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5 AUGUST 1996

A meeting of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board

was held on Monday 5 August 1996 in the

Boardroom, Shirley Service Centre, 36 Marshland Road at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: David Dobbie (Chairman), Clare Duff, Dave East,
Carole Evans, Alister James, Don Rowlands,

Gail Sheriff, Jack Travis, Chrissie Williams.

The Board reports:



The Board resolved that the report of the last ordinary meeting held on Monday
1 July 1996 be confirmed.


Mr Martin Lukes, Agenda 21, Community Liaison Co-ordinator, spoke to his report on an Environmental Project at Horseshoe Lake. Mr Lukes explained that he had investigated a 5 metre high and 50 metre long strip of land at the Horseshoe Lake Reserve in consultation with the Forest and Bird Society. He felt that implementation would be the key stage to the project, this would include consultation with local residents, Design Services and the Community Board.
Mr Lukes also recommended that the project be implemented in conjunction with the "Clean up the World" project to be undertaken in September 1996. The Community could focus on preparing the site now, and then implement the planting schedule next year when consultation had taken place and a site design was completed.


Following the presentation of Mr Martin Lukes under "Deputations by Appointment" the Board resolved:

1. That a meeting be held in early August 1996 to discuss site design, plant supply, ground preparation and maintenance.

2. That Martin Lukes, Clare Duff and Carole Evans meet with the Horseshoe Lake Residents' Association, Parks and Design Services Units, Area Parks Officer, Forest and Bird Society and Christchurch Agenda 21 to discuss the project.

3. That dependent on site design and plant availability, a planting be planned for Spring 1996.

4. That local schools be invited to become involved in the project.

5. That the planting comprise locally sourced native plants appropriate to the natural ecosystem.

6. That the Board make provision in the 1997/98 Budget for the ongoing maintenance of this project.


A letter was received from Mr Fred Hollingworth, Manager of the Christchurch Garden City Trust, requesting Community Board funding for brochure distribution. It was resolved that the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board provide $833 to the Christchurch Garden City Trust for brochure distribution in the Burwood/Pegasus area.


Councillor Gail Sheriff presented a refurbishment design of the North New Brighton Community Centre carried out by Roger Buck and Associates, Architects. Councillor Sheriff noted that the existing building had potential and that this design would enhance the Community Centre. The proposal was costed at around $500,000, complied with the Building Act and had scope to include a restaurant and office space on the upper levels to generate an income.

After some discussion the Board resolved:

1. That a needs analysis for a community facility in the area be undertaken.

2. That the Community Centres Working Party provide a design brief for the North New Brighton Community Centre.

3. That a feasibility study of the Roger Buck proposal and other proposals be carried out after the design brief had been completed.


The Road Projects Engineer provided the Board with an update of progress for Roading and Traffic projects programmed for the 1995/96 financial year. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Road Projects Engineer reported on the estimated cost of a proposed footbridge across the Avon River at Evans Avenue. It was resolved:

1. That the Board consider this item at its special meeting of 20 August 1996, at which time submissions to the Five Year Annual Plan will be determined.

2. That a Cost/Benefit Analysis of the project be undertaken.

8. parks capital works 1995/96

progress report to 30 june

The Parks Development Works Officer provided the Board with an update of progress on the Parks Capital Works Programme for 1995/96. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Community Activities Officer submitted a report in response to a Board request to identify facilities available for Community use. The Board resolved that the information be received.

10. residents' associations - number of households per residents group area

The Community Activities Officer reported on the approximate number of households within each recognised residents' association area. In the course of discussion members noted that some residents' groups encompassed a sizeable number of households, and agreed there could be scope to investigate the creation of new associations with less households. It was resolved that information be received.

11. Maori Street Names Working Party

A report of the Maori Street Names Working Party held on Wednesday 17 June 1996 was received. The Board resolved:

1. To support in principle the use of Maori words when naming streets within the Burwood/Pegasus community in future.

2. That a letter be sent to developers in the Burwood/Pegasus area informing them of the Board's desire to consider Maori words when naming streets.

3. To request appropriate Ngai Tahu representatives to compile a list of Maori words suitable for street names.

4. That the foregoing proposal be circulated to the appropriate Residents' Associations with the list of Maori names for their comment, prior to implementation by the Board.


The Area Traffic Engineer presented a report on the possibility of funding an underpass on Queen Elizabeth II Drive at Burwood Road. It was commented that this proposal was uneconomic and that underpasses in general are undesirable and threatening to children. It was therefore resolved:

1. That the Board decline to support the option of an underpass.

2. (a) That the installation of traffic lights be assessed in conjunction with the design and implementation of Expressway extensions.

(b) That provision for traffic lights be pursued through the Board's Capital Works Submissions.

3. That the Windsor/Westhaven Residents' Association be advised of this decision and be thanked for their interest in a difficult traffic engineering and traffic safety issue.

13. consultation procedures with special reference to qeii park and recreation complex concept plan

A report was received from the City Manager in response to a letter sent to him by the Community Board regarding a lack of consultation over the QEII Park and Recreation Complex Concept Plan. The City Manager responded that it is not unreasonable for staff to consult the public in the initial stages of project planning. However, in this case the officer should also have made the Board aware of this consultation and presented members with the information forwarded to local residents. The Board resolved that the report be received.


(a) The Community Manager reported that there was widespread support for the Board's proposal to host a National Community Board Conference in Christchurch. Christchurch Community Boards were formally considering the matter at their August meeting. The Burwood/Pegasus Community Board strongly supported the concept and resolved:

1. That a National Community Board Conference be held in Christchurch in March 1997.

2. That David Dobbie (with Carole Evans as his alternate) be appointed as the Board's appointee to the conference steering committee and as the Board's representative at the conference.

(b) It was confirmed that the Community Constable would be based at the Shirley Service Centre from late August 1996.

(c) The Community Manager reported that Board representation on matters pertaining to the future development of New Brighton should be through the New Brighton Mall Working Party. The Board resolved that on
New Brighton's development consultation, the Board be represented by the New Brighton Mall Working Party (Dave East, Jack Travis, Alister James and Gail Sheriff) with the addition of Carole Evans and Chrissie Williams.

(d) It was confirmed that a stone sculpture donated by the Mayor had been gratefully accepted and would be displayed in the Service Centre/Library Foyer. The sculpture, by Eva Busch, is entitled "Chrysalis" and symbolises mother earth emerging from a bud.


The Area Parks Officer reported on an application received from the Windsor Pony Club to renew their lease on Clare Park. The Area Parks Officer recommended that the Windsor Pony Club be given a lease over their present club rooms and dressage arena and a licence to occupy over the rest of their presently leased area.

It was resolved that the Board recommend to the Parks and Recreation Committee that the Windsor Pony Club be granted a lease for five years for the area of 850 m2 on which the present club rooms and dressage arena are sited and granted a licence to occupy over the balance of the 7.4780 ha, subject to the following conditions:.

1. That all costs with this application and resulting development and maintenance be at the expense of the club.

2. The area is always to be left in a clean and safe condition, satisfactory to the Parks Manager.

3. All noxious weeds to be controlled by the Pony Club.

4. The club give public notification of their calendar of events before the beginning of each season to inform the public that the licence area will be closed to the general public.

5 That the Windsor Pony Club and the Property Manager in association with the Parks Manager negotiate the terms of the lease and licence.


The Board considered a report of a meeting of the Speed Limit Questionnaire Working Party held on Thursday 25 July 1996. It was resolved that the information be received.


The Community Activities Officer reported on the Burwood/Pegasus Kidsfest Programme held over the week 1-5 July 1996. The Board resolved that the information be received.


Mr Brian Soper (Horseshoe Lake Residents' Association) was in attendance and addressed the Board on three matters.

1. Concern was raised that Kingslea has 32 residents at present and that the Police would like to see this number increased. It was suggested that the limit on Kingslea's resource consent had already been exceeded, and that the Board should request that the number of residents remain at its present level until the condition attached to the existing resource consent was changed. The Board requested that the Community Manager pursue this issue through the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit.

2. The Horseshoe Lake Residents' Association also expressed anxiety at the narrow width of Horseshoe Lake Road (6.5 metres across), considering more cars now appeared to be using the road as a thoroughfare.

3. Mr Soper was concerned at gorse and broom in the Horseshoe Lake Reserve. He was assured by the Area Parks Officer that this problem had already been noted and eradication was pending. The Board resolved:

1. That the Area Parks Officer give urgent consideration to the overall maintenance of the Horseshoe Lake Reserve.

2. That the Board give Horseshoe Lake a high priority in its 1997/98 budget.


The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 20 of the agenda be adopted. CONFIRMED THIS 5TH DAY OF AUGUST 1996 D C DOBBIE


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