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18. 12. 96


28 NOVEMBER 1996

A meeting of the Central City Committee

was held on Thursday 28 November 1996 at 3.00 pm

PRESENT: Councillor Margaret Murray (Chairman),

Councillors Graham Berry, Anna Crighton,

Newton Dodge, Morgan Fahey, Alister James,

Charles Manning, Denis O'Rourke and Barbara Stewart.

APOLOGY: An apology for absence was received and accepted from the Mayor.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors David Close and RonWright.

Councillors Morgan Fahey and Barbara Stewart arrived at 3.20 pm and were not present for Clause 1.

Councillor Alister James arrived at 4.30 pm and was present for Clauses 8 and 9.

Councillor David Close arrived at 4.50 pm and was present for Clauses 8 and 9.

Councillor Ron Wright arrived at 3.30 pm and departed at 5.15 pm and was not present for Clauses 1, 2, 9 and part Clause 8.

The Committee reports that:



Camera Network

Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager Tony Lange, Area Roading Engineer
Corporate Plan Output: Major Amenity Improvements p 9.5.6  

The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to expand the current crime prevention camera network.

At present the network consists of five cameras with two further cameras programmed to be operating by the beginning of December in the vicinity of South City.

The crime prevention camera network has been operating since June 1996. During the period since, the cameras have detected a number of people committing offences. This has enabled Police to dispatch staff to the scene to prevent further injury and/or damage to property. However it must be stressed that the objective of the cameras is to deter criminal and anti social acts from occurring.

It is too soon to gauge how effective the camera system will be. Initially the proposal was to compare crime statistics from before the system began to a period six months after the system became operational and at subsequent six month intervals. The Police have overlayed the inner city with a grid on which they can provide statistics. Unfortunately the current Police grid extends far wider than the coverage area of the cameras and in most cases the camera is sited on the join line between grid blocks.

The Police are investigating how the city can be "further broken up" for statistical purposes in relation to the crime prevention camera network.

Realising that we are lacking hard statistical evidence, the gut feeling of Police and Council staff involved with the project is that it is achieving the prime objective of making the central city safer.

Considering this attitude and the fact that the system can support 16 cameras, staff have investigated where a further nine cameras can be installed.

The criteria for selecting sites was:

The sites proposed are ranked in order of preference.

1. Cathedral Square - Currently one camera exists within the Square near the Visitor's Centre. A further three cameras could be installed. Installation could be incorporated in the redevelopment of the Square, although it would be preferable to make this area a high priority starting work as soon as possible.

2. City Mall - One camera exists at the intersection with Colombo Street. To cover the Mall from the Bridge of Remembrance to High Street near the two new hotels would require a further four cameras.

3. Java Cafe, Corner Lichfield/Manchester and High Streets - Plans are being developed to enhance pedestrian facilities in this area. This enhancement work would provide a camera site, which is not currently available, that will cover the nightclubs along Lichfield Street and back towards the City Mall along High Street. This enhancement project, valued at $70,000, is not yet programmed.

4. Armagh/Colombo intersection - This site would provide coverage of Victoria Square, a site where there is high tourist activity and a number of popular hotels.

The addition of these sites will bring the total number of cameras to 16. This is the maximum number that can be accommodated by the equipment within the Police Station. If the number of cameras is to increase beyond 16 then the Police will have to purchase additional equipment to provide for the increase in camera numbers.

The City Streets Unit has programmed for budget consideration nine additional cameras in the 1997/98 year, an amount of $135,000. This will provide for the capital purchase of the cameras, associated cabling and mounting. There is also a line item of $15,000 in the maintenance budget for the operation of the camera network. The amount required would need to be increased to accommodate the increase in camera numbers. Telecom currently provide the communication channel between each camera and the Police Station. The Council and Telecom have a five year contract for the supply of this service for the present five cameras. Each additional camera is open for negotiation with Telecom or another service provider.

There has been significant retailer support, in funding, for the current installation of 3 cameras in the vicinity of MacDonalds and South City. It would be appropriate to seek retailer support to aid in the capital purchase of further cameras.

Recommendation: 1. That the installation of nine additional crime surveillance cameras in the locations 1 to 4 above be considered in the 1997/98 budget process, and in the interim preliminary planning proceeds.

2. That the Council actively seek retailer support for the capital purchase of the proposed cameras from the surrounding retailers.

3. That the question of improved lighting in the City Mall be investigated and reported back to the Committee.


Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager Peter Atkinson, Area Traffic Engineer
Corporate Plan Output: On-street Operations Page 9.6.12  

The purpose of this report is to advise the Council of the progress in the stopping of that section of Oxford Terrace between Chester Street and Madras Street. Agreement has been reached between the sole objector to the stopping of this section of Oxford Terrace and it is now proposed to carry out the next procedural step in the stopping of this section of road. The principal concern of the objector to the stopping of this section of Oxford Terrace has been the discontinuity of the route of Oxford Terrace as a result of various road stoppings. Various options were considered to overcome this and it is now proposed to include additional signage. The plan which has been presented to the Council previously is attached.

Recommendation: That the next step in the stopping of Oxford Terrace proceed.


Officer Responsible Author
Communications & Promotions Manager Dave Hinman, Principal Policy Analyst
Corporate Plan Output: 1997/98 Draft Annual Plan & Budget  

The purpose of this report is to recommend arrangements for the hosting of the next City Malls Conference to be held in Christchurch in 1998.

At the recent City Malls Conference in Adelaide, Christchurch was successful in bidding for the next conference due to be held in 1998.

It is not too soon to begin planning for the conference and it is considered that it would be appropriate to establish a working party, involving both central city business representatives as well as Councillor and staff input from the Council.

Both Mr Hugh Wyles, of Ballantynes and the City Mall Association, and Mr Tony Clark, South City Centre, each of whom attended the Adelaide Conference, have previously indicated their willingness to be involved in such a Working Party.

Although the conference can be expected to be financially self-supporting, it is anticipated that some seeding capital will be required to assist in the planning stages. The Working Party will need to report on the financial implications at an early stage.

The Adelaide Conference also agreed to establish a new city centre organisation to be known as the "Town and City Centre Network of Australia and New Zealand" and correspondence has recently been received from Adelaide indicating that this is progressing. The Working Party should also keep in close contact with the new organisation as it develops.

Recommendation: That a working party comprising the Chairmen of the Central City and Environmental Committees and Council staff as appropriate, together with central city business representatives be formed to plan and organise the 1998 City Malls Conference.


Adjoining the Centra Hotel RR 4254

Officer responsible Author
Property Manager Stephen Cribb, Property Services Officer 3/8/163
Corporate Plan Output: Parks Unit - 9.4.13 (leases)  

An application has been received from Nectar Limited (Centra Hotel) for eight tables and thirty two chairs on a 60m2 area adjoining the hotel on part of the reserve area that is to be landscaped in 1997. The Parks Unit are in support of this application and a five year rental has been negotiated.

Prior to entering into a licence agreement with the Company it is necessary to have the reserve classified in terms of the Reserves Act (see attached plan). It is appropriate for the Council to consider and adopt the following resolution:


"Pursuant to Section 16 of the Reserves Act 1977 the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves the land described in the Schedule hereto shall be classified "Local Purpose (landscape) Reserve" as defined in Section 17 of this Act.


Area Being

295m2 All that parcel of land contained in

Section 1 on Survey Office Plan 18957

Recommendation: That the above resolution be adopted.




RR 4245

The existing parking restrictions in Kilmore Street and Peterborough Street have been changed to recognise the future demands of the Convention Centre, the Town Hall and Finino Casamenti. To provide for the needs of the Convention Centre and Finino Casamenti on the northern side of Kilmore Street, the existing taxi stand has been relocated to a location on the southern side of Kilmore Street to the east of Colombo Street. The existing metered parking area has been replaced with P5 loading zones.

The existing parking restrictions outside the Town Hall have been changed to compliment those at the Convention Centre. These restrictions replace the existing P15 at all times time limit with a P10 and on the extended kerb area where the drop off zone is located a P2 loading zone at all times time limit has been imposed.

Changes to Peterborough Street involve a P5 Loading Zone located adjacent to the Convention Centre and the existing metered parking spaces on the north side of Peterborough Street are to be converted to angled parking spaces.

Also associated with these proposals is the provision of a free turn at the intersection of Colombo Street and Kilmore Street. These proposals are illustrated on the attached diagram. The changes have the support of the Convention Centre Manager, the Manager of Finino Casamenti, the Taxi Association and the Parking Operations Manager.

It was resolved:

1. That a P10 at all times parking restriction be imposed;

(a) on the northern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 40 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 8 m

(b) on the southern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 22 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 24 m.

2. That a P2 loading zone at all times parking restriction be imposed;

(a) on the northern side of Kilmore Street in the drop off area provided in the extended northern kerbline of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 55 m measured in an westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in an westerly direction for a distance of 30 m.

(b) in the extended kerbline on the southern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 46 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 40 m.

3. That a No Stopping at all Times parking restriction be provided;

(a) along the extended kerbline of the northern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 48 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 40 m.

(b) along the extended kerbline of the northern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 118 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 25 m.

(c) along the extended kerbline of the southern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 46 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 40 m.

(d) on the southern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 46 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 45 m.

(e) on the southern side of Peterborough Street commencing at a point 41 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 21 m.

(f) on the southern side of Peterborough Street commencing at a point 62 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 21 m.

4. That a P5 at all times Loading Zone be provided:

(a) on the northern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 88 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 m.

(b) on the northern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 143 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 16 m.

(c) on the southern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 86 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 20 m.

(d) on the southern side of Peterborough Street commencing at a point 62 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 25 m.

5. That a taxi stand be created on the southern side of Kilmore Street commencing at a point 40 m measured in a easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 55 m.

6. That angled P60 metered parking spaces be provided on the northern side of Peterborough Street commencing at a point 18 m measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 120 m.

7. That the existing taxi stand, P15 at all times and metered parking areas described in the above locations be revoked.

8. That the left turning vehicles from Colombo Street be free of the traffic signal control at the intersection of Colombo Street with Kilmore Street.

9. That a Give Way sign be placed against the left turn vehicles on the southern approach of Colombo Street at its intersection with Kilmore Street.

(Councillor Morgan Fahey requested his vote against 5. be recorded).

It was further resolved that the Chairman, Councillor Margaret Murray and staff liaise with the management of the Parkroyal Hotel on the issue of the siting of the taxi stand.

6. tuam street p10 and bus stop RR 4246

The existing parking controls on the southern side of Tuam Street have been changed in association with the upgrading of the pavement area outside the Civic Offices.

It was resolved:

1. That a bus stop be created on the southern side of Tuam Street commencing at a point 50 m measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 12 m.

2. That a P10 parking restriction be imposed on the southern side of Tuam Street commencing a commencing at a point 78 m measured in an easterly direction from a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 12 m.

3. That the existing P60 metered parking spaces and no stopping parking restrictions in the above described areas be deleted.


The Committee had sought a report on the situation regarding the number of numbering of buildings in the central city area.

The Christchurch City Public Places and Signs Bylaw 1992 requires:

1. The owner or occupier of:

(a) any area of land on which a building is situated; or

(b) any building or part of a building;

being land or building to which a number has been allocated by the Council, shall display that number in a position visible from the road.

2. Numbers shall be made of non-ferrous metal, plastic or other weather-resistant material of a colour contrasting with the colour of the fixture to which they are attached and shall not be less than 50 millimetres in height.

3. Numbers shall be displayed on the post of the principal entrance in the case of a residential property or above the principal entrance doorway in the case of other properties, or on some permanent fixture adjacent to the road and close to such entrance or doorway.

The allocation of property numbers is made by the Environmental Services Unit but there are a number of matters in regard to the fulfilling of requirements of the bylaw that are currently under investigation. In the central city in particular there could be problems, even if all properties are numbered in accordance with the bylaw, in people in vehicles attempting to identify addresses while driving in traffic flows. In a large proportion of the central city area verandahs, vehicles parked, and some street trees and furniture would make it difficult to see numbers on the face of buildings from the roadway. It may be that after examination some other means of providing such indications of the numbers, in addition to those on the property, could be provided on the roadway by the Council. This will require some consideration by the group looking at the problem and perhaps some input from the Central City marketing team.

As a part of the Colombo Street improvements earlier this year owners and occupiers of buildings were written to on two occasions asking them to ensure, amongst other things, that street numbers were displayed on their premises. As a result of this there has been an improvement in the display of street numbers in this part of the central city.

It is understood some temporary staff will be employed shortly by the Environmental Services Unit to assist in the promotion of property numbering and a report could be prepared following the results of their survey.

It was resolved:

1. That in addition to the measures to be taken above the Council enforcement team and the Central City Marketing Team be requested to assist.

2. That the issue be referred to the Inner City Promotion Team to seek their support for the implementation of the policy.


The Committee's recommendations for the redevelopment of Cathedral Square were considered by a special meeting of the Council on 6 December 1996.


The Committee was advised that capital programmes will now be reviewed in February 1997 in conjunction with the operating budgets.

The meeting concluded at 6.00 pm.



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