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Christchurch City Council Community Plan
Spreydon/Heathcote 2002 Edition
Community Plans index > Spreydon/Heathcote index

Boards link people with Council

Children in a bouncy castle
Children have more bounce than Tigger at the Hoon Hay Community Fun Day 2001.

The Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board is one of six community boards in the city, each having a total of nine members to a board. Six board members are elected by the community, and three members are appointed by the Council.

Community boards undertake tasks delegated by the Christchurch City Council and also have input into the Council's budget process.

Community boards have an obligation to communicate with community organisations and special interest groups. They also have an overview of road works, water supply, sewerage, stormwater, drainage, parks, recreational facilities, community activities, and traffic management within their specific community.

The Community Board has delegated authority to deal with a number of local issues, and has input into matters of a city-wide nature, but the implementation and decision-making is carried out by the Council. The Board is not a separate entity from the Council. It is part of the elected structure of Council, and reports to the City Council on a monthly basis in order to assist in achieving the best policy decisions.

Members of the local community are very welcome to attend any of the Community Boards' monthly meetings (a great way to find out what's actually happening in our community), and should contact the Community Secretary to find out dates and times of meetings on phone 332 3099.

Community Affairs Committee

The Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board has established a Community Affairs Committee which provides a more informal platform for in-depth discussion of socially focussed issues. The Committee does not have the power to make decisions, but does make recommendations to the Community Board.

The Community Affairs Committee can be the first point of contact for a deputation, where a resident may wish to brief the Committee on a local issue.

Submissions and proposals can be discussed at length, and then recommendations from the Committee presented to the following month's Community Board meeting where a decision will be made.

The Committee generally meets on a monthly basis, and again, members of the community are very welcome to come along and sit in on the meeting.

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