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18. 12. 96



Officer responsible Author
Communications & Promotions Manager Dave Adamson
Corporate Plan Output: Sister Cities, pg 7.5.10

The purpose of this report is to inform Councillors on one of the projects relating to the centenary celebration of Rewi Alley's birth in 1997.


1997 marks the centenary of the birth of Rewi Alley, the famous New Zealander who spent 70 years of his life in China. Anyone who has travelled to China will appreciate that the good relations we enjoy with companies, government agencies and ordinary people in China owe a debt to Rewi Alley. His name is evoked at meetings and in conversations, smoothing the way for negotiations of all kinds. To celebrate the centenary of his birth, a number of activities are planned, both here and in China. Amongst other things, the Gansu Friendly Relations Committee intends to construct an unstaffed Visitors' Centre at Springfield, Rewi Alley's birthplace. The Centre would include information panels about the life of Rewi Alley and the significance of the site.

The estimated cost of this Visitors' Centre is $84,975, of which $10,000 has already been provided by Selwyn District Council and $5,000 from the Selwyn Plantation Board, leaving a shortfall of $69,975. The Gansu Friendly Relations Committee has applied to the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board for this funding. The Lottery Grants Board has advised that as the Committee is not an incorporated society, it is only eligible to apply for $5,000. However, if the City Council were to become the applicant, the full amount requested could be applied for. The Lottery Grants Board advise this procedure would be in order. In this case, the intention would be for the Council to hold the funds on behalf of the committee. The Council is currently administering a fund of $10,000 for another of the Committee's initiatives.

Once the Centre is completed, it will be owned by the Selwyn District Council.

In its letter to the Committee requesting more information, the Lottery Grants Board has requested "confirmation as to the reasons why the Christchurch City Council is not financially contributing towards the costs of this project". Given Rewi Alley's association with Christchurch (he went to Christchurch Boys' High School and lived in Christchurch for several years), it would seem appropriate that Council assist with the funding of this Centre.

The matter of the substitution of the Christchurch City Council for the Gansu Friendly Relations Committee as the applicant, and Council assistance with funding of the Visitors' Centre needs to be resolved at today's meeting, to ensure the funding application is heard at the Lottery Grants Board's next committee meeting on 14 March 1997.

The response to the Lottery Grants Board's enquiries needs to be received by the Board by Friday, 20 December 1996, to ensure the application goes to the 14 March meeting. Its next meeting after that is 6 June 1997, which will be too late, as it is felt this would not allow enough time for the Centre to be built in time for it to be opened on 2 December 1997, the centenary of Rewi Alley's birth.

Recommendation: 1. That the Christchurch City Council be substituted as the applicant for the funding of the Visitors' Centre at Springfield, in place of the Gansu Friendly Relations Committee.

2. That the Council hold the funds on behalf of the Committee.

3. That the Council contribute $20,000 towards the cost of the Visitors' Centre at Springfield.





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