20 FEBRUARY 1996
A special meeting of the Central City Committee
was held on Tuesday 20 February 1996 at 8.30 am.
PRESENT: Councillor Margaret Murray (Chairman),
Councillors Graham Berry, Anna Crighton,
Newton Dodge, Alistair James, and Barbara Stewart.
APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor, Vicki Buck and Councillors Morgan Fahey and Charles Manning.
IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors David Close, Carole Evans, Leslie Keast and Gail Sheriff. The Committee reports that: PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION
Officer Responsible Author Environmental Policy and Planning Principal Policy Analyst Manager Corporate Plan Output: Enhancement ProjectsThe purpose of this report is to introduce the concept of an underground bus terminal and car park in Cathedral Square, and to recommend a course of action for progressing the proposal. BACKGROUND
The redevelopment of Cathedral Square has been under active consideration by the Council since 1991 and the Committee currently has before it the development proposal as recommended by the former Cathedral Square Sub-Committee (October 1995). The Committee has been studying this plan and has also been giving consideration to concerns raised more particularly by the group known as the "Cathedral Square Committee", consisting in particular of a number of leading city architects, central city retailers and landowners. Two of the major design elements yet to be resolved include: (a) The future of buses in Cathedral Square. (b) The type, form and location of north/south road access through the Square.
1. Cont'd While the Council's sub-committee's plan retains an on-street bus terminal in the north-west quadrants of the Square and proposes a one-way, south-bound, slow street behind the Cathedral, the "Cathedral Square Committee" plan suggests locating the buses behind Cathedral Square and in Worcester Street east, and retaining a two-way road for all vehicles. The group acknowledges that placing the buses behind the Cathedral is not entirely satisfactory, but consider it more appropriate than being retained in what they regard as the prime space west of the Cathedral. With that background, the proposal which has now been received to put the buses underground in the Square and also provide underground car parking, could, if found to be desirable, feasible and practical, resolve the bus location issue in a very satisfactory way. THE PROPOSAL
An Auckland-based company, Pacific Development Investment Corporation Limited (PDIC) initially approached Council staff with the suggestion that, in order to resolve the "impasse" relating to the Cathedral Square plan, the underground option which had been investigated in a preliminary way about a year ago, should be revisited. In addition to benefiting the design of Cathedral Square and providing, in particular, a high quality bus terminal amenity, a clear advantage of this proposal is that it will be largely financed by external sources. The Council's contribution would be limited to provision of some of the land and responsibility for the surface treatment of the Square at a cost which should not be greatly in excess of that presently budgeted for Cathedral Square redevelopment. A presentation was made to an informal seminar meeting of the Committee by a principal of the Company, Mr James Hanna, assisted by Mr Barry Dacombe of Warren and Mahoney, Architects and Mr Brian Wood of Holmes Consulting Group. It was agreed that a special meeting of the Committee be held to formally consider the proposal, to be followed by a detailed presentation to all Councillors at a Special Council Meeting. The attached letter (blue paper) was received from the PDIC:
This proposal has the potential to provide an exciting new dimension to the Cathedral Square Development Project, including both the provision of a high quality, off-street bus terminal, previously considered unattainable, additional off-street car parking both for public use and for the use of property owners in the vicinity. It would create additional design opportunities for the surface of the Square in freeing up the areas previously required for buses. It could be seen as solving the "impasse" of where to put the buses, acknowledging that there is a need for them to be in Cathedral Square. The options for surface road access north and south through the Square remain open and would be the subject of further study and determination by the Council.
1. Cont'd Because the proposal involves "cut and cover" in effect a form of "open cast mining" of the Square, much of the existing surface area will be required to be rebuilt. It is therefore a "window of opportunity" which arises now at a time when redevelopment is imminent and is unlikely to be a practical proposition again for many years once surface redevelopment has taken place. There are, of course, some issues which arise which require serious consideration before the Council would be in a position to finally approve this concept. These include: (a) Technical feasibility. (b) Financial viability, including bus operational affordability and certainty that the Company can deliver. (c) The need to overcome the perception that underground activity may be of poor quality, attract undesirable elements and not be supported by the people of Christchurch. (d) The length and width of the ramps giving access to the underground car park, their effects on the public spaces on the surface and wind and noise matters. (e) Possible further delays in decision making and getting underway with the Square redevelopment, to the possible detriment of activities developing on the Square periphery. (f) The need to consult with affected parties, in particular the Cathedral authorities, other landowners and occupiers within the Square, Canterbury Regional Council, bus operators and other transport interests, other central city interests and the public generally. (g) Legal and statutory requirements to be met. NEXT STEPS
The proposal now needs to be progressed both at officer and Councillor level. Council staff have already commenced addressing a number of the issues raised above. The full Council needs to be appraised of the proposal and it has therefore been suggested that a special Council meeting be held to enable a presentation to be made and the recommendations of this Committee debated. It was resolved: 1. That the concept of an underground bus terminal and car parking area developed on the B.O.T. system be endorsed in principle for the purposes of a detailed study. 2. That PDIC be invited to present their proposal to a special meeting of the Council to be held as soon as convenient.
1. Cont'd 3. That interested parties, in particular the Cathedral Chapter, Cathedral Square landowners and occupiers, Canterbury Regional Council, bus operators, Bus and Coach Association, Taxi Federation and the Cathedral Square Committee be invited to attend the special Council meeting. Recommendation: That the Central City Committee continue to address the planning and design issues related to Cathedral Square, but that a special sub-committee comprising the Mayor and Chairpersons of the Central City Committee, Projects and Property Committee, Strategy and Resources Committee, City Services Committee and Environmental Committee be established to progress the discussions with PDIC. CONSIDERED THIS 29TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1996