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24. 4. 96



A meeting of the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board

was held on Tuesday 2nd April 1996 at 5.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Anna Crighton (Chairperson), Richard Boulton,

Heather Brown, David Cox, John Freeman, Charles Manning, Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien,

Bob Todd

APOLOGIES: An apology was received and accepted from

Richard Boulton for lateness. Richard Boulton arrived at 6.28pm and was absent for clauses 2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 20.1, 20.2, 24, 25. Charles Manning departed at 7.45pm and was absent for clauses 1, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20.4, 20.5, 20.6. The Board reports that:



Officer responsible                      Author                        
Property Manager                         Lewis Burn, Property          
                                         Services  Officer  3/7/33     
Corporate Plan Output:  Parks Budget                                      
The purpose of this report is to obtain the Council's approval to dispose of a small strip of Nicholson Park occupied by virtue of encroachment by an adjoining property. Background

The solicitors acting for a Mr K J Baird who resides at 28 Whitewash Head Road have approached Council with a request to formalise an encroachment of the Nicholson Park boundary by the occupation of a very small part of his dwelling and concrete decking. The owner had assumed when building some 14 years ago that the fence was the true legal boundary. The encroachment was discovered by the owner when recently engaging a surveyor to carry out a cross lease subdivision. The house itself is over the boundary by .45 metre at the western end and .37 metre at the eastern end while the decking extends a maximum of .59 metre over the boundary. The total land area taken up by the encroachment would be less than 5 square metres, (refer plan attached marked "A").

Encroachment Structure

It is understood that the concrete decking adjacent to the house was put in to strengthen the hillside and to replace a wooden retaining wall. A building permit was not obtained at the time and the owner built up to the fence line which had been taken as the true boundary for many years. It is also understood that the concrete decking is reinforced with D16 steel bars and built beyond building and engineering standards at the time with the result that both the Park physical boundary and the private property have been strengthened and benefited from the structure. Note there is a large ditch between the fence and the hillside on the Park side of the boundary. Sale

In dealing with this encroachment there are four options: 1. An encroachment easement is granted. 2. A similar size of Mr Baird's property is exchanged for the encroachment. 3. The encroachment is sold to Mr Baird. 4. Remove the encroaching structure. It is not usual practice to grant easements to legalise encroachments and an exchange of land in this case would not bring about any recreation benefit or value to the park. As it is both impracticable and imprudent to remove the structure (decking and house) a sale to rationalise the boundary is the most appropriate option. Agreement

Mr Baird has offered to purchase the small encroachment strip of the Park and an agreement has been reached on a nominal purchase price of $500 to cover staff time with Mr Baird to pay for all disbursements and costs in relation to the purchase. The parcel of land has no value to anyone other than the adjoining owner. It is also basically a vertical bank. Comment

A sale in this case would seem the sensible solution as the loss of the 5m2 or so will have no effect whatsoever on Nicholson Park. Mr Baird should however be required to obtain any consents that may be necessary under the Building Act and Resource Management Act to comply with the legalisation. Disposal

Department of Conservation confirm that Nicholson Park is not held under the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977. Any sale of land from the Park can be dealt with in terms of Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974. In order to comply with the provisions of Section 230 it is necessary for the Council to pass the following Resolution. Resolution

Pursuant to Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1974 the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to dispose of the land described in the following Schedule. Schedule

All that parcel of land containing 5 square metres or thereabouts (subject to survey) and being part of the land comprised and described in Certificate of Title Volume 279 folio 278 being part of Nicholson Park. Recommendation: 1. That the Council adopt the above Resolution. 2. That subject to 1 above the Council approve disposal to Mr K J Baird of that part of Nicholson Park subject of the encroachment by the property at 25 Whitewash Head Road subject to: (a) Payment of a purchase price of $500 inclusive of GST (if any). (b) The applicant meeting all costs associated with the purchase. (c) The applicant obtaining any consents required under the Building Act and the Resource Management Act.



It was resolved that the reports of the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board meetings held on Wednesday 6th March 1996, both Open and Public Excluded and the Special Budget Meeting of 14th March 1996, be confirmed as true and correct records of those meetings subject to the following amendment: Clause 1.2.16 of the 14 March 1996 meeting .... priority was given to the works in Avonside Drive between Morris Street and Bracken Street.



Alan Phillips and Wayne Arnold, representing Habitat for Humanity spoke on the housing project that his organisation was involved with. He advised that the group had fully completed its first home and had commenced construction on the second. One of the group's major difficulties was obtaining low cost or gifted land to build on. Members' advised that the Board could not assist in the obtaining of land but suggested possible avenues that could be considered. These included discussions with Transit New Zealand and also staff at the Property Unit of the Council.

4. CORRESPONDENCE 4.1 KEEP CHRISTCHURCH BEAUTIFUL Correspondence was received from the Campaign Co-ordinator of Keep Christchurch Beautiful (KCB) outlining the establishment of a Community Committee. Cr Newton Dodge spoke to the Board on the composition of the Committee and suggested that a mix of Board members, staff and community representatives would be appropriate. Members when discussing the issues suggested that the proposal be raised at the Board's meeting with Residents' Associations that is scheduled for the 23rd April 1996. It was resolved that Liz McRostie and Heather Brown represent the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board on the proposed Hagley-Ferrymead KCB Community Committee.


The Secretary for the Port Hills Park Trust Board had written to the Board seeking support in the purchasing of land on the Port Hills. Correspondence had also been forwarded to full Council congratulating it on the purchase of land on the Port Hills and Scarborough and requesting that provision be made in the 1996/97 Annual Plan and Budget for land purchase on the Port Hills. The Trust Board further suggested that the provision of a Port Hills land operational fund be provided for the administration and maintenance of any land purchased. The Board resolved that the Port Hills Park Trust Board's proposal that Council establish a land acquisition fund to facilitate land purchase on the Port Hills be supported and further that the Council be requested to also provide funding for the administration and maintenance of any land purchased. 5. BEACHCOMBER RESTAURANT The Property Services Officer, Lewis Burn, presented a report detailing the procedure for determining the future of the lease of the Beachcomber Restaurant. He outlined the history to date, and the alterations proposed by the lessee,
Mr John Phillips. Officers recommended that there were a number of issues that needed to be considered including the renewal of the lease, the declaration of the land on which the building is sited as a reserve and also whether in fact the building should remain on such a strategic part of the Sumner foreshore. The Board resolved to recommend to Council via the Parks and Recreation Committee: 1. That the Council resolve to declare the land as reserve. 2. That a Sub-Committee comprising a member from the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board, the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Environmental Committee, together with appropriate staff support, be set up to consider all of the issues and come back with recommendations to the June meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee. 3. That Richard Boulton represents the Board on the Sub-Committee. 4. That the Sub-Committee be required to meet and report with urgency due to the limited time remaining on the current lease. 5. That the Sub-Committee hear submissions from all parties expressing an interest in being heard.


The Board at its 7th February meeting, requested that the Leisure and Community Services Unit prepare a report that examined the social issues, costs, feasibility and viability of funding the Woolston Community Pool. Peter Walls from LACSU provided the Board with details in respect of the future options for the Woolston Pool. Members requested that the report together with its recommendations be circulated to the Woolston Community Committee prior to May 7th when its AGM was scheduled to be held and that a final report be presented to the July meeting of the Board. Members when discussing the report considered that further consultation with the Woolston community was necessary and resolved that: 1. That the Woolston pool be retained in the short term and that it provide the existing level of service, ie unheated and limited season. 2. That the report and its recommendations be used as a basis for consultation with the Woolston Community. 3. That following the first year of operation of the proposed Centennial Pool the impact on Woolston Pool be evaluated and a report prepared for the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board. 4. That each season an accurate record of attendances be kept by those operating the Woolston Pool. 5. That suitable qualified staff be used to supervise the Woolston Pool during all public sessions.

7. OLD LINWOOD LIBRARY The Community Activities Officer, Ruth Evans, advised that costs for the refurbishment project had increased and the reasons for this included a change in the Building Code regulations, increased costs since the original estimate in 1993 and the fact that the concept had changed considerably. Members requested that both the community and the future lessee, Te Whare Roimata be consulted on a suitable name for this community facility. Officers advised that an additional $35,600 was required and recommended that $20,000 be funded from 95/96 Discretionary Funds and that the remaining $15,600 be allocated from the Property Unit budget. The Board when discussing the issue resolved:

1. To support the funding of this facility by allocating up to a maximum of $20,000 from its `95/96 Discretionary Funds. 2. The Chairperson be given power to act to discuss further with Property Unit staff in order to increase the Property Unit's contribution to the project.


A report was presented on the results and recommendations of the Children's Strategy Study and sought Community Board input on the draft document. Members were advised that comments were being sought prior to the June meeting of Council. It was resolved that a special meeting of the Board be held at 4.00pm on Tuesday 30th April 1996, to consider and make submissions on the Children's Strategy Study. 9. STRUCTURE ON STREET APPLICATION


Members considered a report from the Area Roading Officer, Sharon O'Neill, seeking approval to construct a ramp structure on legal road to provide access to a parking area. Members when discussing this particular application raised the matter of the provision and maintenance of landscaping on any such structures on streets. Staff were requested to ensure that any future applications where landscaping was appropriate that an additional condition requiring maintenance of the landscaping also be provided. The Board resolved that approval be given subject to the following conditions:

1. A Resource Consent and Building Consent being obtained for the structures. 2. A standard Deed of Licence being entered into with the Council. 3. The existing footpath and retaining wall levels not being altered. 4. The licence holder being entirely responsible for the stability, safety, and future maintenance of the driveway, retaining walls and formation work associated with the structure. 5. The site is to be kept in a safe and tidy condition at all times during the course of construction. 6. Construction of the structure being commenced within 6 months and completed within 12 months or this approval will lapse. 7. No alteration being permitted to the existing road seal.



Approval was sought to construct a driveway and retaining walls on legal road in order to provide access to a proposed garage and future right of way to service three properties. The Board resolved that approval be given subject to the following conditions: 1. A Resource Consent and Building Consent being obtained for the structures. 2. A standard Deed of Licence being entered into with the Council. 3. A hand rail being installed on the northern edge of the driveway connecting to the existing barrier along the road edge. 4. The licence holder being entirely responsible for the stability, safety, and future maintenance of the driveway, retaining walls and formation work associated with the structure. 5. The site is to be kept in a safe and tidy condition at all times during the course of construction. 6. Construction of the structure being commenced within 6 months and completed within 12 months or this approval will lapse. 7. No alteration being permitted to the existing road seal. 8. Suitable transitions being provided at the top of the driveway to prevent vehicle scraping problems.

11. ESSEX STREET RECONSTRUCTION/WIDENING The Road Projects Engineer, Murray Angus, presented to the Board a draft report and publicity leaflet on the proposed works in Essex Street from Fitzgerald Avenue to Saxon Street. Members when discussing the issue expressed their concern on the road width as well as the lack of planting in the street. The Board resolved to request that officers report back to the May meeting with a revised plan that incorporates planting to enhance the streetscape.


The Area Traffic Engineer, Barry Cook, provided a history to date on the joint committee of Shirley-Papanui and Hagley-Ferrymead Boards established to discuss the North Avon/North Parade intersection. He advised that issues had since arisen and needed to be resolved. He recommended that the joint committee be reconvened. The Board resolved that a reconstituted committee comprising Anna Crighton, Denis O'Rourke and Bob Todd be established to meet with Shirley/Papanui members to discuss the issues. 12.2 PORT HILLS BUS STOP In order to improve the bus service to patrons in the Port Hills Road area the Board were asked to consider the approval of two additional bus stops. The Board resolved: 1. That a bus stop be installed on the north side of Port Hills Road commencing at a point 15m from its intersection with Mauger Drive and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 17m 2. That a bus stop be installed on the south side of Port Hills Road commencing at a point 55m from its intersection with Mauger Drive and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17m.


A petition signed by 40 residents in the Finlay Place area was presented at the 6th March meeting. In response to this petition the Area Traffic Engineer, Barry Cook, advised that although there was no specific restraint for Finlay Place shown in the Woolston West LATMS he did consider that there was merit in installing a threshold to resolve the residents' concerns. The Board resolved that: 1. A further report detailing the traffic issues, the petitioners concerns and possible solutions be presented for further consideration. 2. The Area Traffic Engineer, arrange for appropriate signage to be installed at the entrance to the cul-de-sac. 12.4 COLENSO STREET NO STOPPING Concern had been expressed to the Board on the danger to school children walking to and from the Star of the Sea primary school, situated at the corner of Colenso and Menzies Streets. The Board resolved to: 1. That the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the north side at Colenso Street commencing at a point 25 metres from the intersection of Menzies Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 18 metres. 2. That the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the south side of Colenso Street commencing at its intersection with Van Ash Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 18 metres.

12.5 ST ASAPH STREET LOADING ZONE The Area Traffic Engineer advised that there were a number of small businesses on the south side of St Asaph Street, east of Fitzgerald Avenue that were experiencing difficulties with vehicles not being able to drop-off or pick-up products because of all day parking in the area. The Board were asked to consider that a short term loading zone be installed to solve this problem. It was resolved that a "loading zone time limit 5 minutes" be created on the south side of St Asaph Street commencing at a point 83 metres from its intersection with Fitzgerald Avenue and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 11 metres.

13. SPEED LIMIT REVIEW A presentation was made by Councillor D O'Rourke, Inspector Jim McKee (NZ Police); Marten Oppenhuis (Transit NZ); Warren Masters (Automobile Association); Brian Neill (City Council), providing details of a review of speed limits within the city which is being undertaken in conjunction with the Land Transport Safety Authority and Transit NZ. Members were advised that although there are a number of alterations being made to speed limits throughout the city, there are only two streets within the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board area that are affected. These are Ferry Road east of Charlesworth Street and Dyers Road south of Sumnervale Drive. The Board resolved that the information be received and further that it receives submissions on the speed limit review from the public and local interest groups, highways, parks and reserves in its area and make recommendations to the City Services Committee.

14. WHITTINGTON AVENUE PLAYGROUND Members were asked to consider a report from the Area Parks Officer, John Allen, on the proposed installation of a playground at the end of Whittington Ave. Members were given a precis of the history of this proposal which was initiated as result of a request back in 1991. Due to the non-availability of the Polytech site a suggestion to consider the closure of a portion of Whittington Ave on which to install play equipment was again mooted. The Board resolved: 1. That staff be asked to give urgency towards the creation of a children's playground at the end of Whittington Avenue. 2. That the Board consider the allocation of $42,000 from its 97/98 Project Funds. (Heather Brown wished to have her vote against the resolution recorded.)

15. BOARD ALLOCATION FOR RECREATION EQUIPMENT A full report, including a data base on all children's play equipment in the Hagley-Ferrymead area and the type of undersurfacing provided was presented to the Board for consideration. $10,000 of 95/96 Discretionary funds had been allocated to upgrade recreation facilities on parks. It was resolved that a Committee, with power to act, and comprising Richard Boulton, Heather Brown, John Freeman, Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien and Bob Todd, be established to investigate the location of additional play equipment and areas and to allocate the $10,000 of Project Funds.


Members were advised that the Parks Unit was proposing to make a submission to the Parks and Recreation Committee seeking its recommendation to the Council for a delegation to an officer sub-committee for the approval of service easements in reserves. Members of the Board did not see it as being appropriate to delegate to officers and resolved to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Committee that the delegation to an officer sub-committee not be approved.


The Board was asked to recommend to Council that approval be given for the disposal of a residential section that was surplus to Council's requirements following the realignment of Avonside Drive at its intersection with Stanmore Road. At the Board's February meeting, it was resolved to retain the property until such time as the house could be removed and the section landscaped. The report from the Property Services Officer advised that an agreement had been reached between the Board chairperson, Property, Parks and the Roading/Traffic Unit and that they had agreed that it was unrealistic to keep the property and the matter should be referred back to the Board. Members of the Board requested that further information be obtained from Property, Parks and the City Streets Unit to provide reasons why the land could not be held.

18. CIVIC AWARDS Members were advised that the Community Services Committee had considered a report on the Civic Awards Scheme and were seeking input from Community Boards. The Board whilst considering the recommendations of the committee agreed to support items 1,3,4 and 5 but resolved that the additional item 2. nominees who have already received a royal honour shall not be eligible for a Civic Award not be supported.

(Aaron O'Brien wished to have his vote against the recommendation recorded).


The Elections Committee reported back on its initial meeting to increase participation in Local Body Elections. The Board resolved to adopt the Election Committee's recommendations that they meet with representatives of the Strategy and Resources Committee to discuss possible improvements to the election process.

20. ITEMS RECEIVED 20.1 LINWOOD SERVICE CENTRE - SUMMER HOLIDAY PROGRAMME The Recreation Co-ordinator, Ginny Bowden, presented an outline of the `Sunslingers' Holiday Programme. She advised that this programme was targeted at youths from 12 to 18 years old and was coordinated in partnership with the Woolston Development Project. 20.2 PHILLIPSTOWN COMMUNITY FACILITY Members were provided with an update on the progress to date on the establishment of the Community Facility at Phillipstown. 20.3 PAGES ROAD - (WOODHAM ROAD TO BAFFIN STREET) The outcome of the public meeting held on the 6th March, to inform residents of the action taken by Council to deal with road safety concerns at the section of Pages Road between Woodham Road and Baffin Street was reported for information. 20.4 NEIGHBOURS CONSENT Members were advised of a proposed Parks Unit submission to the Parks and Recreation Committee seeking a change in the delegation for the approval of neighbours consent.

20.5 MANAGER'S REPORT 20.5.1 Residential Subdivision - Dyers Road

Members were advised that the property owner for the subdivision in Dyers Road had approached Council and advised that the original spelling of the newly named Te Rakau Drive had been spelt incorrectly and a request was made to rename to Ti Rakau Drive. Members were advised that the Sub-Committee had approved the amendment. 20.5.2 Discretionary Funds

A table of the allocation of Discretionary Funds was presented for information. 20.5.3 Residents' Associations

Board members were advised that the next meeting with residents groups was scheduled for 7pm on Tuesday 23rd April 1996. 20.5.4 The Shape of Christchurch

Members were advised that a plan for the inner city within the four avenues had been received from Lucas Associates and this was available for viewing or distribution. 20.5 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY


Members were advised that the two properties at 1 and 4, 34 Whitmore Street were now surplus to Council requirements and were to be disposed of. Members indicted that they had no objection to the disposal.

21. DEFERRED ITEMS 21.1 MAORI SIGNAGE/LANGUAGE COURSES Members were advised that the meeting proposed by the Community Activities Officer to discuss the Maori Language Courses had not been proceeded with. The Community Activities Officer is to report back to the Board at the next meeting on the outcome of the meeting with Maori representatives.




It was resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public as set out on page 52 of the Agenda be adopted. CONFIRMED THIS 1ST DAY OF MAY 1996 ANNA CRIGHTON


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