6. 12. 96
28 NOVEMBER 1996
A meeting of the Central City Committee
was held on Thursday 28 November 1996 at 3.00 pm
PRESENT: Councillor Margaret Murray (Chairman),
Councillors Graham Berry, Anna Crighton,
Newton Dodge, Morgan Fahey, Alister James,
Charles Manning, Denis O'Rourke and
Barbara Stewart.
APOLOGY: An apology for absence was received and accepted from the Mayor.
IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors David Close and RonWright.
Councillors Morgan Fahey and Barbara Stewart arrived at 3.20 pm.
Councillor Alister James arrived at 4.30 pm.
Councillor David Close arrived at 4.50 pm.
Councillor Ron Wright arrived at 3.30 pm and departed at 5.15 pm.
The Committee reports that:
A special meeting of the Council has been convened to consider the Committee's recommendations for the redevelopment of Cathedral Square.
The officer's report which includes the following Committee recommendation has been circulated separately.
This report includes financial detail which had not been included in the earlier version previously circulated to Councillors and has been updated to take account of the discussion and the recommendations from the Committee meeting on 28 November 1996.
Recommendation: 1. That this report be received, and the plans for Cathedral Square as so far developed, incorporating the long term concept plan ("the vision"), together with the interim use of the north-west quadrant for buses, be adopted by the Council.
2. That it be recognised that this interim use of the north-west quadrant of the Square for bus stops will continue until such time as the Council has (a) decided the issue of off-street bus terminal/transit centre, and (b) has taken such steps as are necessary to achieve its construction.
3. That the detailed design for Cathedral Square redevelopment now proceed, leading to the staged implementation of the final plan for all parts of the Square other than the north-west quadrant.
4. That for the north-west quadrant interim design and development shall be undertaken, providing for the relocation of bus stops from the south-east and north-east quadrants of the Square. The design and development, which is to include final paving materials on the pedestrian areas adjacent to Cathedral Square buildings and passenger waiting islands, shall be of sufficiently high quality to significantly contribute to both the overall aesthetics of Cathedral Square and to the enhancement of the public transport system.
5. That the provisions for the interim terminal and bus system enhancement, including the proposed Bus Information Centre, be further developed in consultation with the Canterbury Regional Council.
6. That other matters yet to be resolved, as indicated in the report, be further considered by the Central City Committee and the Council.
7. That the Council consider amendments to the Annual Plan and Budget to incorporate provision for additional funding so that all stages of Cathedral Square development may proceed.
8. That the questions of the long term off-street bus terminal and north-east block developments be the subject of ongoing study and discussion by the Central City Committee and Council, with a decision as to whether or not to proceed with an off-street terminal being made as part of the 1998/99 budget round.
9. That Council officers and consultants who have prepared the reports for the Committee and Council be thanked for their diligence and presentation of the comprehensive reports.