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7 AUGUST 1996

A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board

was held at Sockburn Service Centre

on Wednesday 7 August 1996 at 5.00 pm

PRESENT Mike Mora (Chairperson), Graham Berry,

Helen Broughton, Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda,

Lesley Keast, Mark Kunnen, and Bob Shearing.

APOLOGIES An apology for absence was received and accepted from David Buist.

Helen Broughton arrived at 5.07 pm and was absent for clause 2 only.

Mark Kunnen retired at 8.20 pm and was absent for clauses 1 and 9 to 18 inclusive.




Council resolution is sought for the installation of various traffic controls at the above intersection.

The Dilworth Street extension (see diagram attached to this report) is approaching completion. The traffic controls associated with this project now require ratification.

The Board resolved:

1. That a "stop" control be placed against Rotherham Street at its intersection with Dilworth and Maxwell Streets.

2. That a "give way" control be placed against Dilworth Street on the western approach to the Clarence Street intersection.

3. That a "give way" control be placed against left turning traffic on Clarence Street at the southern approach to the Dilworth Street intersection.

4. That a "no right turn" control be placed against Clarence Street at the southern approach to the Dilworth Street intersection.

5. That a "no right turn" control be placed against Dilworth Street on the eastern approach to the Clarence Street intersection.


Members identified minor additions to the 3 July report, specifically:

Clause 2.1

Additions made as part of the presentation made by Ms Justine Mouat.

"Ms Mouat put forward to the Board that minutes in future should be recorded by way of a tape recorder, not to replace but as an aid to the current recording system."

"She felt that the Board could have saved at least $20,000 if residents' concerns were taken into account up until and including 26 April."

* Clause 2.2.3

An additional sentence to be added:

"In response to a question asked of her, Mrs McKenzie advised that she did not wish to have a speed hump placed outside her property."

* Clause 6 -

Two residents of Wadeley Road would address the next meeting of the Traffic Sub-Committee on 28 August in respect of the report and would seek Board consideration to some traffic management proposals.

It was resolved that the report of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board meeting held on 3 July 1996, with the minor amendments as listed, be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.



Speaking rights had been granted to these two gentlemen to address the Community Board on a submission received from the Halswell Domain Sports Association.

By way of background, users of the Halswell Domain had formed this association to seek Council consideration to provide additional recreation areas around the Halswell Domain if possible to meet the increasing demand placed on the present facilities due to the expanding population of Halswell and an increase in organised recreation in this area. A full report had been provided by the Association in which they identified matters including:

* increase in population

* sports club membership being competition teams

* over-use of lighted training grounds in the Halswell Domain

* sports codes extending their traditional playing seasons

* the growth of new sports

* the impact of weekend trading

* future amalgamations of sports clubs and other future club and group developments on the Domain.

The Association identified various short, medium and long term proposals for the providing of additional sports grounds in Halswell. These included:

1. Maximising of existing grounds (short term).

2. The development of four senior sports grounds at Halswell Quarry (short term).

3. The utilisation of Westlake Park (short term)

4. The relocation of the Halswell Pony Club to the Wigram Road cross country site (medium term).

5. Acquiring additional land adjacent to the Domain (long term).

The Association sought the Community Board's support for these five proposals and asked that they be given favourable recommendation to the City Council through the Parks and Recreation Committee.

Both speakers addressed the Board and answered questions from members. Matters discussed included the current Halswell Quarry Management Plan in that it identified passive recreation whereas the Association was seeking (under their proposal) the placement of sports grounds which could be seen to be not in keeping with the current management plan. Investigations by the Association to the use of school grounds and other adjoining land had been carried out but had not seemed to be very acceptable to all parties.

It was noted that the residential area of Halswell was expanding at a rapid rate and whilst some community facilities had been expanded, ie the extension to the Halswell Library, larger reserves were needed in order to keep up with the demand for active sports areas.

The Board was in receipt of two tabled letters received from Mrs S Lukey as Chairperson of the Kennedys Bush Road Neighbourhood Association and Mr B Webster and Ms C Jensen in respect of the Association's wish to use land on the Halswell Quarry.

The Association and the Council officers serving the Association were congratulated for a very comprehensive proposal.

The Board resolved:

1. That the report of the Halswell Domain and Sports Association be received.

2. That prior to any decision to use land at Halswell Quarry (as sought in Proposal 2 of the Halswell Domain Sports Association report), discussions and consultation be undertaken with the Kennedys Bush Neighbourhood Association and all interested parties.

3. That the Board endorse the balance of the report and forward it to the Parks and Recreation Committee for favourable consideration.


Speaking rights had been granted to enable Ms Mouat and Mrs J Thompson to address the Board on community issues, being local traffic matters and resident petitions.

A copy of the submission that Ms Mouat presented on the Draft Annual Plan was received in which she addressed:

* Street calming in Piko Crescent and Shand Crescent,

* Funding for roads, gutters and paths in Piko Crescent,

* Paths, roads and gutters in the Board's area be assessed for upgrading and included in the 5 year plan.

Six petitions had been received, the prayers of which read as follows:

1. From the residents of Paeroa Street:

"We the undersigned residents of Paeroa Street are concerned about the state of disrepair of our footpaths and would like to see them upgraded and resealed. There are a lot of elderly residents in our street and some have tripped and injured themselves because of the state of our footpaths."

There are 19 signatories to this petition and a letter from Mrs Naomi Roberts.

2. From the residents of Peverel Street:

"We the undersigned residents of Peverel Street would like our street made safer through the installation of suitable street calming structures to slow the traffic down. Speeding traffic is a danger to the residents of Peverel Street and the children, parents and elderly who use Harrington Park and the public bus library. We would like them to be erected near both entrances to Centennial Avenue. We would also like our footpaths upgraded and resealed."

There are 22 signatories to this petition and a letter from Ms Melanie Lienert-Brown.

3. From the residents of Shand Crescent:

"We the undersigned residents of Shand Crescent would like our crescent made safer for our children, elderly, students and other pedestrians that pass through our area - through the installation of judder bars near the points of entry into Shand Crescent and redo the footpaths."

There are 13 signatories to this petition.

4. From the residents of Piko Crescent:

"We the undersigned residents of Piko Crescent would like our crescent made safer for our children, elderly, students and other pedestrians through the installation of suitable street calming structures to slow the traffic near the points of entry into Piko Crescent and also where Harrington Park and Paeroa Reserve meet."

There are 20 signatories to this petition.

5. From the residents of Rattray Street:

"We the undersigned residents of Rattray Street would like our street made safer through the installation of suitable street calming structures to slow the traffic down. Speeding traffic is a danger to the residents of Rattray Street and the small children and parents who attend McKenzie Kindergarten."

There are 25 signatories to this petition.

6. From the residents of Rattray Street:

"We the undersigned residents of Rattray Street would like our old dish gutters upgraded and replaced. We have ongoing problems with water sitting on the road and not draining away because of the blocked drains."

There are 23 signatories to this petition.

A motion moved by Helen Broughton, seconded by Graham Berry "that we allow Ms Mouat to operate a tape recorder during tonight's meeting" was lost on a show of hands by three votes to five.

Helen Broughton, Graham Berry and Mark Kunnen asked that their vote in favour of this motion be recorded.

A motion moved by Graham Berry seconded by Mark Kunnen "that Ms Justine Mouat be allowed to operate a recording device during parts 3.3, 5 and 6 of the agenda" was declared lost on a show of hands by three votes to five.

Helen Broughton, Graham Berry and Mark Kunnen asked that their vote in favour of this motion be recorded.

In their presentation to the Board Ms Mouat and Mrs Thompson noted the need for street calming measures in Shand and Piko Crescent similar to what had been proposed in Harakeke Street. They also identified the standard of footpaths in the area and the danger from fast-moving traffic. It was noted, however, that requests for street calming measures would need to be encompassed within a neighbourhood improvement plan that then required appropriate prioritising in the Capital Works Programme.

The Board resolved that the petitions be received and that the matters relating to traffic issues be referred to the Board's Traffic Sub-Committee, the other roading-related matters be the subject of a report from officers and referred back to the Community Board at its October or November meetings.

3.3 mr p cook, lochee road

Speaking rights had been granted to enable Mr Cook to address the Board on the accuracy and correctness of the Board report (in reference to the Lochee Road report considered at the 3 July Board meeting) and a recent letter to the Community Manager concerning the petition and residents needs for Lochee Road.

A letter to the Community Manager of 4 August was also acknowledged in which Mr Cook sought a change to the proposed public meeting on Lochee Road and that residents of Lochee Road only be given speaking and voting rights on the traffic options for discussion and an offer from Mr Cook to assist the Board in the administrative proceedings prior to the public meeting.

When Mr Cook attempted to place a letter before the Board, this letter being correspondence of a personal nature from a member of the Board to Mr Cook, it was ruled out of order by the Chairperson.

A motion moved by Mark Kunnen and seconded by Graham Berry "that Mr Cook have full and open speaking rights to cover all issues that Mr Cook wishes to cover and table" was lost when put to the vote.

Messrs Kunnen and Berry asked that their vote in favour of the motion be recorded. Helen Broughton asked that her abstention from voting also be recorded.

Mr Cook stated that the report of 3 July did not completely reflect the questions asked by elected members of those persons in attendance who had been speaking to the Board. He also noted that one of the original petitions on this included 13 persons who were not residents of the area.

The Board was also in receipt of a report from the Community Manager in which he suggested the process of public consultation be:


Proposed Completion Date
Series of proposals completed
16 August
Letterbox drop completed
23 August
Feedback analysed and plans amended
6 September
Board Traffic Committee consideration
13 September
Public meeting
20 September (amended)
Final plans adopted by Community Board
2 October (amended)

It was acknowledged that the suggested public meeting date of a Friday evening was not appropriate and that a change to this had been sought.

A motion moved by Helen Broughton and seconded by Bob Shearing "that the Community Board reaffirm the motion passed at its July meeting that a public meeting be held and that the meeting be held on 5 October at 11.00 am" was lost.

The Board further resolved to accept the process of public consultation (as outlined above) subject to the public meeting date being amended to Saturday 5 October 1996. (Final plans to be adopted by the Board in November.)

Helen Broughton asked that her strong concern that the 3 July resolution had not been acted upon and that she had abstained from this resolution be recorded.


The Board was in receipt of a report from the Community Manager which addressed a number of issues from the July meeting of the Board.

In her presentation to the Board at that time Ms Justine Mouat made the following recommendations:

1. That tape-recording should take place as a matter of course to aid accurate record keeping.

(a) That it be available to the public in case they can't attend.

(b) It would be good for Board members who miss meetings to update.

(c) It could be used as a means of checking that minutes are a true and accurate representation of the meeting.

2. All correspondence to Board Members and related information on issues be passed on to all members.

3. That a mistake had been made which needed to be rectified.

4. That funding for Shand Crescent be a priority and that it be made available to tidy up and resolve the issue.

The Community Manager addressed these recommendations and noted that currently under Standing Order 2.20.11 the consent of the Chairperson was required if a member of the Board wished to use a recording device. On the advice of the Legal Services Manager the use of tape recorders by members of the public to tape proceedings required the consent of the Board.

In respect of the accuracy of minutes, the Community Manager reported on the current procedures and advised that in his opinion the current format of board reports had met the needs of the public and residents groups and that if members were absent from meetings and required additional information on the issues raised in debate they could seek this from himself or other officers.

The Community Manager noted that minutes had never been recorded verbatim and this had not to date created any problems with elected members or those persons in receipt of the Board reports.

It was noted that correspondence to Board members and the Chairperson were circulated to Board members.

In respect of mistakes being made, attention was drawn to Standing Order 2.11.4. On the question of Shand Crescent being tidied up this would be considered at a future meeting of the Board.

A motion moved by Mark Kunnen, seconded by Graham Berry "that the meetings be recorded on a trial period for September, October, November and December" was lost.

Messrs Kunnen and Berry asked that their votes in support of this motion be recorded.

The Board resolved to receive the information.


The Board received a report on progress with regard to development on the above reserves.

On 2 July 1996 a meeting was held with Justine Mouat (Community Spokesperson), Parks Unit Officers, Water Services Officers and the Community Manager to discuss issues pertaining to the above reserves.

The Parks Unit has now prepared a new brief for each of the three reserves for the landscape architects to prepare plans for public circulation and feedback. These briefs are due for completion on 9 August 1996.

The Community Manager then proposed the following steps to progress the developments.


Proposed Completion Date
Plans completed
9 August
Letter box drop circulated
23 August
Feedback to be returned by
30 August
Feedback analysed, plans amended?
6 September
Public meeting
13 September (amended)
Final plans adopted by Community Board
2 October

- A letterbox drop gives all members of the community an opportunity to comment in a non-threatening environment.

- Many people do not feel comfortable speaking in a public forum.

- Some people sign petitions without either enquiring or knowing all the facts.

A motion by Mark Kunnen, seconded by Graham Berry "As per request from the Shands/Paeroa/Harrington Neighbourhood Support Group the following procedures be:

Plans completed

9 August
Letter box drop circulated
16 August
Feedback to be returned by
23 August
Public meeting
26 or 28 August

was declared lost two votes to six on a show of hands.

The Board resolved that the programme for consultation be adopted as per the Community Manager's schedule with the public meeting being held on the evening of Thursday 12 September 1996.


Mary Corbett as spokesperson for the Working Party gave an update on the recent matters considered by the Working Party. These included pollution concerns in residential areas, the incidence of bullying in schools. The Working Party had also received a comprehensive report from the Community Services Committee.

The Board resolved to receive the information.



The Board received a report showing the current balance of allocations within these two votes and noted that there were two requests for funding on today's agenda, these being from the Christchurch Garden City Trust and the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board in respect of the Waimairi Study Awards.

The Board resolved that both requests be approved and that the grants be funded from the Board's Community Grants allocation.

The Board also resolved to discuss future and additional funding of the Waimairi Study Awards with the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board in due course.


The Board received an extensive report from the Traffic Committee on the deliberations of its meetings held on 26 and 29 July. Matters discussed included:


The Board had been granted power to act to receive the responses to this major review and prepare a submission to the City Services Committee. Officers from the City Streets Unit were in attendance to discuss the review schedule and the Traffic Committee exercised its power to act to endorse the proposed speed limits for those roads within the Riccarton/Wigram area.


The Board received information on the resource consent required to enable the Harakeke Street traffic constraint to be constructed.


The Committee was in receipt of a schedule prepared by the Community Manager and Area Traffic Engineer on July/August projects covering the Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote wards and noting the work still required to be done.


Members were in receipt of an extensive report which outlined costs and feasibility of the realignment of the eastern end of Blenheim Road to meet with Moorhouse Avenue via Lowe Street. The report also discussed costs involved in the upgrade of the existing rail overbridge for earthquake purposes and the addition of cycle facilities (both these matters being raised by the Board at its February meeting).


Results of the completed questionnaires on this major survey were received and it was noted that this information would be included within the Riccarton Road Traffic Management Plan.


The Committee was in receipt of the Council's 24 July meeting resolutions providing (inter alia) that the bus lane proposal on Riccarton Road not proceed and that a comprehensive traffic management plan be undertaken to encompass the full length of Riccarton Road and its environs.

Officers from the City Streets Unit were in attendance at both of the Traffic Committee meetings to discuss the consultant brief and various changes were made and received.

In respect of the report from the Traffic Committee the Board resolved:

* That the Traffic Committee seek a report from the City Streets Manager on the proposal that the Community Board provide funding to allow more resources to be put into the identified Riccarton/Wigram Projects Schedule, this report to be available at the next meeting of the Traffic Committee.

* (i) That the Community Board consider asking the Council to place a greater emphasis on core activities such as roading/traffic design and planning, to assist any current under-resourcing.

(ii) That other areas of resourcing of appropriate persons to assist Council staff be identified to assist in relieving current core activity workloads.

* That the preparatory work undertaken to date on the Blenheim Road Rerouting Proposal be forwarded to the City Streets Manager for consideration in the Riccarton Road Traffic Management Plan.

* That the Riccarton Parking Survey results be tabulated and brought to the next meeting of the Traffic Committee.

* That the Community Board provide funding, if required, to enable this to be achieved.

* That the draft Riccarton Road Traffic Management Plan be received and that it take into account the macro effect of the area bounded by Blenheim and Fendalton Roads.

* That the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board through its Traffic Committee be consulted through all the stages of the Riccarton Road Traffic Management Plan consultative process.

* That, in consideration of `Stage 2: Statement of Objectives' (page 4 of the report), the statement be amended to read - "the objectives and their priorities will then be reviewed and agreed by City Services Sub-Committee and the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board Traffic Committee with input from the Consultant."

* That, in consideration of `Stage 3: Development/Assessment of Alternative Strategies' (page 8 of the report), under sub-clause 3.10, the statement:

"public transport, enhancement: bus clearways, selective detention (with or without bus lanes), routing, stop location"

be amended to read

"public transport, enhancement, selective detention, routing, stop location and other options except for bus clearways on Riccarton Road".



Consideration of this clause was held over to the next Board meeting as the Chairperson of the Working Party (Mark Kunnen) had left the meeting at this time.


The Board's approval was sought to install give way controls at the above intersection.

Construction of the roundabout at the Halswell Junction Road/Springs Road/Wilmers Road is due to commence within the next two months.

The give way controls associated with this project require ratification.

It was resolved:

1. That a give way control be placed against Springs Road at the intersection with Halswell Junction Road and Wilmers Road.

2. That a give way control be placed against Halswell Junction Road at the intersection with Springs Road and Wilmers Road.

3. That a give way control be placed against Wilmers Road at the intersection of Springs Road and Halswell Junction Road.



The Board's approval was sought to install a give way control at the above intersection.

Alvaston Drive is one of only two roads giving direct access to the rapidly expanding Westlake subdivision from Halswell Junction Road. Halswell Junction Road is classified a Minor Arterial Road in the overall roading hierarchy for Christchurch. Alvaston Drive is classified a local road.

The combination of increased traffic volumes and the high speed of vehicles on Halswell Junction Road has led to a reduction in the level of safety at this intersection. Vehicles turning right into Alvaston Drive currently have to give way to those vehicles turning right out of Alvaston Drive. This can cause vehicles to queue in a vulnerable position on the arterial road.

Vehicle movements can be rationalised and the level of safety can be improved by the introduction of a give way control against Alvaston Drive.

It was resolved that a give way control be placed against Alvaston Drive at its intersection with Halswell Junction Road.


The Board was in receipt of a report from the Parks Manager which scheduled progress on capital works within the Riccarton/Wigram community to 30 June 1996.

The Board resolved to receive the information.



The Board was in receipt of a report from the Water Services Manager about some of the issues related to Esplanade Reserves along the banks of the Heathcote River north-east of Hoon Hay Road.

The report identified recent criticism from the Department of Conservation in respect of management of small esplanade reserves. The Water Services Manager noted that his staff had been developing better procedures and community consultation in respect of waterway enhancements.

It was suggested that the Water Services Unit could be proactive in its community consultation by offering residents the use of the Council video on waterway enhancement. This will be followed up with the Water Services Unit.

The Board resolved to receive the information.


The Board was in receipt of a report suggesting that representatives of the Burwood/Pegasus, Hagley/Ferrymead and Shirley/Papanui Community Boards host a national Community Board conference in Christchurch in March 1997. The Board was very supportive of this and resolved that the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson be appointed to represent the Board on the conference steering committee.



A notice of motion had been received "That the Community Board congratulate the staff at the Riccarton Service Centre for a 32% increase in customer contacts and the Community Manager undertake a pro-active advertising campaign for services available from the Riccarton Service Centre."

The Community Manager also reported on the increase in activity at the Service Centre over the last twelve months and advised that this had occurred through publicity at the time of promoting the draft Annual Plan and the increase in patronage due to the Riccarton Mall development.

The Board resolved to receive the notice of motion.


The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public, as set out on page 39 of the agenda, be adopted.


D N Buist


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