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28. 2. 96



A meeting of the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board

was held on Wednesday 7th February 1996 at 5.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Anna Crighton (Chairperson), Richard Boulton

Heather Brown, David Cox, John Freeman,

Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien, Bob Todd

APOLOGIES: Charles ManningThe Board reports that:




Officer responsible                      Author                           
Design Services Manager                  Lester Reilly, Legal Surveyor    
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation                   

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road. Negotiations between the owners of properties at Nos 1004, 1008, 1010 Ferry road and the Council have been successfully concluded for the purchase of parcels C, D and E on the attached plan SO 19537 for an esplanade reserve alongside the Heathcote River. It is proposed to stop the portions of legal road shown as A and B on the attached plan at the same time. Parcel B is legal road but has been eroded away by the river over the years. When stopped B will be declared Crown land and become bed of the Heathcote River. Parcel A when stopped will be amalgamated with parcels C, D and E and used for local purpose (esplanade) reserve. The road is shown to be stopped in the Proposed City Plan. Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop those portions of road as shown on the attached plan and described in the Schedule hereto. Reason for the Road Stopping

The reason for the road stopping is to implement a designation as shown in the proposed City Plan and to hold the land for the purpose for which it is being used. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portion shown as A when stopped will be held by Council for local purpose (esplanade) reserve pursuant to Sections 345 (3) of the Local Government Act 1974. The portion shown as B when stopped will be vested in the Crown for bed of the Heathcote River. Schedule Portions of unnamed unformed legal road being all those parcels of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown       Area           SO             Adjoining Land         
      A         1,320 m2       19537          Lots 2, 3 and Part 4   
                                              DP 58048 and bed of    
                                              Heathcote River        
      B         1953 m2        19537          Bed of Heathcote       

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the portion of stopped road shown as `A' be held by Council as a local purpose (esplanade) reserve and the portion of stopped road shown as `B' be declared Crown land and held as bed of the Heathcote River. 4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken. 2. PROPOSED ROAD STOPPING: RR 2118 DISPOSAL OF REDUNDANT ROAD WIDENING


Officer responsible                      Author                           
Design Services Manager                  Lester Reilly, Legal Surveyor    
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation                   

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road. The owners at 52 Clifton Terrace have approached the Council and asked if they can purchase the redundant road adjoining the frontage of their property. Under the Council's proposed City Plan this land is no longer required for road purposes and after the necessary road stopping action could therefore be sold. Approval in principle was given by Council at its February 1995 meeting to commence proceedings to stop a portion of Clifton and Kinsey Terraces and negotiate for the sale to the adjoining owners. Negotiations between the adjoining owners and the Property Unit for purchase have been satisfactorily concluded subject to a successful road stopping procedure. The plan is attached. The land is situated at the top of a large retaining wall. Prior to sale the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action: Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto. The land is situated alongside and occupied by No 52 Clifton Terrace and is irregular in width. Reason for the Road Stopping

The Council has received a request from the adjoining owners for the purchase of the land which is no longer required by Council for road purposes. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portion of road when stopped, will be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. Schedule Portion of Clifton Terrace and Kinsey Terrace being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown       Area           SO             Adjoining Land         
      A         317 m2                        Lots 2 and 3 DP 2493   

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. 4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken.



Officer responsible                      Author                          
Design Services Manager                  Lester Reilly, Legal Surveyor   
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation                  

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road. The owners at 36 Grafton Street and 3/5 Laurence Street have approached the Council and asked if they can purchase the redundant road widening adjoining the frontage of their property. Under the Council's proposed City Plan this land is no longer required for widening purposes and after the necessary road stopping action could therefore be sold. The Traffic Unit agrees with this proposal. Negotiations between the adjoining owners and the Property Unit for purchase have been satisfactorily concluded subject to a successful road stopping procedure. The plan is attached. The land is formed as grass berm. Prior to sale the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action: Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto. Reason for the Road Stopping

The Council has received a request from the adjoining owners for the purchase of the land which is no longer required by Council for road purposes. Purpose To Which The Stopped Road Will Be Put

The portion of road when stopped, will be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. The land is situated alongside No 36 Grafton Street and 3/5 Laurence Street and is 2.51 m in width. Schedule Portion of Laurence Street being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as "Road to be Stopped" and described as follows:

    Shown       Area           SO             Adjoining Land         
      A         29 m2                         Lot 3 DP 9007          
      B         39 m2                         Lot 2 DP 9007          
      C         25 m2                         Lot 1 DP 9007          

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted. 2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped. 3. That the stopped road be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974. 4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken."



Officer responsible                       Author                          
Roading and Traffic Manager               Michael Thomson, Projects       
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs 9.6.0                      

The purpose of this report is to gain Council approval to change the control of signalised intersection slip lanes where required, in accordance with the national Guideline. Two examples of slip lanes are illustrated on the attachment. These slip lanes are most commonly used to assist left turning traffic, however in some locations, right turning traffic may benefit from such designs ie one way streets. There has been a general lack of consistency in the control and signing of slip lanes. Conflicting signage has resulted in a lack of understanding by many motorists, particularly of the meaning of the `Free Turn' sign. By signing slip lanes consistently and in accordance with the `Road and Traffic Standard No 9' (Guidelines for the Signing and Layout of Slip Lanes), motorists will become more aware of their obligations when using slip lanes. The Land Transport Safety Authority and Transit New Zealand are working towards complete removal of all `Free Turn' signs and replacing them with either `Turn Left At Any Time With Care' signs or installation of `Give Way' controls for the turning traffic where appropriate. As the following roads are not local roads the Community Board does not have the delegated authority of Council and therefore recommends that Recommendation: 1. That the left turn traffic movement on the Hagley Avenue southwest approach, at its intersection with Riccarton Avenue and Tuam Street, be controlled by a `Give Way'. 2. That the right turn traffic movement on the Tuam Street east approach, at its intersection with `Riccarton Avenue and Hagley Avenue, be controlled by a `Give Way'. 3. That the left turn traffic movement on the Moorhouse Avenue east approach, at its intersection with Waltham Road and Barbadoes Street, be controlled by a `Give Way'. 4. That the left turn traffic movement on the Wordsworth West approach, at its intersection with Shakespeare Road and Waltham Road, be controlled by a `Give Way'. PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE BOARD AND REPORTED FOR INFORMATION ONLY


It was resolved that the report of the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board meeting held on Wednesday 15th November 1995 both Open and Public Excluded, and the Special Budget Planning meeting of Tuesday 5th December 1995, be confirmed as true and correct records of those meetings subject to the following amendments. Clause 14.3: Amend Linwood North LATM area to read Linwood South. 31.5.2 Mr Graham Ridell amended to read Reddell 31.5.2 Amend to read `support the residents' view and express outrage to the Corrections Department at the lack of consultation.'


A petition signed by 18 residents living on the Esplanade and expressing concern on the colour of the new street lights installed along the Esplanade was received. The Area Parks Officer advised the Board that the colouring of these lights had been carried out following consultation with the Sumner Residents' Association and their consultant, Di Lucas. The Board resolved:

1. That the colour of the existing poles not be changed because of the large cost involved and the expected ongoing higher maintenance cost if this work is carried out. 2. That a letter of explanation be written to the petitioners outlining these reasons and suggesting to them that they become involved in the local Residents Association so that it may better reflect the views of the wider community. (Aaron O'Brien wished to have his vote against the resolution recorded). 7. DEPUTATIONS


Amelia Davis representing the Christchurch Community Law Centre spoke to the Board and outlined the organisation's activities in the community. She advised that the organisation was experiencing a funding shortage and requested that the Board consider the allocation of further funds to assist in the running of the Resource Management advice service in the Hagley-Ferrymead area. The Board after much discussion resolved to recommend to the Environmental Committee that City wide funding be provided to resource the Centre in order to provide a service to all Community Board areas. 7.2 SUMNER SPORTS PAVILION

Mike Ryan representing the Sumner Sports Pavilion and Mark Sullivan a resident of the area opposing the lease application from the Club spoke to the meeting. Mr Ryan outlined the Club's proposals to minimise noise and disturbance to the local residents. Mark Sullivan representing 25 residents in the area outlined to the Board that the major source of noise was bar noise and vehicles leaving the premises. He advised that Wednesday and Saturday nights were of the most concern. (Clause 23.1 refers). 7.3 ECO SYSTEM MAPPING

Di Lucas outlined to the Board the progress being made on the Eco System mapping system for the Hagley-Ferrymead area. It was noted at this time that the hill areas would be done at a later date. Ms Lucas explained that if additional funding was available a more detailed mapping outlining plant descriptions, suitable locations, conditions etc could be provided. The Board resolved that an additional $500 of its Discretionary Funds be allocated towards the Eco System mapping programme in order for more detailed information to be provided.

8. FERRYMEAD CYCLE EXHIBITION Correspondence was received from the Projects Manager of Ferrymead, Mr John Targett, regarding the Bicycle Exhibition being held in the Hall of Wheels from
3-25th February 1996, and requesting that the Board fund up to $2,000 towards the exhibition. It was proposed that any Board funds would be targeted to the provision of 12 double-sided display units and it was intended that once the exhibition was finished the display units would be modified and re-used for future projects at the park. The Board resolved that $2,000 of its Discretionary Funds be allocated towards the provision of display units at Ferrymead.

9. WOOLSTON COMMUNITY POOL RR 2164 The Recreation Co-ordinator, Ginny Bowden, reported to the Board on the issues associated with the heating and covering of the Woolston Community Pool. Members raised a number of issues including the ownership of pool, the economic viability of providing heating and covering and suggestions as to the improving of the pool facilities. The Board resolved that Leisure and Community Services Unit be requested to provide a detailed report to the April meeting which examines the social issues, costs, feasibility and viability of funding this facility. 10. DRAFT COMMUNITY FACILITY POLICY & MANAGEMENT GUIDE LINES

A report was written by the Senior Policy Analyst, Jennifer Pitcher on the Draft Policy and Management Guide Lines for Community Facilities was considered. This policy was developed in response to the need for community facilities to be administered more efficiently and effectively to enable them in turn to meet community needs more efficiently and effectively. The Board resolved that a Working Party comprising Richard Boulton, Liz McRostie and Bob Todd be established to comment on the Draft Policy and to report back to the March meeting.



A report seeking the Board's approval for the acceptance of a tender for the installation of 1,640 metres of pressure main from sewer pumping station No 47 at Truscotts Road to the Heathcote river was considered. It was resolved that the lowest price conforming tender of Shane Higgs Drainage Contractors Ltd for the sum of $346,142.35 be accepted.


At the June 1994 meeting the provision of a walkway from the Sumner Life Boat Sheds up to the Scarborough Road/Whitewash Head intersection was discussed. The Board at that time recommended that a 1.2 metre wide footpath along the bottom section of Scarborough Road on the west side be constructed at a cost of approximately $110,000. The Roading Unit reported back to this current meeting of the Board with an alternative option for the Scarborough Walkway. This new option (Option 4) includes an intermediate platform providing residents with a pleasant shady spot for viewing the sea and Sumner Beach and the estimated cost of this option is $50,000. The Board resolved to rescind its previous decision to proceed with Option 2. and further resolved that Option 4. be proceeded with. (John Freeman and Aaron O'Brien wished to have their vote against the resolution recorded).

13. ST ANNE'S SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN CROSSING RR 2121 Brian Neill, the Operations Engineer Traffic, updated the Board on the proposal to remove the existing pedestrian crossing outside St Anne's School in Ferry Road and to create a new crossing point for pedestrians west of the school entrance. Whilst there had been considerable consultation with both the school and the church as well as a letter box drop to residents in the area, a petition signed by 89 residents against the proposed removal of the pedestrian crossing had been received and was being supported by the St Anne's School Board of Trustees. It was resolved:

1. That a Working Party comprising Richard Boulton, Heather Brown, David Cox, John Freeman and Charles Manning together with appropriate staff meet with the petitioners, school and church representatives and report back to the March meeting of the Board. 2. That the owner of 670 Ferry Road be consulted on the proposals.

14. BRITTEN PARK NAME RR 2175 The Board were advised that a report was to be presented to the Parks and Recreation Committee on the naming of the recently acquired Mt Pleasant Spur Reserve. The Board resolved to support the recommendation that the new 34 hectare reserve on Mt Pleasant Spur be named John Britten Reserve in recognition of his achievements and the inspirational example he provided to the people of Christchurch.

15. MT PLEASANT COMMUNITY CENTRE - MAINTENANCE RR 2167 A request was presented to the 15th November 1995 Board meeting requesting an increase in Council's grant to the Centre. The Board resolved at that meeting that a further report be presented detailing costings and the Mt Pleasant Community Centre & Ratepayers' Association priorities. As part of the 1995/96 Linwood Service Centre budget $2,864 had been budgeted towards maintenance and insurance costs for the Centre. A request for a further $1,266 towards improved car park lighting, vinyl replacement in the foyer and contingencies was made. The Board agreed to fund the lighting and vinyl replacement and resolved to allocate $600 of Discretionary Funds towards maintenance at the Centre.

16. ELECTION OF COMMITTEES Under the delegations conferred upon Community Boards by Council, the Board resolved: 1. To appoint the Chairperson or her nominee to appear and be heard at Liquor Licensing hearings for the purpose of providing community input. 2. That the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson plus any other members co-opted be appointed to hear any submissions from the community on Reserves Management Plans. 17. LIAISON WITH RESIDENTS' GROUPS Members were advised of the results of the questionnaire sent to all Residents' Groups seeking feedback on the benefit of a Board Member acting as a liaison person to each Association. The Board reconfirmed that liaison between Community Board members and Residents' Associations be by attendance of Board members at Association meetings. 18. WATERWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME Paul Dixon, Land Drainage Engineer provided a progress report to the Board on the Tributary Waterway Improvement Programme which included waterway enhancement and waterway piping and improvement. The Board supported the enhancement programme and resolved that: 1. The report be received. 2. The Waterway Improvement Programme priorities listed in the attached tables 1 to 4 be endorsed for implementation in the `95/96 and `96/97 years.


Members were advised that the Property at 104 Avonside Drive had been identified as being surplus to Council requirements. The property was originally purchased by Council for road widening purposes and as the road widening has now been completed the remainder of the property is surplus to the Roading Unit's requirements. Further discussions are to be held between the Property Unit, Parks Unit and Roading Unit in order to address the disposal of this property. The Board resolved that the property not be sold but instead be retained until such time as the house can be removed and section landscaped.

20. BOARD FAMILIARISATION TOURS Members set the following dates for the Ward familiarisation tours:

Friday, 23 February from 4.00 to 6.30pm Ferrymead

Thursday, 29 February from 4.00 to 6.30pm Hagley Members further agreed that the Special meeting proposed for 4.00pm Thursday 14th March be confirmed. It was resolved that the familiarisation tours be paid meetings.



Graham Reddell, representing the Richmond Neighbourhood Cottage group, provided to the Board an update on his group's action with regard to the Periodic Detention Centre being located in Stanmore Road. He advised that although $5,800 was currently in hand to assist in defraying legal costs, that a considerable amount more would be needed. The Chairperson advised that Council's Legal Services Manager had advised her that although Council was also taking action against the Community Corrections Department there would be no conflict if the Board provided assistance to the Association. The Board resolved to provide up to $5,800 of Discretionary Funds to match the money already raised by the Richmond Neighbourhood Cottage in order to assist with legal costs.


Mr Hoskin, representing the Charleston Residents' Group, advised the Board of the intention of the Victory Park Board to hold day/night cricket matches at Lancaster Park. He expressed his Group's concern at the possible noise and lighting problems. The Board resolved that the Lancaster Park Working Party, comprising Anna Crighton, Bob Todd, Liz McRostie together with members of the Residents' Association, Police and Victory Park Board be established, and a meeting arranged to discuss the concerns arising from the holding of day/night cricket matches. It was further suggested that Cr Buist, Council's representative on the Victory Park Board be invited to attend the meeting. 22. ITEMS RECEIVED


The Community Activities Officer, Ruth Evans, provided for information the annual report on Community Centres throughout the Hagley-Ferrymead area. 22.2 PAGES ROAD (WOODHAM ROAD TO BAFFIN STREET)

Members were advised of a public meeting held to discuss road safety concerns on the section of Pages Road between Woodham Road and Baffin Street. A safety audit is underway with a view to developing a plan to improve safety along this section of Pages Road. Members were advised that a further meeting is scheduled for late February to inform residents of what action is to be taken.


The Board received for information an update on the outcome of deliberations made on the problems occurring with the artificial practice surface in the Hereford Street playground. Members were advised that the installation of nets and associated concrete work at a cost of $2,500 had been approved by the Hereford Street Playground Committee.


Members were advised that a meeting of the Kearney's Road Working Party had resolved that $4,500 of Discretionary Funds would be allocated for remedial works in the area.


Members were advised that the Road Naming Working Party met on 15th November to consider proposed street names for two subdivisions in the Ferrymead area and that the following names were adopted: 1. Evebright Realty Sub-division, 150 St John Street

- Windward Lane, Bayside Lane and Seascape Gardens. 2. CDL Land NZ Ltd, Dyers Road - Shearwater Drive, Kestrel Place,

Te Rakau Drive, Teal Close, Kotuku Crescent, Mallard Place and Deltaway. 22.6 COMMUNITY MANAGER'S REPORT

22.6.1 LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATIONS The Board received Liquor Licence Applications for:

1. Cave Rock Cafe, 22 Esplanade

2. Cave Rock Hotel, 11 Marriner Street

3. Stonehurst Motel, 241 Gloucester Street 22.6.2 MAORI SIGNAGE /LANGUAGE COURSES Members were advised that a further report on Maori Signage at the Linwood Service Centre and Maori Language Courses would be presented to the April Board meeting. 22.6.3 DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURE A schedule listing the balance of Board's Discretionary Funds and detailing allocations to date was presented for information.

22.6.4 REGISTRATION OF MEMBERS' INTEREST Members were advised that the Registration of Members' Interest forms were available for inspection to members as well as public on request. 22.6.5 NEW YEAR'S HONOURS LIST Mr Laurie King, a resident in the community was awarded a QSM for his services to the community in the 1996 New Years Honours List. Members agreed that Mr King's award should be recognised by way of a letter from the Service Centre staff. 22.6.6 CAPITAL PROJECTS 1. Property Unit

The Board received for information an update from the Property Unit on progress being made on the Capital Projects within the Hagley-Ferrymead area. 2. 1995/96 Roading Programme The Roading Unit provided Board members with an update on progress for the Roading and Traffic Projects in the Board's area which has been programmed for the 1995/96 financial year. 3. Parks Capital Projects Update Progress Report

Parks Unit detailed progress on works that have been completed and likely tendering and start dates of work yet to be completed. City wide projects are to occur in the Board's area were also included.



The Board when discussing the application from the Sumner Sports Pavilion for a Variation of Lease expressed concern at the lack of consultation with the public on the application. It was resolved to let the matter lie on the table until the March meeting in order for the public to be fully consulted on the Club's application.


The Area Parks Officer reported to the Board on the provision of additional recreation facilities in parks in the Hagley-Ferrymead area. There was some concern on the provision of new equipment in parks when there may still be existing parks without undersurfacing being provided. It was resolved that the matter be left to lie on the table pending a further report from the Area Parks Officer on recreation facilities including the state of playgrounds and the provision of undersurfacing and that this be presented to the March meeting. The meeting closed at 8.17pm. CONFIRMED THIS 6TH DAY OF MARCH 1996 ANNA CRIGHTON


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