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24. 4. 96



KOTZIKAS PLACE The following resolution should be adopted: "The public notice required by the Local Government Act 1974 having been given in the Christchurch Press newspaper on Saturday 30 March and Thursday 11 April 1996, the following resolution passed by way of Special Order at an ordinary meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 27 March 1996 is hereby confirmed:

`That pursuant to section 338 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves by way of Special Order to grant United Fisheries Limited an easement for a period of 15 years to lay a 1.5 metre diameter concrete pipe for the provision of gas, water, electricity and communications services under the head of the cul-de-sac at Kotzikas Place, with terms and conditions to be approved by the Property Manager.'"



BETWEEN HANMER STREET AND LINWOOD AVENUE In accordance with a recommendation made by the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board, to consider and if thought fit to adopt the following resolution: (a) That the Christchurch City Council, being the local authority having control of the roads in the City of Christchurch, thereby resolves by way of Special Order and pursuant to the provisions of section 346 of the Local Government Act 1974 to declare that part of Avonside Drive between Hanmer Street and Linwood Avenue to be a limited access road, as more particularly shown on Plan D4866 Sheet 2 and the accompanying schedule (attached). (b) That the Council Secretary be authorised to give public notice that the foregoing resolution will be submitted to an ordinary meeting of the Council to be held on Wednesday 22 May 1996 for confirmation by way of Special Order.


In accordance with a recommendation made by the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board, to consider and if thought fit to adopt the following resolution: (a) That the Christchurch City Council, being the local authority having control of the roads in the City of Christchurch, thereby resolves by way of Special Order and pursuant to the provisions of section 346 of the Local Government Act 1974 to declare that part of Dyers Road, South East Side-South West of Linwood Avenue to be a limited access road, as more particularly shown on Plan D7020 Sheet 2 and the accompanying schedule (attached). (b) That the Council Secretary be authorised to give public notice that the foregoing resolution will be submitted to an ordinary meeting of the Council to be held on Wednesday 22 May 1996 for confirmation by way of Special Order.

4. WORKS DEVELOPMENT LOAN 1996 $1,000,000

The Council has considered a proposal to form and own a company, known as the Roading LATE. It is intended to be a 100% subsidiary of the Christchurch City Council. The establishment plan is being considered as part of the April agenda. Should the Council proceed with the formation and ownership of the company, the Council will subscribe for the share capital and debt capital. In order to do this the Council needs to borrow funds sufficient for this purpose and as such, approval to raise the debt is now being sought. The Council is asked to pass the following resolution to commence the loan raising procedures. The resolution will be confirmed at the May meeting of the Council. Borrowing under this proposed authority will only occur if the company is formed and then only to the value of the capital required therefore the full $1,000,000 is unlikely to be required. The following resolution commences the Special Order process: (a) "That in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it by the Local Government Act 1974, and the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956 and all amendments thereto, and all other Acts in that behalf enabling, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves, by way of Special Order, to proceed to raise in New Zealand a loan to be known as the Works and Development Loan 1996 - $1,000,000 subject to the following determinations: (i) The purpose of the said loan is to provide finance for the capitalisation and debt funding of the Christchurch City Roading LATE. (ii) The amount of loan is $1,000,000. (iii) The maximum term for which the said loan or any part thereof may be borrowed shall be 20 years. (iv) Interest rates and maturity dates shall be determined by the Director of Finance and the Funds Manager. (v) The loan or any part thereof, together with interest thereon, shall be repaid by any of the following methods of repayment: (a) By equal aggregate annual or half-yearly instalments of principal and interest; (b) By annual payments to a sinking fund in respect of this loan or any issue thereof at a rate of not less than 3.00 per cent per annum of the amount for the time being borrowed and not repaid (other than any part being repaid pursuant to subparagraph (a) of this clause). (vi) The Council hereby appropriates and pledges a special annual recurring rate of .0061793 cents in the dollar on the capital value of all rateable property in the City of Christchurch. (vii) No interest, instalment of principal and interest or payment to a sinking fund shall be paid outside New Zealand or out of loan money except as provided in Section 33(1) of the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956. 4 Cont'd (viii) Commission or fees may be paid in respect of the raising of the said loan or any part thereof as the Local Authorities Loans Board may determine from time to time. (ix) Such other determinations of the Local Authorities Loans Board as are applicable." (b) "That a Sinking Fund be established and The Mayor

City Manager

Director of Finance be and are hereby appointed Sinking Fund Commissioners in respect of the Works and Development Loan 1996 - $1,000,000." (c) "That the Council Secretary be authorised to give public notice that resolution (a) will be submitted to an Ordinary Meeting of the Council to be held at 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday 22 May 1996, for confirmation as a Special Order." (d) "That authority be given to attach the Common Seal of the Council to the necessary documents."

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