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18. 12. 96



A special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee

was held on Thursday 28 November 1996 at 12 noon

and (meantime having been adjourned) reconvened

on Monday 9 December 1996 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Councillor Gordon Freeman (Chairman),

(28.11.96) Councillors David Buist, David Cox,

Ishwar Ganda and Gail Sheriff.

(9.12.96) Councillor Gordon Freeman (Chairman),

Councillors Carole Anderton, David Buist,

Graham Condon, David Cox,

Ishwar Ganda and Gail Sheriff.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and

(28.11.96) accepted from Councillors Carole Anderton and Graham Condon.

(9.12.96) An apology for absence was received and accepted from Councillor Graham Berry.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Ron Wright. (28.11.96)

The Committee reports that:




The Parks Manager reported to the November meeting of the Committee, on the findings of the investigations into the drainage problems at Memorial Park Cemetery. The report also included suggestions from two local funeral directors on opportunities for upgrading and enhancing Memorial Park Cemetery.

The Committee deferred consideration of this report and a further report from the Parks Manager on the drainage problems at the Sydenham Cemetery and resolved that a special meeting be held to consider the issues raised in both reports.

Mr Graham Rhind, Secretary of the Canterbury Branch of the Funeral Directors' Association was invited to the special meeting to comment on the Memorial Park Cemetery drainage problems from a funeral director's perspective.

Mr Rhind saw the problem as a public relations rather than a physical one. It was advised that the media reports had exaggerated the situation, as to the best of his knowledge there had been five problems only, and his company had had no complaints from the affected families.

Mr Rhind felt that the Memorial Park cemetery had excellent potential and that a long term plan for cemetery development was essential to provide for the expected increase in burials as the `baby boomers' reached old age. By 2015 the death rate is expected to double from the present 3,000 per year to 6,000.

Christchurch was below the national average burial rate of 30% (as opposed to cremations) and the standard of local cemeteries was thought to be a contributing factor.

Mr Rhind saw a real need to cater for ethnic burial requirements by, for example, lifting the restrictions on memorials to permit the erection of mausoleums. Finally Mr Rhind considered that the charges for ash interments were too low when compared with crematorium charges.

After discussion it was resolved:

1. That the Committee meet on site at the Memorial Park Cemetery with Mr Rhind and a representative of the Monumental Masons Association to discuss the future development of the cemetery and the undertaking of trials to test the drainage option.

2. That the Parks Manager prepare a concept plan for the meeting along the lines proposed in the report to the Committee.

3. That the Parks Manager reports back on:

Requirements of various ethnic groups and the actions required to accommodate these requirements.

Details of changes made by adjacent local authorities.

Options for meeting the long term cemetery requirements.

The Committee reconvened on Monday 9 December, following an inspection of the Memorial Park Cemetery. As a result of this inspection and further discussions with Mr Rhind the Committee resolved:

1. That an urgent test drilling programme be undertaken throughout all areas of the Memorial Park Cemetery to confirm which areas are suitable for double-depth interments.

2. That the Parks Manager be requested to report back urgently on the following suggested measures to overcome the difficulties presently created by the high water table:

(a) The installation of a suitable drainage system in that area presently used for single interments.

(b) The possible stripping and backfilling of other parts of the cemetery, and the availability of clean fill suitable for this work and for placing in low areas of the cemetery.

(c) The feasibility of establishing new cemeteries on well drained land currently used as sporting fields, in return for the establishment of new sporting fields on unused parts of those cemeteries experiencing a high water table problem.

3. That the Parks Manager also be requested to report back to the Committee on:

(a) The provision of additional facilities for the interment of ashes.

(b) The need to undertake an extensive tree planting programme to enhance the appearance of the cemetery, and provide wind protection.


The Parks Manager reported, summarising the findings of a drainage investigation into the problems created by the high water table at the Sydenham Cemetery. Like Memorial Park, Sydenham Cemetery has always had a high water table in winter, especially through the June to August period. Some closure during the winter is an annual occurrence at the cemetery. One of the options identified in the Parks Manager's report was to drain that part of the cemetery which still remains unused (being two rows of grave sites). This involves laying a 2.1 metre deep field tile drain to the Wilderness Drain, at an estimated cost of $25,000.

The Committee resolved that provision of $25,000 to allow this work to be undertaken as soon as possible be sought at the six monthly review, and that failing the provision of funds at the six monthly review provision for this work be sought in the course of the 1997/98 Annual Plan round.


The Parks Manager reported that a request had been received from Te Runanga Nga Maata for a separate Urepu within an existing cemetery for non-local Maori.

The Committee resolved that an interim reply be forwarded to Te Runanga O Nga Maata Waka advising that their request for a Urepa is being looked at as part of a wider review of cemetery requirements for ethnic groups and other related issues.

The reconvened meeting concluded at 5.15 pm on 9 December 1996



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