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24. 4. 1996


2 APRIL 1996

A meeting of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board

was held on 2 April 1996, at 4.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Mr Oscar Alpers (Chairman), Mrs Carole Anderton,

Mr Philip Clearwater, Mr David Drayton,

Mrs Sonia Gill, Mr Ian Howell, Mrs Patricia Hunter,

Mrs Ann Lewis. APOLOGY: The Board received an apology for absence from Dr Morgan Fahey and resolved to sustain this apology. Mr Howell arrived at 4.55 p.m. and was present for all Clauses except Clauses 1-3 inclusive. The Board reports that:




RR 2505

Officer Responsible                       Writer                            
City Streets Manager
Environmental Dave Armstrong, Signals Design Policy and Planning Manager Engineer
Peter Kensington, Landscape Architect Corporate Plan Output: Reconstruction 9.5.0 Page 27
The purpose of this report is to address the resolutions made by the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board at its meeting on 5 March 1996 over the proposed installation of traffic signals at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection. Further information on accidents will also be presented. INTRODUCTION A report on the proposed installation of traffic signals at the above intersection was submitted to the March Community Board meeting. Submissions were also heard from the Beckenham Business Association on the loss of carparking as result of this proposal. The Board at the meeting resolved: 1. That the Board support the installation of traffic signals at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection, subject to loss of carparking being addressed. 2. That the Community Board support the efforts of the Beckenham Business Association to obtain additional carparking in the vicinity of the Beckenham shopping area. 3. That, before any steps are taken to install traffic signals, the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit be requested to address the concern which the Board shares with the Beckenham Business Association of the loss of carparking in Colombo Street and to discuss this with the City Streets Unit and to bring a further report back to the Board. CARPARKING

The Environmental Policy and Planning Unit shares the Board's support for the installation of traffic signals at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection subject to the loss of carparking being addressed. It also supports the Beckenham Business Association's obtaining additional carparking in the area behind the shops on the east side of Colombo Street. The Environmental Policy and Planning Unit in conjunction with the City Streets Unit have reassessed the carparking in the shopping centre area with an overall gain of two carparks being achieved. Three new carparks can be installed on Tennyson Street and four on Colombo Street (see attached plan). This gain offsets the loss of five existing carparks on Colombo Street due to the proposed installation of the signals. The addition of the four new carparks on the east side of Colombo Street arises from the shifting of the bus stop to outside No 118 Colombo Street in which two carparks can be installed. A third carpark is from the alteration to the traffic blip on the south-east corner of the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection. The fourth park is to be installed outside the existing Post Office (near the boundary with the Church). There is still one final unresolved carparking issue for the west side of Colombo Street. The installation of traffic signals requires the existing bus stop on the west side of Colombo Street to be moved south of the proposed signals. There are two options for the location of this bus stop. Firstly outside number 129 Colombo Street, or secondly outside number 125A Colombo Street. This second option takes into account that residents at 129 Colombo Street do not want a bus stop outside their property. A more appropriate location would seem to be to locate the bus stop outside number 125A Colombo Street which is a Community Health facility. This option also allows for another carpark to be located outside 129 Colombo Street. This second option should be further investigated with respect to traffic safety issues. Notwithstanding the immediate issue of the loss of carparks as a result of the installation of traffic signals we recognise the need for further carparking in order for the Beckenham shops to survive. Thus, we support the long term redevelopment of the land behind the shops on the east side of Colombo Street. ACCIDENTS To support the original accident data presented in an earlier report, accident rates from other existing signalised `T' intersections near shopping centres were collected - refer to Table 1. These rates can be used to predict the possible accident savings at Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection if signals were installed. The average accident rate occurring now at the intersection is 1.4 accidents per year analysed over the five year period from 1990 to 1994. TABLE 1

Intersection                                         Average Accident Rate       
                                                     (Accidents Per Year)        
Aikmans Road/Papanui Road                                       0.6              
Papanui Road/St Albans Street                                   0.6              
Colombo Street/Strickland Street                                0.8              
Clyde Road/Riccarton Road/Wharenui Road                         0.6              

If the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection had a similar accident rate to Colombo Street/Strickland Street, ie, 0.8 accidents per year, then there would be 40% saving in accidents from what is presently occurring. CONCLUSION

We share the Board's and the Beckenham Business Association concerns for the loss of carparking if traffic signals are installed at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection. The installation of these signals would mean a loss of five existing carparks on Colombo Street. However, after further evaluation an overall net gain of two carparks in the area can be achieved with the addition of three new carparks on Tennyson Street and four on Colombo Street. Three new Colombo Street carparks (near Tennyson Street) are from the relocation of a bus stop (on the east side of Colombo Street) and the alteration to an existing traffic blip. The option of moving the bus stop on the west side of Colombo Street to outside 125A Colombo Street, while recognising traffic safety issues, needs further investigation. Accidents records for other signalised `T' intersections near shopping centres in Christchurch were analysed. A predicted accident saving of 40% could occur at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection if the traffic signals were to be installed. The Board supported the above report but believed that the bus stop should be relocated outside 125 rather than 125A Colombo Street. The Board resolved that the Board record its preference for the bus stop to be located outside 125 Colombo Street and that this matter be traversed with the Canterbury Regional Council. The Board further resolved to make the recommendation which follows and to continue to pursue the remaining unresolved issues. Mrs Gill declared an interest in this matter and took no part in the discussion and voting on this Clause. Recommendation: That traffic signals be installed at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection.PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE BOARD AND REPORTED FOR INFORMATION ONLY.


It was resolved that the reports to the Council of the Board meetings of 5 March 1996 and 12 March 1996, as circulated, be confirmed. The Board further resolved that the Chairman be authorised to call a meeting of the Board at short notice to review the project fund allocations in the event that the Council Annual Plan Meeting to be held on 3 April 1996 was not persuaded to fund the Assistant Community Activity Officer's position.


(a) Sydenham Residents' Association

The Chairman of the Sydenham Residents' Association, Mr S G Belchef, addressed the Board expressing support for the proposed installation of traffic lights at the Colombo Street/Tennyson Street intersection. (b) Beckenham Business Association

Mr Murray Lill and the Rev. Darcy Haliday spoke on behalf of the Association, thanking the Board for heeding their earlier submissions and taking steps to ensure that adequate provision for the retention of roadside carparking was made by seeking a repositioning of the bus stops. (c) Play Equipment for Cashmere area

Mr Peter Hoskins, Dr Bruce Harding, Mrs Margaret Guilliland, Mrs Nancy McMillan and Mrs Pam Stevenson addressed the Board referring to various concerns over and aspects of the Community Affairs Committee report proposing the setting up of a Working Party to consider an appropriate location for play equipment in the Cashmere area.


The Board considered a report outlining landscaping proposals for the area outside the Beckenham Library. Plans for this had been co-ordinated by the Property Unit and were presented to the Beckenham Library Committee for approval. Several concepts were produced and the Beckenham Library Committee had chosen the plan which was considered by the Board. This plan had been costed at $3,300 plus GST. The Board resolved that the Board reallocate the remaining balance allocated for lighting of the Huntsbury Track from its Discretionary Fund to the following projects: (a) The Beckenham Library landscaping - $3,300

(b) A light in the carpark at the Huntsbury Community Centre - $1,000

(c) The remaining balance of the allocation ($3,500) towards the funding of the Manuka Cottage garage.


Councillor D J O'Rourke introduced this clause to the Board and introduced the Technical Officers who were present in support of the speed limit review, which was being undertaken on a city wide basis. These Officers were the Traffic Operations Manager, Mr Brian Neill, Inspector Jim McKee, Officer in Charge of the Traffic Safety Branch of the New Zealand Police, Mr Warren Masters of the New Zealand Automobile Association and Mr Marten Oppenhuis of Transit New Zealand. The Traffic Operations Engineer outlined the review of speed limits in the city with the assistance of overhead projector transparencies. The advice and support of Community Boards was being sought by the City Services Committee through a consultation process. Public and special interests groups submissions are being sought by the City Services Committee and will be referred to Community Boards for discussion and appropriate submissions back to the City Services Committee in May/June 1996. The Board resolved: 1. That the information be received. 2. That the Board receive submissions on the speed limit review from the public and local interest groups for roads, highways, parks and reserves in its area and make recommendations to the City Services Committee. 6. WATER SUPPLY ACTIVITY: BECKENHAM SHOPS AREA

The Board considered a report from the Water Supply Manager in response to a Board request for an explanation as to why there had been a number of water service breaks in Colombo Street at Beckenham, leading to expressions of concern by residents and local businesses and to media publicity. The Board resolved: (1) That the information be received. (2) That the Chairman write a letter of apology to the Beckenham Business Association expressing regret at the inconvenience which has resulted from the series of incidents with water supply activities and the prolonged roadworks in the Beckenham area.


The Board considered a report for information outlining the results and recommendations of the Children's Strategy Study and seeking Community Board input on the draft document. In discussion it was suggested that the Community Affairs Committee might convene a meeting on an annual basis with representatives of School Boards of Trustees and that this consultation extend to both kindergartens and secondary schools. The Board resolved that the Community Affairs Committee examine some of the specific issues raised by this report and also that the Committee consider convening a regular meeting with school and kindergarten representatives and similar interests, perhaps on an annual basis.


The Board considered a report seeking Community Board input on the current Civic Awards process. Specific recommendations of the Community Services Committee were referred to Community Boards for input. The Board resolved that the Board endorse the recommendations of the Community Services Committee subject to: (1) An addition to the guideline in recommendation (2) so that this recommendation read: "Nominees who have already received a Royal Honour or other higher honour shall not normally be eligible for a Civic Award." (2) That nominations be called for Civic Awards and for Community Awards at the same time.


The Board considered a report advising of a proposed Parks Unit report to the Parks and Recreation Committee seeking a recommendation to the Council for a delegation to an Officer Sub-committee for approval of service easements in reserves. The Parks Unit proposal outlined proposed recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Committee including one that a Sub-committee to be known as the Service Easement Approval Committee comprised of the Parks Manager and the Parks Policy and Quality Control Manager be set up to grant the approval of service easements in reserves. The Board supported the proposal, subject to there being policy guidelines drawn up for following in considering these applications and to the addition of the Property Manager to the proposed Service Easement Approval Committee. The Board resolved: (1) That the information be received. (2) That, before these delegations be granted, there be policy guidelines drawn up for the Service Easement Approval Committee to follow in considering these applications. (3) That the Property Manager be added to the proposed Service Easement Approval Committee.


The Board considered for information a report advising of the forthcoming felling of Macrocarpa Trees in the vicinity of the old Victoria Park kiosk. The timber from the millable trees is to be utilised for interior structure, decor and furnishings of the centre. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Board considered a proposal made by the Port Hills Park Trust Board seeking the support of the Community Board for the setting up of a Port Hills Land Acquisition Fund by the Council to purchase land for reserves on the Port Hills when suitable blocks of land become available. The Board resolved that the Board support the Port Hills Park Trust Board's proposal and make a submission to the Annual Plan accordingly.


The Board considered a number of funding requests which had been referred from the Board's Project Fund Allocation Meeting for funding from the Board's 1996/97 Discretionary Funds. The funding requests received were from: (a) The Summit Road Society to enable it to undertake the production of a publication to celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 1998. (b) The Christchurch Beautifying Association to construct a 4m replica waterwheel on Mill Island in the Avon River. (c) Manuka Cottage to construct a double garage to allow for accommodation of overspill activities. (d) An additional funding request from Kingdom Resources to enable the Kingdom Resources Employment Service to continue. The Board resolved: (1) That the Kingdom Resources application for funding be referred to the Community Affairs Committee for consideration in conjunction with any request for funds from Business Grow. (2) That Manuka Cottage receive the balance remaining in the Discretionary Fund of $3,500 and that an additional $1,000 be provided to Manuka Cottage from the 1996/97 Discretionary Fund to bring the amount of the grant provided up to the amount requested for this project by Manuka Cottage. (3) That a grant be made to the Summit Road Society of $1,000 towards the production of a publication to celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 1998 from the Board's 1996/97 Discretionary Fund. (4) That a grant be made to the Christchurch Beautifying Association of $500 towards a replica waterwheel on Mill Island in the Avon River from the Board's 1996/97 Discretionary Fund.



The Community Affairs Committee held two Special meetings on Tuesday 12 March and Wednesday 20 March 1996.

The meeting on 12 March was convened to hear submissions on play equipment for the Cashmere Village Green from those who had not previously been heard because of a misunderstanding over time on the occasion of the Committee's inspection visit to the Green. The meeting on 20 March 1996 considered appropriate Board strategies for considering the siting of play equipment in Cashmere. The Board resolved:

(1) That a Working Party be established to examine a range of options and any new options for children's play equipment as a way of developing a compromise solution all the Cashmere interest groups can identify with.

(2) That the Working Party comprise six residents nominated by the various interest groups, these residents to be two which support and two which oppose the location of play equipment in the Cashmere Village Green, a representative of the Cashmere Residents' Association and a representative of the Cashmere Kindergarten, the Principal of the Cashmere Primary School, and three Community Board members and that the Working Party have the power to co-opt and be assisted by appropriate staff. (3) That, when the Working Party has formulated some options, there be a mail drop of all homes in the Cashmere area detailing the options suggested by the Working Party and that the residents be invited to offer their comments. (4) That, after the Board has reviewed the comments from residents, the Board consider whether a full public consultation meeting is necessary. (5) That the minutes of each meeting of the Working Party be forwarded to all Board members. (6) That, if considered necessary by the Working Party, the Board employ an independent facilitator to facilitate this Working Party and that the cost of this facilitator be met from the Board's Discretionary Fund, up to a limit to be determined by the Board.

(7) That the Board members on the Working Party be Mr Clearwater, Mrs Gill and Mr Howell.


The Board considered a request for a parking restriction in Barrington Street opposite Stourbridge Street. The Board resolved that a P30 parking restriction be introduced on the western side of Barrington Street commencing at a point 12 metres measured in a northerly direction from a point opposite the northern boundary of Stourbridge Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 66 metres.



The Board considered a request for a no stopping at all times parking restriction on the eastern side of Colombo Street between Brougham Street and Hastings Street. The Board resolved that the no stopping at all times parking restriction on the eastern side of Colombo Street commencing at a point opposite the southern kerbline of Brougham Street be extended to a point 160 metres measured in a southerly direction from the said position. Mrs Anderton requested that her vote against this resolution be recorded.


The Board considered a detailed report on the management, usage and financial operations of the eight Council owned Community Centres in the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board area. The Board considered the following Community Centres and passed the resolutions which follow: (a) Centennial Hall - Spreydon Community Centre

The Board resolved that the Board continue to support the Spreydon Ratepayers and Residents Association in the management of the Centre. (b) Cracroft Community Centre

The Board resolved:

(1) That the Board continue to support the Cracroft Community Centre Management Committee in their management of the Centre. (2) That the financial arrangements for the Cracroft Community Centre be reviewed in view of the substantial excess of income over expenditure and the substantial accumulated funds. (c) Hoon Hay Community Centre

The Board resolved:

(1) That the board acknowledge that the Hoon Hay Community Centre is operating primarily as a creche. (2) That, in recognition of the Council's policy of supporting childcare services, the Board continue to support the Hoon Hay Community Creche Inc. in the management of the Hoon Hay Community Centre. (3) That the Board consider the option of changing the status of the Hoon Hay Community Centre to that of a Community Creche and that a report on this option be brought to the next meeting of the Board. (d) Hillsborough Community Centre -

37 Curries Road

The Board resolved:

(1) That the Board recognise the repeated attempts at increasing the usage of the Hillsborough Community Centre and maintaining adequate management. (2) That the Community Centre status of the Hillsborough Community Centre be withdrawn. (3) That the Hillsborough Community Centre cease to operate as a Community Centre. (4) That the responsibility for this Community Centre be handed to the Property Unit and that its future be assessed in accordance with Property Unit standards. (5) That the Community Activities Officer be asked to investigate the demand for a Community Creche located in this building. (e) Landsdowne Community Centre

The Board resolved that the Board continue to support the Management Committee in the running of the Centre. (f) Risingholme Community Centre

The Board resolved:

(1) That the Board continue to support the Management Committee in the management of the Risingholme Community Centre. (2) That an investigation be made into ways of improving and promoting the Risingholme Community Centre to enhance its success and viability. (g) Somerfield Community Centre

The Board resolved that the Board continue to support the Management Committee in the management of the Centre. (h) Sydenham Community Centre -

23-25 Hutcheson Street

The Board resolved that the Board continue to support the Management Committee in the management of the Centre.


An update of the Board's Community Development, Discretionary and Employment Initiative Funds had been circulated to Board members for information. The Board resolved that the information be received.18. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC.

The Board resolved that the resolution to exclude the public as set out on page 34 of the order paper be adopted. CONFIRMED THIS 30TH DAY OF APRIL 1996. (SGD) O T Alpers


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