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18. 12. 96



A meeting of the Community Services Committee

was held on Monday 2 December 1996 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Councillor Garry Moore (Chairperson),

Councillors Carole Anderton, Graham Condon,

David Cox, Anna Crighton, Ishwar Ganda,

Pat Harrow, Lesley Keast, Gail Sheriff

and Barbara Stewart.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor David Close was in attendance from 5.20 pm to 5.40 pm and attended for clause 5 and part of clause 3 only.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor.

Apologies for lateness were received and accepted from Councillors Carole Anderton and Gail Sheriff.

Councillor Carole Anderton arrived at 4.12 pm and was absent for part of clause 9.1.

Councillor David Cox retired at 6.20 pm and was absent for part of clause 7.

Councillor Lesley Keast retired at 6.10 pm and was absent for clauses 4, 6 and 7.

Councillor Gail Sheriff arrived at 4.10 pm and was absent for part of clause 9.1.

The Committee reports that:




Officer responsible Author
Council Secretary Kevin Roche
Corporate Plan Output: Page 6.1.i  

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to the customary prohibition on vehicles and the consumption or possession of intoxicating liquor in Cathedral Square during the holding of the traditional New Year's Eve celebrations.

The restrictions are imposed pursuant to section 709A of the Local Government Act 1974. As the powers of the Council under this section cannot be delegated to an officer the Council is requested to adopt the formal resolution contained in the recommendation which follows:

Recommendation: That the following resolution be adopted by the Council:

During the holding of the New Year's Eve Celebrations, Cathedral Square, being Colombo Street (north of the intersection with Hereford Street, south of the intersection with Gloucester Street), Worcester Street (east of the intersection with Oxford Terrace, west of the intersection with Manchester Street), Strand Lane and Press Lane will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic between the hours of 9.00 pm on Tuesday 31 December 1996 and 1.00 am on Wednesday 1 January 1997 (called "the closure time").

Acts Prohibited in Cathedral Square

The following acts are prohibited during the closure time:

1. The drinking of liquor in Cathedral Square.

2. The bringing of liquor or empty liquor containers into Cathedral Square.

3. The possession of liquor or empty liquor containers in Cathedral Square.

4. The driving or riding of any motor vehicle in Cathedral Square during the closure time, other than buses, taxis, Police or Council vehicles.


The following are not prohibited:

(a) The carrying of liquor from or to premises on land having a frontage to Cathedral Square; if

(i) The premises are licensed premises as defined in the Sale of Liquor Act 1989, and, in the case of the carriage of liquor from the premises, liquor may lawfully be sold during the closure time; or

(ii) The liquor is being carried by or for delivery to a person residing on those premises or his bona fide visitors, providing the liquor is promptly removed from Cathedral Square.

(b) The driving or riding of any motor vehicle from or to premises having a frontage to Cathedral Square by a person residing in those premises or his bona fide visitors.

Powers of Police

Any constable may, without warrant:

(a) Arrest any person whom he finds committing an offence against the prohibitions provided in this notice;

(b) During the closure time arrest any person whom he has reasonable cause to suspect of having committed such an offence against the prohibitions provided in this notice;

(c) Search any parcel, package, bag, case, or other container in the possession of any person or in entering or about to enter Cathedral Square during the closure time, for the purposes of ascertaining whether or not the parcel, package, bag, case, or container contains any liquor or any empty liquor container, unless the person in possession of the parcel, package, bag, case or other container removes it from, or, as the case may be, refrains from taking it into Cathedral Square and leaves it outside Cathedral Square until the closure time has expired.

Any constable may seize and remove any liquor and its container or any other liquor container which he has reasonable cause to believe would be evidence of the commission of such an offence against the prohibitions in this notice.


Every person who commits an offence knowing that the closure and prohibition are in force, is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $500.


The report of the Libraries Manager has been separately circulated to Councillors (copy tabled) and the recommendations of the Community Services Committee in relation to the report were as follows:

Recommendation: 1. That the Council set minimum and maximum performance criteria for supporting voluntary libraries as set out in this report.

2. That these performance criteria be monitored through a service level agreement with the individual voluntary library.

3. That discussions are held with voluntary libraries not currently meeting the performance criteria as to the best option for service delivery for their neighbourhood.

4. That the report be referred to Community Boards to determine, in discussion with the Voluntary Library Committees, an appropriate course of action for each voluntary library in their area. The process to be facilitated by the Libraries Unit and the recommendations to be referred to the Community Services Committee by April 1997.


Officer responsible Author
Director, Policy Jennifer Pitcher
Corporate Plan Output: 4.8.3, Policy Advice  

The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement of the Community Services Committee of a review of early childhood education services in Christchurch in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the Early Childhood Education Unit.


The CCC is currently a facilitator and part funder of 17 community creches[1], a provider of 3 creches[2] 3 and an advocate for the effective provision of early childhood education services (ECES)[4] in the city. The Council acknowledges the role played by other ECES, including private providers and central government, the latter being recognised as the appropriate main funder. The CCC complements their provision of ECES through its policy on Childcare Services, adopted in August 1993.

In accordance with the policy, it is proposed that there is a need to review early childhood education services in Christchurch and the role of the CCC as follows:

"The Council believes that a range of social and economic trends all point to a growing demand for childcare services in the city. It signals its commitment to closely monitor and to continue to advocate effective provision of such services ...

Policies: Monitoring and Advocacy

1.0 To assist in the effective provision of childcare and early childhood education in Christchurch City by:

1.1 Liaising with funders, providers and users in monitoring the supply of and demand for childcare services, and by identifying gaps in provision.

1.2 Encouraging & facilitating new & existing childcare providers to meet identified needs."

There have also been several developments in the community and at the CCC that bring into question the appropriateness of the existing policy and that have triggered the proposed review of early childhood education services, as follows:

1. The identification of children as a high priority for Council and the appointment of a children's advocate.

2. Increasing requests to Council for the support of a range of early childhood education services.

3. Increased accountability requirements within Council.

4. Adoption of the Community Development and Social Well-Being Policy

As a result of the above and in consultation with the Chairperson of the Community Services Committee, the Unit Managers LACSU and Property and Community Managers, an officer project team[5] was set up to develop a proposal for the consideration of Council.

In recognition of Central Governments primary role in this area and in accordance with the Councils desire for working in partnerships, successful discussions took place with John Mather, National Operations Manager - Ministry of Education and Kathryn Palmer, Regional Manager, Early Childhood Development Unit (A service delivery arm of the Ministry of Education) in regard to a partnership approach to the proposed review. All parties considered the review to be important and timely and consistent with their aims and objectives, as follows:

1. The recognition of the broader community benefits of early childhood education services and children as a priority group for policies.

2. Effective consultation with other providers and the community (Including users and non-users of early childhood education services).

3. The value of working in partnerships, establishing and maintaining effective inter-sectoral relationships.

4. Increasing participation in early childhood education services, particularly `at risk' and disadvantaged children as a priority.

5. Effectiveness, efficiency and equity.

6. The need to monitor and review policies.

7. The need for diverse, accessible and appropriate facilities and services to meet the needs of diverse communities.


That the CCC undertake a review of early childhood education services in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Early Childhood Development Unit ,in consultation with other providers and the community (Including users and non-users), as follows:


1. To identify the current and future needs for early childhood education services in Christchurch and how those needs could be met.

2. To identify the current roles of the CCC, Ministry of Education and private providers in early childhood education services in Christchurch

3. To identify the current funding arrangements of early childhood education services in Christchurch

4. To make recommendations on the future roles, objectives and outcomes for the CCC, including how we can work in partnerships more effectively


1. A shared strategic vision by central government, ECDU, CCC, other service providers and the community (Including users and non-users) of early childhood education services in Christchurch.

2. A report that identifies:

Current service provision

Current unmet needs

Future community needs

Future service provision options

in light of the aims and objectives of Ministry of Education, ECDU, CCC, other service providers and the community. (Including factors affecting the achievement of these aims and objectives)


It is proposed that the partnership team report to and consult with their respective organisations. The CCC's staff project team would report to and consult with the Community Services Committee and management and also consult with Community Boards and staff. The details of methodology would be developed by the partnership team, but would involve a highly consultative and participatory process with all stakeholders, including the community (users and non-users of services) and to people on limited incomes within the community in accordance with the Community Development and Social Well-Being Policy.


In light of other reviews that have occurred recently, it is anticipated that if the review adopts a highly consultative process, it could cost up to $30,000. It is proposed that the Ministry of Education and CCC seek funds of up to $15,000 each from their respective organisations to fund the review.


It will not be until January 1997 that all parties will know the outcomes of their proposals. It is expected that the review could take up to 6 months to complete, with a proposed deadline of July 1997.

Recommendation: 1. That the CCC undertake a review of early childhood education services in Christchurch in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the Early Childhood Development Unit in accordance with the above purpose, outcomes, methodology and time frame.

2. That the Council make available a budget of up to $15,000, dependant on this sum being matched by the Ministry of Education to fund the review.

4. RENTAL - YCD RR 4302

Officer responsible Author
Leisure and Community Services Manager Julie Macdonald
Corporate Plan Output: Information and Advice to the Council  

The purpose of this report is to advise members of the changes to the lease for YCD.


The Christchurch City Council currently funds the rent ($48,120 per annum) of the Youth and Cultural Development Society's youth centre. The owners of the building have notified the Council that they will not be renewing the lease when it expires at the end of March 1997.


Earlier this year an evaluation of YCD was carried out by an independent researcher. As a result of this evaluation (reported to the Council in July 1996) discussions have been held with YCD to clarify the relationship between YCD and the Council, and in particular, the expectation the Council has of YCD's ongoing provision of a youth centre in the central city. These discussions are progressing well and YCD have demonstrated their willingness to work with the Council on the evaluation outcomes.

As the YCD lease will expire at the end of March 1997 the Council needs to decide whether to find alternative premises and negotiate a new lease. There is $50,000 allowed for YCD rental in the 1997/98 budget at present and two months balance of the $50,000 in the 1995/96 budget will still be available when the lease expires in March. Depending on the requirements for the youth centre, there may be additional resources required.


The evaluation revealed that YCD has made significant progress towards meeting its original goals and objectives. Discussions are currently underway with Council staff to ensure that the relationship between YCD and the Council is clarified and the expectations of YCD clearly defined. The negotiation of a new lease on behalf of YCD would provide an opportunity to set the outcomes of these discussions formally in place.

Recommendation: That the Council agrees to locate new premises for the YCD youth centre and negotiate a new lease on its behalf within the existing budget provisions.




The Committee considered a report from the Community Adviser - Youth on proposed changes to the structure of the Christchurch Secondary Schools' Youth Council.

The report provided background to the present Youth Council formed in 1980 and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages to the current structure. The principal disadvantage was reported as being that the existing Youth Council was not generally considered to be representative of youth within the wider community.

The report detailed a suggested process for the formation of a new Youth Council, which would involve advertising widely for a new Youth Council of around 15-20 people, and the development of new aims and objectives and means of meeting these in consultation with peer groups, Community Development staff and Councillors.

The Committee resolved to endorse the process proposed for setting up a new Youth Council by the Community Adviser - Youth by March 1997.


The Community Activities Officer, Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board, Brent Ferigo, provided a report giving information on the process the Board was currently piloting towards enhancing its community consultation on social issues. The report sought to gain the Council's support in principle for the concept of other Boards adopting similar consultation processes in a collective initiative.

The report detailed background to the process undertaken by the Board, the various phases involved together with time frame and vision.

The Committee resolved to support in principle the concept of Community Boards adopting a local community consultation process similar to that described in the report to complement existing formal and informal consultation efforts.


Reports on the following units for the year ended 30 June 1996 were considered as follows:

Communications and Promotions Unit

The Communications and Promotions Manager, Susan Selway, presented her report and spoke to it in relation to the City Promotion and Sister Cities outputs.

It was noted that video sales for City Promotion were less than budgeted for due to the reproduction of the video being late in the year. Financial budgets were, however, all within budget.

Following discussion on the effectiveness of the current performance indicators being used it was agreed that the Communications and Promotions Manager would review these for the draft Annual Plan.

Leisure and Community Services Unit

The Senior Adviser - Community Development spoke to the report in relation to the outputs, Information and Advice to Council and Community Plans and Policy Statements.

As a result of internal charges being less than anticipated budgets for these two outputs were both under-expended.

It was agreed that the Senior Adviser - Community Development and the Leisure and Community Services Manager should give consideration to more effective performance indicators as discussed and these could be circulated amongst members by internal memorandum if necessary to allow for earlier input. In addition it was suggested that photographs of key Council staff members could be circulated to Councillors so that they would be aware of staff they may need to contact.

The Committee also noted with concern the fact that the Leisure and Community Services Unit was responsible for the operation of the Cathedral Square toilets and considered that this was inconsistent with the general objectives of that unit.

It accordingly therefore resolved that the Community Services Committee considers it inappropriate for the operation of Cathedral Square toilets to be part of the Community Development Section and recommends that the City Manager give consideration to the transfer of responsibility for these to the Parks Unit with reporting to the Central City Committee.


The Committee resolved to receive supplementary reports in relation to rental of premises for the YCD and an update on the Christchurch City Council youth work funding programme as tabled.


The Committee received the following reports:

9.1 Deputations by Appointment

Mr Gregory Smith addressed the Committee on his ideas for an inner city education drop-in centre to provide basic education for street children. He saw as this being structured in an informal manner with the main aim of improving the literacy of this group and as a consequence their employment opportunities.

Members discussed Mr Smith's suggestions with him, and the Community Adviser - Youth and the Children's Advocate were requested to follow these up further with him.

9.2 Christchurch England Sister City Update RR 4250

Councillor Cox updated the Committee on recent events relating to Christchurch England.

9.3 Bequest From the Estate of Miss B D Gerard RR 4252

The Libraries Manager, Sue Sutherland, reported on a bequest to the Library from the late Miss B D Gerard who had bequeathed the sum of £300 Stirling to the Library following her death in England in 1996.

Members of the Committee suggested that it would be appropriate for the bequest to be spent on books relating to the arts in view of the interest of Mrs Gerard in this area and it was left for the Libraries Manager to arrange for appropriate purchases and to acknowledge the donation.

9.4 Mental Health Budget Increase -

Implications for Christchurch RR 4256

The Senior Policy Analyst, Jennifer Pitcher, reported on the impact for Canterbury of increased budget allocations for mental health services by the Southern Regional Health Authority.

Details of these have been contained in the 1996/97 purchase plan supplement for mental health services recently released by the SRHA and this indicated how the additional funding increase of $24.75 million over the next five years would be spent.

The report detailed specific community health services which were to be increased by 23 staff over a wide range of services.

9.5 Capital Programmes

The Committee noted the information from the Financial Planning Manager that in view of the work still to be done on asset management planning it has been decided to delay the review of the forward capital programmes until February 1997 to be done in conjunction with operating budgets.

9.6 Christchurch City Council Youth Work

Funding Programme RR 4035

Members received a report updating them on the present situation regarding the funding of three youth worker positions as agreed at the September 1996 Council meeting. Material relating to the project including outcomes and objectives, job description and details of the inter-agency group to assist in administration were provided to members.

9.7 Turning Point 2000

Rae Knytson, Project Director, and Suzannah Morrison, Turning Point 2000 Co-Ordinator, provided a presentation to Committee members on the Turning Point 2000 programme. The opportunity was taken for Councillors to ask questions on the programme and the Committee congratulated Rae and Suzannah on the quality of their presentation.

The meeting concluded at 6.45 pm



[1] Rental subsidies are paid through Community Board or Service Centre budgets in accordance with the CCC Childcare Services Policy, 1993 .

[2] Tuam St, QEII and Pioneer Stadium Creches

3 1996/97 Budget for CCC and other creches = $638 500

[4] ECES: Education services for children 0 - 6 years including; Creches, Play Centres, Kindergartens, Kohanga Reo, Pacific Island Language Nests, Family Day Care, Play Groups and Home Educators

[5] Project Team: Facilitator; Jennifer Pitcher - Senior Policy Analyst, Bill Binns - Property Officer, Ingrid de Meyer - Community Activities Officer, Lyn Campbell - Children's Advocate, Martin Maguire - Senior Community Adviser and Sally Latham - Community Adviser; Childcare.

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