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7 AUGUST 1996

A meeting of the Shirley/Papanui Community Board

was held on Wednesday 7 August 1996 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Mrs Yvonne Palmer (Chairperson),

Mrs Judith Bruce, Mrs Anne Carroll,

Mr Graham Condon, Mr Newton Dodge,

Mr Gordon Freeman, Mr Garry Moore,

Sue Wells and Mr Steve Wright.

APOLOGY: An apology for lateness was received from

Mrs Anne Carroll who arrived at 4.45 pm

and was present for clauses 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 23, 24 and 25.

The Board reports that:



Officer responsible

Environmental Policy and Planning Manager
Stuart Woods, Senior Transportation Planner
Corporate Plan Output: Transportation Policy Advice

The purpose of this report is to inform members of the present situation regarding road access to and from the north of Christchurch and the intended process to address this issue in the coming year.

The road access to and from the north of Christchurch last received significant attention by the Council approximately 18 months ago, when the suburban section of the northern arterial designation was uplifted by Transit New Zealand. There is no similar designation in place presently.

Cranford Street is still a State Highway, although Transit New Zealand indicated that it intends to remove this status when the Woolston Burwood Expressway is completed.

Previous progress on this issue was in part inhibited by the traffic model for the city not being complete. It is now complete and able to help assessments.

It is intended that the new study on this matter:

* be broad in the definition of the area of study

* include consideration of all transport modes

* consider a range of physical and management solutions

* include wide community consultation

There is a need to look at access across the whole northern part of the city, primarily between Papanui Road and Marshland Road, as well as being aware of the impacts on the wider area between Memorial Avenue in the west and Pages Road in the east.

It is intended to set up seminars (amongst both staff and Councillors) looking at the best process to put in place to address the issue. These meeting will need to address, for example, whether an independent expert or community/business leader should lead the study in the public arena. They should also involve establishing a draft order and timing of the study, a draft brief (including all the modes and technology to be considered), the interested parties to be included in the consultation process and the consultation process itself.

A possible study process could be:

* Establish objectives

* Identify problems

* List all options to address problems

* Create packages/groups of options

* Test and evaluate the packages

* Identify and promote the preferred package

* Implement the preferred package

The process would be dependent upon wide consultation and input from the public and all affected parties to achieve the most acceptable answer for Christchurch. Hurrying and under resourcing the process would jeopardise its success. At the moment the Council has only 5 of 9 positions in the transportation planning sections filled. These staff are presently occupied with projects such as preparing for the upcoming City Plan hearing process, the Land Transport Pricing Study and other similar national policy submissions, the forward programme preparation, and Southern Arterial liaison/study. The significant commitment to other projects of these staff means that major progress on this issue is unlikely until the staff positions are largely resolved.

This issue is sufficiently important that it should be carefully considered in its conduct and progress to ensure its best opportunity for meaningful outcomes. It needs to be realised that the do-nothing option is costing Christchurch more each year.

Members expressed disappointment at the delays likely to be encountered in pursuing this issue, caused in part by the staff shortages referred to in the report. The opinion was also expressed that as well as involving staff and Councillors, the proposed seminars referred to in the report should also include Community Board members. It was also agreed that the Board should appoint its own committee comprising elected Board members from both the Shirley and Papanui wards to pursue this issue at a local level in consultation with residents and representatives of community groups within the Board's area, and that this committee should meet on a regular basis with the relevant staff for the purpose of formulating recommended solutions for the Council's consideration.

Recommendation: 1. That the City Services Committee be requested to endorse the Board's proposal to appoint a committee of the Board comprising elected Board members representing the Shirley and Papanui wards for the purpose of consulting with the local community and identifying the preferred option/s for the Council's consideration.

2. That the Environmental Policy and Planning Manager be instructed to ensure that Board members are invited to the proposed seminars to investigate the best processes to be put in place to address this issue.




The Community Activities Officer submitted a report outlining recommendations made by the Community Services Committee regarding the Children's Strategy Study.

The Board received the report and resolved that the recommendations arising from the study be taken into account by the Board when considering the issues involving Community Boards referred to in the recommendations.


The Community Activities Officer advised that nominations were currently being sought for Community Services Awards in recognition of outstanding service of a voluntary nature in the Shirley/Papanui community.

The Board resolved:

1. That a sub-committee comprising elected Board members from the Shirley and Papanui wards be appointed with power to act to select the successful nominees, and that a meeting of the sub-committee be held for this purpose starting at 4.45 pm on Tuesday 27 August 1996.

2. That the Community Awards be presented to the successful nominees at a ceremony starting at 3.30 pm on Wednesday 4 September 1996.


The Community Activities Officer reported, suggesting the formation of a working group to hold further discussions with the St Bedes College Board of Trustees and the School Board of Proprietors regarding the initiation of a feasibility study to assess the community demand for access to a facility of the type planned. It was noted that the Council's Recreation and Sport Policy recognised "researching existing and future needs and trends in recreation and sport" as one of the Council's roles, and also made provision for the Council to "work in partnership with other providers wherever viable".

The Board resolved:

1. That a working group comprising the Board Chairperson, Councillor Condon, Community Activities Officer, Senior Sports Adviser, the St Bedes College HOD (PE) and a representative from each of the College's Board of Trustees and Board of Proprietors meet as soon as possible to initiate the feasibility study.

2. That funding be sought from the Lottery Grants Board to enable a feasibility study to be undertaken (the maximum grant available being $5,000) with the application to be lodged under the auspices of St Bedes College with backing from the Community Board.

3. That a person be contracted to undertake the feasibility study.


The Area Roading Officer reported on an enquiry from a resident of Corokia Close as to why the Council required property owners in this new subdivision to pay for their vehicle entrances, and why no footpath had been provided.

The Local Government Act 1974 and the relevant Council bylaw provide for the construction of new vehicle entrances by the property owner. If the Council was to construct the vehicle entrances in Corokia Close the estimated cost would be $9,850. If the Community Board decided to fund this work during the current year it would have to be carried out as a charge on the Board's discretionary funds. If the work was to be funded by the Council a change to the Council's bylaw would be required. A path was not constructed in Corokia Close as Corokia Close was originally supposed to have been a mutual right-of-way. Owing to an oversight when Corokia Close was subsequently vested as legal road no path was constructed at that time.

It is now proposed to construct a path on one side of Corokia Close next financial year, when hopefully most building work will be complete.

The Board noted the statement made by the resident concerned that purchasers of sections in Corokia Close had been advised by the real estate agent that both entranceways and a footpath would be provided by the Council after the Council took the subdivision over.

The Board resolved:

1. That in view of current Council policy and bearing in mind the relevant provisions of the Local Government Act and the Council's bylaw no funding be provided or any further action be taken regarding this matter. (Note: Councillor Freeman requested that his vote against the adoption of the foregoing resolution be recorded.)

2. That the Canterbury Branch of the Real Estate Institute be asked to advise its members that they should ensure that prospective purchasers of sections are made aware of the costs to be met by the purchasers.

3. That the Canterbury District Law Society also be requested to ask its members to identify responsibility for such costs when checking conditional sale and purchase agreements on behalf of the prospective purchasers of sections.

4. That the Environmental Committee be requested to address the question of permitting developers to provide a footpath on only one side of the street in new subdivisions.


The Area Roading Officer reported regarding the renewal of channels and the establishment of street trees in Grants Road. The kerbing and channel in Grants road has been identified for replacement around the 2005-2006 financial year. This may be brought forward depending on the results of a catchment survey which will be made available to the Board at a later date. There are street trees between Papanui Road and Rayburn Avenue and not between Rayburn Avenue and Proctor Street. It is not desirable to establish the trees outside the kerbline owing to the difficulty in maintaining the trees and channel.

The Board resolved:

1. That street trees be planted in Grants Road, Rayburn Avenue and Proctor Street behind the kerbline, after the new kerb is constructed.

2. That further consideration be given by the Board to the timing of the kerb and channel replacement when the catchment survey for the area has been completed.


The Transport Projects Officer reported, outlining cycle project initiatives planned for the Shirley/Papanui area during the 1996/97 financial year.

The Board resolved:

1. That the report be received and that a cycleway committee comprising Yvonne Palmer, Garry Moore and Anne Carroll be established to identify possible cycleways within the Shirley/Papanui area and report back to the Board with recommendations.

2. That the Northcote School cycle/pedestrian path be proceeded with as soon as possible as a charge on the safe routes to schools budget.


The Area Traffic Engineer reported that a recent survey of Lowry Avenue residents disclosed that most were opposed to the installation of rumble strips in their street. The residents generally supported a traffic calming option for the street, although all options mentioned including turning bays at the Main North Road and a meandering restraint zone were equally opposed by other residents. Taking these points into consideration, the Area Traffic Engineer concluded that the volume and speed of traffic should continue to be monitored. Should a need for further work be clearly identified this issue will be the subject of a further report to the Board.

The Board resolved that the information be received and that the Area Traffic Engineer continue to monitor the situation.


The Area Traffic Engineer submitted the draft Shirley area local traffic management scheme, recommending that the draft scheme be circulated for public comment.

A well attended public meeting was held on Thursday 16 May 1996 to consider traffic safety improvements for inclusion in the LATM. The persons present at that meeting highlighted traffic safety issues which they felt needed to be addressed. These issues are outlined in the list of concerns (page 11) in the draft plan.

The Board resolved:

1. That a further public meeting be held to present the draft Shirley local area traffic management scheme.

2. That copies of the scheme be distributed as widely as possible thereafter for public comment.



The Community Manager reported that the following three applications for funding had been received:


Christchurch Garden City Trust
Promotion of Festival of Flowers
Shirley Community Centre
Security Patrols
Papanui Business Association
Erection of Promotional Flags

Allocations to date from the Board's 1996/97 discretionary funds of $50,000 are:


Waimairi Study Award $1,000.00

Gigantic Beach Clean up $500.00

Out of School Programme Research $3,257.00

Neighbourhood Support Group $780.00


Total $5,537.00 -$5,537.00


Balance $44,463.00

> The Board resolved that the following grants be approved as a charge on the Board's discretionary funds:

Garden City Trust

Shirley Community Centre
Papanui Business Association


The Community Manager submitted a draft consultation programme for the purpose of obtaining public input into the Council's 1997/98 capital expenditure programme.

As there is limited opportunity to introduce new works into the early years of the programme, any additional works would therefore be included towards the end of the programme, say five or six years out. However, it is important to identify additional works or projects as early as possible. It is also possible to consider reprogramming works, although projects can only be brought forward if another similar cost work from the same category is deferred.

The Board resolved:

1. That letters be sent to all residents and community groups advising them of the review process and seeking suggestions regarding additional or replacement items for inclusion in the capital works programme.

2. That a public meeting be held at the Papanui Service Centre starting at 7.30 pm on Thursday 29 August 1996 to review the programme and that all community groups (including residents groups, business associations and management committees) be invited to attend.


The Board considered a report by the Area Parks Officer and Property Projects Manager, seeking approval to undertake a land exchange agreement with an adjoining property owner at Champion Reserve. Further details of the proposed land exchange and the associated valuations were considered by the Board with the public excluded. It was noted that the proposal would be considered by the Parks and Recreation Committee at its August meeting.

In view of the Board's commitment to the safer parks policy and the Children's Strategy recommendations, the Board resolved to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Committee:

1. That the land exchange as outlined in the officer's report be approved.

2. That formal procedures required for the resource consent application be initiated as soon as possible.

3. That the Council adopt the required disposal resolution pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974.

The Board further resolved that the Parks and Recreation Committee be requested to receive a deputation from the Board at its August meeting, supporting the proposed land exchange.


Ms Hazel Ashton made submissions suggesting that the Board consider implementing a more extensive consultative process so that St Albans residents and community groups in particular were made more aware of proposals affecting the St Albans community.

The Board resolved that the Community Manager report back on possible further measures to increase public awareness of the Board's activities, and on possible ways of further encouraging public input regarding future programmes or projects within the Shirley/Papanui community; and that a time be set at each Board meeting to hear deputations from Residents Groups on items on the agenda.


The Community Manager reported, advising that at a recent informal meeting of representatives of most of the Community Boards it had been agreed to support the concept of a national Community Board conference. The proposal was supported by the Internal Affairs Department, which had indicated that the department would be keen to participate in the conference programme.

The Board resolved:

1. That the proposal to hold a national community board conference in Christchurch in March 1997 be supported.

2. That Yvonne Palmer (with Sue Wells or Judith Bruce as her alternates) be appointed as the Board's appointee to the conference steering committee and as the Board's representative at the conference.


The Community Manager submitted a petition lodged by 33 residents of Lower Styx Road, seeking a reduction in the present 70 kph speed limit which applied to that section of Lower Styx Road between Earlham Street and the first bend leading into the 50 kph area of Lower Styx Road.

The Board resolved that the petition be received and a copy of the petition and the speed limit review report be forwarded to the Brooklands Community Centre Committee.


The Board considered a report on a recent meeting of the Committee appointed by the Board to consider the Recreation and Sport Policy adopted by the Council at its June meeting.

The Board resolved:

1. That the recommendations contained in the Committee's report be adopted.

2. That a copy of the report be forwarded to the Recreation and Sport Policy Team.



The Parks Development Works Officer (Mark Rykers) submitted a report outlining progress on parks capital works within the Board's area to 30 June 1996.

Arising from discussion of the report, it was suggested that it would be useful for signs to be erected on parks throughout the city, inviting individuals and groups to contribute to the maintenance or enhancement of the park in question.

The Board resolved:

1. That the report be received.

2. That it be suggested to the Parks and Recreation Committee that suitably worded signs be erected on all parks throughout the city (such signs to include a telephone contact number) inviting individuals or groups to contribute to the maintenance or enhancement of the park concerned under the "adopt a park" programme previously adopted by the Council on 10 August 1993.


The Board resolved to confirm without alteration the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Shirley/Papanui Community Board held on Wednesday 3 July 1996, both open and public excluded sections.


Mr Freeman referred to the recent death at the age of 44 of Mr Charles Aspinall, the Patron of the Spencer Park Surf Life Saving Club.

It was resolved that a letter of condolence on behalf of the Board be forwarded to the late Mr Aspinall's family.


Consideration was given to the report of the working party appointed to discuss with City Streets Unit staff the results of the recent speed limit questionnaire. The working party was previously granted power to act to forward recommendations on this topic to the City Services Committee.

The Board resolved that the report and recommendations of the working party as referred to the City Services Committee be confirmed.


The Board received the following reports:

21.1 Holiday Programmes

Report by Community Activities Officer on sponsored holiday programmes held in the Board's area during the past year.

21.2 Recreation Activities

Report by Recreation Co-ordinator on recent and pending recreation events within the Board's area. The Board requested the Recreation Co-ordinator to check the date of the planned community event at Sheldon Park, bearing in mind that this event had clashed with Waitangi Weekend in 1995.

21.3 Community Centres

Report by Community Activities Officer on the operation of community centres within the Board's area during the past year.

21.4 Meeting with Residents' Groups

Report of a recent meeting with residents' groups. It was further resolved that the issues raised at the meeting be referred to the relevant staff for action or report as appropriate.

21.5 Strategy for Children: Safer Routes to Schools Projects

Report by Community Manager advising that the City Streets Unit had established a steering group to oversee a pilot project involving two schools, and that at a recent City Services Committee meeting it had been resolved that Shirley Intermediate School be included in the initial pilot project by way of addition, and that if this was not feasible then Shirley Intermediate be a substitute for one of the two schools currently included.

21.6 Kapuatohe Historic Reserve - Management Committee

Report of the annual meeting of the Management Committee held on Tuesday 9 July 1996.

21.7 Sheldon Park: Car Parking

Report by Area Parks Officer advising that reported car parking difficulties associated with Belfast Kindergarten on Sheldon Park appeared to have been satisfactorily resolved.

21.8 Roto Kohatu Reserve

Progress report by Area Parks Officer on the development of Roto Kohatu Reserve.

21.9 1995/96 Roading Programme

Progress report by Roading Projects Co-ordinator on roading and traffic projects in the Shirley/Papanui community programmed for 1995/96.

21.10 Asset Management Report

Tabled report by the working party appointed by the Board to discuss the Asset Management Plan.


The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out in the agenda be adopted.



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