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24. 4. 96


9 APRIL 1996

A meeting of the City Services Committee

was held on Tuesday 9 April 1996 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Ron Wright (Acting Chairman),

Councillors David Buist, David Close,

and Ian Howell.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor, and Councillors Carole Anderton, Graham Condon and Garry Moore.

ABSENT: Councillors Denis O'Rourke and Gordon Freeman.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors Pat Harrow and Barbara Stewart. Councillors Pat Harrow and Barbara Stewart arrived at 5.35 pm and departed at 6.00 pm and were present for clauses 5 and 6(ii). The Committee reports that: PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION



Officer Responsible             Author                               
City Streets Manager            Committee Secretary, Dennis Morgan   
Corporate Plan Output:  On-street Operations : Street Markings and      
Signs Pg 9.6 text 12                                                    

The Committee received deputations from the Hillsborough Residents' Association relating to Transit New Zealand's designation of Opawa Road as the major roading access to the Port of Lyttelton from the south and west of the city. The deputation raised issues relating to the proposed widening of Opawa Road and to the upgrading of the Opawa Road/Garlands Road roundabout. The Committee was provided with a report on progress in resolving residents concerns about traffic problems in Opawa Road. Last year a Subcommittee of the Council had undertaken to work together with Transit New Zealand and residents in the area to find solutions to the concerns of the residents. The Regional Highways Engineer of Transit New Zealand in attendance at the meeting advised that the benefit cost to ratio of the proposed extension of the Brougham Street/Opawa Road/Port Hills Road route adjacent to the Railway was not high enough to qualify for Transit New Zealand funding.

1. Cont'd

Recommendation: That a Subcommittee of Councillors David Close, Gordon Freeman, Ian Howell, Denis O'Rourke and Ron Wright meet with Transit New Zealand and the Hillsborough Residents' Association to address the issues relating to both short term and long term proposals for major roading access to the Port of Lyttelton from the south and west of the city.


Officer responsible                 Author                           
Design Services Manager             Ian McKenzie, Project Manager    
Corporate Plan Output:  New Construction/New Kerb and Channel          
(Roading Unit)                                         New Asset       
- Waterway Environment (Water Services Unit)                           
At its meeting on 4 March the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board considered the following clause: "A road works information leaflet was distributed in December last year and four submissions have been received. While there is support for the ecological link that will be provided between the river and Travis Wetland, there is some concern at the effect of increased traffic on New Brighton Road, Wainoni and Frosts Roads, particularly at intersections. The design of the waterways adjacent to the Expressway has some influence on the Travis Wetland, and significant studies are underway in that area. The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research have been engaged to assist with ecological design and review of planting proposals in the expressway corridor. Waterway construction has been deferred by several months so that these studies may be completed. The remaining objection under the Local Government Act to the stopping of Hulverstone Drive has not been resolved. The Office Solicitor is following up with attempted discussion. Mediation may follow and is preferable to a Planning Tribunal hearing, which is unlikely to take place before April. The Expressway funding application with Transit New Zealand will be given another push once the objection is resolved." The Board resolved: 1. That the City Services Committee considers construction of a roundabout at Frosts Road/Travis Road as a start to the Woolston/Burwood Expressway. 2. That the Board support a left turn out of Hulverstone Drive onto the expressway as a compromise to the road closure proposal. 2. Cont'd

Officer responsible                    Author                       
City Streets Manager                   Tony Barnett                 
Corporate Plan Output:  Advanced Transportation Planning               

The purpose of this report is to provide information so that the Committee is able to respond to the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board's resolutions. FROSTS ROAD/TRAVIS ROAD INTERSECTION

Travis Road west of Frosts Road is classified as a major arterial and forms an important part of the outer ring route. Frosts Road is classified as a minor arterial in the new City Plan. Over the last five years traffic volumes on Travis Road (east of Frosts Road) have increased from 6,100 to 12,800 vehicles per day (see attachment pink paper). As a result, traffic delays from the intersecting side roads have been increasing. This has been noticeable particularly at the Frosts Road intersection. Delays currently experienced by turning traffic are similar to many other intersections in Christchurch, where there has been a noticeable increase in congestion. The main delay experienced is right turning traffic from Frosts Road into Travis Road. In the morning and evening peak hour periods about 220 and 100 vehicles respectively wish to do this manoeuvre. Average delays are about 45- 60 seconds during both periods. The average intersection delay for all vehicles through the intersection is estimated to be 7 and 10 seconds respectively for the morning and evening peak hours. The installation of a roundabout would even out the delays on all approaches with the average delay during both peak periods, for the Travis Road approach being about 11 seconds and for all vehicles through the intersection about 10 seconds per vehicle. The Committee will be aware that the construction of a roundabout at the above intersection (see attachment white paper) is proposed as part of the Woolston-Burwood Expressway (Travis Road to Wainoni Road). The timing of this project is dependent on Transit New Zealand funding. In November 1995 the project was resubmitted to Transit New Zealand with a B/C ratio of 4.5. The cutoff ratio for funding is currently 5.0 but this could change depending on the funding available. Over the last five years there has been reported 3 injury and 5 non-injury accidents at this intersection. It is estimated that the collision rate will only marginally decrease with the installation of a roundabout.

The cost of constructing the roundabout including land is estimated to be $300,000. The likelihood of attracting Transit New Zealand subsidy for this as a stand alone project is unlikely given that there is no overall travel time benefit (through traffic would now be delayed) and only minimal accident savings.

2. Cont'd


On 20 April 1995 submissions were heard on Scheme Change No 25, the stopping of part of Hulverstone Drive. The hearing was reconvened on 27 June 1995 to consider further evidence from Council officers. The panel found the matter difficult to resolve and was concerned about the division that would be created within the local community. They believed the best option for the local community would have been the full underpass option, although this would have some visual effects. The following is a quote from the Council Decision: Almost all parties accepted that there was a need to complete the ring road network fairly urgently, for the benefit of both the local residents and Christchurch residents generally. It became clear at the reconvened hearing that Transit New Zealand would only subsidise the option with the best benefit/cost ratio, even if the Council were willing to pay totally for some of the features contained in some of the other options. None of the options would be funded because the benefit/cost ratio favours stopping Hulverstone Drive. The left hand turn option raised safety considerations and other costs which affected the ratio and did not reduce the effects of dividing the local community. A limited underpass would reduce the effects of severing the community, but even the costs could not be justified in terms of the benefit/cost ratio.

It was concluded that the stopping of Hulverstone Drive was reasonably necessary to achieve the ring road, which would have benefits for the community as a whole. These benefits outweigh the disadvantages for the local community. Vehicle access would be reduced, but pedestrian and cycle access would be retained between the two parts of Hulverstone Drive. Reasonable access onto Wainoni Road would be available.

The decision of the Resource Management Hearings Panel which was adopted by Council was; That pursuant to Part 1, First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 the submissions to Plan Change No. 25 are rejected and the Change is approved, subject to pedestrian and cycle access being provided under the expressway connecting both parts of Hulverstone Drive.

The road stopping has been appealed by one of the submitters and this has yet to be heard by the Planning Tribunal. Advice from the Council's Legal Services Unit indicates that for the Council to overturn their decision in this matter would require another notified hearing. This course of action is not supported by the City Streets or Planning Administration Units. Recommendation: That the recommendation of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board not be adopted.




In the absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman at the commencement of the meeting it was resolved that Councillor Ron Wright be elected Acting Chairman for this meeting.

4. CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY The Road Safety Co-ordinator reported on her attendance at the third international conference on injury prevention and control in Melbourne in February. It was resolved:

1. That the Moller report ("The Culture of Safety" Paper 1329) be circulated to all Committee members when available. 2. That copies of other Papers referred to in the Co-ordinator's Report to the meeting be circulated when received.


The Committee received further information on the review of speed limits and the proposed publicity programme. It was resolved that the Committee endorse the proposed publicity (with further colour enhancement) and the submissions process for the review of speed limits on roads and highways in the city.

6. ITEMS RECEIVED (i) STRATEGY FOR CHILDREN The Road Safety Co-ordinator, Susan Cambridge provided a progress report on the City Streets Unit's proposed strategy to improve road safety for children in Christchurch. (ii) RIGHT TURN PHASE AT TRAFFIC SIGNALS

A report on the criteria used in determining whether or not to install a right turn (green arrow) phase at signalised intersections was received. The Committee and some Community Boards had requested the installation of right turn phases at various intersections in the past.

6. Cont'd

(iii) police traffic safety branch activity - march 1996

Inspector Garth Hames reported on operation "Back to School" and a Christchurch Police Strategy to fund studies to determine the level at which cannabis could be sited as a causal factor in fatal crashes. The meeting closed at 6.10 pm. CONSIDERED THIS 24TH DAY OF APRIL 1996


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