waived on Sunday, 17 March 1996 to allow a parade and demonstration of aquatic activities on a section of the Avon River and the Estuary between Kerrs Reach and the New Brighton Power Boat Club. Concern was expressed at the effect of wave action on the banks of the Avon River and it was noted that a Resource Consent would be required for the event under the New City Plan. Recommendation: That, pursuant to clause 37(a) of Christchurch City By Law 120 (1982) the Council, having formed the opinion that there are special circumstances and that the public will not be endangered, declare that clauses 8 and 10 of By Law 120 shall not apply on Saturday, 17 March between 2.30 pm and 5.00 pm on the Avon River between Kerrs Reach and the New Brighton Power Boat Club course on the Estuary and subject to the conditions in the attached schedule for the purpose of the New Brighton Power Boat Club holding a procession and demonstration of aquatic activities, and subject to a Resource Consent being obtained. David Dobbie, Alister James, Don Rowlands and Chrissie Williams requested that their vote against this recommendation be recorded.



The Board resolved that the reports of the meeting of the installation of members held on 20 November 1995 (both open and public excluded sections) and the special meeting held on 30 November 1995 be confirmed.


There were no petitions.


Senior Sergeant Brian McGurk had expressed his desire to maintain contact with the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board. It was suggested that quarterly meetings be held in conjunction with ordinary Board meetings. The Board resolved that the Community Manager arrange an informal meeting with Senior Sergeant Brian McGurk at a time suitable to both Mr McGurk and the Community Board.


Mr Basil Simmons addressed the Board on the Kahikatea Adventure Education Trust's proposal to install a `Ropes Challenge Course' in the South Brighton Domain. Mr Simmons outlined the success of similar courses in New Zealand, in particular Geraldine, and the aims and objectives of the proposal. Item 8 refers. Mr Jack Watkins, 5 Seafield Place addressed the Board on the proposed removal of pine trees in South Brighton Domain. Mr Watkins supported the removal of the trees because they were a fire danger, caused shading on neighbouring properties and there was a risk of trees and branches falling onto neighbouring properties during high winds. Item 9 refers. Amelia Davis, Christchurch Community Law Centre addressed the Board requesting support for an application to the Environmental Committee for funding. She advised that the specific issues the Resource Management Advice Service of the Law Centre faced was immediate funding and securing a more equitable and reliable local body funding base. The Board resolved that the Board consider making a grant to the Christchurch Community Law Centre (Resource Management Advice Service) during the allocation of its 1996/97 project/discretionary funding. Melanie White, Coast Care Co-Ordinator addressed the Board on progress to date with the Coast Care Programme. It was advised that an updated copy of the Christchurch Beaches and Coastal Parks Management plan was at the printers and it was requested that it be forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Community Board for consideration. The Board resolved: 1. That the irrigation of the picnic areas along Marine Parade from Rawhiti Avenue to Bowhill Road be considered for the 1996/97 financial year. 2. That kerb and channelling be carried out along Marine Parade on the east side from Bowhill Road to Lonsdale Street as a priority one.


This report from the Parks Policy and Quality Control Manager sought approval to lease a site at South Brighton Domain for a challenge ropes recreation course proposed by the Kahikatea Adventure Trust. The Board resolved to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Committee that pursuant to Section 54 1 (a) of the Reserves Act 1977, the Kahikatea Adventure Trust be granted a lease of five years and renewal of five years over the area in South Brighton Domain shown on the attached plan for the purpose of a challenge ropes recreational course, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the ropes course be erected at no cost to the Council. 2. That the Trust erect the ropes course to approved standards and prepares a Health and Safety Management Plan and Procedures Manual for running activities and ensuring the safety of all users, and daily safety checks while in use. 3. That when fixing charges the Trust consider a discount for youth and community groups and that all charges be approved by the Parks Manager. 4. That a suitable annual rental be negotiated between the Property Manager, Parks Manager and Trust dependent on projected use. 5. That the challenge ropes course be erected to approved arboricultural techniques and with the Parks Manager's approval. 6. The Trust holds public liability insurance of $1,000,000 to absolve the Council against any claims through the use of the challenge ropes course. 7. That the use and parking and impact on the site be assessed after the first year of operation and any improvements required will be at no cost to the Council and undertaken as directed by the Parks Manager.

8. That the approval will lapse if the ropes course has not been constructed within two years of the date of approval. 9. That the area used for the ropes course be returned to its original condition by the Trust if the venture should lapse.


The Area Parks Officer reported on the proposed removal and replanting of trees from the Conifer plantation in South Brighton Domain and Kibblewhite Street Reserve at the rear of properties in Seafield Place, Bridge Street and Blake Street. The Board requested that any further tree removal be brought before the Board for further consideration. The Board resolved:

1. That the Board approve the removal of the present `Conifer' plantations for a distance of 20 metres back from adjacent property boundaries in Seafield Place, Bridge Street, and Blake Street to address residents legitimate concerns about fire danger, shading, and risks of trees/branches falling onto their properties. 2. That planting be undertaken of the felled area the following planting season in accordance with the approved Landscape Concept Plan to ensure that the shelter provided to the South Brighton residential community by the present plantations is maintained.


1. EAGLES CONCERT, SUNDAY, 26 NOVEMBER 1995 A letter was received from Mrs Ryan, 184 Travis Road complaining about the behaviour of patrons and noise and traffic congestion caused by those attending the above concert. The Board resolved:

1. That an assurance be sought from the Management of Queen Elizabeth II Park that steps will be taken to ensure the protection of properties adjoining the park during any future concert or major event held at the complex. 2. That the Community Manager write to Mrs Ryan advising her of the Board's resolution. 2. `MAINSTREET' NEW BRIGHTON A letter was received from Mr Peter Seymour, Mainstreet Co-Ordinator relating to the security problems being experienced in New Brighton Mall. It was suggested that the Parking Unit could extend the Parking Warden's routine schedule and tasks to include walking through the Mall at 3.00 pm approximately when school children ride through the Mall; employ Armourguard to monitor the situation and enforce the Bylaws. The Area Traffic Engineer was requested to investigate the installation of larger signs at the end of the Mall. The Board resolved that the security problems being experienced in New Brighton Mall be considered by the New Brighton Mall Working Party at its next meeting.


The above document was developed in response to what was identified as a pressing need for community facilities to be administered more efficiently and effectively to enable them, in turn, to meet community needs more efficiently and effectively. The Board resolved: 1. That the Board endorse the draft policy and management guidelines. 2. That the Community Centres Working Party meet to seek management options for the North New Brighton and Parklands Community Centres.


The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public, as set out on page 43 of the Agenda, relating to `Pages Road Hardship Purchase Application' Section 7 (2)(a) be adopted. (Members of the public were temporarily excluded from the meeting between 6.10 pm and 6.25 pm, following the adoption of the foregoing resolution.)


The Area Parks Support Officer reported on the plans and associated costing for the installation of a footbridge to cross the stream which flows into Horseshoe Lake opposite 94 and 96 Lake Terrace Road. The Board resolved: 1. That Officers consider reducing the project costs by making this a community project. 2. That the Board consider funding this development from its 1996/97 Discretionary Funds.


The Community Activities Officer advised that the proposed boundaries of the Horseshoe Lake Residents' Group (New Brighton Road, Shirley Golf Course, Lake Terrace Road and Junction Lake Terrace/New Brighton Roads) had been accepted by the Group. Within the north-east area of the boundary is De Ville and De Bloge Place which were previously included in the boundaries of the Windsor/Westhaven Residents' Association. The Windsor/Westhaven Residents' Association have indicated they are happy with the boundary change. The Board resolved:

1. That the following boundaries be acknowledged and recognised for each group: Windsor/Westhaven

South: Lake Terrace Road

West: The western boundary of the Shirley Golf Course (northwards to Mairehau Road

North: Mairehau Road

East: Burwood Road, including the residential area east towards Travis Wetlands Horseshoe Lake

South: New Brighton Road

West: Boundary of Shirley Golf Course

North: Lake Terrace Road

East: Junction at Lake Terrace/New Brighton Roads 2. That the Leisure and Community Services Unit Manager be advised of the Board's recognition of Horseshoe Lake Residents' Group and the acknowledgement of the boundary changes.


The Board considered a report on two projects to be undertaken using money set aside by the Board for Te Reo Maori - Year of the Language. One project relates to a Korero Maori Sponsorship Package and the other to the publication of a booklet organised by the Te Whanua Manaaki Culture Club. The Board resolved that $1,000 sponsorship of the Korero Maori Show, Radio Tahu 90.5 FM and $500 to the Te Whanau Manaaki Culture Club's publication be confirmed.


The Community Activities Officer advised that there are three events scheduled with the programmes being staged in the Elderly Persons Housing Units at Aberfoyle Place, Reg Stillwell Place and Concord Place. The first event was held in November, which saw each of the residents loungers near full. The Board resolved: 1. That the information be received. 2. That the Board consider allocating discretionary funding in 1996/97 for Elderly Persons Housing entertainment.


The Board considered the results of the annual questionnaire to Burwood/Pegasus Residents' Groups in terms of the Council's Residents' Policy. The Board resolved:

1. That the following groups be acknowledged and recognised by the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board under the Council's Residents Policy for 1996. Avondale, Bexley, Dallington, Horseshoe Lake, New Brighton, North New Brighton, Parklands, Shirley, South New Brighton, Southshore, Wainoni/Aranui and Windsor/Westhaven and Waitikiri 2. That the Board nominate the following Board members as its liaison representatives on the Burwood/Pegasus Residents' Groups: David Dobbie - Avondale

Jack Travis - Bexley

Don Rowlands - Dallington

Clare Duff - Horseshoe Lake

Gail Sheriff, Jack Travis - New Brighton

Gail Sheriff - North New Brighton

Carole Evans - Parklands

Don Rowlands - Shirley

Chrissie Williams - South New Brighton

Chrissie Williams - Southshore

Alister James - Wainoni/Aranui

Dave East - Windsor/Westhaven

Carole Evans, Gail Sheriff, Dave East - Waitikiri 3. That the groups be thanked for responding to the questionnaire and advised of the liaison person/s for their Association. 4. That the Board consider allocating a pool of $2,000 from its 1996/97 discretionary funding for residents groups who are more active than others.


The Board was advised that notification of resignation had been received from Ms Jo Barry, a community representative on the Board's Community Funding Assessment Committee. The Board resolved:

1. That Mr Bob Andrews be invited to fill the vacancy to represent the community on the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board's Funding Assessment Committee for the remainder of the current term. 2. That Ms Jo Barry and Mrs C Duff be thanked for their contribution to the Funding Assessment Committee.


The Board received a report from the Water Services Manager on the components of the Tributary Waterway Improvement Programme, waterway enhancement and waterway piping improvement. It was noted that Corsers Stream was not included in any of the waterway improvement programme. The Board resolved:

1. That the report be received. 2. That the Waterway improvement Programme priorities listed in the attached tables 1 through 4, be endorsed for implementation in the 1995/96 and 1996/97 years.

20. 1996/97 AND 1997/98 ANNUAL PLAN AND BUDGET

The Community Manager identified the Board's involvement in the preparation of the 1997/98 Annual Plan and Budget and advised that because of the complexity of some of the issues for Board consideration it would be appropriate for special meeting to be held on some of the issues. The Board resolved that the programme to deal with budget planning issues as outlined by the Community Manager be adopted.


The Community Manager reported on a number of local matters of interest. The Board resolved:

1. That the information be received. 2. That a Working Party comprising Carole Evans, Alister James, Chrissie Williams and David Dobbie be established to consider the formation of a Burwood/Pegasus Community Arts Council.

3. That an on-site meeting be arranged with the Principal and representatives of the Board of Trustees of Burwood School to discuss traffic management and proposed safety in the New Brighton Road area. 4. That a meeting of the Education Working Party be arranged to consider information on figures and future trends and school rolls for schools within the eastern suburbs of Christchurch. 5. That the Board support the continuation of the Clean Rivers Campaign in Burwood/Pegasus and request that the Board be kept regularly informed of its progress and how the management of litter in the river will be maintained in the future. 6. That quarterly meetings of the New Brighton Mall Working Party be held on Tuesday, 13 February and Wednesdays 15 May, 14 August and 13 November at 4.00 pm in the meeting room at the New Brighton Fire Station, Hawke Street. 7. That the Board acknowledge the importance of Neighbourhood Support Groups in keeping the community safer and strengthening community networks. 8. That the Board continue to support the development of Neighbourhood Support Groups and assist Neighbourhood Support Group Co-Ordinator retention through training and resourcing in association with the New Zealand Police in Christchurch. 9. That the Board work with the Christchurch Safer Community Council to provide ongoing networking meetings with Neighbourhood Support Group Co-Ordinators. 10. That the Board consider funding the employment of a Safer Community Development Officer when allocating its 1996/97 project and discretionary funding. 11. That the Board support the proposal to relocate the Burwood Playcentre in New Brighton Road and that a Working Party comprising the Chairman Carole Evans, Gail Sheriff, Clare Duff, Don Rowlands, Dave East and Chrissie Williams be formed to assist and facilitate site investigations. 12. That due consideration be given by the Burwood Playcentre to accommodating the Burwood Toy Library's needs in any new proposal. 13. That the Community Manager, in conjunction with the Chairperson, schedule Community Affairs meetings throughout the year and report back to the March meeting of the Board. Clare Duff, Carole Evans and Gail Sheriff requested that their votes against recommendation 13 be recorded.


22.1 CANTERBURY REGIONAL COUNCIL - BUS SERVICE REVIEW Mr Wayne Holton-Jeffreys (Canterbury Regional Council) outlined the proposed changes to the Parklands bus service as well as Sunday services on the North Beach and Dallington routes. It was noted that the proposed changes had taken into account the request for a service along New Brighton Road between Bassett Street and Bower Avenue as requested by the Board at its meeting on 20 November 1995. 22.2 PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDATE PROGRESS REPORT This report informed the Board of progress to date of the Parks Unit's Capital Projects Programme in the Board's area. 22.3 1995/96 ROADING PROGRAMME

A report was received outlining progress for Roading and Traffic projects in the Board's area which were programmed for the 1995/96 financial year. The Board requested that Officer's speak once more to property owners in Hawke Street in relation to the upgrading of the car parks behind the shops in New Brighton Mall. A progress report on the Woolston/Burwood Expressway was requested for the March meeting of the Board. 22.4 CYCLEWAY REPORT This report was provided to update Board members on new cycleways planned in the 1995/96 year. 22.5 CAPITAL PROJECTS A report was considered from the Commercial Property Officer on progress being made on the Capital Projects within the Board's area as well as to give an overview of the property related Capital Projects being carried out by Council.


The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public as set out on page 43 of the Agenda, relating to Harold Henry Park Purchase - Pacific Park Estates Section 7 (2)(a) and Corsers Stream - Corsers Drain Section 7 (2)(a) be adopted. (Members of the public were temporarily excluded from the meeting between 8.35 pm and 8.40 pm, following the adoption of the foregoing resolution.)


The Board deferred the following item: 24.1 DEDICATION OF ROAD RESERVE AS ROAD - BAYNES STREET The Board considered a report from the Property Services Officer which sought Council approval for the legalisation of road reserve in Baynes Street. The Board resolved to defer this item until the March meeting pending further information.

The meeting concluded at 8.55 pm




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