Community projects funded by the board

A hive of activity — the Strickland Street Community Gardens, a project supported by the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board.
Every year, the Community Board is provided with funding from the Council to assist the Board in meeting its objectives for the community. For the 2001/2002 financial year a total of $350,000 was allocated, and the Board puts aside $50,000 of this for its Discretionary Fund.
The Discretionary Fund is used throughout the year in response to requests from the local community. Some examples of projects that received Discretionary funding in the past year include the Festival of Art 2000 in Cashmere, restoration of an historic lamp in Church Square, and installing a community noticeboard in Huntsbury.
The Board's Project Fund work plan and objectives for the 2001/2002 financial year is as follows:
Objective 1 - To achieve increased participation in Council and Community Board processes.
Performance Indicators
1.1 Develop a participatory communication strategy/action plan by November 2001.
1.2 Advocate for a survey on residents' awareness of participatory opportunities (eg Annual Plan process, project proposals)
1.3 Advocate for the development of a civics pack for use in schools.
Funding Allocated To Achieve The Above
Newsletters and information sharing
Regular meetings are held throughout the year, together with the publication of a quarterly newsletter to all residents in the Spreydon-Heathcote community $9,000
Objective 2 - To effectively represent the interests and aspirations of the Spreydon-Heathcote community.
Performance Indicators
2.1 Advocate for a survey of residents' satisfaction with Council's consultation processes.
2.2 Consult community to establish targets and priorities in the Community Plan.
2.3 Meet regularly with local Members of Parliament.
Funding Allocated To Achieve The Above
Sydenham Needs Analysis outcomes
This funding has been set aside to assist in addressing needs that were identified in the above report, commissioned by the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board. Currently the Sydenham Community Network is working on practical details connected to this$10,000
Community Networks/Consultation
Including Youth Council, Hoon Hay Network, Sydenham Network, and annual community forum. This funding helps maintain and develop a variety of community networks, as well as provide opportunities for public consultation on community issues, activities and projects $7,000
Hoon Hay Needs Analysis
A comprehensive study into the issues and needs of the Hoon Hay community will be undertaken in the 2001/2002 financial year $8,000
Objective 3 - To increase environmental well-being in Spreydon-Heathcote.
Performance Indicators
3.1 Support a pilot "Sustainable Households" programme.
3.2 Support the development of a pilot "Living Streets" project in Spreydon-Heathcote.
3.3 Advocate for the enhancement of our natural environment (including rivers, parks, community gardens and colour).
Funding Allocated To Achieve The Above
Arbor Day
Funding provided for community plantings to celebrate Arbor Day 1,500
Garden Awards
This funding is provided to acknowledge the efforts of home gardeners in Spreydon-Heathcote by way of a certificate and presentation ceremony 2,000
Christmas tree lights
Johnny Martins, Spreydon Library, and Addington
Christmas tree lights are installed every year at three local sites: Barrington Park, Cashmere Road (opposite Hackthorne Road), and at Church Square in Addington 3,800
Objective 4 - To enhance Community Safety.
Performance Indicators
4.1 Support "Community Watch" programmes.
4.2 Develop Neighbourhood Support Groups.
Funding Allocated To Achieve The Above
Speed check trailer
This is the shared cost for the use of the speed check trailer in the Spreydon-Heathcote area. The trailer will monitor and make people aware of speed on local roads by showing the speed and dollar value of a fine they might incur if caught by the Police $700
Selwyn Street near Ruskin Street - Pedestrian Island & Blips
This grant is to provide a safer crossing facility for pedestrians on Selwyn Street, near the
pre-school and rest home 15,000
Neighbourhood Week
This funding is to assist the local community in building stronger neighbourhood networks 5,000
Objective 5 — To encourage the protection of Spreydon-Heathcote’s Heritage sites.
Performance Indicators
5.1 Identify and protect significant heritage sites, features and artefacts.
5.2 Support "Heritage Week" and other heritage activities.
Funding Allocated To Achieve The Above
Heritage Projects 10,000
Objective 6 — To increase social well-being in Spreydon-Heathcote through support for appropriate programmes and facilities.
Performance Indicators
6.1 Identify programmes and facilities that are effective in increasing social well-being.
6.2 Support local recreation programmes, out of school programmes, youth and elderly recreation programmes, community cottages, and mental and physical health programmes.
6.3 Identify community needs and encourage the development of new initiatives to meet them.
6.4 Support community strengthening initiatives, including Neighbourhood Week.
Funding Allocated To Achieve The Above
Holliss Reserve
Extra play equipment and landscaping $10,000
Holiday programmes $20,000
Youth recreation
Successful skate workshops and local park development has been achieved in the past.
This year the South Christchurch Youth Council will be working with Council and the youth community to plan and implement various activities throughout the year $15,000
Older adults recreation
This funding is set aside recognising the growing elderly population and their special needs when it comes to recreation activities $5,000
Local community gathering events
This funding will be used to support the annual Community Fun Days at Hoon Hay and Barrington Parks, and the St Martins River Day, as well as supporting smaller, locally initiated events $12,000
Hoon Hay Youth Centre
This grant pays the rental, rates, and insurance for a very well utilised youth centre at the McCarthy Street shopping centre in Rowley $15,000
Rowley Resource Centre
This grant also pays the rental, rates and insurance for a much needed resource centre from which courses, information, community outings, and a vegetable co-operative operate $8,500
Rowley After School Programme & Out of School Programmes
This funding is to deliver the Rowley After School Programme as well as provide a subsidy to various community groups running after school programmes for 5-12-year-olds $34,000
Youth Worker Salaries
A variety of youth initiatives are operating within the area and the funding supports the ongoing work of these groups $10,000
Family and Community Development Worker
This is a salary for the above position based at Manuka Cottage, Addington. The focus is on preventative work with families with young children $37,000
Community Service and Youth Awards
Set aside for Community Service and Youth Award ceremonies $2,000
Objective 7 — To promote community education.
Performance Indicators
7.1 On consultation with community groups and agencies, identify and promote appropriate community education programmes.
Funding Allocated To Achieve The Above
Rowley transport fund
This fund is accessed by Rowley Primary School, a decile one school, to assist in making class outings possible $2,000
Christchurch Polytechnic recreation programme
Christchurch Polytechnic, in conjunction with Advocacy Team staff and local low decile schools are working in partnership to offer recreational experiences for 5-10 year olds, with Polytechnic students gaining the teaching and practical skills needed to complete their degrees/diplomas $1,000
Strickland Street Community Gardens
This is a grant towards the salary for the co-ordinator of the Strickland Street Community Gardens. The Garden produces fruit, vegetables, and flowers, which are used by those working at the Gardens, and the wider Addington community. This project is a great example of community ownership, while providing opportunities for education in a supportive environment $10,000
OBJECTIVE 8 — Promote economic well-being in Spreydon-Heathcote.
Performance Indicators
8.1 Encourage and advocate on behalf of local business interests, and their ongoing employment creation and retention.
8.2 Encourage the retention and expansion of accessible services and facilities in the local area.
Funding Allocated To Achieve The Above
Christmas banners
Lincoln Road/Addington business area. Funding has been allowed for Christmas banners to be installed each year in the Addington business area of Lincoln Road $500
Kingdom Resources
The grant assists the organisation in offering budget advice and debt restructuring to families and individuals, career advice and help for unemployed people, and community education courses in the areas of budgeting and employment skills $10,000
OBJECTIVE 9 — To recognise the Treaty of Waitangi and cultural diversity in the community.
Performance Indicators
9.1 Ensure culturally acceptable consultation procedures with the tangata whenua.
9.2 Consider and recognise the aspirations of all people and cultures in the Board’s activities.
Total Funding Allocated | $300,000 |
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