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18. 12. 96



A meeting of the Environmental Committee

was held on Wednesday 4 December 1996 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Councillor Carole Evans (Chairman),

Councillors Oscar Alpers, Anna Crighton,

Newton Dodge, Pat Harrow, Lesley Keast,

Charles Manning and Barbara Stewart.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for lateness were received and accepted from Councillor Oscar Alpers and Barbara Stewart.

Councillor Barbara Stewart arrived at 4.12 pm. and was not present for part of clause 5.

Councillor Oscar Alpers arrived at 4.30 pm. and was not present for part of clause 5.

Councillor Newton Dodge retired at 4.30 pm. and was not present for part of clauses 1-4 and 6.

The Committee reports that:



Officer responsible Author
Environmental Policy and Planning Manager Diana Plesovs, Planner; Jenny Ridgen, Environmental Resources Officer
Corporate Plan Output: Regional Plan  


The purpose of this report is to present recommended submissions on the above plan for endorsement, before submitting them to the Canterbury Regional Council by 16 December 1996.

The Environmental Committee was briefed on this plan on 9 October 1996. The Community Boards, in whose area part of the Waimakariri River catchment lies - Fendalton/Waimairi, Burwood/Pegasus and Shirley/Papanui, met individually in September 1996 to be briefed on the general contents on the plan; a joint sub-committee met on 11 November 1996 to consider Council officer issues for the city, such as an adequate water supply for the city during dry periods and continued operations of the Belfast Sewage treatment works. This latter matter has been clarified with the Regional Council and will not be pursued as a submission.

The three Community Boards mentioned above have delegated authority to make submissions on Resource Consents, although not on Regional Plans. However, the above Community Boards have met to discuss issues of mutual concern and their recommended submissions will be presented to this committee by their representatives. Their recommended submissions appear in Appendix 4 (attached). Officer's comments on the similarities and differences between these submissions appear in Appendix 3 (attached).


The Plan's purpose is: `to promote the sustainable management of rivers, lakes and hydraulically connected groundwater, and river and lake beds in the Waimakariri River Catchment' to maintain and enhance the environment, and to achieve integrated management of these resources.

In particular, the Plan addresses the issues of:

(a) competition for the use of water in the Waimakariri River, its tributaries and hydraulically connected groundwater;

(b) the demand for water from the Waimakariri River to augment flows in other rivers to safeguard their life-supporting capacity;

(c) point and non-point source discharges of contaminants to water bodies in the Waimakariri River Catchment;

(d) land uses or activities in the beds of rivers and lakes in the Waimakariri River Catchment.

The Plan sets out issues and the objectives, policies, and methods for resolving the resource management issues. It is anticipated that the environmental results from the implementation of these policies and methods will include:

(a) the preservation of the natural character of rivers and lakes and protection of outstanding natural features and landscapes;

(b) the protection of the instream values of rivers;

(c) the upgrading of water quality, where it is currently low and the maintenance of water quality at its present level where it is currently high; and

(d) provision made for the reasonable needs of people to be able to site structures in river and lake beds, to disturb river and lake beds and to plant, or disturb plants, in river and lake beds.

The proposed Water Quality Standards are identified on the map in Appendix 1 (attached), and Lower Plains tributaries defined on the map in Appendix 2 (attached).

3. Recommended Submissions on behalf of the Council and contained in Appendix 3 have been formulated with assistance from:


This report contains two submissions on the proposed Waimakariri River Regional Plan.

A submission prepared by Council officers is contained in Appendix 3, and a submission prepared by the joint Community Board working party is contained in Appendix 4.

Officers' comments on the differences and similarities between these two submissions are set out in Appendix 5.

Recommendation: That the Council make submissions to the Canterbury Regional Council on the proposed Waimakariri River Regional Plan, as prepared by the Environmental Policy & Planning Unit and as amended by this Committee, following representations from the Joint Community Board Working Party.


Officer responsible Author
Environmental Services Manager Ken Lawn
Corporate Plan Output: Delegations  

As a consequence of job title changes within the Environmental Services Unit it is necessary for the Council to resolve to alter the positions to which existing delegations are presently given.

Although the individuals are the same the job titles have changed.

Recommendation: That the Council by reference to Senior Planner Subdivisions, Senior Planner City Plan, and Senior Planner Applications, in its delegation resolutions and substitute respectively for each of those Team Leader Subdivisions, Team Leader City Plan, and Team Leader Planning Administration.


Officer responsible Author
Waste Manager Dave Harris, Solid Waste Manager
Corporate Plan Output: Solid Waste, Disposal, Landfill Aftercare  

The purpose of this report is provide a summary of work that has been undertaken or is planned on old landfill aftercare.


In 1993 work was commenced on monitoring a number of old landfill sites throughout the city. At that time over one hundred sites had been identified where it was possible that filling may have taken place. Filling operations ranged from shallow with uncompacted soils, hardfill areas, sawdust dumping areas through to old Council refuse pits. It was decided that each site should be assessed as to the potential problems and a programme established to investigate and if necessary remedy critical sites.


A desktop study was carried out on all old fill sites which were ranked as to the likelihood of problems occurring. The selection process included input from the Water Serves Unit, Environmental Health Unit, Property Unit and Waste Management Unit. Criteria included in the desktop study were:

From the desktop study the following six sites were selected for investigation:

(a) Bexley Landfill - the old Christchurch City Council landfill

(b) Carrs Road Landfill - old Paparua County Council landfill

(c) Sawyers Arms Road Landfill - old Waimairi District Council landfill

(d) West Truscotts Road Landfill - old Heathcote County Council landfill

(e) Hansens Park - site of old Christchurch City Council landfill adjacent to Heathcote River

(f) Ferry Road (Near Settlers Crescent) - very old site adjacent to Heathcote River that may have been used as a toxic waste dump site

In addition to the above sites it was recently decided to investigate Smarts Pit in Kyle Park as options to use part of the site for stormwater soakage were being investigated.

For each of these sites a programme of groundwater and surface water monitoring was established and in the case of Bexley a study of potential landfill gas problems carried out. Work involved in water monitoring included drilling boreholes for both soil investigations and the installation water sampling points and piezometers to determine water levels and groundwater flow patterns.


Currently reports on Sawyers Arms Road, Carrs Road, Ferry Road and Hansens Park have been completed. The preparation of discharge consent applications for aftercare of these site, with the exception of Ferry Road, is underway and these applications will be lodged with the Regional Council in December 1996. In the case of Ferry Road no signs of leachate or water contamination have been found and in view of the age of the site a consent is not considered necessary.

While leachate has located under the other three site mentioned above, the quantity, composition and potential flow movements are such that the landfills are unlikely to cause significant environmental effects. In these cases it is proposed to establish an ongoing monitoring programme to ensure that this situation does not change significantly. It must be recognised that changes in water levels, decomposition of refuse, particularly drums of waste, could affect the discharges in the future hence the need for the ongoing monitoring.

In the case of Bexley studies to water movements under the landfill have been complicated by the presence of the oxidation ponds adjacent to the landfill and Estuary Drain through the landfill. Generally leachate movement is towards the estuary and work completed to date indicates discharges to the Estuary will be low enough not to have significant environmental effects. However some additional monitoring is current being carried out to confirm this.

Landfill gas, being inflammable under some circumstances, has been a concern at the Bexley due to the close proximity of neighbouring houses. While no immediate problems have been identified, a significant amount of work has already been carried out by way of installing cut off walls around

significant part of the landfill as a precautionary measure. This work has been carried out in conjunction with recent landscaping of the site. Further work is planned this year to complete gas cut off systems for all parts of the landfill where a potential problem could arise. Continued monitoring of the gas situation will be required.

At West Truscotts Road only limited work has been completed to date. The results of preliminary testing was used to finalise positioning of monitoring wells which have now been installed and water samples test results will be available shortly. So far work has shown no significant environmental effects. The site was left largely unrestored following closure of the landfill and a number of options for restoring the site are currently being investigated.

At Kyle Park a full monitoring programme is being planned and installation of additional test bores and wells will be required shortly.

The following is a summary of progress on the landfills:

Site Report status Resource Consent Status Planned Aftercare Other Comments
Bexley Landfill Preliminary report on discharges to water completed but further information required to finalise it. Waiting for report to be completed

- June 1997

Additional gas monitoring points and control work are planned for early 1997. Ongoing groundwater monitoring will be required Site remediation well underway in accordance Bexley Reserve Development Plan
Carrs Road Landfill Report completed Application being prepared

- December 1996

Ongoing monitoring of groundwater Site developed as GoKart track
Sawyers Arms Landfill Report completed Application being prepared

- December 1996

Ongoing monitoring of groundwater Site being developed as recreation reserve in conjunction with adjoining shingle pit (Lake Roto Kahatu)
West Truscotts Road Landfill Additional groundwater information being collected Waiting for additional information

- June 1997

Ongoing monitoring of groundwater will be required. 'Site development plan needs to be developed for area. Restoration to date has consisted only of covering dumped material.
Hansens Park Report completed Application being prepared

- December 1996

Ongoing monitoring of groundwater Site already fully developed
Ferry Road Report completed Not required No further action required. Very old and stable site.
Kyle Park (Smarts Pit) Preliminary investigations only completed May be required

- December 1997

Groundwater monitoring plan being developed Site proposed to be used for stormwater soakage.


Effects from old landfill sites have so far been minimal. However monitoring of sites where a risk occurs should be continued for some period to come. A full monitoring programme is being set up and the extent of this programme will be modified from time to time as more information becomes available. Once the Regional Council's requirements for consent monitoring are known a further and more detailed report on each site will be prepared.

Restoration of some sites still needs to be completed and final plans will be developed once a clear understanding of what remedial works, if any, may be needed to deal with environmental impacts of the landfill.

Further work is required at Bexley on gas control and the establishment of long term gas monitoring systems Additional groundwater investigations are also required.

Once current site investigations are complete further sites will be checked as resources become available.

Recommendation: 1. That the Council lodge discharge consent applications for the aftercare of landfills with the Canterbury Regional Council for the Sawyers Arms Road site.

2. That further reports on the other old landfill sites be prepared and submitted as soon as practicable to the Environmental Committee.

3. That the Water Supply Manager prepare a report for the Committee's consideration on the desirability of utilising Smarts Pit in Kyle Park as a site for stormwater soakage.

Note: This report was also considered by the City Services Committee.


Officer responsible Author
Waste Manager Mike Stockwell, Waste Manager
Corporate Plan Output: Solid Waste  

The purpose of this report is to update Councillors on various current issues that the Waste Management Unit is involved with.


The Waste Manager's round-up report to June 1996 City Services and Environmental Committees (attached) addressed various important matters. The current status of these matters together with other more recent issues is summarised in the table below.

Issues Current Status
(a) New Zealand Government leadership on Waste Minimisation Strategy. Not enough action.
(b) New Kerbside Refuse Collection Recycling Contracts. Anticipated approval at 27 November Council meeting to tender contracts in February 1997. New contracts will start August to October 1997.
(c) Burwood Landfill Seeking new joint venture landfill through Canterbury Waste Joint Standing Committee (CWJSC). Waste Management Ltd objection to Resource Consent still pending. New landfill required mid 2001 when consent expires.
(d) Compost Facility Business Plan for 1996/97 completed. Waste minimisation target of 12.5% for current year. Other key strategies in Business Plan under action.
(e) Hazardous Waste Canterbury regional study being done by CWJSC. Clear proposed future strategies required from consultants report.
(f) Glass Cullet Waste Management Unit currently funding NZ Express Ltd to transport glass to ACI in Auckland. More sustainable solutions to be pursued by Recovered Materials Special Committee (see (i) below).
(g) Landfill Levy A landfill levy is proposed of $2/tonne in 1997/98 rising progressively to $10/tonne in 2001/02. Its purpose is to act as an economic incentive to reduce waste going to landfill and it will be used to fund various aspects of the Council's Waste Management Plan such as kerbside recycling. A public consultation process will be implemented prior to introduction of this levy - refer attached bar chart.
(h) Glass Recycling Special Committee Name to be changed to Recovered Materials Special Committee.
(i) Recovered Materials Special Committee and Foundation Special Committee of the Council set up to oversee the establishment of the Recovered Materials Foundation (RMF). The RMF will oversee disposal of kerbside recyclables and foster new industries using recyclables. Special emphasis will be planned initially on glass cullet and bottle recovery.
(j) Transfer Station Stationery Compactors and Trailers The Transfer Stations need to be retrofitted with modern stationary compactors and new transport trailers to enable payloads to be increased from the current 15 tonnes to 25 tonnes. This will significantly reduce transport costs.
(k) Private Lane and Right of Way Refuse Collection It is proposed to introduce this with the new refuse collection and kerbside recycling contracts in August/September/October 1997. Lane residents will apply to Community Boards to be included in the collection system.
(l) Biosolids Reuse Resource Consent application for biosolids application to 19 forests in Selwyn District has been heard by the Canterbury Regional Council/Selwyn District Council /Christchurch City Council Joint Hearing Committee and is awaiting a decision. This is expected before Christmas.
(m) Lifelines Programme of expenditure of $0.10m per annum minimum for next seven years for flexible couplings, waterproofing and strengthening etc. Costs then rise for brick barrel sewer replacement in years 8, 9, 10 - refer to other report to this committee.
(n) Asset Management Plan Substantial progress made on various important elements. Anticipated completion by Christmas 1997.
(o) Christchurch Wastewater Treatment Plant Resource Consent and Expansion Resource Consent public consultation process started. Consent application anticipated for mid 1998 - refer report to August City Services and Environmental Committee.

Expansion proposals reported to seminars and Committee meetings of City Services, Environmental and AMP process. Ten year expansion plan to be included in the Councils 1997/98 budget.


All of the above issues are currently being progressed satisfactorily except for item (a). The need for Central Government to show some solid leadership by introducing legislation for waste minimisation was again highlighted by the recent visit of Coy Smith and Kivi Lerous from the Materials For The Future Foundation in Seattle.

New Zealand is lagging the world (as far as developed countries are concerned) in this respect and clearly needs to take action. This legislation should focus particularly on two areas namely:

(a) A general waste reduction to landfill target for the entire country (which for example is 50% by the year 2000 in Australia). This would have to be implemented by Territorial and Regional Authorities and written into each local authorities Waste Management Plan.

Note: that the Christchurch City Council Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Plan has a target of 25% Solid Waste to landfill reduction within five years with 1993 as the base year (and measured on a per capita basis excluding demolition material and hardfill).

(b) Minimum recycled content in selected new products (for example 25% in newsprint glass and plastic containers, fibreglass products, etc). This would be implemented by Industry.

It is relevant to note that whilst legislated reduction targets may not be strictly met on time they are nevertheless a call to action. Some slippage in strictly meeting target dates can always be negotiated into a particular company's business plan if difficulties in meeting the letter of the law arise. With regard to minimum recycled content legislation, Smith and Lerous commented that this was probably the least unpopular legislation with the manufacturing sector and that smart businesses saw it coming and make adequate preparation anyway.

The Waste Management Unit suggests that the Council become active in lobbying central government to introduce national legislation along the lines of (a) and (b) above ie a national waste to landfill reduction target together with legislation specifying minimum recycled content in selected new manufactured products. Clearly any such legislation will be implemented and enforced.

Recommendation: 1. That the Council pursue as soon as possible through the joint task group of Councillors and local Members of Parliament the introduction of waste legislation along the lines of (a) and (b) above (ie a waste to landfill reduction target together with legislation specifying minimum recycling content in new manufactured products.)

2. That staff report in the New Year on strategies which may increase the volume of green waste to the compost plant.

3. The background papers on relevant legislation adopted by other countries be prepared for submissions to the joint task group with local Members of Parliament.

Note: (This topic is also the subject of a slightly different recommendation in Clause 4 of the City Services Committee).





Chrissie Williams (Burwood/Pegasus Community Board), Judith Bruce (Shirley/Papanui Community Board) and Ian Rivers (Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board) were present to speak to their draft submission, having been advised Community Boards did not have the delegation to make submissions on regional plans.

Where the Joint Board's submission differed from that proposed by Council officers, Board representatives provided details as to their reasons for seeking inclusion of their points as follows:


(i) The ecological effects that augmentation might have on the Cust and Ashley Rivers was of concern. No standards or low flow requirements were set.

(ii) For other minor works, damming of the tributaries of the Waimakariri River below Woodstock should be a non-complying activity. Clarification is also required, as to the meaning of "damming".


(i) All discharges to the Waimakariri River to cease within ten years.

(ii) The inclusion of additional wording to section 6.3.2(b) on page 44 of the proposed plan so that it reads: determine if a contact recreation standard of water quality is achievable and able to be maintained at the Groynes picnic area and report on the results of these investigations, including any methods by which improvements can be achieved, by June 1997.

(iii) Sources of non point discharges into the Waimakariri River and its tributaries be further investigated.


(i) A sampling programme for Giardia be included in the monitoring and review section of the plan.

The points raised were discussed, with officers clarifying certain matters.

The Committee resolved that the matters raised by the Community Board representatives under:

as applying to the proposed Waimakariri River Regional Plan, be included in the Council's proposed submissions to the Canterbury Regional Council.


The Committee received the following reports:


Programmes are to be reviewed in February 1997, in conjunction with the operating budgets.


The report from the Land Drainage Manager advised that the Water Services Unit was successful in its application to the Ministry for the Environment for Sustainable Management Funding support for its local authority waterway and wetland Conservation Covenant project in the October 1996 round of bids. Government funding of $39,500 (including GST) over the 1996/97 and 1997/98 financial years will be available to subsidise this project as a prototype model for local authorities to protect, conserve or restore natural areas on private land adjoining waterways and wetlands.

Another grant of $101,600 over two years was made for the Sustainable Management Fund for Avoca Valley Stream waterway enhancement.

It is gratifying that the success of the City Council's sustainable management approach has been recognised in this way. Further recognition of the sustainable management philosophy for waterways by the Water Services Unit was given recently in the form of a Canterbury Resource Management Award in the Professional/Institutional category by the Canterbury Regional Council. At the same award ceremony the Unit was joint winner of the Landcare Research research award with the Parks Unit and their Coast Care programme.

The awards received were available for members to view.

The meeting concluded at 5.55 pm



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