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18. 12. 96


26 NOVEMBER 1996

A meeting of the Glass Recycling Special Committee

was held on Tuesday 26 November 1996 at 12 noon

PRESENT: Councillor Denis O'Rourke (Chairman),

Councillor David Close, Councillor Ian Howell,

Michael Hannah (Canterbury Manufacturers Association),

Chris Pickrill (Canterbury Development Board),

Mark Prain (Sustainable Cities Trust) and

Peter Townsend (Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce).

APOLOGY: An apology was received and accepted from

Councillor Garry Moore.

The Committee reports that:



Officer responsible Author
Waste Manager Dennis Morgan, Committee Secretary
Corporate Plan Output: Glass Reuse/Recycling  

The Glass Recycling Special Committee was established by the Council on 23 October 1996 with terms of reference as follows:

(a) To oversee the establishment of the Recovered Materials Foundation Trust by 1 September 1997.

(b) To oversee the establishment in 1997 of a glass processing system for Christchurch, including a glass crusher and bottle washing/reuse plant.

(c) To establish a budget for the period until 1/9/97.

(d) To develop a business action plan for the period to 1/9/97 and for the Trust.

At meetings of the Special Committee on Wednesday 13 November and Tuesday 26 November it has become apparent that to oversee the establishment of the Recovered Materials Foundation Trust the Special Committee's terms of reference will require amendment. This would enable preliminary development of systems to dispose of all recyclables.

The Committee acknowledged the significant input from existing private operators in the field of recovered materials. Operators in this field include Southern Recyclers, Canterbury Plastic Recyclers, McIvor Metals, Astron Plastics, Controlled Air Services, Canterbury Paper Company, Comalco, Southern Grain and Spirits, Textile Recycling, Reece Plastics, and Southern Cross Bottle Exchange, etc.

The Recovered Materials Foundation (RMF) should be working to provide a more reliable method of disposing of materials that are currently difficult to dispose of, many of these being marginally profitable.

The Special Committee has reviewed the terms of reference and seeks the Council's approval of the following amended terms of reference.

Recommendation: 1. That the terms of reference for the Special Committee be amended to:

(a) To oversee the operational establishment of the Recovered Materials Foundation Trust by 1 August 1997.

(b) To oversee the establishment in 1997 of a glass processing system for Christchurch, including a glass crusher and bottle washing/reuse plant. It is anticipated that the Trust will eventually take over this activity.

(c) To oversee the development of systems to dispose of recyclable materials collected from the kerbside and elsewhere including development of appropriate reuse industries. It is anticipated that the Trust will eventually co-ordinate this activity.

(d) To establish a budget for the period until 1/9/97.

(e) To develop a business action plan for the period to 1/9/97 and for the Trust. This Plan will reflect the Council's intention to work co-operatively with existing commercial operators which are meeting the Council's objectives.

2. That the Special Committee be renamed "Recovered Materials Special Committee".


Officer responsible Author
Waste Manager Dennis Morgan, Committee Secretary
Corporate Plan Output: Glass Reuse/Recycling  

The Committee reviewed the draft Trust Deed for the Recovered Materials Foundation Trust prepared by Buddle Findlay. The Trust Deed with the amendments requested will be resubmitted to a meeting of the Special Committee on 16 December. The Deed will provide for a Trust Board of not more than eight and not less than four Trustees.

It is proposed that the following persons be appointed Trustees:

Councillors O'Rourke and Howell, Chris Pickrill - Canterbury Development Corporation, Michael Hannah - Canterbury Manufacturers Association, Peter Townsend - Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce, Mark Prain - Sustainable Cities Trust, and one representative from the Cleaner Washington Centre and the New Zealand Recycling Industry.

Recommendation: That Councillors Denis O'Rourke and Ian Howell be appointed representatives of the Council on the Recovered Materials Foundation Trust.

The meeting concluded at 2.10 pm



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